Chapter 161

Huangshan has four thousand feet and 36 lotus peaks.

Danya confronts each other, standing like pillars.The rounded and flat top is like a stalk that has not yet stretched out; the open top is like a hibiscus that has blossomed.

In comparison, Hong Zhenwu's pond of lotus on Qinghe Island, even though there were thousands of them, seemed stingy.

Meng Qiu followed Zheng Bagu to this place, stopped on the clouds, looked at it for a while, and then quietly fell down, plunged into the clouds, and dazzled into the forest.

But seeing the solitary peak is clear and steep, standing like a pen, overlooking the pine gully, the clouds are steaming and the mist is thick, like a dragon dancing, the depth is unknown.

"The five cloud steps fall on the other end of Wenbi Peak. It was originally the coldest place in the mountain, but also the most mysterious place. My uncle Sani Pandu lived in seclusion here."

Zheng Bagu found a path that no one had ever stepped on, and led the way ahead, walking and saying:

"Master Emei Fanxia opened up a Befu on the other side of Wenbi Peak, but she never knew there was such a neighbor. Uncle Master doesn't want to be disturbed by others, so we have to be more cautious."

After a short walk, the road is already lonely and dangerous, and it is impossible to climb.

In front of you, there are many green hills, undulating hills, steaming clouds, flying waterfalls and flowing springs. The scenery is very beautiful, but the empty mountains are silent, except for the ancient jackdaws and the pines in the valley, there is no popularity.

Bagu Zheng calmly took out a jade tablet, shook it lightly, a little golden light escaped into the air, leaped forward, and flew into the nearby stone wall.

Immediately, the stone wall rippled like a lake surface blown by the wind, and then suddenly opened in the middle, revealing a corridor.

The two stepped into the cave at leisure, and just as soon as they entered, the restraint behind them closed immediately, and when viewed from the inside to the outside, there was only a transparent film of light separating them.

Thirty zhang ahead, there is a ten zhang high hall, but there is only one room, more than twenty zhang long and wide, empty, not even a stone couch, just a futon in the middle.

A middle-aged Taoist nun, sitting cross-legged on a futon, was small and thin, wearing a white linen dress, with a slightly old yellow leather gourd around her waist, and a dust whisk on her lap.

Her face is as white as jade, thin and bony, without a trace of blood, her expression is very solemn, and she has a kind of power, her eyes are shining brightly, and she is focusing on the faces of Meng Qiu and Meng Qiu, which makes people feel awe.

"Bagu, I knew you wouldn't die." She looked like a dead tree, but her voice was clear, like a phoenix, and said:

"More than 30 years ago, Yufeng came to this place wearing a cassock to look for your whereabouts. I said that although Junior Sister Youtan's Dharma is powerful, your heart is as hard as iron. Even if you are injured, you can eventually save yourself from danger."

Before Meng Qiu came, I heard from Eighth Aunt Zheng that Sleepy Pandu was originally a Buddhist, because he violated the two precepts of anger and killing, he had a strong personality, and hated evil like hatred, so he was expelled from the door by his master, and changed to another place to worship under the immortal door, and changed his Taoist attire.

I only know that she later became the senior sister of Yehuang, the Taoist of Baiqin, but she didn't expect that she was the senior sister of the god Ni Youtan.

"Actually, I also narrowly escaped death. If I hadn't been lucky enough to find the place where the Xue Po Orb condensed by the Mystic Ice Elite was buried, I'm afraid I would have gone mad and died."

Zheng Bagu went on to say: "That's how it is. If you are not lucky enough to get Meng Qiu's help, you also almost lost your life at the hands of that wicked poisonous dragon. That's really a joke."

"Meng Qiu?" Pan Du said, "Is that the boy next to me? Is he your disciple?"

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said: "Friend Daoist Meng is so talented, I have only seen him in my life, and in the future he will only be another real person of blissful joy. I am not worthy to be his master."

Only then did Pan Du's face change, and he was a little moved. He stared at Meng Qiu for a while, and then slowly said:

"The vitality is restrained, the divine light is clear, and it is also a heritage, but it is not the same path as you.

Ba Gu, you have always been proud, even if you are a real old man, there are quite a few that you don't see in your eyes.To be able to say such words, this young man seems really extraordinary. "

Meng Qiu was waiting for a few words of modesty, but Pan Du turned his head and said, "I should have died more than 60 years ago, and I have been lingering until now, just to hear the news of the opening of the Lianshan Treasure House.

Ba Gu, you are here this time, you must have brought me good news.If you miss this time, there will be no next time. "

She spoke the last sentence very lightly, her eyes were like bright stars, and they shot several feet away.

Eighth Aunt Zheng didn't speak for a moment, she saw the precious umbrella in her hand, turned it lightly, and black light filled the whole hall immediately.Seeing the blue light jump again, the Tianhui sword jumped into the black light, swimming smoothly like a fish.

Cai said: "Yufeng took the Yi lightsaber; Qingning fan and Xuanguang ruler are in the hands of Uncle Gongye; it was Meng Daoyou who ventured into the ground to get treasures, and separated Li Hegui and Longquehuan."

"Hahahaha!" Pan Du laughed loudly, said "Okay" several times, smiled, his eyes streamed down, and said: "Is Yue'er Island sinking?" His voice trembled slightly.

"It's sinking!" Zheng Bagu somewhat understood the other party's mood, sighed deeply, and said, "Fortunately, the treasure has been taken, Master Gongye will be promoted to Celestial Immortal in a few days, and the Lianshan Sect is still continuing."

"Senior brother Gongye is finally going to take this step? It's hard for him." Pan Du was silent for a while, then collected his mood, and said:

"If it wasn't for protecting Lianshan's treasure house, he wouldn't have been injured, and he wasted so much time for nothing."

In the last treasure hunting battle, she was already in the current state, and it was difficult to show up. The only remaining master of the Lianshan Sect was Gong Yehuang, who fought for nine days and nine nights and fought against all directions. Although he drove all the enemies away, he was also seriously injured.

If not, with Gongyehuang's talent and inheritance, he should have become a fairy decades ago, and he didn't even need so many magic weapons to prepare.

"Although the master is dead, the sect has finally established itself, and there are friends everywhere. You can't ask him to prepare everything, so what's the use of these juniors?"

Everything Pan Du wished for has come true, and he let go of his knots, he said: "As for the Lianshan Sect, it's just a thought in our old guys' minds, it doesn't really matter whether it exists or not.

You go to see Senior Brother Gongye again and pass a message for me, tell him not to be obsessed with this anymore, once he is promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, he should prepare to ascend early and not stay in the human world.

Master Lian Shan was too persistent back then and refused to die for a long time, which resulted in the disaster of ascension being too severe, so he ended up like this. We should learn from it. "

Zheng Bagu and Meng Qiu looked at each other, and quickly said: "Master, can you explain to me and Meng Daoyou that there is no harm in the immortals staying in the world and not leaving?"

"Your master left too early, it's really time for us as uncles to teach her." Pan Du nodded and said:

"I won't talk about the details of the Tribulation of Immortals, after all, I'm not one, and what I know is all recorded by the predecessors, so it's better to wait for Senior Brother Gongye to explain it later.

But after becoming a fairy, it is not without disasters and difficulties.Before ascension, every 180 years, there will be a catastrophe.The first time was no worse than the Celestial Tribulation, and every time it came later, it was more powerful than the previous one.

There are very few who can become celestial beings, and it is even rarer to see those who can live in the world. It is because the powerful characters, in order to avoid multiple catastrophes, ascended early;

You said just now that this boy is expected to become the second real person of bliss, why am I surprised.Gein is the number one real person in the world, neither because he was shot, nor because anyone touted it, but because he has survived many tribulations and displayed high abilities.

Since he became a celestial being, counting the time, he has gone through three celestial tribulations, and soon the fourth time will come.And ordinary monks, even once, are trembling.

For example, the two elders of the Great Wilderness, the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu, are famous, but they just hid in the Great Wilderness Mountain for many years just to prepare for the first catastrophe of the immortals.It has not been many years since their catastrophe, and they don't know if they can survive it safely.

At that time, Master Lianshan became a celestial being early. In order to cross the alien sect, he set up another sect and refused to ascend to the end. The fourth calamity of heaven and the calamity of ascension were superimposed, which attracted all demons to block his way.

Otherwise, with his old man's talent and strength, he would naturally be able to soar as easily as his two senior brothers, Daoist Taiyuan and Daoist Yu Sanzi. "

Speaking of this, Pan Du sighed heavily, and said: "After all, it's useless for me to wait, if the master has a successor like Daoist Changmei, what is there to worry about in this mortal matter?

After all, there was a Deng Yin, but he was still taken one step ahead by Xi Sanzi, and he was not willing to live overseas with the master.

As for the later Taiyi Hunyuan, he is the most talented monk among the monks I have seen, except for Master Changmei. Unfortunately, he also came too late, and he had some disagreements with the master.

Even so, the master still has the meaning of passing on the mantle.It's a pity that his cultivation was not enough at that time, and he didn't have the slightest prestige. After being ridiculed by several senior brothers, he left angrily.

Otherwise, if he is there, the Lianshan Sect may not necessarily fall apart. "

Zheng Bagu knew about the relationship between Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch and Lianshan Sect, but she didn't expect it to be so deep.

Speaking of this, Pan Du couldn't help laughing and said: "He is naturally different from that short boy Bai Guyi, and he still has a lot of friendship with me, otherwise you and Yufeng have been messing around in Wutai Mountain several times, how could he let go of it gently.

Speaking of his talent, he must be a fairy now.I don't know how many calamities have passed. "

Although Master Tuotuo had shocked Meng Qiu in the previous sword fight at Qingluoyu, and he even had a high opinion of his teacher Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, but no matter how he imagined it, he didn't think he could reach the heavenly immortal.

You must know that Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch is not very old, and it is still unclear who is older or younger than Xuan Zhenzi, the head disciple of Changmei Daoist.

The latter has been taught by a famous teacher since he was a child, and he has not yet reached the threshold of a fairy, but if the former has successfully passed the tribulation, it would be too amazing.

No wonder Pan Du skipped the real person of Ji Le, and allowed him to be the one with the highest talent under the real person with long eyebrows.

However, there was not much conflict between the Wutai faction and the two, no matter how powerful Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was, it only made Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu sigh, so they put it aside and asked about the migration of mortals around Mount Tai back then.

"Speaking of this incident, the deeds of the characters are well-known in the mortal world, but the details have long been distorted."

Pan Du really knew some inside information, and said: "Ten thousand years ago, the catastrophe of heaven and earth came. At that time, there were many connections between the spiritual world and the mortal world, and the last Golden Immortal wanted to transfer the catastrophe to the mortal world.

The former emperor was in Zhuanxu, and he ordered South Zheng to focus on the sky, and North Zheng Li to rule the land. They worked together to cut down the trees and cut down the sky.

Although the catastrophe still caused great damage to the mortal world, but after all, the fire was left behind and has not been cut off.

It's just that since then, the aura in the mortal world has been less supplemented by the fairy world and has become thinner. The number of aliens and monks has dropped greatly, and they have to avoid living in the mountains.

Most of the Taoism we learn today are improved by the predecessors at that time.

Three emperors and five emperors, Shang Tang replaced Xia, Zhou died and Qin Xing.Until Qin Shihuang, after unifying the world, he was in power, and he was no longer satisfied with a lifespan of less than a hundred years.

Because he has not cultivated immortality, there is no medicine for immortality in the world.So he tried in vain to rebuild Jianmu, so as to reach the sky in one fell swoop and live forever.

Rewarded with ten thousand gold, he searched the world with hundreds of thousands of ways, and found out that there was an unknown woodcutter on Dongyue Taishan. He got a copy of "Shan Hai Jing", which was written by an immortal in the time of King Mu of Zhou.

So the First Emperor assumed the pseudonym Dongfeng, and went to usurp it with the trick of the demon Shi Gou.Because the nameless woodcutter has completed his way, four or five out of ten cannot be harmed by water, fire, swords and soldiers, and he is afraid of revenge afterwards, so he dug traps in advance and secretly used demons to prepare a monument without words.

Then he summoned the woodcutter to present the book as a gift from the national teacher.

But Taoism is the foundation of Taoist practitioners, how can they give it out at will and hand over the handle to others?The woodcutter believed that the first emperor could not kill him, and scolded him angrily.

The first emperor was so angry that he immediately asked the demon Shi'e to launch a trap, suppressed him with a monument without words, and then forced him to ask the whereabouts of the scriptures.

The woodcutter was frightened and begged for help. After the first emperor promised to get the book, he would let him go. Then he handed over the "Shan Hai Jing" and hid it among the stone walls of the cave where he lived.

But the first emperor got the Taoism, but did not keep his promise, and ordered Shi E to activate the forbidden law and kill the woodcutter.

Later, when he excitedly found Prime Minister Li Si, who knew the ancient seal script of insect script, to explain it, he realized that except for the Dao method in the first volume, it only briefly contained the origin of spiritual grass and the method of refining, and the rest were mostly mountain and sea birds, beasts, insects and fish.
Although Jianmu is also recorded, there are only descriptions of its appearance, such as "its leaves are like Luo, but in fact it is like a luan, and its wood is like a scorpion", without the actual location.

The first emperor was furious, hated Wu and Wu, and wanted to kill all the mortals in Qilu to vent his anger.

At this time, Qiaozi had a good friend, Xu Fu, a celestial being born in Langya County, Qidi.

The first emperor believed it, listened to his suggestions, demoted the mortals in Qilu land as sinners, built a big ship, and went to the East China Sea.

Xu Fu had a unique heart, and he clearly wanted to build a ship, but in fact he gathered all the monks here to refine a treasure together.

First try to move all the spiritual realms of the Heavenly Blessed Land in Taishan Cave into the boat, then take away most of the land veins for maintenance, and make a magic ship capable of carrying all the Qilu people, and take the population of this place to the South China Sea to take root.

Mount Tai lacked the suppression of the spiritual realm, and without the earth veins to dredge the spiritual energy of the world. A good place like Qilu with outstanding people has become a place of absolute spirit that monks are least willing to go to.

Going there, all the magic power is consumed, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth cannot be obtained, and it all depends on the accumulation of the monk himself.

Hugh Dharma treasures, even the body protection method is difficult to use, a little carelessness, even the earth immortals will be in danger, and over time, it will become a forbidden area. "

(End of this chapter)

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