Chapter 165 Battle of Ideas
Meng Qiudao: "In this case, after Qi Shuming took the position of head teacher of Emei, he saw that you were not going well, so he kicked you out."

"That's not the case." Mie Chenzi shook his head and said, "Although I don't understand Junior Brother Qi's thinking and way of doing things, I have to say that he is fierce to the outside world, but he loves and protects the people in Emei.

The disciples in the teaching, even if they make big mistakes, never punish them lightly.

For example, Ruan Zheng, when he first established the foundation, was young and energetic, and acted regardless of the overall situation. He killed a third-generation core disciple of the Wutai Sect for no reason.

Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was furious, and he came to the door to inquire about the crime, and wanted to kill the nephew Ruan to avenge his disciple and grandson.

But Junior Brother Qi insisted on refusing to do so, and stopped the incident by himself, but was severely injured by the other party, which almost triggered a war between the two factions.

Even so, in the end, Martial Nephew Ruan was only punished to contemplate on the Ningbi Cliff for a hundred years, but his cultivation was not abolished and he was expelled from the sect. "

Meng Qiu was taken aback, and said: "Then Ruan Zheng is not the second disciple of Headmaster Qi?

In order to protect the apprentice who made a big mistake, the master lost face himself, and even made a big enmity with the sect. Do you still think that junior brother did the right thing? "

Mie Chenzi said: "If he only treats his disciples like this, and ignores the disciples of other senior brothers and brothers, who will support him? How can he sit in the position of head teacher.

It is said that Master Zhangmei is a true master who has no rivals in the world, even our senior brothers can't help feeling a little arrogant, let alone the disciples of the next generation, if they say they are arrogant, it is considered flattery.

They are used to being domineering and domineering, and they have caused many troubles.Not only heretics, but also orthodox fellows have offended many people.Kunlun, Wudang, which one does not dislike?
Let's just talk about Zheng Daoyou and the others, the conflicts with Junior Sister Xun back then were not because of a few evil obstacles who provoked them first?
Even Junior Sister Yuan Yuan, who has such a good temper, was dragged down by his disciples and nephews, and became enmity against Yu Luocha.

These evildoers are all talented people, so they are not so stupid that they don't know what is good or bad, so why dare to make so many mistakes again and again?It's not that Junior Brother Qi is protecting him in every possible way.

You might as well inquire, since the mentor ascended to the ascension, has there ever been a disciple of the Emei Sect who was killed by an outsider? "

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, and said vaguely: "It's the extreme, it's the extreme. Emei is famous for protecting the short, who would easily smooth the tiger's beard? I'm afraid it's not bold."

Mie Chenzi didn't know that he was making a joke, so he praised Qi Shuming for a while, as if the two of them had no conflicts, and were still close friends.

Meng Qiu was naturally very curious, and said, "Since you think Headmaster Qi is so suitable, why were you unconvinced back then and wanted to compete with him?"

"Since the senior brother is unwilling to take the position, I ask myself, in terms of cultivation, resourcefulness, and means, none of them can lose to the junior brother, and the ranking is still at the top, so why can't I compete?"

Mie Chenzi said: "Junior Brother Qi is good at leading Emei, but if I become the head teacher, I will definitely be no worse than him, maybe even better."

He couldn't practice for decades, and he faced a little Taoist priest all day long. He was full of words, and he didn't know who to tell them. He finally met Meng Qiu and didn't hide it. He continued:
"Before Wudang Patriarch Zhang Sanfeng ascended to the throne, he didn't designate anyone to inherit the orthodoxy. Later, his disciples refused to accept anyone, and they were divided into many sects.

As a result, the power of this once-prominent Righteous Daoism has been declining, and its talents are withering, and it is in danger of extinction.

Seeing this, before his mentor ascended to the throne, he was afraid that the Emei Sect would repeat the same mistakes as the Wudang Sect, so he appointed his elder brother Xuan Zhenzi to inherit the mantle.

But the elder brother's realm is too high, he regards power, fame and fortune like floating clouds, he only wants to be peaceful and at ease, and he is unwilling to take over the position of head teacher of the world's number one school.

At that time, among the master's seventeen disciples, except for Shen Xiu, who left the door early, worshiped under Xinru Shenni's sect, and became the dragon slaying master, among the rest, only five had such strength and qualifications.

Regardless of the senior brother; the ascetic Toutuo brought an art teacher from the Buddhist Snow Mountain lineage, and he was congenitally deficient and could not fight for himself; Jian Bingru made a big mistake back then, and he was ashamed.

I'm left to fight with junior brother Qi, if the order of seniority is the order, I should take over the big position, but the only ones who support me are junior brother Li Yuanhua and junior brother Zui.

There are more people following Junior Brother Qi.Junior Sister Xun is his wife, needless to say, the rest are Senior Sister Baiyun, Jian Bingru, Junior Sister Fan Xia, Junior Sister Nian Shi and Junior Brother Tong.

As for those third-generation disciples, they are not qualified to participate, and they don't even know the details of this matter. "

Meng Qiu suddenly understood, and said: "So Master Changmei passed the position of Emei's head teacher to Fellow Daoist Qi?"

"No." Miechenzi said: "Master also has a headache, so he simply left a sentence of 'you decide for yourself', and flew away.

The old man didn't care about it, so we hoped that the big brother would make a final decision, then the big brother ignored it, turned around and went to the East China Sea, leaving fifteen of us in the hall.

My side debated with Junior Brother Qi and others for three days and three nights, and even almost had a conflict.

In the end, Ascetic Toutuo couldn't stand it anymore, fearing that we would cause a real fire and it would not end well, so he abandoned his neutrality and chose Junior Brother Qi. "

Meng Qiu listened with gusto, and said: "But you and head teacher Qi are in the same school, and there is no deep hatred for each other, why can't you work together and insist on making it so unpleasant?
I don't think you are a person who is greedy for fame and fortune. The position of head teacher of Emei is really so important. Is there any great benefit to sitting on it? "

"Not only is it not beneficial, but it will also be entangled in trivial matters, which will delay the cultivation for nothing." Mie Chenzi hesitated for a while, before saying:

"Forget it, since I want you to practice my Taoism sincerely, I can't let you have too many scruples and cause troubles.

However, the history of the competition for Emei's head teacher back then is very confidential, even the three generations of disciples in my teaching don't know it at all.

The next words can get out of my mouth and into your ears, just let them go, don't tell others to listen to, otherwise I will hunt you down to death in one day.

Don't think that you have nothing to worry about if you have friends like Zheng Bagu.It must be known that she was able to overwhelm the world of practice back then, because everyone admired Master Lian Shan as a person, but also feared their teacher, and deliberately indulged.

Otherwise, any Earth Immortal at that time could defeat her.Today, even if she is an Earth Immortal, she is expected to be no match for the 'Three Immortals, Two Elders, One Son and Seven Trues'.

Although I seldom make moves, but in Emei, I only meet senior senior brother who dare not say victory, and junior brother Qi, as for ascetic Toutuo, I will definitely not be my opponent. "

Meng Qiu saw Ascetic Toutuo make a move, although he only had a glimpse of it, but the realm and cultivation level revealed were extremely high, and it was even higher than the old nun, Bai Guyi, Yi Zhou and others.What I have seen in my life is only inferior to Gongyehuang.

If what Miechenzi said was true, then he would not be far from the realm of immortals, and he could be called the top batch of immortals.

There are such five members of the Emei Sect, plus there are countless treasures in the sect, they really deserve the title of the world's number one sect.

Meng Qiu said: "Senior, don't worry, although Meng is not a gentleman, he can still keep his mouth shut."

Miechenzi nodded, and said: "Back then, my benevolent teacher Changmei Zhenren only studied Taoism under the sect of our ancestor Xi Sanzi Yu Taoist, but my uncle Taiyuan Zhenren and my uncle Lianshan Master did not restrict themselves to their sects, and passed on most of what they learned.

The mentor is grateful for the kindness of the three patriarchs in preaching, accepting karma and solving puzzles. In addition to continuing the patriarch's orthodoxy in Emei, he actually passed on the inheritance of Taiyuan Zhenren and Master Lianshan together.

For example, the eldest brother Xuan Zhenzi has followed the master for the longest time, and he is the only one who has seen three patriarchs.Although the practice is based on the "Nine Heavens Xuan Jing" of the Emei Town School of Mind, in fact, the concept of Taoism and most of the methods are from the lineage of Taiyuan Patriarch.

The second faction is led by Junior Brother Qi and Jian Bingru, who inherit the immortal methods and ideas of Patriarch Yu; as for me, as you can guess, most of them inherit the lineage of Master Lianshan.

With the addition of ascetic toutuo and several junior disciples who strictly abide by neutrality, there are only 16 disciples in the second generation of Emei, and there are four sects.

Eldest brother is free and easy, alone, not even neutral, so naturally he won't fight for anything.If it weren't for his mentorship, he might have escaped the world and waited for ascension.

The few colleagues who are neutral are actually biased towards me, because my choice of inheritance has something to do with their origins.But Junior Brother Qi's ideas are more likely to be approved by others.

He and I both want to do better for Emei. Among all the differences, the inheritance of orthodoxy is still secondary, and the key lies in the acceptance of disciples.

If you want to promote the sect, the disciples of the next generation will naturally surpass the previous generation. How much can you get if you just rely on people like Emei to find apprentices on their own?

Junior Brother Qi and the others place great importance on the sect, and advocate that in the future, most of the Emei disciples will be taken from those big clans, or brought in from other families entrusted by fellow Taoists, as well as younger generations who have lost their sects and brought art teachers.

Gein and the others have deliberately studied many talented monks. One of them is that there have been outstanding monks in the clan, so it is easier for the descendants or clan members to enter the Tao.

This statement is not an exaggeration.My human race originally came from ancient times. Some of them have god-human bloodlines that have gone through many years and have not completely degenerated.

For example, two daughters and two sons were raised by Qi's younger brother and his wife, both of whom are extremely talented, and their talents are not inferior to more than half of the three immortals, the second elder and the first son, Qizhen.

There is also the poor god Linghun, brother and sister, both are well-known earth immortals; the family of Xuanguidian has changed, and three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have surpassed their peers.

As for accepting the second category, it is because of the immortality and independence, even if they come out of the family, most of them will not leave offspring.Therefore, in the practice world, there are very few immortal cultivating families.

Most of the monks come from mortals, there are hundreds of millions, and there are very few people with outstanding talents. If you rely on Emei and these people to investigate one by one, can you find a qualified one in a monkey year?

There are so many monks in the world, once a junior shows his aptitude, such as those famous young people in the martial arts world, he will be booked early.

What's more, for those who are talented but unknown, it is impossible for Emei to know in advance, and if they are late, they will be disciples of other families.

But these monks who started first, even if they snatched outstanding disciples, how many of them can stick to it?

It's not that I don't have good skills, and I don't want to delay the younger generation; it's that I'm not lucky, that I can't survive three disasters and five calamities, and turn into ashes.

For this kind of disciples with art investment teachers, Emei only has good character and will not refuse anyone who comes.For example, I sent Ascetic Toutuo, Senior Sister Baiyun, Senior Sister Shanxia, ​​etc., all of whom were transferred from other sects.

But my opinion is different from that of Junior Brother Qi. I think there should be education without discrimination.No matter what family or origin, as long as you have talent and perseverance, you can be included in the family.

Those with high aptitude are the core, focusing on inheriting the Taoism of the sect; the middle ones are entering the house, managing all the affairs of the sect; those with lesser qualifications are considered registered disciples and do some chores.

All in all, the first is to follow Master Lianshan's ambition and give more monks a way to survive, so as not to be tricked by Huashan Sect, Zhushan Sect, etc., and grow the power of the cult.

Secondly, it can also strengthen the gate of the mountain, and make the best of the best, so that the inheritance of Emei will continue and be passed down forever. "

Meng Qiu suddenly realized that the dispute of ideas has always been difficult to reconcile.Among mortals, there are countless brothers and friends who were originally close brothers and sisters, but because of this, they cut off their friendship.

For example, the brothers Wang Dun and Wang Dao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty turned against each other, and Guan Ning and Hua Xin cut their robes and judged righteousness, the list goes on and on.

For monks, this kind of thing is especially important, and it cannot be changed easily.Because cultivating immortals must cultivate the primordial spirit, it is easy to practice the method, but difficult to refine the god, and it needs to be tempered by the world.

And if there is achievement, it must go through the catastrophe of heaven, and one day of catastrophe is magic.

If ideas change at will and fluctuate, the primordial spirit is easily affected, which is vain.When it comes to the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, it is very easy to shake, which leads to the failure of crossing the tribulation, ranging from going crazy to madness, to death in severe cases.

But he was still a little puzzled, and said: "As you said, in fact, Master Qi and your ideas do not conflict. Why did you have a conflict?"

"It seems that there is no conflict, but counting the energy consumed?" Mie Chenzi said:
"Accepting apprentices is a troublesome matter, not only to teach them the Taoism, but also to build caves, forge flying sword magic weapons, refine medicine pills, and so on.

According to my idea, brothers and sisters have to devote half of their minds to inheriting the sect, how much time is left to practice?
Everyone is selfish, and monks are even more so.How many people are willing to waste precious time on things that are not beneficial to practice for the sake of sects.

Therefore, Junior Brother Qi's idea is even more popular.The apprentices are all ready-made, waiting for a certain opportunity to find them, and only need to teach a few people, and can ensure that the next generation is at least not bad, why not do it? "

Meng Qiu is also afraid of trouble, just thinking about it, dealing with dozens or hundreds of apprentices alone, and refining weapons and alchemy all day long, he felt tired, and said:
"Since you understand the thoughts of the brothers and sisters, why do you insist on doing this and provoke everyone's opposition?"

Mie Chenzi was silent for a while, and said slowly: "What do you think of my juniors and juniors' talents? Anyway, I don't think so.

In my generation, only six or seven people have the possibility of ascension, and the rest are even difficult for heavenly or even earthly immortals. Why waste the time of the world doing unnecessary struggles?

It is better to jump out early and contribute to the Emei faction.In the future, it can also be named as the Patriarch Hall and be remembered and worshiped by the disciples of the younger generations. "

"Headmaster Qi is indeed an important sect. He only gives opportunities to specific people. Some are too ruthless, and many people lose the opportunity to practice Taoism for nothing."

Meng Qiu sighed heavily, and said: "You seem to have given more opportunities to people, and there is no distinction between teaching and learning, but in fact, you are more talented, and you are more straightforward and cruel than Teacher Qi."

Mie Chenzi didn't deny it either, and said: "That's why I want you to promise not to spread that controversy, otherwise it will cause an uproar in the practice world.

You must know that the inside of Emei is also uncomfortable. We had a lot of quarrels at the beginning, and the contradictions were so deep that we almost tore our faces.

So much so that I dare not mention it to those three generations of disciples. They still don’t understand why Junior Brother Qi took the big position after the Patriarch ascended; Senior Brother and Ascetic Toutuo went to the East China Sea; Jian Bingru lived in seclusion in Quanzhen Cave, Danyunzhang, Emei; "

After Mie Chenzi finished speaking, he asked again not to let it out, and suddenly asked: "Who do you agree with?"

Meng Qiu thought for a while, and said, "Xuanzhenzi Daoist, right? I can't control it, I don't want to control it, there's no need to control it, go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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