Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 158 Concealment and Distortion

Chapter 158 Concealment and Distortion
Grandma Taibai watched Sha Hongyan go away with a smug smile on her face, then restrained herself, came over to salute Meng Qiu and Yi Zhou, and thanked them for their efforts.

Yi Zhou moved suddenly, stopped Meng Qiu, and said, "Grandma Xian, I have solved your troubles for you, now it's time to get down to business.

You and I will work together to get rid of this little thief.The previous promise is still valid, I will take his life, and you will get the Nanming Lihuo Sword. "

Meng Qiu was about to fly away with the sword, but Grandma Taibai said first: "What do I want Nanming Lihuo Sword for? Can it help me become a celestial being?"

I have always been quite self-aware, and my aptitude is not good. It is my master's favor and luck to cultivate to the Earth Immortal. I don't dare to think about it. I only wish to return to him and spend the rest of my life together. "

Yi Zhou failed to make a plan, so he made another plan, saying: "You can't use it, but Wu Nangong may not be useless. If you get this sword and offer it, if you don't know it, you will change your mind and welcome you back."

Grandma Taibaixian sighed and said: "Look at my current appearance, how can I compare to that little bitch. Even if I go back, I will be driven away in a short time, why bother.

Furthermore, I don't want Master to get this treasure, otherwise I would give him hope of ascension. With his temperament, he would either run around all day long and work hard, accumulating things to overcome calamity, make too many enemies, and lead to calamity; "

Unexpectedly, Yi Zhou couldn't help but get angry, and secretly said: "Women are really short-sighted. Wu Nangong is addicted to womanizing, and these two ignorant fools are dragging him down. He will not end well in the future."

Meng Qiu was a little strange, and said: "You pretended to be stupid before, obviously to trick Sha Hongyan into coming here, but now you can't fight back, but I don't think you are depressed, what did you do?"

Grandma Taibai smiled and said: "I had no intention of killing her. If she dies, I can't fascinate Master with my current appearance. Wouldn't it be cheaper for other goblins?

I just want to lure that bitch to make a move, so that Master can see her true face and feel disgusted.When I find the elixir to restore my appearance, I can replace it. "

Meng Qiu couldn't help rubbing his forehead and sighed, this woman became jealous, it was really a mountain road with eighteen bends, no tricks, it was impossible to guard against.

Grandma Taibai said: "Young man, you have helped me a lot, and I will fulfill my promise and protect you once. You go first, and this Xuangui Palace Master will stop you for a while."

While speaking, even without moving the magic weapon, he can actually send out the evil spirit of Qiantian Gang, filling the space, and giving off a majestic power.

Only then did Meng Qiu realize that she was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger just now. Although she is not good at swordsmanship, she has already mastered this kind of superb magic.It's impossible to beat Yi Zhou, but holding on for a while is far enough.

"Thank you!" He laughed loudly, set up the Nanming Lihuo sword, and walked away from the rainbow, jumping a few times, disappearing in an instant.

Grandma Taibai was concentrating and calming down, but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that Yi Zhou didn't move, and said:

"Thank you very much, Palace Master. But my master is coming soon. If you have nothing to do, you can leave first, so as not to cause trouble."

Yi Zhou didn't move, and said: "In the past, when I occasionally saw Wu Gong's demeanor, I only had a glimpse of it. It's rare to have this opportunity. I met him in the wild. I want to see it myself. I also ask fellow Taoists to recommend it."

Grandma Taibai felt that she was the only one complaining, and she was a little thin. Seeing that the other party took the initiative to stay, she felt happy and said:
"Hall Master's reputation is far and wide, and Master often praises it. I must be happy to see you."

Yi Zhou made a few polite remarks, and suddenly a blue aura passed through the sky like a rainbow, hanging straight towards him, and a tall and thin Taoist with black beard and green clothes appeared in a flash.

"Master!" Grandma Taibai immediately burst into tears, and threw herself into the opponent's arms.

The Taoist is naturally Wu Nangong, he quickly hugged her, with a soft tone and a little panic, said:

"Baibai, what's wrong with you? Why are you using the secret treasure of sound transmission? Could it be that someone bullied you? Is it this person?"

He turned his head, then stretched out his hand and flicked it, and immediately there was a big blue light towards Yi Zhou who was on the side.

When the blue light reached the sky, it grew violently, covering half the sky at that time, the raging waves were raging, the wind was flying fast, and the momentum was fierce.

"Mr. Wu, don't misunderstand!" Even if the other party hit casually, Yi Zhou didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly released Han Bizhu, shooting out a green light, like a strip of green silk, rolling forward.

As soon as it came into contact with the blue light, there were a few crackling sounds, but they all disappeared without any blocking effect.

He was horrified, seeing the blue light coming over him, he hurriedly exerted all his strength, the green light leaped hundreds of thousands of feet, turning the surroundings into ice cold, and charged forward.

Loud noises exploded one after another, blue light and green light exploded between the two of them, and huge waves crashed against the high cliff, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

"Huh!" Wu Nangong was a little surprised, and when he wanted to make another move, Grandma Taibai hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Master, you made a mistake, it wasn't this man who moved his hand, but..."

Tears rolled down like broken beads, as if extremely wronged, couldn't finish talking, couldn't help but burst into tears immediately.

Rao Wu Nangong's immortal cultivation base also panicked for a moment, and said: "Don't cry, don't cry, crying makes my heart ache, tell me what's wrong?"

Grandma Taibai didn't answer, she leaned on him, just shook her head and kept crying.

Wu Nangong had no choice but to look to the other side and asked: "I don't know Yougao's name, please forgive me for being a bit abrupt. I don't know if you know what happened just now?"

After Yi Zhou introduced himself, he was a little hesitant. After thinking about it, he had already offended Sha Hongyan anyway, so it was better not to offend another one, and said:

"Meng Qiu, a disciple of Ye Huang, the Taoist of the Hundred Birds, has a vengeance with me for killing my grandson. I used the magic of sensing energy and capturing the shape to track down this place, but I saw fellow Daoist Taibai fighting this little thief.

The Nanming Lihuo Sword that this person got from nowhere is so powerful that it seems that Fellow Daoist Taibai is invincible and retreats steadily.

I was ready to attack and kill the little thief. After fighting for a while, seeing that I was about to defeat him, suddenly a blue-red magic light directly attacked Fellow Daoist Taibai, and then Fellow Daoist Sha Hongyan showed his figure. "

He concealed the fact that Grandma Taibai pretended to be a fool and pretended to be dumb, and made him act to attract the other party to release the secret treasure of sound transmission, and distorted it into Meng Qiu playing tricks.

"Bai Bai, is what Palace Master Yi said true?" Immortal Grandma Taibai naturally ignored these details and nodded in agreement as she had achieved her goal.

Wu Nangong sighed, and muttered softly: "Honghong, why did this happen!"

He gave a slight salute to Yi Zhou, and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist. That Gongye Huang is really hateful, he made things difficult for me back then, and the disciples he teaches now are also so presumptuous.

I came here in a hurry just now, the red sword light is very blazing, it belongs to the little thief Meng Qiu, right?It's a pity he didn't stop him. "

He gritted his teeth, looking very angry.But Grandma Taibai knew him very well, knowing that she didn't want to be too entangled with Sha Hongyan, her eyes became redder and she felt even more wronged.

It's just that Wu Nangong's sweet words made her unable to resist, and she finally chose to forgive and put the rest of the matter on hold.

(End of this chapter)

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