Chapter 157
The person coming from the blue and white light is a girl in white clothes, she is another disciple of Wu Nangong, and also his concubine, Sha Hongyan, the jade girl of Ziqing.

This woman has a slender neck, straight and thin shoulders, a slender body, and a graceful figure.

The most memorable thing is her surprisingly beautiful appearance, her face has sharp edges and corners, the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, and her eyebrows are sparse, which is no worse than any woman Meng Qiu has seen.

It's a pity that she has a faint greenness on her face, coupled with her cold and alienated expression, she looks a little strange, even if she doesn't have a leftist temperament, she still lowers her style a little.

"Senior Sister, I have been waiting for this opportunity for many years." Sha Hongyan spat out icy words, and said, "Why don't you give in, lie down obediently, let me kill, and fulfill Master and me."

She took back the three green five-poison flying knives, she saw no one else in her eyes except Grandma Taibai, glanced at the five-color light outside her body, and said with a cold snort:

"I knew that he said that he would expel you from the master's school, but he still missed the old feelings in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't have given you this dry sky gangshayan Luo secretly."

This group of magic weapon is born out of Wu Nangong's unique technique of Qiantian Gangsha Qi, which integrates attack and defense, which is very miraculous.

Although in terms of defense, it is not as good as the Taiyi Wuyanluo of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, or the Ruyi Wateryan Luo of Minshan White Rhinoceros Fairy Han, but ordinary magic weapons and flying swords are absolutely difficult to infringe, and it is not inferior to Meng Qiu's Yuqian Liuli.

In addition, it incorporates Wu Nangong's unique technique, wherever the stellar energy goes, no matter how strong the opponent is in hiding and how strong the defense is, it will be caught by the opponent, and it will be shattered at the time.

Grandma Taibai stretched out her hand and put her slightly disheveled hair behind her ears, then raised her head, exposing the neck of Shuang Saixue, and said proudly:

"After all, I am the original match. How can the friendship with the master be compared with that of an outsider like you?"

At this point, Sha Hongyan's face suddenly showed greenness, she gritted her teeth and said: "Shameless bitch, although you and I have started at different times, but you are of ordinary status, how dare you call yourself a big woman.

What's more, you have already been kicked out of the house, and the master randomly sent you some belongings, just because he was afraid that you would be bullied and lose his face. You really dare to climb up the pole. "

The two of them scolded each other for more than half an hour, trying their best to slander each other. The intensity made the battle between Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou on the other side pale in comparison.

At the end of the fight, even though the two were hostile, they both slowly lowered the frequency of their shots and pricked up their ears to eavesdrop.

During the quarrel between Sha Hongyan and Grandma Taibai, some private information was revealed from time to time, many of which were about the time when Wu Nangong crossed the Celestial Tribulation.

Most of them are just a few words, and the key point is about an evil method used by the Lord during the Heavenly Tribulation. Several concubines who had practiced the five-yuan reverse dragon and phoenix skill shared the Heavenly Demon's calamity.

Wu Nangong survived the catastrophe safely, but at that time, among the four daughters who were cultivating together, two Sanxians died at that time, only Sha Hongyan and Taibai Xianlao, who were of higher realm, survived, but they were also seriously injured and have not recovered so far.

Among them, Immortal Grandma Taibai's appearance was superimposed by 20 years in the moment after the catastrophe, from a slim girl to today's charming woman.

Sha Hongyan is also haunted by demonic energy, and her soul is damaged. Every day, she must go crazy and suffer all kinds of tortures.

Originally, the injuries of the two goddess souls could be healed, but the two kinds of elixir, Gupo Shenjiao and Jiuzhuan Dahuandan, belonged to the old man of Kuzhu, the Sanxian of Wuzhongling in Dahuang Mountain, and the unique thing of Lu, the Sanxian of Nanxingyuan, respectively.

These two are called the two elders of the Great Wilderness, and it took many years before they became immortals, and they both hated Wu Nangong, they let him talk whatever they want, ask openly and covertly, turn and ask, but they are determined not to agree.

Unable to do so, Wu Nangong had no choice but to ask Master Tianchi to come forward and ask for help from the Yimu spirit, Sang Xianmao, to obtain Liuwan Yimu Shendan, and to use the spiritual energy of the spirit wood to replenish the depleted primordial spirit, so that the two daughters barely recovered.

But the sequelae remained, and Sha Hongyan naturally couldn't get rid of the faint blueness on her face.She has always been conceited with her stunning beauty, which is greatly regretted, and her temperament has gradually become extreme.

Grandma Taibai was even more miserable, her face could not regress back to her youth, and she also shouted heartbreakingly at this moment: "If you hadn't provoked me, how could I have been forced out of Heijia Mountain Luoshen Ridge with my master's friendship for many years?"

"Who told you to become so old and ugly, how can you be worthy of being a master?" Sha Hongyan was also unwilling, and said: "It was obviously you who proposed to leave earlier, but you pretended to be wronged and wronged, showing a disgusting look of looking back at every step.

Since I want to leave, why don't I continue to be straightforward, and shamelessly hook up secretly, and the relationship is broken. "

At this moment, the two people on the other side could no longer fight anymore, they stood quietly in mid-air, watching the two girls continue to quarrel.

Meng Qiu looked at Grandma Taibai in surprise, she couldn't imagine that this woman used to be so scheming.

But Yi Zhou only thought about one thing in his heart, that there is a secret method in the world that can share the calamity of the gods and demons, which is really exciting.

Sha Hongyan continued: "I wanted to kill you a long time ago, I waited and waited for decades, and finally when you were in danger, I sent back the magic weapon of sound transmission.

Right now, the master is practicing a spell in retreat, so he won't be here so soon.This little time is enough, today is your death day. "

"Just relying on your little ability and the five poisonous flying knives? Stop dreaming!" Grandma Taibai just laughed, when she suddenly saw Sha Hongyan holding a jade leaf talisman, and then released a magic weapon, she exclaimed:
"Second Qi Ring? He actually passed the Second Qi Ring to you!"

Not only was she extremely jealous and angry, but also fear was born from the bottom of her heart, and her hands trembled a little.

These two qi rings are one of the six most famous ancient rare treasures in the hands of Wu Nangong, and their power is only lower than that of Luoshenfang, the treasure of Zhenshan.

Once this treasure is used, it will explode like a thunderbolt, and there will be no end to it unless it is recovered by the owner of the treasure.

Regardless of whether it is above or below the ground, any powerful magic weapon of flying swords, steel, rocks and soil will be smashed to pieces.It is necessary to destroy all the scenery in a place, turn it into ashes, and be empty on all sides, without any hindrance, and will not stop.

Sha Hongyan sent out the two air rings, at first it was just a light circle of blue and purple light surrounding her body, only a few feet in size.

In a blink of an eye, a light mist is formed, enveloping the whole body of the person, forming a blue and red air mass, which produces magical effects according to people's thoughts.At that time, the sharp light shoots fiercely, and it grows thousands of times dazzlingly, shaped like a sun disc.

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, the aura of this treasure is only about the same as the sun wheel of the five star wheels of the sun and the moon, it is not difficult to stop Taibai Immortal Grandma's body, but seeing her not daring to resist at all, looking like she is terrified and trying to escape, one knows that things are by no means so simple.

Sure enough, when she moved, Sha Hongyan activated the jade leaf talisman in her hand, and a halo of green and red colors flew up, and in a flash, the air mass burst into flames.

The air mass was originally suspended in the mid-air, about Zhang Zhang in size, it looked like a big blister, the phosgene was light and thin, it seemed soft and powerless.

But as soon as it unfolded, all the three people present were enveloped in it in an instant. As soon as Meng Qiu urged Qian Liuli, a blue light floated three feet away from his body, and the brilliance of the two auras suddenly changed from light to thick, and became real.

Yu Qian's colored glaze light rippled for a while, as if the lake was blown by a breeze.He hurriedly stabilized his figure and looked to the other side.Yi Zhou stood still, and his Dharma light kept circulating around him.

Sha Hongyan ignored these two insignificant people, and only used all the power of the two auras to attack Taibai Xianlao who was being dragged down.

On the condensed balloon, there are light clouds and electric swirls first, which are extremely bright and dazzling, like a red sun.The sparks of blue and red shot out, dazzling and long, completely filling the space where the phosgene was previously.

Just listening to the wind and thunder, the green clouds and lightning, the dry sky, evil smoke, and sparks of the enemy's precious light on Grandma Taibai's body exploded and shattered a large area at that time.

She was so scared that she shouted: "You two, why don't you make a move? This bitch has vicious thoughts. If he kills me, he will definitely blame you. Otherwise, if she doesn't come sooner or later, I will release the magic weapon for help?"

"Nonsense!" Sha Hongyan urged more mana, and the flames became more intense, completely enveloping the enemy. At first glance, the mist was only a thin layer, but when it was illuminated by the four outer treasures, the inside and outside were bright, and the whirring sound moved, just like alchemy.

Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou looked at each other, and although they were reluctant, they could only make a move.

No matter what Grandma Taibai said was true or not, but if she were to die in front of the two of them, with Wu Nangong's temperament, if he refused to do anything to Sha Hongyan, he would definitely anger the two of them.

Nanming's Lihuo Sword and Taihao Hook were released at the same time, divided into two sides, and slammed forward.

The air mass formed by the two air rings reacted immediately when encountering a strong attack, and there was a loud bang, the sparks of the precious light shook immediately, and the lightning flashed several times, creating a stormy sea.

Following the extraordinary brightness of the red light, the bursting flames, the roar of wind and thunder, the golden knife and the sound of the torrent echoed one after another, causing earthquakes and landslides for thousands of miles, and turbid waves transpiring.

Grandma Taibai also urged Qian Tiangang Shayan Luo from within, the sound of sneering was subtle at first, then one after another, and then became louder, like countless silkworms chewing on mulberry leaves.

Even though the power of the two qi rings was similar to the sun, moon, and five-star wheels, they were both top-notch, but in the face of three people's pincers, Sha Hongyan's cultivation was still a little bit worse, so she was naturally invincible.

Seeing that Baoguang was gradually pushed away and shrunk inward, she was furious, and shouted: "Where are these two savages, dare to meddle in the family affairs of Heijia Mountain Luoshenling?"

Granny Taibai got a chance to catch her breath, and immediately interjected: "A lowly maidservant with eyes but no pearls! One of these two is Master Yi Zhou, the master of the Xuangui Palace in the South China Sea and one of the Seven Trues;

They are all well-known figures in China and overseas, do you think you can fool them with your tricks?

If you don't accept the magic weapon, go back and confess to the master.His old man is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, maybe he will spare your life! "

Meng Qiu suddenly felt strange, this girl can talk and act, she is quite organized, she is not as innocent as before, it seems that she was really pretending just now.

Although Sha Hongyan was surprised by the origins of the other two, she still refused to give up, screaming: "I am Master's favorite woman, even if he kills you, he will not give me any punishment."

Still throwing out the two qi rings, the qi mass turned into a sun disc, and charged forward fiercely, blocked by the magic light on Nanming Lihuo sword and Taihao hook, although the opponent was shocked to retreat, it was already quite strenuous.

According to this situation, although Baoguang is still growing outwards, it seems to be imperceptibly blocked by a great potential, without the expected power, not as violent and fast as the master usually said.

After a while like this, the sparks were still surging, but under the joint efforts of the other three, they couldn't make any further progress, thus resulting in a stalemate.

At this moment, Sha Hongyan regretted it, and said bitterly: "Bitch, I shouldn't waste so much time talking nonsense with you."

She thinks that if she wants to use the second qi ring as soon as she comes up, if she fails to hit the opponent with one move, she will definitely succeed, so naturally she will not allow these two people to come out to disrupt the situation.

Seeing that things cannot be accomplished, thinking that Wu Nangong will come soon, he had to shake the jade talisman, mutter words in his mouth, and restrain all the flames that filled the sky with precious energy.

Of course Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou didn't know how to pursue them either, they each took away the flying swords.

At this time, suddenly a ball of cold and gorgeous five-color cold light flew out of Grandma Taibai's hand, and as soon as she let go, it was full of brilliance, radiant and magical, as fast as lightning, covering Sha Hongyan in a blink of an eye.

"Bitch! If I knew you were evil, didn't I know you had his Aurora Ball?"

Sha Hongyan was not surprised at all, but seeing the jade talisman flashed, sparks sparked everywhere, and a piece of bluish-white light flew out, covering the head, face and whole body, forming a young man.

The Aurora Ball is also a rare treasure in the Luoshen Ridge of Heijia Mountain. It is condensed from the cold essence of the two poles for thousands of years. It is so frozen that any fire will be extinguished immediately, but it will be futile if it encounters the defense of the two air rings.

Seeing that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, Grandma Taibai felt a little annoyed, secretly resenting her lack of cultivation, she did not give up, and even activated the magic weapon.

The cold light soared to the size of an acre, and there was a very clear blasting sound, and it exploded at that time, turning into a very large five-color crystal screen, with cherry tassels, cold light like electricity, colorful and magnificent.

As soon as it appeared, it carried a strange cold air, covering Sha Hongyan's protective magic light.

When water and fire meet, they are incompatible, and the sound of scoffing is loud. First, the cold light reduces the red light, and then the fire burns up, turning the cold air into mist, and it is hazy.

Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't walk, they looked at each other, and they saw the other's plan in the opponent's eyes, each changed a magic weapon, and raised his hand to hit it.

As soon as Han Bizhu landed in the air, green light burst out everywhere, suppressing the flames in the sky.Although this treasure is not as good as the two qi rings, the magic power of Yi Zhou is stronger. This treasure is also the qi that has been condensed for thousands of years. It is not surprising that water can defeat fire.

Meng Qiu also activated the dragon sparrow ring, and two female rings flew out, one red and one white, and the light was everywhere, absorbing all the five-color cold light from Grandma Taibai's aurora ball.

He shouted loudly and said: "Grandma Taibai, Sha Hongyan, if you don't want to stop and insist on implicating the two of us, it will be troublesome anyway. Believe it or not, we will join hands and kill you first to smooth out the traces. Even if the gods come, we will not see any problems."

Grandma Taibai heard the words and knew that the two were really angry, so she didn't dare to refute, so she took the lead to put away the aurora ball.

Sha Hongyan was furious, but seeing that Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou had been impatient for a year, she snorted coldly, urged the two aura rings, the light cloud and electricity swirled, the green and red auras changed from large to small, and turned into a beam of light, wrapping her tightly, and the electricity seemed to rush upwards.

I only heard a series of popping sounds going out, and all kinds of Dharma lights were pushed away, and the dazzling sound was heard far away, at least a hundred miles away, and disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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