Chapter 153
After Meng Qiu escaped from the sea of ​​flames, he didn't stop, and flew tens of thousands of miles away in one breath, and then returned to the deserted island where Zheng Bagu refined the soul-gathering pill. After waiting for a while, the other four people rushed over.

At this moment, in the direction of Yue'er Island, a huge flame can still be seen, burning blazingly.

"After this disaster, I don't know how many people in the South China Sea have suffered." Lingwei was a little emotional.

A few people are not the orthodox orthodox monks, and they have little empathy with people who have nothing to do with them, let alone the victims are some sea monsters, fish and crabs, let alone take it seriously.

Meng Qiu handed the treasure bag from the treasury, the pair of red rings, and a piece of jade to Eighth Aunt Zheng, and added some details that were concealed in Yue'er Island just now, before saying:

"I thought that there would be some obstacles down there, but I didn't expect things to go so easily. If it weren't for the iron umbrella Taoist and Huo Wuhai who delayed a little time, just hold the umbrella and go all the way, and the treasure is at your fingertips."

Gongye Huangdao: "Master Lian Shan has a broad mind, and he teaches without discrimination. Since he is determined to pass on all his wealth to future generations, he will naturally not be like some seniors who want to designate successors for fame, but they are coy, pretending to be generous, allowing everyone to take it, and secretly opening the back door."

While speaking, Eighth Aunt Zheng raised the precious umbrella to block the sky, opened the treasure bag, took out many things, and hung them in the air.

There are three Taoist scriptures, two bottles of pills, and the rest are magic weapons of flying swords. There are dozens of them, and they are dazzling.

With Meng Qiuzhi's calmness, he didn't feel a little lost under the bright light, and he was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, his face flushed, and he said: "Scattered cultivators in the mountains and fields, with shallow knowledge, made some fellow Taoists laugh!"

Lingwei smiled wryly and said: "Fellow Daoist is too modest. If you hadn't reminded me, I would still be in a slump. My concentration is much worse than yours. How can I make fun of you?"

He bowed to everyone again, and said: "Thanks to senior Gongye for protecting me, I am very grateful. Now that all the enemies are gone, I have to go back to Beihai. If you are free in the future, you can come to Zikong Island as guests, and I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

After saying that, he wanted to leave, Zheng Bagu stopped him, and said: "Fellow Taoist, why are you panicking? If there are so many treasures here, wouldn't it be a pity if you don't get to know them?

Uncle Shi, you have seen a lot and have followed Master Lian Shan for a long time. Could you explain it to us? "

Old man Lingwei thought so, and stayed.Like martial arts masters, even if they don't use weapons, they still love swords.The same is true for monks, who also have great interest in magic weapons.

Gong Yehuang looked at the precious light in the sky, he couldn't help being startled, and sighed: "The master has collected so many magic treasures with great painstaking efforts, and prepared to leave them to future generations. I hate that Taoist Iron Umbrella, because of his burning greed and delusion.

Otherwise, when everyone is here, the treasure house will be opened, and these magic weapons will fall into the hands of useful people. Even the Mountain Sect may collapse, and several fellow Taoists may not die under the catastrophe. "

Stretching out his hand and making a move, two flying swords flew out, one green and one white, the brilliance was dim, not surprising.He stretched out his hand to caress, sighed again and again, and said after a long time:

"These two flying swords are Tianhui and Yiguang. At that time, the master held them in all directions, invincible, and their power is only slightly inferior to the Nanming Lihuo swords of Emei Ziying, Qingsuo and Meng Daoyou. It is no less than Wudang's real Wumo sword, and it should be among the top ten flying swords in the world."

While speaking, he urged with his magic power, and the sword was radiant. It looked thin at first, but then it was delicate. When he touched it with his spiritual sense, it was extremely sharp and chilly.

Meng Qiu secretly made a comparison, and from what he had seen in his life, he was only defeated by Qingsuo and Nanming Lihuojian.

Gongyehuang only aroused the power of the sword slightly, and after several people verified it, he collected the mana again, drove the two swords, and flew in front of Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, saying:

"The flying swords used by the two of you were still refined when they were Sanxians. They are only enough for now, and they are not considered good. I will share these two flying swords with you. Next time you meet White Shorty and Yue Yun, they won't let them take advantage of the flying swords."

Bai Guyi and Yue Yun seldom use magic weapons when confronting the enemy, because the flying swords of the two have been practiced for many years, and their power is far beyond ordinary, so there is no need to add superfluous.

Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng didn't show any pretense, they put them away separately.

Gongyehuang took another flying sword, moved it slightly, the golden light shone, and fine lines appeared on the sword body, like fish scales arranged one by one.

He handed it to old man Lingwei, and said: "Although the Golden Scale Sword is not inferior to Tianhui and Yiguang, it is also at the top among the flying swords in the world. I hope fellow Taoists don't dislike it."

Old man Lingwei was a little surprised, and quickly declined: "It's impossible, I haven't made any achievements, but I rely on your protection, senior, to survive. How can I have the nerve to accept the treasure that Fellow Daoist Meng took?"

If it is said that he is not envious when he sees these magic weapons, then it must be a lie, but Zha Kongdao has always been very principled in his actions, and he dare not accept rewards for nothing.

"Fellow Daoist extended a helping hand when my two nephews were in distress. Sending charcoal in the face of hardship is a testament to friendship. What can't be tolerated?"

Gongyehuang insisted on giving it to him, but when he saw that old man Lingwei was determined to refuse and was about to leave, he said:

"If you don't accept it, after I have dealt with the trivial matters here, I will go to the North Sea. I don't think the ancestor of the sky will not give me a little bit of favor."

Lingwei was helpless, the other party was a long-term cultivator, and he was considered to be the elder of his master. If he really attracted the other party to come to the door, it would be too hypocritical, so he had to find another excuse, saying:

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. It's just that I haven't been out of the North Pole for many years, and the magnetism and light are densely covered outside the hollow island. The power of the magnetism is amazing. All flying swords and magic weapons made of hardware will be greatly reduced or even unable to be used. No matter how many magic weapons you give me, it will be useless."

"No problem." Gongyehuang took out two more bamboo slips, sent them over, and said, "This evasion talisman is made by the master from the South Sea purple bamboo, it contains invisible restraints, once used, it can cover people and disappear completely, it is only worse than the ascetic Toutuo invisible sword escape.

And this treasure has another magical effect, it can help people fly away, it is three points faster than ordinary sword light, but it is a wonderful thing for chasing and killing enemies. "

Old man Lingwei wanted to decline, but suddenly remembered that when he was not enlightened, his illegitimate son Lingqi was born to a daughter of a noble family.

That friend is just an ordinary celestial being, and he has to teach him the Tao, so it's not urgent, only the things to protect the Tao are lacking, and there are few treasures to escape.Isn't it a godsend for these two magic weapons to appear suddenly in front of you?

After thinking through this point, he accepted the Golden Scale Sword and the Escape Talisman, bowed deeply and said:

"I dare not refuse the gift again from the elders. It's just that I don't have an inch of merit, and I am ashamed to receive it! I don't have the face to wait any longer, so please leave. If I see you in the future, there will be a reward!"

After finishing speaking, before a few people could persuade them to stay, a ray of cold glow appeared, rolled himself up, and flew to the north like lightning.

"This junior is quite interesting, he is as upright as his master." Gongye Huang laughed dumbly, shook his head, took another copper fan, and stroked it with his hand, only to see the golden glow shining brightly.

Turning the fan around, two fan handles were revealed. One was engraved with two ancient seal scripts of "Qing Ning", and the other was written in very small font with the usage of Zhu Wen's gatha, saying that this fan was specially used for alchemy and subduing demons.

"The Qingning Fan was refined by Master Lianshan using the spiritual energy of three talents. Together with Lihe Gui, Xuanguang Ruler, and Longque Ring, they are also called the Four Treasures of Lianshan, and they are the most powerful."

Gong Yehuang said: "It happened that it took me more than a hundred years to collect a batch of elixir for alchemy, so I won't give it up."

The three of them have already obtained the treasure, only Meng Qiu has nothing, Gongyehuang also threw the sun-moon five-star wheel into it, and said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Meng, should I choose one for you, or should you choose it yourself?"

"Senior has already reminded the Four Treasures of Lianshan, so it is so obvious that I did it myself." Meng Qiu replied with a smile:
"Besides, I went down to the treasure house in person. At that time, in addition to the treasure bag, there was also a jade pendant and two red rings on the portrait of Master Lianshan."

He stretched out his hand, and the six or seven inch long Yugui flew up.Mana poured in, and a dark green precious light came out from the inside out.

When he first appeared, he was only three feet tall, with a dazzling light that was difficult to open, and he flew straight up into the sky.As soon as it was released from the hand, Baoguang became very strong, and its strength was so great that Bagu Zheng's precious umbrella could hardly restrain it.

When the black light hit the nearby rocks slightly, they were instantly shattered and wiped out without a trace.

"Fellow Daoist is indeed extremely intelligent. This Clutch and Reunion Wuyun Kyu originally has two sides of yin and yang. In the past, Master Lianshan only got one yin gui, and used it to shock the demons."

Gong Yehuang explained: "Yin Kyu is extremely powerful, it is no less powerful than the Qingning Fan in my hand, and Yang Kyu is even more powerful. If you can get it, the two instruments will be combined and refined, and it will have supreme power.

There is a kind of divine light of separation and reunion in each sect, which is refined by Taoism innately. It can produce strange and cold flames, and make people go crazy with illusions at will. It is the most ruthless. "

Among the people present, Chen Yufeng integrated the strengths of the two schools of Taoism and Buddhism, and turned them into innate skills, making this method particularly profound.

Meng Qiu's "Huang Di Nei Jing" did not record this spell, so he didn't know it. He only learned another common Taoist skill of Taoism, Taiyi Shenlei.

There is also a Great Five Elements Annihilation Light Needle, which is known as the most powerful spell in Taoism. People who are not good at Taoism can only be shot by it.

It's just that this spell requires extremely high levels of mana, and it's too much for him to practice now, so he put it aside.

All four of them took one of the most powerful treasures. Among the remaining magic treasures, there are two pieces, the rotary light ruler and the dragon sparrow ring, which are the most powerful.

If several people are fighting for merit, Gongye Huang doesn't have to worry about affection, and everyone is cheerful at the moment, but it's not easy to distribute, he was hesitating, but he heard Zheng Bagu say:
"This precious umbrella in my hand is a single piece, which is already extremely powerful. It can resist the poisonous smoke of thunder, fire, and lungs of the earth. Combining two into one will increase the effect several times. It is no longer inferior to the four treasures of Lianshan, so I have chosen one first."

"Okay!" Gongyehuang nodded and said: "You have also seen the power of the sun, moon and five-star wheel, it can be counted as one.

The rest of the Suzaku rings, there are two sets of son and mother, which were passed down from ancient times and are specially used by the immortal family when they become enlightened.

Not only can it resist demons, but it can also contain all invisible and tangible things such as sky thunder, earth fire, Xunfeng, flying sword magic weapon, god thunder god sand, etc.

There is also the Xuanguang Ruler, which is excellent in defense, and it is specialized in countering the magic weapon Xuanguang. Its magical function is only slightly inferior to the Guangcheng Supreme Treasure Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler. "

He fiddled with the Xuanguang ruler, and suddenly the sun shone brightly, turning into countless colorful circles of light, which rushed out like a whirling wheel.Where the light shines, all the black light from the precious umbrella dissipates.

Several people have their favorite things, Meng Qiu and Chen Yufeng looked at each other, the former stretched out his hand, two pairs of four red rings flew in his hand, with a little use of mana, the light of the mother ring was one red and one white, and the light of the child rings was one blue and one yellow, each showing a difference.

He has the Nanming Lihuo sword in his hand, and he is very good at swordsmanship, so he doesn't need a magic weapon with huge attack power.

And Chen Yufeng has always been known for his changeable methods. The sun, moon and five-star wheel fell in his hands, which added three points to his strength.

Gongye Huang put away the Xuanguang ruler, and said: "If you want to ask for it, then I will not be polite. I just need this magic weapon to cross the catastrophe."

Further down, there are dozens of flying sword magic weapons, almost all of which are high-quality goods, and there is only one jade tablet, which seems ordinary and has no use.

The one called Lian Gangrou looks the most powerful.This treasure is shaped like a chicken heart, with the size of a goose egg in the center, bright red in color, transparent on the outside and inside, only many black spots the size of sesame seeds, densely covered with pores all over the body, it is as soft as cotton, and it is not known what it is made of.

Once used, a piece of fat fragrance and ten thousand strands of colored silk will fly out.In addition, a kind of sticky and greasy juice with a clear color and a slightly fishy and salty taste is shot out from the pinhole.

The enemy's magical weapon, the flying sword, except for a Western Taiyi pure gold refined treasure, which is its nemesis, only touches the rest, and immediately the refined steel turns into soft fingers, and falls to the ground.

This baby Zheng Bagu likes it, so she begged for it; the rest are Ecstasy Book, Trouble Circle, Lvyun Fairy Seat, etc. Whoever likes it can take it, and it doesn't matter how much it takes.

In the end, the jade tablet was left, and Meng Qiu took it in his hand and poured mana into it, but there was nothing strange about it, only Gong Yehuang could see that it seemed to be the key to unlock some kind of restriction.

The four of them then divided the panacea, opened a bottle first, and poured out a bright red, transparent, fragrant pill that was as big as a longan.

Gongyehuang is a master of elixir, and he recognizes that this elixir has the effect of increasing the power, keeping the face youthful and fragrant all over the body.

Several people present were all teenagers who had completed the Foundation Establishment, only Gongyehuang's appearance was a bit poor, and he was also rebellious and strange, so he was useless at all.

But the effect of retaining the face is only a small one, and it is worth a try, and it can also boost the skill, so after sharing it equally, everyone ate one.

Meng Qiu swallowed it, and the spiritual power in the elixir remained the same as before. It was sucked away by the chaotic embryo between the eyebrows, and it returned after a circle of rotation. The medicine directly acted on it, and suddenly the spirit was clear and the whole body was light and agile.

In the other bottle is a blue elixir, each thumb-sized and round, but it has the effect of bringing back life, and it can act on the body of the primordial spirit at the same time. No matter how severe the injury is, one pill will heal immediately.

Because three of the four are Earth Immortals, they can no longer switch to other methods. At this time, Taoism is naturally the most important.

Of the three Taoist books, one is Master Lianshan's fundamental Taoism, the other is Huo Wuhai's fire scriptures, and the third one records a very powerful Taoism called the Great Five Elements Extinction Light.

Zheng Bagu thought for a while, and said: "We have obtained the fundamental Taoism, which is of little use, everyone can use it as a reference, and leave the original book to Fellow Daoist Meng.

As for the fire scriptures, we are not different, and it is useless to get them. Only the practice of the sun's real fire recorded in it is quite impressive, but I don't like it, so you can take it away.

Not long after I became an Earth Immortal, I still lacked a Taoist skill to defend against the enemy. The five-element extinction light is just right. "

Chen Yufeng has the innate divine light of separation and reunion, which is a fusion of Taoism and Buddhism, which is infinitely powerful; Gongye Huang has been practiced into black ice and black frost, which has become a signature and is known all over the world;

After the distribution is over, everyone has to go to things.

Before leaving, Chen Yufeng shook her body and resumed the attire of Mrs. Yuqing.

Meng Qiu was a little puzzled, and asked, "It's fine if you offended the white dwarf and the Taoist of Yudong, and even fell out with the Yi family, and indirectly offended the god Ni Youtan, can Buddhism tolerate you?"

Master Yuqing clasped her hands together, with a dignified appearance, said: "I am Yu Luocha in the side gate, and I am Yuqing in the Buddhist gate. If I can return to vulgarity, I can naturally put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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