Chapter 151
Meng Qiu just picked up these few things, before he had time to check them, he saw a change in the wall behind the stone couch.

Originally, the entire wall was filled with black, only the portrait was different, but now the black seemed to come alive, as deep as a bottomless hole, quickly spreading outwards, climbing up along the Taoist robe and hair of the red-faced Taoist.

The cauldron also began to vibrate, and the flames slammed into the air, rising to a height of more than ten feet, with traces of black in the red flames, and a little bit of thunder flashed.

"The air of the earth's lungs!" Meng Qiu's face changed drastically, he didn't dare to stay, he hurriedly put away his things, united his body and sword, and quickly rushed out of the hall.

Just landed in the Yongdao, the white clothes and white eyebrows of the red-faced Taoist in the portrait behind him were covered with a layer of black air.

The fire cauldron also shook violently, and the flames spewed straight up, hit the roof of the hall, blocked the way forward, and spread rapidly around.

As soon as Meng Qiu flew out of the corridor, the entire hall was completely filled with flames, and the rumbling sound continued to be heard, mixed with the sound of falling rocks.

The color of the light circle in the square in front of me also contained a lot of black air, which rolled upwards.

The ten-foot-thick barrier was now blue in color, trembling uncontrollably, with some cracks on the surface, and seeing that it couldn't hold on.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to delay even more, Yu Jian rushed back to the cave, urging his speed to the extreme, a rainbow flashed across, rose three thousand feet in an instant, and jumped out of the cave.

Half an hour had passed since he entered the treasury. He thought that most of the people outside had left, but he didn't expect that the top of his head was still dark, and the spiritual mist barrier was still sealed on it.

The air of the earth's lungs will gushe out at some point, Meng Qiu dares not delay, puts away the umbrella, and strives again, the sword is covered with Lihuo, and the man and the sword join together, head-on.

He made a clever move this time, aimed at the hole he pierced last time, and drilled in again, which was much easier than last time.

As soon as I showed my head, I saw that there were quite a few people from just now, all of them were here, but they were divided into four factions.

In addition to the three people on my side plus old man Lingwei, Bai Guyi, Yue Wen, Yi Jing and other orthodox monks are in a group; the three girls from Ziyun Palace and the little Antarctic demon have joined forces early;

These parties surrounded Zheng Bagu, Chen Yufeng, Gongyehuang, etc., the three of them were in extremely poor condition, their expressions were visible to the naked eye, and Lingwei was not good at all.

As soon as Meng Qiu came forward, everyone's eyes lit up, and they came to watch.

He didn't care, flew to his companion, said a few words through sound transmission, frowned, and said, "Why didn't you see that the fire is harmless?"

"The fire is harmless?" Zheng Bagu came to South China Sea early, heard the name, and was a little surprised: "Why is this person in the treasure house? When did he go in?"

Meng Qiu's heart moved, and he replied: "When I went underground, I first ran into the dead Taoist Iron Umbrella, and then I entered the treasure house. There was almost an empty palace inside, only a treasure tripod left."

He slightly changed the experience of entering the crypt, told it out, and described the interior layout of the hall and the portrait in detail.

"Ah!" Gongyehuang sighed deeply, echoing in the circle of high mountains, and said in a low voice: "That is where Master Lianshan discusses matters with everyone.

From what you describe, it hasn't changed much over the years.There was originally a futon beside the stone table, but it was just an ordinary object, probably weathered.

When the master was about to ascend, he was afraid that things would change, so he used great magic power to move the hall to the ground, and connected the air of the earth's lungs to seal him off.

The wall behind the stone couch was originally pure white, and the portrait should have been left by the master later.The surroundings are pure black, as a warning to future generations. "

Everyone pricked up their ears, hearing this, Pang Huacheng became a little impatient, and said: "You wild man, who wants to listen to your rambling nonsense.

Wu that kid, hurry up and say, where did you bump into that harmless fire, and where did the treasure go? "

Meng Qiu and Gong Yehuang ignored it, and the latter continued: "As for the treasure tripod you mentioned, it is the town object of the main hall. This is the hub of the Yue'er Island fire formation. After refining, it can control the magic formation. Have you tried it?"

Bai Guyi and Yue Wen's complexion changed, they looked at each other and prepared secretly.Others don't know how powerful Master Lian Shan is, but the two of them know it very well.

Those flames that only spread outside have such momentum, and when they go inside, they will only become more violent.

"How can there be such a chance." Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "I saw that the hall was empty except for a single tripod, so I wanted to put it away, but I didn't want to touch it with magic power, as if some mechanism had been opened, a boy with two guns flew out of it.

I have heard people describe his appearance, and I recognized Huo Wuhai, after fighting for a while, he was no match for me, so he flew out of the hall first, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I chased it for a few steps, but without finding any trace, I went back to the main hall to fetch the tripod, but no matter what, I couldn't take it with me, so I hurried back. "

Some people believed it, some didn't believe it, they discussed secretly while guarding Meng Qiu.

Pang Hua became impatient and shouted: "What else are you thinking about, let's do it!"

That day, the sun, moon and five-star wheels flew into the sky, and the three big and small wheels emitted strange lights.

The fiery red round was in the mid-heaven, replacing the position of the sun, with blazing flames, and thousands of rockets were sprinkled down, rushing like a shower, completely covering the entire valley.

"Madman!" Even Xihailiu Pian, Che Qingli and others who came with him, as well as Donghai Maoxiao and Chu Ling, were among them, shouting and cursing one after another, and fled outside in a hurry.

The same goes for the others, only Meng Qiu and the other five were targeted and trapped inside.

Just as Lingwei was about to sacrifice the Hanxia Barrier, he saw a glazed glass rise from the top of Meng Qiu, and the blue light floated upwards, turning into a huge light film.

But there is a rain of fire falling, bumping into it, bouncing up again, turning into thousands of flames, driven by the fire wheel again, colliding with each other, stirring like sea waves.

The fire and thunder exploded into pieces and rumbled, with great power, but it could not shake Yu Qian Liuli at all.

Pang Huacheng was a little annoyed, and said: "Just now I was afraid of accidents, so I couldn't let go. Anyway, no matter whether you have the treasure now, or the fire is harmless, it's the same thing.

If you don't show some real skills, I'm afraid you don't know how powerful I am! "

He was blocked by Meng Qiu just now, and he couldn't hold back his face. He was afraid that he would be underestimated, so he wanted to make up for it now.

The second wheel flew out from the treasure, but it was like a big ice plate, with a cold light shining on Meng Qiu and the others' heads. There was nothing surprising at first, but suddenly the brilliance exploded and shone down.

A great suction force was generated out of thin air, and it fell on the blue light emitted by Qian Liuli. It seemed that countless hands grabbed the light film and pulled it upwards.

Meng Qiu suddenly felt exhausted.The opponent's state is already much higher than him, and the magic weapon is not only not inferior to Qian Liuli, but even stronger.

It is still possible to compete with one sun wheel alone, but it is irresistible to deal with both sun and moon wheels.

He took a deep breath, handed the umbrella to Zheng Bagu, and said, "Bagu help me!"

Zheng Bagu took the umbrella and opened it, mana poured in, the black light was activated, soaring into the sky, turning into a cloud, catching all the fire and rain from the sun.

Gray smoke was born on the cloud again, enveloping the flames one by one, colliding in twos and dissipating one after another.The sound of puff puff puff was continuous and subtle, but it wanted to overwhelm the sound of fireworks.

Zheng Bagu saw that the power of the umbrella was more than a little bit stronger, she was secretly surprised, but she just thought about Meng Qiu's voice transmission just now, so she kept silent.

Without the attack of the sun wheel, it would not be so difficult for Yu Qian Liuli to protect the single moon wheel.

This battle of treasures made everyone dazzled. Bai Guyi and other famous seniors did not hesitate to foreign objects, but only marveled at the power of the sun, moon and five-star wheel. It is also a magic weapon that ranks in the forefront in Zhongtu.

Those latecomers, such as Yi Jing, Mao Xiao, Monk Wanmu, etc., are all envious.The most obvious one was naturally Fang Sanfeng, gritted his teeth, and hated these three treasures deeply, why didn't he own them.

For a moment the power was evenly matched, Pang Huacheng didn't care at all, instead he laughed loudly and said, "Do you think this will stop me? Naive!"

The third round was activated again, and five-color starlight was born outside, facing the sky and growing tens of hundreds of times, each shooting out a puff of light, covering Meng Qiu and the others standing, the pressure from all directions was unusually great.

With a click, the Yu Qian Liuli below couldn't resist it. Although it didn't break through, the radiance was extremely dim, and it converged to one place, and everyone was squeezed to the left and right.

The surrounding alpine plains were burnt by the fire, and they were extremely compact. After eating this, the mountain body shook, with many large openings in the middle, and the crashing gravel fell straight down, as if it was about to collapse.

Everyone was horrified. You must know that it was difficult to achieve this level in such a fierce situation when everyone was fighting.

Yue Yun shouted: "You are crazy. If you make such a big commotion, if it triggers the qi of the earth's lungs, no one will be able to please anyone. What treasure will you take?"

"White dwarf, put away your broken magic weapon, or don't blame me for being rude." Pang Huacheng ignored Yue Wen, and instead yelled at Bai Guyi, still pushing the sun, moon and five-star wheel to attack downwards, and continued:
"I just want to sink this island. But whoever gets the treasure, if he doesn't hand it over, no one will feel better about it."

The three rounds rose suddenly, and the whole Yue'er Island suddenly blazed brightly, piercing the sky, like the sun and the moon joining together, five stars united with pearls, and they flew down from the sky together, swooping down.

I saw that the flames were dry and heavy, the lights were colorful, the stars were like rain, the red snow was colorful, and the cold light was like electricity, shining in all directions.

It was daytime now, and the entire island turned into a volcano with radiant rays, illuminating the sea area thousands of miles around, with golden scales on the water and red flames surging, magnificent and strange, unprecedented in ancient times.

Meng Qiu and the others didn't dare to hesitate, each of them used their true skills.His Yuqian glass, Zheng Bagu's precious umbrella, Lingwei old man's Hanxia barrier, Chen Yufeng's jade bone diamond circle, and Gong Yehuang's picture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix were all released.

For a moment, blue light, black light, white light, jade light, and red light appeared everywhere, interwoven like colorful silk and brocade, protecting everyone in it, no matter the flames, colored light, or starlight, they were completely blocked.

That Bai Guyi was not prepared in this way, the spirit mist barrier was too late to retract, covered by the falling three lights, flew forward suddenly, in the middle of the air, there was another snort, a flame was ignited, spread instantly, and turned into fly ash.

Seeing that the power of the five-star wheel of the sun and the moon was about to pour down, Meng Qiu suddenly shouted "Go", Nanming Lihuo sword was in his hand, and the four companions hurriedly put away the magic weapon, but he was engulfed by his sword energy.

There was a thunderous thunderclap sound, and the sound of sword energy and thunder sounded, as if even the void could blast a big hole, not to mention that Pang Huacheng's magic weapon is not good at defending against trapped people.

Meng Qiu glowed again, and before the wound healed, it only flashed and landed thousands of feet away.

Everyone thought he was going to leave and was about to chase after him, when they heard him yell loudly, he said: "The fire is harmless, let's see how long you can hide!"

Looking back, a red light suddenly flew out from the exit of the burrow, it was extremely urgent, facing the three lights of the sun, moon, five-star wheel, regardless of it, it rushed straight up.

"It's fire and harmless!" Wu Lingzhu shouted loudly, most of the monks from the South China Sea knew each other.

"There really is someone!" Pang Huacheng was overjoyed, and instead of chasing Meng Qiu, he just turned the magic weapon around and poured out all its power.

The starlight covers the fire harmlessly and squeezes it towards the middle; the cold light catches it and drags it upwards;

"Go away!" Huo Wuhai opened his eyes angrily, destined to be Pang Huacheng, gnashing his teeth, extremely angry, raised the short spear in his hand, and swung it forward.

As soon as the short spear was released from the hand, it turned into two. During the march, two changed into four, four changed into eight, and waited for the docking with the sun, moon and five-star wheel attack. There were already 24.

The tip of each spear is made of raging fire, which is extremely violent. As soon as they collide with each other, the fire engulfs the cold air and starlight, and immediately explodes, roaring endlessly.

The surrounding mountains were still intact, but the sea of ​​fire below boiled together, like a tornado, the flames shot up into the sky, turning into pillars of light, standing up to the sky.

Pang Huacheng's magic weapon was powerful, but he didn't respond, while Huo Wuhai suffered from the aftermath of the explosion. While being pushed to the point of falling, he was caught by the moon wheel, squeezed by the star wheel, and screamed loudly in pain.

This is still the second thing, the more urgent thing is still underground, the lung qi has come.

Just now, Huo Wuhai escaped from the fire cauldron and followed the flames upwards. Halfway through the journey, he suddenly felt something was wrong, so he hid in the tunnel, preparing to ambush him.But he didn't want Meng Qiu to use his sword energy to turn into a rainbow, and it passed by without seeing it at all.

After waiting for a while, I noticed that the surging flames were mixed with black air, and they were very violent.

He was the most sensitive to anger, and immediately understood that it was the air from the earth's lungs that exploded, so he ran away in fright.

Unexpectedly, when he came out of the cave, he was called Po Xingzang by Meng Qiu, and was targeted by Pang Hua, which was extremely miserable.

Huo Wuhai knew that he couldn't delay, after screaming, he gritted his teeth, his whole body lit up with red light, and shot out in all directions.

This is the supernatural power he obtained after practicing the real fire of the sun in the fire cauldron. Once shot out, the magic light is as thin as a needle. Wherever it goes, no matter whether it is a human body or a magic weapon, it cannot be guarded against.

As soon as the magic needle came out, there were dots of golden light in all directions. Except for the five people who were Qianzhang, the others were all within the range and could not escape.

After Huo Wuhai unleashed this supernatural power, he didn't dare to stop, and threw out the other short spear in his hand.

The tip of the spear is a cyan circle of flames about the size of Zhang Xu, which shoots out.All the Dharma light that stood in front of him was completely burned out.

He turned into a ball of fire more than a foot in size, and followed behind the short spear, taking the opportunity to leave.

But he didn't want to make a move, but it caused many people to misunderstand, thinking that Huo Wuhai really got the treasure.

Spells, flying swords and magic weapons from all directions attacked at once and landed on him. With a loud bang, the magic light shattered, the primordial spirit was scattered, and he lost his life immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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