Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 159 The Treasure of the Five Elements

Chapter 159 Treasure of the Five Elements
After Meng Qiu got rid of Yi Zhou, he didn't dare to continue wandering outside. He hurried all the way back to the deserted island where he lived in seclusion a few years ago. Seeing that Bagu Zheng was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Bagu was a little strange, and asked: "You have only been out for a day, why did you come back? Could it be that Cui Haike is not at home?"

With a wry smile, Meng Qiu explained the details of this business in detail.

Zheng Bagu sneered and said: "Yi Zhou is so shameless. His grandson lost his life, don't say it has nothing to do with you, even if he was killed by you, it was because of taking treasure, life and death depend on one's own ability.

Even if Emei encounters this kind of situation, she will still restrain herself, and will only send a few people of the same generation and the same realm to take revenge, why is he so unreasonable in Xuanguidian?

That being the case, when I have free time in the future, I'd like to come and see what's so great about his Yi family, how dare he be so presumptuous! "

After Yue'er Island took the treasure, she made up for her last shortcoming. Even if it is not as good as Yi Zhou, it is not too bad.If you can train your mana to be thicker, you will be able to match it.

Meng Qiu said: "It's not in a hurry. I've figured out most of his methods, next time we meet, just be careful, you can't win against him for the time being, and you can walk away.

It's just that it was so easy for him to find me, obviously he used the spell of sensing the air and capturing the shape.I heard that it will take three years to unravel this technique, and I don't know if it's just me who leaked it, or you and me together, I'm afraid the two of us will have to hide for another period of time. "

Naturally, he came back not to seek help from Zheng Bagu, but because he was afraid that Yi Zhou's soldiers would split into two groups and attack each other.

Zheng Bagu thought for a while, and said: "If it's really a magic of sensing the body, then this place can only be stayed once. Once Yi Zhou attacks and we block it back, next time it will not be just his family."

Meng Qiu sighed: "It happens to be the critical time for you to cultivate the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God. In this way, it will really delay the time."

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said: "It's not a problem, anyway, this kind of magic is very advanced, if you want to get started, you need at least five years of practice.

My aptitude in this way is not particularly high, maybe it will take longer, one year more or one year less, it is not a big deal. "

After becoming an immortal, Shouyuan is not so embarrassed, but it is not uncommon for him to have enough time to practice natal spells for decades.

Meng Qiu suddenly said: "This method is born from the supreme magic of Xuanmen, the Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle. If I have it as a reference, will I be able to practice faster?"

He has seen both of these spells, but with his current level of cultivation, he practiced them too reluctantly, so he didn't study them in depth, and he was naturally vague about the details.

"It's hard to say, but it's somewhat useful to be able to trace the source." Zheng Bagu said: "But it's useless to think about it. The Great Five Elements Annihilation Light Needle has been passed down from ancient times. I only heard that Saint Gu Kayin knew this magic.

But she has passed away for many years, leaving behind a magic wave pool in Yihuanling, which has not yet come to life.

The treasures hidden in it may not be better than Yue'er Island, but that land is an excellent paradise, in the middle of the earth, the heavens are forbidden, as long as the sacrifice is completed, you can escape into the void, which is much better than Qingluoyu.

As far as I know, the major sects such as Emei, Wutai, and many hidden old monsters, such as Wu Nangong, are all coveted.With them staring at us, our strength is a little shallow, but we can't compete. "

"If we have this cave, we don't need to hide here." Meng Qiu naturally thought about it, but he was not too greedy to fight.

He said: "We can't get the Magic Wave Pool, but the Great Five Elements Annihilation Light Needle is within easy reach."

Under Zheng Bagu's surprised eyes, Meng Qiu calmly took out the cultivation method of light acupuncture for the extinction of the five elements extracted from the "Huangdi Neijing", and said with a little satisfaction:
"A mere lack of talent is also a person who has inherited the ancient Taoism."

As for not disseminating the complete version of the Neijing, it is also very reasonable.Taoism is the foundation of personal practice, it is extremely secretive, and even the closest people cannot easily reveal it.

The technique is different, thousands of people face thousands of faces.Like Taiyi Shenlei, every family knows it, and people of the same realm also have thousands of differences.

Moreover, some powerful secret arts are not like the divine thunder and real fire that everyone can practice. They must follow the path of Taoism. They have a foundation in the past before they can learn it.

If there is a slight difference, you will not be able to practice the Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle, and you can only retreat to the next best thing to learn the divine light.

Zheng Bagu had known for a long time that his lineage had an extraordinary origin, but she never expected it to be so long.

She was not polite, took it, and immediately began to study it. After a few hours, she finally understood the general idea, and said with a happy face:
"It's really useful. After I think about it carefully, I will pass it on to you. In the future, I will practice the Great Five Elements Annihilation Light Needle. With your talent, with this technique alone, your combat power will definitely not be inferior to that of Shentuo Yixiu. Maybe you can even match the real person of Bliss."

Ever since Changmei Daoist ascended to the throne, Ji Le Daoist has become the number one master of Taoism, his power has shaken the world, and all juniors in the middle-earth practice world have grown up listening to his legend.

Even if he hadn't been born for many years, no one dared to underestimate him, even when many elders encouraged their disciples, they didn't dare to take him as a benchmark, they only hoped to be the elders of various religions or other celestial beings in the world.

Zheng Bagu can compare it, it can be seen that her appreciation and expectations for Meng Qiu have increased a lot as the other party exposed her own inheritance.

She asked again: "Here I mentioned a little bit, if you can find a treasure of the Five Elements to assist you, you can get twice the result with half the effort in your practice. You have always been sensitive to treasures everywhere, do you know where there are?"

This way of practice has been passed down for a long time. For example, those who practice Taiyi Shenlei mostly collect sky thunder as a guide; those who condense real fire must chase spiritual fire;

According to this, Wu Nangong found a shortcut for the cultivation of his unique spell, Qiantian Gang Sha Qi, which is to use Qian Tian Gang Sha Yan Luo to guide him.

But the five-element magic weapon is easy to practice but hard to master, because the principle of five-element generation and restraint varies with different spiritual materials, and it is extremely difficult to reconcile.It often consumes five times the material and effort, and may not be able to achieve one point of effect.

And at the end of treasure refining, combining the five elements is not more powerful than a single element. For example, the power of the sun, moon, five-star wheels, fire, cold, and magnetism are all top-notch, but they are not as good as Nanming Lihuo sword.

Meng Qiu thought for a while, and knew that the treasure house only remembered the names of some magic weapons, and their effects were all vague. Instead, he thought of another thing, and secretly said:
"I have been collecting the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains all along, just to condense the Fantian Seal.

Previously, I thought it was too troublesome to delay my practice, and with the Nanming Lihuo sword, I only found the essence of the three mountains in the north, south, and middle, so I didn't continue.

Although my cultivation base is increasing day by day, I am still far away from the realm of the earth fairy.It's an opportunity to practice this magic weapon.

In addition, after several rounds of collection, the spiritual materials for the next round of Qingxuan Sword have been collected, and they can be refined together. "

Then he opened his mouth and said: "I really can't think of where the treasure of the Five Elements is hidden, Heidao Gorge? Magic Wave Pond? Ziyun Palace? Kongtong Mountain Daxiong Treasure House? Minshan White Rhino Pond? It seems that there is none.

Maybe Emei Lingcui Peak and Guangcheng Jinchuan have hidden treasures, but they can't get in, and they can't quench their thirst because they are far away. "

He raised his fingers, every time he said something, Zheng Bagu's eyelids twitched.

Most of these places are owned by their owners, even if they rob them by force, it is far beyond their ability, even if Gong Yehuang is added.

If there is no owner, there will only be more people who care about it.For example, the location of the Daxiong Treasure House is known to everyone, and the three holy monks of Buddhism pay attention all the time. Even Xuanyuan Dharma King, a top figure in the leftist way, moved aside early, waiting to be opened.

After Meng Qiu finished counting, Zheng Bagu sighed and said: "It seems that you don't know, otherwise, with your temperament, you would have taken me to get it long ago. Also, how can you get the five elements treasure like that."

"You underestimated me again." Meng Qiu smiled and said, "I just don't know where to find it, but it's not that I don't know how to refine it."

Telling my plan to Zheng Bagu, the other party naturally supported me, saying: "Very good. Anyway, we are being hunted down, so we can't stop, so let's collect the essence of the Five Sacred Mountains first."

(End of this chapter)

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