Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 145 Seven Absolute Wusuo

Chapter 145 Seven Absolute Usuo
The two groups of people not far away were still arguing, Meng Qiu was distracted while listening, and asked Zheng Bagu:
"Since this Wu Lingzhu has been expelled by Master Lianshan, I don't think you want to see it. You can come here because you have time to come to the door in the future, or do you have some scruples?"

"Naturally, I have some scruples." Zheng Bagu replied: "This person's temperament and talent are not good, but his luck is not bad.

After he was driven away that year, he fled to Little Antarctic Island 47, where he gathered with a group of monsters.Master Lian Shan is still alive, so he dare not be presumptuous; after the death of the master, he went out to do evil many times.

Then Qian Kang, the next Earth Immortal, was taught. Firstly, he was discouraged and looked for a place to live in seclusion;

This person hid in XZ, but accidentally found a magic cave under the sea, and obtained a magic nerve and three unrefined magic weapons.

He became an Earth Immortal by means of the magic scriptures, and even hid for many years, trying his best to train the magic weapon.

The full name of the magic weapon is Qijue Wusuo, the secret demon of the heavens and stars. It is formed by collecting the evil spirit of the earth's center for thousands of years, and it is formed by gathering the elites of the two poles.

Wu Suo is the supreme sharp weapon in the Demon Sect, the most vicious, once it is used, the sun, moon and stars in the sky will all be induced, and in just a moment, all of them will be filled with poisonous flames and strong winds in a radius of thousands of miles.

Landslides and landslides, heat waves boiling the sky, not all creatures under the poisonous fire were spared, even in the vicinity, no matter humans or animals, they would die tragically if they touched a little bit of poisonous gas.

Even a high-ranking person like the Three Immortals of Emei who fell into it, if he didn't have the most precious body protection, he would die from the erosion of the Yuan magnetism and the soul refining of the evil fire.

Wu Lingzhu has this thing, although once it is sent out, he will die, but since then, he is not afraid of Qian Kang or others, openly recruiting evil spirits on Little Antarctic 47 Island.That place is now a concentrated place for the Four Sea Monsters. "

The power of this magic weapon can't help but make people think of a weapon that will destroy the world in the later generations, and it is even more fierce.

Meng Qiu is not surprised why the world of Shushan has such a sharp weapon.

Based on impression alone, it seems that the magic weapon mentioned in the world of Fengshen is far better than that of the world of Shushan.But after actually reading the two original works, I realized that the performance is just the opposite.

He was only surprised by another thing, and said: "As you said, this treasure is so powerful, and the Wu Lingzhu will die after using it, this thing must have never been used, how did it spread?
Just relying on his empty teeth, I am afraid it cannot be believed.Could it be that a demon used this treasure before? "

"Of course not." Zheng Bagu said: "Ordinary people are the foundation of practice, no matter good or bad, they have agreed.

In one fell swoop, all living beings within ten thousand miles or even one hundred thousand miles are wiped out, not a single bit of flesh, flesh and spirit remains, no matter how vicious the devil is, he can't see such a waste.

If someone had used it before and exposed Wu Suo, the refining method would have been destroyed long ago and would not exist in the world.

It was Wu Lingzhu, the monster who was cunning, and he trained three pieces, but he didn't dare to use them and was worried that it would not be able to form a deterrent, so he sent someone to send one to Zhongtu.

Through Emei, Wutai, Buddhism, Demon Sect, etc., the power has been verified, as mentioned before.

The South China Sea is vast, so it doesn't matter if Wu Suo explodes elsewhere, but the Wu Suo island where this person is located is connected to the true magnetic field of the South Pole. Once there is a change, no matter where in this world, it will be affected. "

Meng Qiu looked at Wu Lingzhu, who was arguing with Yi Jing, arguing back and forth, talking for a long time, without making a move, so it was a little funny, and said:
"I can't tell that this person is tough on the outside and soft on the inside. He is so bold that he dares to blackmail the great sect of good and evil."

Zheng Bagu sneered and said: "He has little knowledge, his cleverness is misunderstood by his cleverness, and he doesn't know the greatness of the middle-earth monks' supernatural powers.

Several families united to force him to destroy the method of refining treasures, and an elder of the Demon Sect did it, even erasing this memory from his mind.

Originally he was a tall and fat Taoist, but his soul was damaged because of this, and he turned into this short, thin monkey monk, and his cultivation has not improved since then.

If it weren't for the fact that several families have their own ghosts and people's hearts are not in harmony, he and the other two Wusuo would have been destroyed long ago, so there is no room for him to be arrogant in the South China Sea.

Afterwards, the several families negotiated and sealed the remaining two Usuos on Mullet Island, so that other monks would not go to Little Antarctic 47 Island to actively provoke them, and nothing would happen. "

Meng Qiu's heart moved, and he said: "Then he left the island, wouldn't it be..."

"No." Zheng Bagu said: "I don't know how many people like you want to wait for him to go out and kill him.

It's a pity that this person is cunning, and has long associated his soul with the two Usos. Once he dies accidentally, the Usos will also explode. "

"This is a method of the Devil's Cult." Meng Qiu was not Wuxia Amon, and immediately recognized it.

"Except for those old and immortal people in Kunlun, who else has this kind of method." Zheng Bagu snorted softly and said:

"It's cheap for this monster, he dare not go to Middle Earth again, he has done a lot of harm to the South China Sea.

If it weren't for Ye Bin of Admiralty Island, he still doesn't know what kind of rampant it would be.It's a pity that as long as Wu Suo is still there, it will be difficult to move him. "

"But not necessarily." Meng Qiu thought for a while, and said: "As far as I know, there is a treasure of Jiuyi Cauldron buried in the tomb of the Holy Emperor in Qiaoshan, which can collect everything.

Even if Wu Suo exploded, as long as he dealt with it quickly and contained all the Yuan magnetism and evil fire, there would be no big waves. "

In the realm of foundation establishment, he couldn't open the underground mausoleum of the Holy Emperor. Now that he has become an immortal, he might give it a try.

Zheng Bagu was very surprised and asked: "Jiuyi Ding is in the holy tomb of Qiaoshan? Didn't it mean that it flew away with the Holy Emperor, and that place got a name because of it, called Dinghu?"

The Nine Doubt Cauldron is an ancient sacred object, and any sect with a long history will mention it. It is infinitely powerful, even more powerful than the purple and green double swords.

Even though no one has seen it today, if people know that this supreme magic weapon is still in the mausoleum of the Holy Emperor, and the world has forgotten its ancestors, even if Qiaoshan is flattened, it will definitely not let it go.

Meng Qiu smiled and said, "I even learned about it from an ancient book." He didn't explain too much.

Zheng Bagu suddenly remembered that Meng Qiu's Taoism was upright and his foundation was solid, not inferior to the orthodox sect at all, but he came from a casual cultivator.

"This matter is not urgent for the time being, Qiaoshan is also dangerous, after taking the treasure and returning to Middle Earth, I will accompany you for a walk.

Now he doesn't come to mess with you, so don't worry about it.This person has not made any progress in cultivation, at most he has cultivated a few powerful magic weapons, and he will definitely not be the opponent of Nanming Lihuo Sword. "

Just as Meng Qiu was about to respond, he saw that the three members of the Yi family had finished arguing with Wu Lingzhu, and all of them flew over together, and were busy on guard.

When the six people arrived in front of them, before they could speak, the pair of brothers opened their eyes together, they suddenly lit up, their eyes turned green, and the flying general came out at such a fast speed that no one had time to react.

Meng Qiuzi was also caught off guard, and the green light was already in front of him.But seeing a flash of red light, the green light was intercepted, and after a few chi chi sounds, the smoke disappeared, but it was Nanming Lihuo sword that protected his body automatically.

He felt unhappy after suffering this dull loss, and immediately activated the divine sword, which turned from red to white, and two sword qi shot out, heading straight for the two monks.

The two screamed strangely, and the light in the eyes of one of them swelled and shot out, forming two green beams of light, the thickness of a thumb, blocking the sword energy.The same is true for the other, but the beam of light points to the opposite.

Meng Qiu released the Nanming Lihuo sword, and it changed into three feet long in the air. He jumped forward, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the monk who was behind him, and slashed down.

This monk's body protection light is different from others, his whole body shines like a ball of fire, and the light shoots out like needles.

If an ordinary flying sword collides with it, not only will it be impossible to penetrate, but it will also be counterattacked, causing small damage, although none of them are serious, but the number is extremely large, and the flying sword will be destroyed after only three or five times.

He misestimated the power of Nanming Lihuo Sword, and he held on to his magic skills and did not avoid it. He didn't react until the red light was approaching, Lihuo burned his body and his mind was turbulent.

The light in the eyes turned around, and the green was more intense, trying to resist the flying sword attack.It's just that as soon as the green light touched the sword energy, it immediately evaporated like mist and disappeared without a trace.

Luckily, the monk did not come alone, and his brother also shot his gaze at him. With the combined efforts of the two, they deflected Nanming Lihuo's sword and brushed past him.

Even with the protection of Dharma Light, the skin on the neck and face was still scorched black, and he screamed in pain, but he didn't dare to make another move.

If it was one-on-one, Meng Qiu was quite sure to kill this person, but facing the two earth immortals, his magic power was not enough, so he did not force himself to withdraw the flying sword.

He was about to speak, but Yi Jing sneered and said: "Monk Wanmu, you have a pair of dharma eyes that you have cultivated, but you are defiant, so you have kicked the iron plate, right?

The flying sword in this fellow Taoist's hand is the most precious treasure of Bodhidharma's back then. The Nanming Lihuo sword can compete with the Emei Ziqing twin swords alone.

You were able to save your life just now because he was not at a high level and could not exert the full power of the divine sword. If you were an earth immortal, your soul would have returned to bliss. "

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the woman.These few words revealed the details of Excalibur, and also implied that he was not strong enough, and his intentions were clearly sinister.

Yi Jing can be regarded as one of the second generations with the deepest background in the Shushan world.

His father, Yi Zhou, is one of the "Seven Trues" who are as famous as Banbian Laonu and Ling Hun; his mother, Aunt Yang, is also a well-known female fairy in the world of practice.

In addition, she is also the niece and niece of the god Ni Youtan, and the most beloved disciple of Master Yizhen in the Qianshi Cave of Moer Cliff, Dagulang Mountain, Kunming Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

When Yi Jing finished his studies and went down the mountain, this one-true Master presented him with the seven treasures for subduing demons: Dousita Umbrella, Six Sun God Fire Mirror, Ananda Sword, Demon-killing Balloon Crossbow, Muni Scattering Light Pill, Evil Eliminating Nine Smoke Pill and Wujinmang, all of which are top-notch magic weapons.

Not only that, this girl was called Bai Younv in her previous life, and she made good friends with Saint Gu Gayin, the most famous female fairy among the sects. At the same time, she was also a close friend with Yu Luan, a female fairy who now lives in seclusion in Jinshi Gorge of Yunwu Mountain.

The threshold for the so-called reincarnation is very high. First of all, one must be able to cultivate to the level of a Sanxian, in order to shed a true spirit and leave a mark on the world.

Then there must be an expert to cut the true spirit and himself apart, and then use the body as firewood and the soul as fire to burn all traces of this world, leaving nothing to do.

In this way, the true spirit will not be assimilated by the world, but be independent from the world, choose a body in ignorance, and gain a new life.

There is only one true spirit, and the 300-year catastrophe is also shared, and you cannot escape by reincarnation.

And this kind of secret method is only understood by a limited number of families. After reincarnation, it is extremely embarrassing to be a mystery in the broken fetus.I have always chosen this path, and none of them can wake up.

Therefore, reincarnated people are actually extremely rare in the practice world, and even Zheng Bagu has experienced such an experience, and he has rarely encountered a few.

Like Bai Younv, after reincarnation, she can be entrusted in the family of Yi Zhou and other high-level people. This family is the only one who descends once every thousand years.

After hearing Yi Jing's words, Bagu Zheng was very dissatisfied, and said: "Bai Younv has been reincarnated, except that her mana is higher than before, her temperament has not changed at all, she is still so narrow-minded, no wonder Saint Gu Gain cut off contact with her back then."

"Hey, did Shenggu Jiayin have a falling out with this girl?" Meng Qiu didn't hide his thoughts, and said, "It is rumored that the magic wave pool is very magical, and there are Shenggu's Taoism and magic treasures. I am quite interested."

Zheng Bagu laughed and said: "Your words make people laugh, Huanbochi is a rare paradise in the world, it is many times better than the Qingluoyu that Ling Hunxinjin captured, who is not interested?

If you want to fight, I will accompany you, but that place is not like a treasure house under your feet, most powerful people are not interested.

The magic wave pool can be the cornerstone of a faction, and the battle will probably be ten times more intense when it is open. Just the two of us, don't expect too much. "

After hearing the foundation of the faction, Meng Qiu understood that perhaps he really couldn't get involved.

At this time, the ground became more and more turbulent, the fireworks formed a pillar, rushed up to thousands of feet, and scattered into balls of fire, plummeting down, falling into the sea of ​​flames, stirring up waves of fire, and churning even more.

The flame turned from red at the beginning to blue after being stimulated for a period of time.The dark night also changed its color, blue and black mottled, and the moonlight was pale, giving off a sense of gloom.

In such a situation, it is natural that the door of the treasure house is about to open, and everyone dispersed without making a sound.

Some monks hidden in the surrounding mountains are still unwilling to show up.

But suddenly there was a sound of silk feet coming from the sky, followed by a cloud of clouds drifting past.

Meng Qiu looked familiar, and sure enough, he landed in front of everyone. It was the driver of the Ziyun Palace. There were hundreds of people, most of whom were foundation building monks.

There are three Luan chariots in the middle, except for the second and third ones which are still cranes and deer, the first one is a green bull.

The three women got out of the car almost at the same time.

At a rough glance, the three people have different appearances but are not alike; at a closer look, the facial features, eyes, nose, and mouth are exactly the same, and they seem to be twins.

The three daughters born in one child can give people completely different feelings, not only because of the different clothes, but also because of the same temperament.

The woman in Sanche is Fang Sanfeng, with a white skirt and blouse, slightly raised her chin, revealing her white and tender neck, her eyelids are raised high, and her gaze streams from the corners of her eyes, quite arrogant, like a domineering young lady from a rich family.

The second phoenix is ​​more solemn than what I saw last time. She wears a jade ring on her head, a bright yellow robe with a five-clawed golden dragon pattern, and a emerald emerald carved phoenix pendant hanging from her waist. She is completely dressed like a female emperor.

The first one is of course Ziyun Palace Master Chufeng, dressed in a simple cyan Taoist robe, with a Taoist bun on his head and a bamboo hairpin, with a calm demeanor.

As soon as he got out of the car, he sighed and said: "Second sister, we are here to fight for treasures. Everyone in front of us is a true immortal. Your subordinates are useless. Send them back."

Looking at Sanfeng again, he hesitated, and said, "Sanmei, if not, would you follow me back?"

Sanfeng was greedy for treasures like his life, so why did he return empty-handed, he immediately said: "Eldest sister, I have already practiced the two magic treasures I got last time, a few earth immortals are definitely not my opponents."

Seeing Meng Qiu at the same time, his eyes lit up again. Just as he was about to come over, suddenly blue and white rays of light flashed in the sky, the rainbow was dazzling, and a girl as beautiful as heaven and man appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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