Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 152 Moon Island Without a Trace

Chapter 152 Moon Island Without a Trace
Huo Wuhai now only has a primordial spirit left, and his body is made entirely of the sun's real fire cultivated in the treasure cauldron. Once the body dies, the real fire will explode without restraint.

A ball of light suddenly appeared at the bottom of the valley, so bright that people couldn't look directly at it. Even if they closed their eyes, they still felt that there were many silver needles piercing their eyelids one after another.

The sky and the earth turned into a piece of pure white, and they turned their backs to each other, but they couldn't see anything.After a while, the white light spread around and spread thinly, and it was gradually possible to see things.

Then, the infinite flames were surrounded by extreme heat and exploded in all directions.Standing thousands of feet away, Meng Qiu and others could feel the heat wave coming.In an instant, this basin was filled with fire.

A circle of high mountains, which had been destroyed by fighting techniques, was already broken, and now it was invaded by real fire, melted, and became shorter visible to the naked eye, because the flames were not blocked, and poured out in all directions.

The surface of the nearby sea was immediately boiled, and just after a burst of white mist rose, it was evaporated again, and it dropped hundreds of feet in an instant, forming a depression with a radius of ten miles.

Everyone released their protective magic light one after another, and flew upwards and outwards, only the real fire that had turned into a sun that could not wait to fill the sky subsided, and turned downwards, rushing into the sea of ​​flames that filled the sky.

"No, he's going to take the treasure!" Fang Sanfeng's complexion changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, and hurriedly said to Chu Feng who was beside him: "Elder sister, act quickly!"

The real fire of the sun just now was fierce, but for an earth immortal like Pang Huacheng, it was only troublesome and not fatal.

But Sanfeng is only a loose fairy, so he dare not take this risk, so he can only beg his sister to help.

But Chu Feng looked calm, and said: "No hurry. The flame still has some power, let him endure it first. As long as the master's relic is really in the bottom, no one can take it away easily."

When the top layer of flames flowed away, the real fire of the sun revealed its true colors, and hundreds of millions of golden light spots suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​flames, shooting in all directions. The power contained in each one was like a Sanxian's full-strength shot.

Of all the people present, only Bai Guyi, Yue Wen and Chu Feng were able to keep their bodies still, and the rest had to use magic weapons to defend themselves if they wanted to avoid them.

Pang Huacheng, who was in the sea of ​​flames, suffered the most damage, and one after another golden light went on and on, continuously.

He was not good at defense, but soon a not-so-bad protective magic weapon on his body was breached, leaving only a layer of protective magic light still holding on, and he was so frightened that the ghosts of the dead immediately frightened.

Sanfeng couldn't bear it at first, and as soon as he came out, he immediately waved the magic flag in his hand, and a puff of black smoke enveloped it.

"You maidservant!" Pang Huacheng suffocated his breath in the ground just now, and immediately became furious, and activated the sun wheel, a mass of red flames the size of a scorpion burst out, collided into the black smoke, exhaled a few times, and the smoke disappeared.

He was still angry, Hongyan didn't stop, and went straight to Sanfeng.

The power of this magic weapon can only be resisted by Meng Qiu standing on Qian Liuli, not to mention Sanfeng's mana, magic weapon, and experience are all useless.

Chu Feng snorted coldly, waved his long sleeves, and suddenly saw a piece of golden light spilling out, turning into a golden cloud, and falling at the feet of the three sisters.The flame bumped into it, and with a puff, it dissipated by itself.

"What?" Not only was Pang Huacheng shocked, but even the other monks around were equally astonished.

In the previous fight, Chufeng didn't make a big move, everyone thought she was mediocre, but they didn't want to show it, her cultivation level was surprisingly high, she was not inferior to a famous person like Bai Guyi.

When it comes to performance, among all the people present, it is only slightly inferior to Gongyehuang's method of using black ice and black frost.

Seeing that she was about to make another move, there were Bai Guyi, Yue Yun and others staring at her, and even Liu Pian, Che Qingli, Mao Xiao, etc. on his side all had bad expressions.

Pang Huacheng's scalp was numb, and he quickly said: "I searched all over the place, the fire is harmless and there is nothing left, maybe it was burned by the real fire of the sun."

Bai Guyi said: "Master Lianshan is such a person, the treasures left behind are not easy. Even if your attack is ten times stronger than before, you will never harm the treasures."

He turned his gaze to the other side, and Meng Qiu and the others didn't know why, but they still didn't leave.

Sanfeng immediately shouted: "Tell me, little thief, do you have the items in the treasury?"

Meng Qiu ignored her, stared straight down, and said, "Here we come!"

Everyone was puzzled, just as they were about to kill him, when they moved, suddenly there was a huge suction force from below, as if someone was pulling his leg.

Bai Guyi and Yue Yun seemed to think of something, their faces changed drastically, and they all yelled at Yi Jing and the others: "Let's go!"

"I want to leave!" Meng Qiu let out a long laugh, the sword light rose suddenly, and flew towards him, at the same time he said: "If I let you get away, am I waiting for nothing?"

As soon as he made a move, the sea of ​​fire underneath also boiled up, and the flames erupted together, rushing to the sky two or three thousand feet high, like thousands of fireworks spraying out at the same time, and then exploding together.

The golden fire, bright light, and blue flames, mixed with puffs of black smoke, instantly dispersed the entire venue, covering three thousand feet up and down, and a radius of ten miles. It seemed that this moment would make up for the silence just now.

Under such circumstances, the spiritual energy is completely disordered, even if there is no flame covering, monks below the Sanxian realm will surely die here without any external force.

Even if you have a Sanxian cultivation base, it depends on how you accumulate it, but even if your mana is shallow, it won't last long.For example, the three phoenixes did not have the arrogance just now at all, and shivered while hiding in the light of the first phoenix.

The lungs of the earth erupted, burning mountains and boiling seas, with infinite power.

Bai Guyi hurriedly protected Yi Jing and the others, and was about to run out when he saw a red light rushing straight towards him, the flame was more blazing than the gushing ground fire.

He recognized Nanming Lihuojian, so he dared not be negligent, so he had to stop and use his sword to meet the enemy.

With a flash of golden light and a flash of red light, the two collided, and a huge sound wave erupted, blowing the flames around, adding to the chaos.

Bai Guyi stopped where he was, and exclaimed: "Nanming Lihuo Sword really lives up to its reputation!" This sword is so powerful that even he was a little tempted.

But Meng Qiu was pushed back several hundred feet before he was able to stabilize.After all, his cultivation level is not high, and he is far different from the best of the earth immortals.

This blow tested his own strength. With the divine sword in his hand, he could kill ordinary earth immortals, but for slightly stronger ones, such as Master Baiyun, it would be difficult to win.

Not to mention the level of three immortals, two elders and one son Qizhen, they have no chance of winning at all.

But now Bai Guyi has to concentrate on rescuing Yi Jing and the others, and also has to guard against the invasion of the earth fire, while Meng Qiu can come and go freely in the sea of ​​fire with the Nanming Lihuo sword, and dares to provoke him.

He didn't attack from the front, but focused on walking around with his body and sword together, harassing at the side, only Bai Guyi moved, stepped forward to stop him, and made up his mind to drag it down.

Meng Qiu was like this, and Zheng Bagu on the side also refused to let anyone leave, and she did not relax after finding out Yue Yun.According to her temperament, the means she uses are completely different, extremely fierce.

Taking advantage of the gap just now, she sacrificed the precious umbrella roughly.This object was originally specially made by Master Lianshan to deal with the Qi of the earth's lungs, so once sacrificed, the effect is excellent, and the flames cannot penetrate at all.

The difference between Zheng Bagu and Yue Yun is only in the strength of mana. Now holding the umbrella in hand, there is no need to be distracted.

But seeing flying swords galloping, golden lotuses rising from all directions, sword qi strikes in the air, it's an extraterrestrial falling, the momentum is extremely fast and fierce, no one will let anyone.

Yue Yun had to be distracted from resisting the ubiquitous flame attack, and also had to endure this gust of storm-like attack.

Since he became an Earth Immortal, he has only suffered at the hands of one or two senior masters. The difference in realm is too great, and he is convinced. But now he is suppressed by a junior who became enlightened later.

In the blink of an eye, the sea of ​​flames had already spread, enveloping the entire Yue'er Island, and rushed out a hundred miles away. None of the sea monsters and other creatures inside could escape.

"Fellow Taoist Lingwei, for the sake of fellow Beihai monks, save us!" The visitors from Beihai shouted.

Lingwei old man was hiding under the black frost barrier of Gongye Huangxuan ice at this moment, his face was full of horror, just when he heard the call, before he responded, he felt the force of the downward drag increased sharply.

The barrier was shaken before it stabilized, and those people couldn't resist, screaming and being dragged below, black smoke rolled up, and with a few bangs, they were all burned to fly ash.

The air of the earth's lungs continued to erupt, the power of the primordial magnetism came out, and the suction increased. Several loose immortals and the earth immortals with the lowest cultivation level couldn't escape like this. They didn't have enough mana, the magic weapon didn't work, and they didn't have the protection of an expert, so they died here.

The Wanmu monk brothers stood opposite each other, pushing Famu to the extreme.The four eyes are full of green light, extremely rich, like emeralds, covering each other.

Although the black smoke and flames couldn't get in, the two of them had no strength left to get out of the magnetic attraction.

In such a stalemate, Meng Qiu would not let go of the opportunity, and only took a little space to separate two sword qi full of Lihuo and shoot at the two of them.

The sword energy was extremely condensed, and it only touched one place, and Lihuo exploded loudly, exerting its greatest power, blasting each of the green lights into a hole the size of a fist.

The Flame of the Earth's Lung followed up instantly, and the black smoke invaded, dyeing the green light into ink.Brother Wanmu was terrified, and shouted: "Friend Wu, help!"

This distraction accelerated the progress of the black smoke spreading. This thing is the fire poison accumulated in the lungs of the earth for hundreds of thousands of years, but if it is contaminated, if there is no magic pill or treasure to get rid of it, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

The two brothers have been used to being arrogant all their lives, relying on their extraordinary talents, with both offensive and defensive skills, they did not seek magic treasures for protection at all, and they are at a disadvantage right now, without magic weapons to resist erosion.

The green light turned dark, and then his face turned black, the poisonous fire hit his heart, and it was completely burned from the inside out, without a trace remaining.

Wu Lingzhu's mana was higher, and she slowly moved out, seeing her companion die, she was frightened and shouted: "Fellow daoists, there is no mortal enmity between us, please let me go!
I'm not trying to threaten a few of you, but if I die, Qijue Wusuo will also explode. Fellow Daoist Ye Bin's Admiralty Island and Fellow Daoist Qian Kang's Nightless City are both in the small Antarctic, and they cannot be spared. "

Both Gongyehuang and Qian Kang belonged to the Lianshan sect, and they were a little bit fond of each other. They felt uncomfortable watching their old friends suffer disasters for no reason, so they snorted coldly and said:

"If you can go, we won't stop you; if you can't, God will kill you here. Fellow Daoist Qian knows it, so you can't blame us."

Only then did Wu Lingzhu feel relieved, she made a knife with her right hand, swung it suddenly, and slashed down on her left shoulder, her left arm fell shoulder-to-shoulder.

He spit out a mouthful of black mist, landed on his left arm, and immediately melted into a bloody light, rolled himself up, rushed forward, the speed was more than ten times faster, and soon escaped from the sea of ​​flames.

As soon as he left, the rest of the struggling monks, such as Pang Huacheng, saw hope and asked for help.

Wu Lingzhu was able to escape, and they were similar, but they had to stay where they were because they were afraid of Meng Qiu and others' attack.

Gongye Huang sneered and said, "Not only do I have no friendship with you, but I even had an enmity with you just now, why should I let you go?"

Pang Huacheng could not be arrogant for a long time, he gritted his teeth and raised the sun-moon five-star wheel, shouting: "If you are willing to let me out of the flames, fellow Taoist, this treasure will be given to you!"

Chen Yufeng replied: "If you die, this thing will also belong to us."

"If you don't let me go, I'd rather burn everything and explode the magic weapon, no one will think well!" Pang Huacheng knew that begging for mercy was useless, and threatened in turn, with a decisive tone.

Although Gongyehuang is a senior, he is also in charge of this game, but he is not good at specialization, he leans to the other side, and said: "Friend Daoist Meng, what do you think?"

"Yes!" Meng Qiu struck Yi Jing with a sword again, forcing Bai Guyi to rescue him, and took the time to respond: "Tell him to leave the magic weapon and formulas and get lost, we will kill the rest."

Pang Huacheng was overjoyed, he threw the sun, moon and five-star wheel to Gongyehuang, and flew out with the Dharma light on it, no one stopped him.

His companions Liu Pian and Che Qingli quickly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Pang, wait for us." They also ran out.

But under the support of Gong Yehuang, Chen Yufeng sacrificed the jade bone sword, passed through the flames, and intercepted it.

The faces of the few people changed drastically, but they couldn't take out any treasures to resist their lives like Pang Huacheng.

At this time, there was a scream, but it was Chu Ling, the female disciple of Xiao Penglai Yuwa, whose cultivation base was a little weak, she couldn't hold on, she was sucked away by the magnetic force, and died in the sea of ​​flames.

Her senior brother Mao Xiao was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, he hurriedly shouted to the other side: "If the Grand Palace Master can save my life, my master will be rewarded handsomely in the future!"

Only then did everyone realize that the three daughters of Ziyun Palace were safe and sound under the protection of a golden cloud.

Chu Feng glanced at Gong Yehuang, and said: "My fellow Daoists have profound magical powers, I'm ashamed of myself. But if I make a move to protect fellow daoist Bai and fellow daoist Yue who are burdensome, and free up their hands, they may not be able to fulfill their wish.

Right now, I just want to take my two younger sisters and leave with three or two good friends. Can fellow daoists be lenient? "

Gongye Huang thought for a while, Chufeng's mana was already so high, and Ziyun Palace was the first palace in the South China Sea, so there might be someone behind him, it would be better if there was less trouble.

He still asked, Meng Qiu said: "Let them go, there will be a real person of bliss to come to the door, we don't need to add more things to the snake."

Chufeng's expression remained unchanged, he nodded at Mao Xiao, Shang Hong, and Shang Zhuang, dragged them into the golden cloud, took a deep look at Meng Qiu, moved his mouth, and left abruptly.

Seeing this, Yi Jing yelled: "My father is Yi Zhou, the master of the Xuangui Palace, even if you don't want to see him in face, Senior Sister Yuqing, you must always take care of my aunt, Youtan Shenni."

"Well said!" Zheng Bagu was afraid of Chen Yufeng's embarrassment, so she spoke first: "I happen to have a grudge against old nun Youtan, so I will collect some interest from you first!"

Bai Guyi couldn't help but said: "Could it be that the Goddess of Calamity is bullying the younger generation with the big ones?"

"She's not, but I am!" Meng Qiu laughed loudly, and continued, "But we don't need to do anything."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately showed his sword light, turned into a flying rainbow and fled far away.

Bagu Zheng also turned around and landed beside Gongyehuang, protecting Chen Yufeng and old man Lingwei together, and went out without looking back.

As soon as the few people left, there was a loud bang from below, pushing the flames to a height of ten thousand feet, and the sky was filled with red light and thick smoke, completely covering Yue'er Island.

Like a huge bronze bell, it covers the vast expanse of torrents in the South China Sea and reaches the bottom of the sea.There was a burst of purple fire coming out from the top, directly shooting at the heart of the sky, and a big hole was washed out of the gloomy clouds and mist in the sky.

Looking at it from a distance, the upper half looks like countless blue and red colored silk, wrapped in an incomparably huge purple pillar, even if you try your best, you can't tell how high it is.The clouds and mist on all sides are also reflected into thousands of layers of ice and color, directly shooting to the height of nine days.

The qi of the earth's lungs exploded completely, and Bai Guyi, Yue Yun and others were a step behind and were trapped inside.Liu Pian and Che Qing were immediately pulled down to the ground and died instantly.

At this moment, Bai and Yue had no energy left to protect more people, so they hurriedly grabbed Yi Jing, tried their best to get out, and managed to escape!

Looking back, this volcano burst and all the sea water was boiled, within a radius of thousands of miles, no living beings were spared.

The flames burned for nine days and nine nights. When the wind cleared and the moon cleared, Yue'er Island was gone.

(End of this chapter)

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