Chapter 162 Wordless Monument
Only then did the two of them suddenly realize that if Mount Tai was said to be a unique spirit, it would indeed be extremely dangerous for monks.

Even if they are earth immortals, if they are restrained by the wordless monument, once they can't fly, they will certainly not be afraid to meet ten or hundreds of mortals, but if thousands or tens of thousands besiege them, they will be killed if they exhaust their strength.

For Meng Qiu, this is not a big problem, as long as the identity is not exposed, who will care.Besides, he has a chaotic embryo, so he doesn't need to rely on external forces when necessary.

It's just that if Mount Tai can't gather spiritual energy, it means that the spiritual veins in the entire mountain will be destroyed, and the earth's energy will be deposited and unable to circulate. The possibility of Dongyue's essence is very small.

Although there is this worry at the moment, it needs to be seen on the spot to know the real situation.

"Ten-thousand-year catastrophe?" Zheng Bagu was a little puzzled, and asked, "What kind of catastrophe is so severe that even the spirit world can't stand it?"

Pan Du said: "I just heard Master Lian Shan and a few senior brothers mention it, as for the actual situation, I don't know much about it. I only know that every ten thousand years, there will be a catastrophe in the world, and it is difficult for immortals and ordinary people to escape.

The last time because of Emperor Zhuanxu's extreme power, I don't know what kind of catastrophe happened.Going forward one more time, on the contrary, the ancient great sage recorded that it was the decay of aura.

Originally, when the human race was only in the mother's womb, it was like soaking in a spiritual spring. After three years and six months of giving birth, it would be able to practice qi without training.

By the time they reach adulthood, they already have the mana equivalent to today's Foundation Establishment, and even those with extraordinary talents have the cultivation base of a Sanxian.

After the catastrophe, the human race began to degenerate. Although most people can still embark on the path of Qi training, they can no longer achieve supernatural powers like their ancestors, and even how many people stop here, and it is difficult to make progress in life.

Because of this situation, many sages of the human race were unwilling to be trapped, so they came up with a method of cultivation.

Later, the great sage Guangchengzi picked up the strengths of all the families, set up Taoism, practiced alchemy and cast utensils, and founded Xuanmen, and only then did the world of practice flourish today. "

Meng Qiu suddenly remembered that when he asked Taoist Tie Mao for advice, the other party once said that in ancient times, the heaven and earth were full of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy washed over his body when he breathed. Therefore, everyone is like a dragon, and it should be when the spiritual energy has not declined.

Thinking of this, he was terrified, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, I have heard half of the Wudang masters say that the catastrophe is imminent. Could it be that the next ten-thousand-year catastrophe is coming soon?"

Zheng Bagu deduced forward silently, the past is vague, but according to the records of the mortal history, Zhuanxu is no more than 3000 years ago.

"It's almost there?" Pan Du sighed, and said, "I remember Master Lian Shan once said that the catastrophe only lasted for a few hundred years.

The ancient emperors, who were half human and half god, took Jiazi as their year, and today they live sixty years, which is one year old.It wasn't until Jedi Tiantong that the bloodline slowly degenerated.

Therefore, after Emperor Zhuanxu, the ages of Emperors Ku, Yao, and Shun were already confused. Although they never reached 60 years or less than one year old, they were also very different from the current chronology. "

Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu couldn't help but look awe-inspiring. If the time master Lian Shan said was true, the two of them might encounter this catastrophe of ten thousand years.

Pan Du seemed to have thought of this too, looked at the two worriedly, then suddenly smiled again, and said:

"Go to rest, go to rest. I can't even get through today, why worry about these things?

You two, do you have anything else to ask?Ask while I have my last breath. "

How did the two get out of the question, Zheng Bagu moved his mouth, and swallowed the persuasion again.

Even if you take out the panacea, so what if you give the other party another three to five days of life?It's not the same as dying, which only increases troubles!

She and Meng Qiu both shook their heads, Pan Du just slapped the yellow leather gourd, a dark green brilliance flew out of it, fell into Zheng Bagu's hands, and said:
"Before I lived in seclusion, I gave other things to others, but this Yuqing Immortal Talisman can protect the mind of a cultivator, so I kept it by my side to save my life.

I don't need it now, so I leave it to you.Remember to bring those words to senior brother Gongye and tell him to ascend in time.

Furthermore, after I leave, you use your magic power to burn me into fly ashes, put me in this cave, and fill it with rocks so that no one will disturb you.

But this forbidden law will also disappear after I die, you two pay attention to the senior nephew Fan Xia next to me, lest she find out and come to dig my grave out of curiosity. "

Eighth Aunt Zheng nodded silently, feeling a little sad in her heart.

This Uncle Martial Artist is also an extremely talented person. If he hadn't been injured, he would be a god.Even if you are seriously injured and live here in seclusion, your neighbors will not notice.

She carefully put away the Yuqing Immortal Talisman, and saw that Pan Du's eyes were full of divine moons, with a flawless brilliance, and he chanted:
"What is the weight of the broken moss clothes, 36 hibiscus in the dream. The peach blossoms flow away, and it is difficult to name it as a certain peak."

After reciting, close your eyes, smile on your face, and die suddenly.

The two stood still for a while before saluting together.Zheng Bagu shot out a flame, which landed on Pan Du's body and instantly turned into ashes.

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and moved, a wisp of earth energy was drawn out, gathering earth and rocks, and slowly filling the cave.

When the two of them went out of the cave, the restriction just disappeared, and the place was completely filled, there was no difference from when they first came here, as if it was natural.

There are sixteen crossings of the winding stream, and the green mountains stand like peaks in the clear sky.

The two returned on the same road, and went around to the foot of another mountain before leaving in the air.


Riguan Peak of Mount Tai, the sky was already dark at this time, and when I looked up, the last quarter moon was covered by dark clouds, and the earth was dark.

The mountain road is rugged and full of ferocious animals. No one dares to go up the mountain at this time.

Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu are not mortals, although they can hardly feel the aura, but their bodies have gone through many times of training, they are hundreds of times stronger than martial arts masters who specialize in physical training, and they are not afraid.

The two of them had been in this area for several days. They started to investigate from the foot of the mountain. As expected, there were no spiritual veins inside, and the spiritual energy could not gather. The whole building was just piled up with ordinary stones and soil, and there was no magic.

After a few days of getting used to it, I climbed a few more hills, but without gaining any results, and then took advantage of the dark to go to the top of the Jade Emperor, the wordless stele erected by the first emperor.

This road is ordinary and almost no one dares to go up it. It is even worse at this moment. The further you go, the scene becomes darker.

The two walked quickly, and soon reached a secluded place.The cliff on the right has come to an end, and after more than ten steps forward, the cliff suddenly breaks, revealing a gully, leaving only the peak and cliff on the left, a distance of more than [-] zhang to complete the valley path.

"After walking for a long time, I haven't seen any jackals, tigers or leopards." Meng Qiu smiled and said, "According to the time, I haven't tasted the taste of mortal food for many years."

But Zheng Bagu took out the black light umbrella from the treasure bag, stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and said: "The beast knows the time and situation best, the dark clouds are heavy, it will rain soon, and it's night, how can they come out."

Before the words were finished, the golden snake in the sky on the right seemed to strike two lightning bolts in a row. The place where the lightning was shining was as thick as clouds and mountains.Immediately after the sound of thunderbolts, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and the heavy rain fell like arrows and locusts hitting them head-on.

Fortunately, the umbrella was quite big, enough to cover two people.Turning around the bend of the terrain, we arrived at the peak. Looking back, we can see that there are chaotic mountains everywhere except for a flat land full of weeds in front of the peak.

Several buildings can be seen far away on the mountain. It is estimated that they are altars built by emperors of all dynasties, or Taoist temples established by Taoist monks.

The two continued to move forward, and there were several forests in between. The grass and trees had all turned yellow in autumn, and there was no trace of people. Compared with the scenery on the road, they were even more desolate.

Walking in front of the Jade Emperor Temple, I saw a stone tablet nine feet high, five feet wide, and nine feet thick.The color is yellow and white, like stone but not stone, like jade but not jade, and the shape is simple and vigorous.The strange thing is that there is no word on the tablet.

The two knew that this was probably what Pan Du said, the unwritten monument left by Qin Shihuang back then.

Meng Qiu observed for a while, and found that the material was absolutely extraordinary.Stretch out your hand to find it, and your hand is rough and cold, and it is no different from ordinary mountain rocks.It seems that this monument has no spiritual support and has fallen into an ordinary thing.

But he still didn't dare to ignore it. Gain learned from inquiries a few days ago that whenever the sun shines, the stele shines brightly, and the golden light hits the eyes. There seem to be a few lines of seal characters in the stele, which are blurred. There are far-sightedness, but no short-sightedness. It is very strange.

With this status quo, it is clear that some functions still remain.

Meng Qiu was about to enter the Dharma Qi to explore, but after thinking about it, he planned to ask Zheng Bagu to stay away, and then took out Yu Qian Liuli to guard against it.

Unexpectedly, the treasure bag seemed to be useless, and could not be opened. I tried many times, but it was still the same.

He hurriedly told Zheng Bagu about this situation, and the latter was the same, not only could not take out the second magic weapon, he could not even use the black light umbrella in his hand, it seemed to be an ordinary umbrella.

After trying to mobilize mana one after another, not only could it not be released from the body, but even the slightest drop could not be stored in the body, which made me shocked.

The two of them could still use mana before they came here, but they were sealed here, silent, and they couldn't even sense it at all, it was terrifying.

At this time, the rain has poured down, falling on the eaves of the temple, and flying down along the tiles, the moisture is overwhelming, adding a lot of coolness.

Only now did the two realize that the trouser legs had been soaked with rainwater.

"What should I do?" Meng Qiu already had the thought of leaving, and was a little unwilling.

The only place on Mount Tai that is rumored to be miraculous is this wordless monument.If there is no essence of Dongyue here, then there is no need to think about other places.

Zheng Bagu frowned and said: "Wait. Isn't this stone only magical during the daytime? Let's see if there will be any changes."

The rain became heavier again, so the two went to the southeast Riguan Peak and took shelter in the Yingxu Pavilion.

As soon as I entered, I saw Mount Tai in the distance, surrounded by misty clouds, and a shadow of a high mountain appeared faintly.As far as the eye can see, there are piles of white smoke rising from the mountainside, and there are ten or twenty waterfalls of different sizes shining white, flowing around the mountain.

"It's been a long time since I've lived like this." Eighth Aunt Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

She was also born in the mortal world, but her parents died when she was young, and the clansmen forced her to throw herself into a well to fulfill her filial piety in order to occupy her family property.Naturally, she refused to follow suit, and escaped into the deep mountains by taking advantage of her unpreparedness, and suffered a lot.

"At that time, I encountered a fierce tiger unfortunately, relying on a branch, I had to fight for my life. Fortunately, Yufeng ran into it by accident, and scared it away with superficial magic power, so I survived.

Later, Yufeng led me to see her master, and after being introduced, I worshiped under her teacher and practiced Taoism.Even though I was young at that time, I started in three months and built the foundation in three years.

When I grow older, I will return to the clan and kill those who persecuted me back then, as well as those who were favored by my parents but stood by and watched.

When Master found out about this, he was very angry. He not only punished me, but almost kicked me out of the sect.

It was Yufeng who begged her teacher hard and came to intercede, so that her teacher took back her order, and I was only forced to face the wall for ten years.

Last time, it was also because I provoked the Buddhist sect first that she was captured by Utan and returned to become a nun.

Counting time and experience, I really owe Yufeng too much in the past 200 years. "

It was the first time for Meng Qiu to hear Zheng Bagu talk about the past, and she was very emotional, and felt that there were many lumps in her heart that she wanted to vomit.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and there was a thunderbolt, and a large group of thunder and fire struck from the sky, hitting the halfway up the mountain, illuminating the waterfalls in the rain, as bright as lightning.

The sky was full of wet clouds and the curtain was low, without any warmth at all.Meng Qiu was taken aback in horror, looking at Zheng Bagu who was still sad about the spring and autumn, and said in a deep voice:

"Bagu, something is wrong, you should calm down and don't get caught up."

Zheng Bagu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately her face changed drastically.She has always been strong, even if Meng Qiu is her best friend, she will never behave like a child and confide in her thoughts.

What's more, with her unrestrained vigor, she only cares about Yu Luocha and Chen Yufeng. You are me, and I am you. They are intimate with each other. How can there be so much guilt?

She let out a long breath and said: "That stone tablet is really weird. Let's go first and come back in the daytime!"

Regardless of the heavy rain, the two wanted to go back.When I was about to go down the mountain, I suddenly felt empty in my heart, as if if I took this step, I would say goodbye to the closest person forever, and it was extremely difficult to let go.

Those who are dejected and ecstasy, just don't say goodbye!
Tried again and again, my heart became stronger than aching, and it was difficult to get off the ground.

But both of them were as hard-hearted as iron, they ignored it, but when they took the first step, and then took the second step, it seemed as if thunder could fall from the sky at any time, and a great terror descended.

Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu looked at each other, sighed, took their feet back and walked back slowly, saying, "If it's raining, I'll stay if you stay here."

I went back to the Sunrise Pavilion on Riguan Peak and meditated until the morning of the second day, an hour after sunrise, when the rain stopped.

At the same time, the wind blew up, filling the sky with wet clouds galloping across the sky like galloping horses.Looking at the mountains on the opposite side, the top of the mountain has already appeared, but there is a cloud and mist on the mountainside, which is gradually blown away by the strong wind.

The sun had already penetrated the cloudy sky, and after a while the fog cleared and the clouds disappeared, showing a pale color.After the rain, the sun is particularly bright, and the mountain on the opposite side is more majestic and beautiful, with a solemn atmosphere.

Only then did the two get up, ready to go to the wordless monument.

This heavy rain is rare. Once the rain stops, water will pour down everywhere. If you only hear the sound of water at the bottom of the mountain, you don’t feel it. The scenery is very different when you are at a high place.

There are hundreds of flying springs and silver waves, like dragons and snakes scurrying all over the mountains, bead curtains and horses are scattered far and near, the sound of springs is like thunder, roaring and roaring, thousands of mountains and ravines respond together, deafening, as if large mountains are shaking.

After the rain, the sky is clear, blue for thousands of miles, the sky is blue and white, and the mountains are covered on a sunny day.

Occasionally, there are a few trees with red leaves standing between the mountains and waters, embellishing the autumn scenery in front of you more and more brilliantly.

The two of them were shocked and stopped still, when they saw patches of white clouds swaying and fluttering among the red trees on the cliffs due to the wind. They were only thirty or fifty feet away from them.

(End of this chapter)

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