Chapter 164
Zheng Bagu raised her eyebrows and said, "Senior, what does this mean?"

"This mountain is too high." Mie Chenzi said: "When I still had magic power, I would only find those high and far away places to avoid being disturbed by others.

With a cultivation level in his body, he wants to visit his friends, and travels to Beiyue and Mu Cangwu, but it's just a matter of a flying sword.

Since arriving here, I have degenerated into a mortal. After staying for a long time, I feel that the mountains are high, the forests are deep, the roads are steep, and the landslides are steep.

Even if you look at this place, there are not even a few birds. From this, it can be seen that there are only a handful of people who have visited here for many years.

Apart from me, there is only one old man in this temple now. He is over eighty years old and his life is not long.If he dies, I will be the only one who will monopolize this mountain in the future, which is really lonely. "

After finishing speaking, he sighed, took a sip of the tea, found it was cold, frowned, and swallowed it anyway.

Zheng Bagu sneered, and was about to refute, but Meng Qiu said first: "Senior, didn't you say that you can go down the mountain at any time? Seeing your light steps and graceful posture, I am afraid that you have studied mortal martial arts these years.

This is of course not as fast as the flying sword, but it is much faster than ordinary people. One day is far enough to go up and down, and you are still afraid of loneliness? "

Only then did Mie Chenzi look straight at Meng Qiu, and said: "I thought that you only came last night, less than a day ago, this time should be the time when you are most affected by the wordless monument, and you can't help your emotions, and you can talk in a few words.

It was me who had overlooked it. A person who can keep company with the Goddess of Misfortune, regardless of his ability, his temperament is definitely not comparable to that of a weeping little husband. "

He picked up the teacup, poured the cold tea on the ground casually, and continued: "But this is better, the more talented you are, the more determined you are, the more I want to keep you."

"What kind of tricks are you playing? It's so easy to beat around the bush." ​​Zheng Bagu was a little impatient, pulled Meng Qiu, and said, "Let's go. If he can find a way out, we may not be able to."

"Considering the emptiness is also emptiness, the emptiness has nothing to be emptied; the emptiness has nothing, and nothing has nothing; nothing has nothing, and it is clear and always silent."

But Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "Bagu, don't worry. Since senior is willing to tell us so much, it's not because he's really lonely and bored.

For example, if you are doing business in the market and chat with you for a long time, it means that you are sincerely willing to trade.Otherwise, no matter how extravagant you are, you will only have a few words in exchange for not saying a word. "

After listening to the chanting, Bagu Zheng was startled and realized that she was impatient, so she let out a breath and drank the herbal tea on the table in one gulp.

Mie Chenzi showed a surprised expression on his face, and said with a clapping hand: "I thought that the Goddess of Calamity is already outstanding enough, and taking you along is also a support, but I don't think that Meng Daoyou's heart is even better."

At this moment, he said seriously: "Forget it, Fellow Daoist Meng is exactly the person I'm looking for, so I won't go around in circles, and I'll make it clear to you.

When I left Emei, I lived in seclusion in Huangshan Zijinlong for a period of time.Later, the little nun Shanxia ran to Wenbi Peak to build a nest, and came to watch on her own initiative.

Due to the rules set by my master, I couldn't make a move, so I had to leave Huangshan and wander around.

I have to say that my teacher-in-charge student and junior sister Lan Ying have great communication skills, and they are friends all over the world, but the famous Shenshan cannot escape their eyes.

For example, those two dwarfs could not live in the good Songshan Mountain, and then ran to Hengshan and Qingcheng to open other houses. Their bodies are not long, but their legs are not short.

Of the three mountains and five mountains, only Mount Tai has no one.I was as strong as Zheng Daoyou at that time, thinking that a stone tablet erected by a mere mortal emperor might have some effect, but its power is definitely exaggerated, so I didn't come here.

I especially remember that when I came here, the little Taoist priest outside was just a young man, and he boiled the original abbot to death for more than sixty years, and occupied this place. "

The three of them are people with sharp eyes and ears, even though there is still a distance of twenty or thirty feet between the backyard and the main hall, the whisper of the Taoist priest sleeping soundly is still in his ears.

For an immortal cultivator, six or seventy years may be just one retreat and several rounds of alchemy, but for ordinary people, it is almost a lifetime, from being born to faltering.

The three of them are not people who are sad about spring and autumn, and Mie Chenzi is just used to talking for a while, and then said: "The past few decades, of course, I have not been in vain.

My mana was sealed, so I treated it as if I had never learned it before, and started to practice from scratch.After spending ten years and gaining nothing, there is no spiritual vein here, no mana can be accumulated, and there is no way to get started.

Later, people from the Jianghu occasionally came over, got a few martial arts secret books, and thought about using martial arts to become Taoist.It's a pity that somehow, the moves can be learned, but the inner strength has not been produced.

Naturally, this path failed again.After that, I also tried witchcraft and Shinto, but nothing came of it.

But at this time, the wordless monument can no longer affect me in the slightest.Just when the old abbot Shouyuan arrived, the temple fell into my hands. When I was sorting out the relics, I saw a few Taoist scriptures.

I have read it before, and I was able to practice at that time, so naturally I didn't pay attention to these mortal Taoism scriptures. When I was in trouble, it still seemed a bit interesting.

It says that among the three of essence, qi, and spirit, the spirit is the most important, because of the way of becoming an immortal, it is only with the spirit that the essence and qi are used.

All these things gave me another way of thinking, since Qi training is not successful, why not just let it go and directly cultivate the spirit?
In 36 years, I finally gained something, developed a little innate nature, broke through the barrier, and connected with the primordial spirit.

As far as the two of you have seen, moving the cup is not uncommon, and the most important thing is that it can temporarily cover the suppression of the unwritten monument.

As long as you get to the foot of the mountain and get out of this area, it won't take a while for your mana to return to its original state. "

Speaking of this, Mie Chenzi released the primordial spirit to cover this area, Meng Qiu and Meng Qiu suddenly felt that the sea of ​​consciousness loosened, and a trace of magic power gushed out.

Zheng Bagu tried it immediately, put the umbrella in her hand back into the treasure bag, it was really effective, she couldn't help showing a bit of admiration on her face, and said: "Senior, you are so talented, you are really admirable."

Although Yuanshen Yuwu is not common, it is not a rare thing.For example, if a monk's body is cut off, if he wants to escape, he must rely on his soul to meet the flying sword to escape.

It's just that in Taoism, one focuses on cultivating one's soul, one focuses on mana, or both, but it's never been heard that one of them can be cultivated alone.

Miechenzi's method can be called a feat.Even if Zheng Bagu was strong in her life, she would have to feel admiration for such a person who pioneered a new way of Taoism.

"I'm still immature, and I can't mobilize the power of the soul, but sending one person down the mountain is far enough."

Mie Chenzi said: "How? As long as this fellow Daoist Meng is willing to stay with me, Fellow Daoist Zheng can regain his freedom."

Zheng Bagu immediately said: "But there is no need. The two of us came here together, and we will retire together."

"You just think that if I can create this method, you may not be able to." Miechenzi chuckled and said:
"It's not that I underestimate you. Your background is too poor, the Taoism you have learned is biased, and you have little accumulation. Not to mention 36 years, even 360 years, you can never get a little bit of knowledge.

You are not the only ones, there are many coincidences in the success of this method, and even the gods such as Ji Le Daoist and Mu Mu came here, I am afraid they would not be able to create it.Unless my master Changmei real person comes to the world, there is still a chance or two. "

Zheng Bagu believed to a certain extent that talent cannot be forced and luck cannot be sought, but she is still unwilling to compromise.

Miechenzi shook his head and said, "Why get angry with me, wait until I finish speaking. It's not a bad thing for me to keep him here, but it's because he's still at a low level, and I want to teach him this Taoism as a test."

One-tenth of the Earth Immortal, not to mention the fundamental Taoism is deeply ingrained and cannot be changed, even some supernatural powers must be related to it, otherwise it will not be easy to practice.

On the contrary, there is no such restriction in the Sanxian realm. In order to find the most suitable path for oneself, there are many people who practice multi-door Taoism.

"If that's the case, I'll just stay with him, why do you have to drive me away." Zheng Bagu was even more unwilling to believe it.

"The temple is too small to accommodate so many people." Mie Chenzi didn't wait for the other party's rebuttal, got up and walked to the main hall, saying: "If you don't want to, then that's all. It's just a hundred years more time, and I can afford it."

After he left, Meng Qiu said: "Bagu, you leave first, there's no need to waste the two of you here.

No matter whether he has other thoughts or not, if he can escape one, even if I have something to do in the future, there will be someone to help avenge me.

Besides, if he really has bad intentions, why would he keep refusing you to stay in the mountains.With his current means, it will not take much effort to kill you and me. "

He persuaded him for a while, and finally persuaded the other party to agree, and he was greatly relieved.

Now Zheng Bagu's state is very wrong, if her previous temperament, even if she was stubborn, she would not be so unwise, inflexible, and wandering in her mind.

In the past, such as when he met Geng Kun in the South China Sea, even if he knew that Meng Qiu would be in danger if he left alone, but the two powers harmed each other, he decisively chose the lighter path.

The plan has been decided, Meng Qiu struck while the iron was hot, immediately approached Mie Chenzi, and said, "Senior, I have..."

Sure enough, once the Yuanshen covered the surroundings, and then stepped out of the top of the mountain, there was no feeling in my heart, and there was no obstacle.

All the way down to the bottom of the mountain, it was almost dusk.

Mie Chenzi and Meng Qiu stopped, separated a group of primordial spirits, and sent Zheng Bagu out of the mountain range.

And stepping on the outside, Zheng Bagu immediately felt the magic power of the whole body rushing back, and the primordial spirit was extremely active.

She immediately took out the Tianhui Sword, and was about to turn around and bring Meng Qiu out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Feijian enters the boundary of Mount Tai, it immediately becomes like a kite with a broken string.Feijian was still moving forward, but much slower.

Miechenzi smiled slightly, not surprised, stretched out his hand to grasp the Tianhui Sword in his hand, glanced at it, praised "good sword", and threw it to Zheng Bagu again, saying:
"It is rumored that the Goddess of Disaster has always been a promise, but today she is willing to lose her reputation in order to protect the righteousness of her friends. It is a pity and respectable."

Zheng Bagu's face was heavy and she didn't speak, but Meng Qiu said: "Confucius said: 'Words must be believed, deeds must be resolute, but you are a villain.' So Mencius explained: 'A grown-up should not believe words, deeds must not be fruitful, only righteousness lies in it.'"

"Okay, okay!" Miechenzi said: "The friendship between the two is really enviable. Sure enough, there are not many friends, but they are more expensive than fine ones."

After getting rid of the influence of the wordless monument, Zheng Bagu calmed down completely, took a deep look at each of the two opposite people, and immediately left with her sword.

After he left, Meng Qiu said, "Senior, aren't you afraid that Bagu will go out and talk nonsense?"

"As a female calamity, once you wake up, you will naturally know how to measure." Mie Chenzi led Meng Qiu up again, and said with a smile:
"No accident, she should go to a few seniors in the Lianshan Sect to ask for advice on how to crack the wordless monument. It's a pity that it will be in vain.

This Taoism is related to my enlightenment, so I really want to perfect it.If you can practice, I am happier than anyone else, and I will definitely not harm you.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, let me explain a few more words to you, lest you have other thoughts and refuse to cooperate.

The reason why I forced you to stay here and not go out to find others is also because I am now self-sealed. Even if the primordial spirit covers me, I can't produce mana and can't go far. "

He also spared no effort to calm down Meng Qiu's emotions, and asked the other party about his experience in cultivating Taoism, and promised to give him advice.

Meng Qiudao: "Speaking of which, Emei and I have a deep relationship. When I embarked on the road of cultivation, I also owed the life-saving kindness and the virtue of guiding the way of Senior Zui Taoist."

He was going to meet Mr. Mao and his disciples chasing him down. He talked about it, and then mentioned the sword fight in Dai's family field later.

"It's better like this. If you have some knowledge, you should know that in the Emei Sect, Junior Brother Zui and I have always been on good terms. Naturally, I won't hurt his friends."

Mie Chenzi said: "But having said that, with your talent, Junior Brother Zui is still pedantic, why didn't you be accepted into the family, but introduced to Liu Quan instead.

Although this person is very talented in the way of swordsmanship, his Dao heart is not strong enough, and his ability is not top-notch, so he can only follow behind the Goddess of Calamity and Yu Luocha, waving the flag and shouting. "

Meng Qiudao: "Actually, at the end of the sword fight, Senior Zui also mentioned that he wanted to recommend me to Senior Xuan Zhenzi, but I was young and energetic at that time, so I refused.
Thinking about it now, if you say you regret it, it's not that bad, but if it really works, maybe you won't be as embarrassed as you are now. "

Mie Chenzi shook his head, and said: "Brother really misses it, you are able to make friends with the Goddess of Calamity, and the relationship is so close, you really shouldn't worship under the sect of senior brother.

He was indifferent to others, and he didn't pay much attention to the position of Emei's head teacher.But if it wasn't for Zhuge Police's begging, and because he couldn't save the face of a certain Taoist friend, I wouldn't accept him as a disciple, let alone someone like you who can cause trouble.

With your talent, you can become a Sanxian after only ten years of cultivation. Among Emei, there are only a handful of people who are qualified to be your master. If you depend on your temperament, you should worship me as your teacher.

But you don't even want to worship senior brother, so naturally you don't like me.Anyway, your life is not too bad now, and you really don't have to regret it. "

Meng Qiu asked: "Based on the senior's words, it seems that Taoist Xuanzhenzi is quite respected. But I heard that you left in anger because you failed to compete for the position of head teacher of Emei. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Anyway, it's not a secret, if you want to hear it, I'll tell you." Mie Chenzi said: "It's true that I compete for Emei's head teacher, and it's true that I respect senior brother.

You have always misunderstood one thing, thinking that there were three people competing for the position of head teacher, but it was not the case.

In the beginning, it was only senior brother and junior brother Qi who were competing, but he didn't want to be dragged down by ordinary affairs, so he withdrew, so I came forward.

The reason why he left was because he didn't compete with Junior Brother Qi. "

(End of this chapter)

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