Chapter 154
Come in a hurry, go in a hurry!

After the fireworks on Yue'er Island were extinguished, Gongyehuang and Mrs. Yuqing rushed back to Zhongtu, and there were still only Meng Qiu left here.

"I'm going to find a place overseas, and practice in seclusion for the next few years. First, I will refine these magic weapons to maturity, and then I will practice the Great Five Elements Extinction God Ray before returning to Central Earth."

Zheng Bagu asked: "Meng Qiu, anyway, you are single and have nothing important to do, why don't you come with me, so that you can take care of me."

Meng Qiu said: "Are you afraid that the Emei sent to trouble me?"

"It's not just the Emei sect? Even overseas, the Xuangui Palace Yijia in the South China Sea, the Ziyun Palace, the 47 small Antarctic Islands, and the little Penglai Yuwa master and apprentice in the East China Sea, the owner and merchant of the Tumu Island in the West China Sea, and Beihai are slightly ordinary, and they should not be underestimated."

Zheng Bagu counted around and said: "In the four seas, there are enemies everywhere, compared to me and Yu Luocha, who can cause trouble. If you were born 200 years earlier, there must be a place for you among us."

"Hahaha!" Meng Qiu laughed loudly and said, "If that's the case, wouldn't I have to think of a more prestigious nickname before I can keep up with you?"

Zheng Bagu then laughed.Since Master Yuqing came here and fought side by side, it seems that the 50 years of depression in the snow-capped mountains and deep valleys have been swept away, and the female disaster god who ignored the sky and the earth back then has returned.

Meng Qiu pondered for a moment, then said: "I have a lot of things on hand, but none of them are urgent. Only when Chu Feng was about to leave that day, he sent me a voice transmission, inviting me to go to Ziyun Palace as soon as possible, saying that he wanted to ask for something.

I am a little hesitant.One is that they offended the real bliss by detaining Lu Rongbo, the daughter of Lu Jinxian Lu Min for no reason. Whether they can survive this test is hard to say.

Besides, Chu Feng's cultivation is advanced and her Taoism skills are exquisite, and she really dare not go if she has no idea what her purpose is. "

Zheng Bagu thought for a while, and said: "I have a little guess. She invited you to go, it must be related to Master Lianshan's treasure, and there may be some things she needs.

Because this Ziyun Palace was originally the former residence of Tianyi Golden Mother. Before ascension, it was given to my friend Master Lianshan as a Befu.

Originally, the master opened a side door and wanted to rely on this place, but at that time the golden mother's disciple, the jellyfish Ji Xuan, was not convinced by his master's decision and came to the door to make a big fuss.

Although the master cared about his affection and abandoned this place, he didn't want to go against his old friend's wishes, so he sealed it up.Unexpectedly, for some reason, it fell into the hands of the three daughters of Ziyun Palace.

At that time, the Lianshan Sect had already disintegrated, and most of the elders passed away.And the disciple of the jellyfish also died under the catastrophe long ago, and his disciple Lu Xun, the real Jiangyun, wanted to meditate under the sea, so no one came to ask for it.

For hundreds of years, the monks in the South China Sea almost forgot the origin of the Ziyun Palace, thinking that it was lucky for the three women that the place had always belonged to them.

I think Chufeng's mana is powerful, but compared to Tianyi Jinmu and Master Lianshan, it is no different from Yinghuo to Haoyue. Maybe there are still restrictions in the palace, and keys are needed to unlock them. "

Having said that, Meng Qiu came to his senses, took out the jade tablet from the Lianshan treasure house, put it in his hand, no matter how you looked at it, it was ordinary, and said:

"If there is anything that can be regarded as a key, it is the only thing. Otherwise, the master and many magic weapons will not be able to stay in one place. But my knowledge is shallow, and I can't see the mystery."

"Then ignore it." Zheng Bagu said: "Anyway, you can also get Tianyi Zhenshui and unblock Nanming Lihuo Sword, so you don't need to ask her anything.

Looking at Fang Sanfeng's domineering appearance, one can tell that this family is not a good guy.Although Chufeng's method is still the method of fighting magic, I don't see it clearly, so there is no need to take this risk. "

There are three types of monk fighting techniques.One is sword fighting, and the other is magic weapon.There is also a minority faction, fighting spells.

The reason why the latter kind is rare is that this kind of monks are all extremely talented and powerful, far surpassing ordinary people, and they have also achieved the realm of the earth fairy before they first see their power.

Before this, the monks Meng Qiu met were only fighting swords in Qingluoyu, Monk Tuotuo and Ascetic Toutuo showed a little demeanor.

For example, Gongye Huang Shao's magic weapon, using only one hand of black ice and black frost to traverse the world, even when encountering magic weapons such as the sun, moon and five star wheels, as well as the bursting of air from the earth and lungs, he will not lose the wind in the slightest.

And the piece of golden light and golden cloud that Chufeng used must be the same unique spell, but I don't know the name and effect.

Those who can be famous for this way in the practice world are all people with profound and unpredictable cultivation bases.

For example, the congenital Taiyi God Thunder of Ji Le Daoist, the soundless God Thunder of Miaozhen Guantian Immortal Yan Yumu in West Dongting Mountain of Taihu Lake, and the Five Elements True Qi of God Camel Yixiu, the first of the "Seven Truths", are famous all over the world.

And the three Buddhist monks and two nuns are all good at the big and small sandalwood Buddhism, and they are all of this kind.

If Meng Qiuruo practiced the Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle and Zheng Bagu practiced the Great Five Elements Extinction Light, they would also be able to join this rank.

Chufeng's reputation in the South China Sea is not very famous, at least not comparable to figures such as Xuanguidian Yi Zhou, Tongye Island Tianchi Master, Moqiu Island Lizhu Palace Shaoyang Shenjun, Jinzhong Island Ye Bin, but it is really surprising that she has practiced such methods without making a sound.

Zheng Bagu persuaded Meng Qiu not to go, and he naturally listened.After thinking for a while, he said, "I also know another treasure, which is in the Heidao Gorge in the Northeast Sea.

3000 years ago, there was an immortal Pan Luo who practiced here in seclusion. When he was about to ascend to ascension, he knew that he could not escape the catastrophe. Relying on his years of practice and his profound skills, he used [-] days of hard work to hide all the magic weapons, talismans, and panacea used in his life in two treasure houses.

Then use the prohibition of the heavens to seal all the three-story inner caves, move mountains to replace mountains, and sink the entire cave into the seabed spring.

Other magic weapons are nothing more than that, among them there is a western treasure, Taibai Xuanjin Essence Qi, which I must obtain.Why don't we strike while the iron is hot and take the plunge. "

Zheng Bagu looked at him with a strange expression, and said, "Where did you get the Daoist scriptures? They all record things from many years ago.

That Pannao Immortal Mansion was born a long time ago, and now it is occupied by a couple of alien sects, Xianlongxuan and his wife.The cultivation base of the two of them is not very good, but the female fairy is the registered disciple of the Celestial Immortal Lu Yu of the Great Eastern Wilderness Southern Xingyuan.

This old woman is different from other seniors, other angels need some face, but she is unreasonable, but if you offend her, even if you are a mortal, you will never let it go. "

"Ah!" Meng Qiu was very depressed. Since the time travelling, the way to obtain treasures has not been smooth. The treasure house in the original book seems to have obtained the Haotian Mirror in the Holy Tomb of Qiaoshan Mountain and the Nanming Lihuo Sword in Daxue Mountain.

Finally, Yue'er Island erupted once, and I heard that after the Hanxu Immortal Mansion on the three-fold cliff in Taihang Mountain and the Ai Zhenzi Immortal Mansion in Jinshi Gorge, Panluo Immortal Mansion also fell into the hands of others.

The first two places are not a problem, the Taibai Xuan Jin Qi here is the necessary golden spiritual material for refining the Supreme Treasure Pantian Seal.

Now the Taiyi Yuanjing of wood, the snow spirit beads of water, the dry sky fire spirit beads of fire, and the god clay of earth's merits and virtues are all available, only one is missing.

Seeing that he was a little anxious, Zheng Bagu said: "If this matter is not necessary right now, you can wait for a while. When Master Gongye becomes an immortal, he won't be afraid of that old woman at that time, and then he will come to ask for it.

Anyway, we have a lot of treasures in our hands, at worst, we can take out a few and exchange them with Longxuan and his wife.I think the two of them are unwilling to easily offend a fairy. "

"That's the only way to go." Meng Qiu nodded and said, "There are only a few years left in the five-year agreement between me and the Emei Sect. Let's avoid this for now."

He no longer entangled in this matter, chose a direction with Zheng Bagu, and left with a sword.


More than two years passed by in a flash.

Here, on a remote island in the West Sea, two sword lights, one red and one gold, appeared in midair, like two dragons fighting fiercely.

Meng Qiu and Meng Qiu retreated for a long time, and each completed the sacrifice of the magic weapon in their hands.

In order to get acquainted with the newly acquired Feijian Tianhui as soon as possible, Zheng Bagu asked his companions to help him, compete in swordsmanship, and slowly adjust.

Naturally, Meng Qiu would not refuse, and it was rare that someone was willing to be a training partner.

Since his small success in swordsmanship, there is no one in the same realm who can compete with him in swordsmanship.

And after being promoted to Sanxian, he was able to use the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and this scope even expanded to the realm of Earth Immortal.

All kinds of sword techniques in the world can be used, such as the sword energy Leiyin, which can only be used after exhausting all mana, has become easier.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, it can be called the top.Even a master like Bai Guyi, the old man chasing clouds, would be hard-pressed to win if he did not rely on his profound realm and powerful mana.

Zheng Bagu's original intention was to sharpen the flying sword, but at the beginning, it was natural to suppress the mana, purely fighting with swordsmanship, no matter what, she was not Meng Qiu's opponent.

Within two months, there was a small fight every three days, and a big fight every five days, and none of them won.

Even if Meng Qiu didn't use the superb sword skills such as sword qi turning into rainbow and refining sword into silk, the victory was relatively easy.

After many fights, after Zheng Bagu was completely familiar with the Tianhui sword, she let go of her magic power and used all her strength, so that Meng Qiu was invincible in turn.But after many days of adaptation, they can come and go again.

After the day's fight, Zheng Bagu Xiaosheng couldn't help sighing: "Your talent in swordsmanship is really amazing. No wonder you have been reluctant to distract yourself from other spells, so that now you may not even be able to practice Bigu Pill well.

From my point of view, in today's world, the only people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you are Linghun Linghun, Ascetic Toutuo, Emei Headmaster Qi Shuming, and Xuanzhenzi, maybe they can also.But the only one who can beat you in swordsmanship is the real Bliss. "

Meng Qiu was not modest either, and said: "The poor god Linghun's swordsmanship, I saw it last time, is really exquisite. But when I reach his level, even if I don't use the Nanming Lihuo sword, he will not be my opponent.

As for Daoist Bliss, who can be respected by people all over the world, I really look forward to seeing it someday. "

Zheng Bagu's swordsmanship is not top-notch, and compared to the above-mentioned people, it is not bad at all compared to the famous masters of swordsmanship in Central China such as Baishui Zhenren Liu Quan, Zui Taoist, and Iron Man Taoist.

For a person as proud as her, she has repeatedly mentioned the swordsmanship of the real person of Ji Le, so she is really the best in the world.

After performing the sword, Zheng Bagu will continue to live in seclusion and practice the Great Five Elements Extinction Light.

But Meng Qiu was moved by the previous words, told the other party a leave, flew to the South China Sea, and planned to go to Ziyun Palace and Juping Island to inquire about the aftermath of Lu Rongbo's captivity.

Unexpectedly, driving Jianguang, just escaped from the West Sea, and went deep into the South Sea for less than ten thousand miles, suddenly a ray of light, shaped like a shuttle, rushed down from the sky above his head and stopped in front of him.

All kinds of clouds around were stirred up a little bit, and there was a burst of popping sound.

There was a hole in the middle of the brilliance, and a figure flew out. Seeing Meng Qiu, without saying a word, he shook his hands, and two streams of cold light shaped like a crescent moon shot towards him.

Meng Qiu suddenly felt the air-conditioning attack, and the murderous intent was strong, and he could detect it even thousands of feet away, so he didn't dare to ignore it, so he hurriedly sent Nanming Lihuo sword to intercept it with a raging flame.

The cold light didn't stop, it was white and blue, it was more than ten times and a hundred times stronger than ordinary flying swords, and it hit it forcefully.

With a bang, when the red light, white light, and blue light meet, the spiritual energy boils, and the sword energy shoots out, no matter whether the clouds in the sky or the sea below thousands of feet, everything is affected.

The sea seemed to be smashed down by a mountain, and countless sea waters were scrambling to splash, creating huge waves of thousands of feet.

The white clouds and dark clouds were scattered, the sky was clear, the scorching sun shone down, and the light shot into the waves, and the stars were scattered like cocoa gold.

Meng Qiu felt a tightness in his chest, he backed up a few hundred feet, and his heart sank.The enemy's mana is no worse than Bai Guyi's, and his swordsmanship is also very powerful.
The blow just now was chosen at the position where his flying sword couldn't turn around and had to hit head-on.

He shouted: "Who is here, report your name!" Since the other party made a sneak attack, there is no need for unnecessary condemnation or other nonsense.

This man stood in the air, middle-aged, with a handsome face, a long beard reaching his chest, dressed in a black Taoist robe, sewn with gold and silver threads, luxurious and simple.

This person took back the pair of magic weapons just now, his face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "I am Yi Zhou of Xuanguidian. With the body of a loose fairy, you can resist my pair of Taihao hooks. You really have a lot of skills. No wonder you dare to kill my grandson."

It is no wonder that Yi Zhou, one of the "Seven Truths", has such cultivation and sword skills. Meng Qiu was suddenly puzzled, and then asked, "Kill your grandson? Where did you start?"

When Riyue'er Island's lungs exploded, he was the first to leave, he just walked, he didn't dare to stay, he didn't notice that Yi Ding and Yi Zhen brothers were killed in the flames.

"Do you dare to do it but dare not admit it?" Yi Zhou drove the Taihao hook again.This is his treasure of refining demons, and it has been practiced for many years, its power is infinite, and it is not inferior to the world's top flying swords.

I saw a silver light strike again, this time with even stronger magic power, Meng Qiu couldn't resist it forcefully, so he raised his flying sword, turned into a wandering dragon in the air, focused on finding the tiny gaps in the opponent's sword technique, and immediately blocked it.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed, and Yi Zhou was unable to win. Yi Zhou's face was so dark that he could drip water.

On that day, Yi Jing fled back to the Xuangui Hall in embarrassment, complained about Yue'er Island's treasure hunting, and told the news of the death of Yi Ding and Yi Zhen's brothers, which shocked the entire family.

She originally had conflicts with Wei Qingqing, the wife of her brother Yi Sheng. The latter learned of the death of her two sons and was devastated.

At that time, Yi Zhou was practicing spells in retreat, and when he left the retreat, the family was already in dire straits.

After getting the specific news, in order to avenge his grandson, he personally went to Emei to ask for the spell of sensing the air and capturing the shape.

He also ordered his two concubines, Lin Mingshu and Lin Fangshu, and his daughter-in-law Wei Qingqing to gather enough magic power to track down Meng Qiu's location, and then used the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Repelling God Shuttle to rush over.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths God Shuttle to Dispel Demons is the treasure of the Xuangui Temple, and Yi Zhou easily does not show it to others.

It was made by him from the millennium-old refined iron under the sea, ground with the arctic ice for thousands of years, without using any pure yang fire, and shaped like a weaving shuttle.

When not in use, there are only 98 five-color steel sheets that are similar to willow leaves, only a few inches long, and have thin paper patterns.

Once made, these willow leaves will grow to three feet long, close up by themselves, envelop the person, with no gaps, let the user drive it, place it at will, go up to the world, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Yi Zhou is confident that this demon-dispelling God Shuttle will not be the best in the world, it is superior to other magic weapons, such as using it to chase enemies and capture people, avoid disasters and escape, it can be said to be unique in the world.

Although he was a bit boastful, he really had many magical effects. Once he used it, he rushed to the position indicated by the sensory energy capture and stopped Meng Qiu in a very short time.

(End of this chapter)

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