Chapter 166
"Hahahaha! You didn't lie to me." Miechenzi laughed loudly and said:
"It's just that everyone wants to be Xuan Zhenzi, and everyone thinks they are Xuan Zhenzi. But in the end, there is only one Xuan Zhenzi, and maybe he is not Xuan Zhenzi."

It was already late at night, and no one else would go up the mountain. The only two tourists also went down the mountain long before them, without a trace.

The cool wind swishes, and the mountains are lonely.Meng Qiu said: "Since the old Taoist in the Taoist temple is already dying, why don't you find some Taoist boys or take some disciples.

For example, the pair of brothers and sisters just came here from a long distance just because of the magic of the wordless monument, and they are quite sincere to the heart of Tao.

Anyway, you advocate teaching without discrimination, not depending on qualifications when starting out, and being inclusive, why didn't you give them a chance at that time? "

Miechenzi was very surprised, and said: "You were just talking about words, have you never heard of 'I have learned more than self-improvement'?
Did Confucius lack some meat to eat?It's just a deep understanding of human nature, knowing that for some people, if things are not pursued by themselves and they are too easy to come by, they will not cherish them.

Although I advocate that all comers are not rejected, I also want others to take the initiative. It is impossible to invite everyone at the door regardless of preferences, which is simply to be looked down upon.

That pair of brothers and sisters, when they met you and me, had two wonderful fates in front of them, they couldn't catch either of them, they missed each other one after another, who is to blame? "

Meng Qiu suddenly thought of Yang Da, and his two brothers, Li Ning and Zhou Chun, who had only seen the Taoist drunk once in Dongting Lake, and they had been tirelessly pursuing the immortal way. After more than ten years, they finally achieved something.

Perhaps this pair of brothers and sisters really wanted to set foot on the road of spiritual practice, but their eyes were somewhat higher than the top, and they didn't understand the difficulty of finding the way.

While talking, the two arrived at Yuhuangding.As soon as he stepped inside, Mie Chenzi took off the power of the primordial spirit wrapped around the two of them, and the magic power on Meng Qiu's body also dissipated immediately.

If it was the same as last time, during the mountain climbing, he lost his mana slowly and unconsciously, but he would not feel too much. Now the mana is withdrawn too quickly, like a fish out of water and paralyzed on the beach.

He opened his mouth involuntarily, and took a few breaths suddenly.The cold air of the mountain night in early autumn also poured in, and the whole body felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on it, icy cold.

After a while, Meng Qiu got used to it a little bit, his face turned pale, and he said with a wry smile: "This feeling of being extremely spiritual is not good, why didn't senior tell me in advance, could it be that you are imitating some old seniors, and give him a blow?"

Miechenzi said: "This is wronging me. After all, I have never used mana since I arrived at the Jade Emperor's Peak. I have never felt like you. How can I remind you?"

Seeing that Meng Qiu didn't believe it, he continued to explain: "I created the Taoism of cultivating only the primordial spirit, not just to leave this place and recover my mana.

It is another idea, that one day, one can abandon the body, and only use the primordial spirit to live in the world and ascend. "

"The primordial spirit is ascending?" Meng Qiu couldn't help being shocked.

If he is still new to the Dao and doesn't understand anything, he may think that there is nothing special about it.

After all, the news of the previous life is complicated, not to mention the "trail" such as the soul leaving the body for a long time, even the rebirth from a drop of blood, and the true spirit joining the Tao are common.

But in the world of Mount Shu, the primordial spirit and the body are yin and yang, which are originally one, and never exist alone.

Even the ghost cultivators of the Beiman lineage have to completely extract the vitality in the body and turn it into a ghost, which is actually the dark side of the body, and the primordial spirit escapes in, so that they can move freely and survive in the world forever.

At this moment, the two of them slowly arrived at the Yingxu Pavilion on Riguan Peak.The night is vast, only three or two stars are still hanging in the sky, the stars are faint, and even the entire Mount Tai is gray.

On the hills far and near, there are beasts of different sizes dormant.The autumn wind blows the bushes like brushes of animal hair.

"The original spirit is like the Tao. The Tao has no life and death, but the form has life and death. Therefore, those who talk about life and death belong to the form and not the Tao. Those who live because of the form can gain the way. Those who die because of the form lose the way. If people can survive and keep the way, they will live forever."

Miechenzi stared straight into the sky, as if he could see through the thick blackness and see the bright moon, and said: "My idea is not original. From ancient times to the present, there are predecessors who have the same idea as me, pursuing the independence of the soul.

It's a pity that there is no suppression of this wordless monument. When the soul moves, the mana will make waves, which is natural and cannot be isolated.

Only after the body is beheaded and the vitality is cut off can the primordial spirit escape.But when the wind blows and the air of the earth rushes, it will soon dissipate.

Although only this step can be achieved, the predecessors have also derived many brilliant Taoism from this.

For example, if the primordial spirit leaves the body, as long as the body is immortal and there is a breath of life, then under the protection of the magic weapon, the primordial spirit can be supported to leave the body for a short time, and you can go thousands of miles away in a flash.

If you have experienced enough, you should know that Ling Hun loved this technique the most. He often wandered around at night with his soul, and was plotted against by the white dwarf, and ended up being a beggar possessed by him.

And the seizing house he used is also one of the primordial spirit spells, which is very dangerous, and if he is a little careless, he will either be possessed by a demon, or insane, and become a lunatic.

Even if it is successful, not only will the person who seized the house not be able to retain any mana, but his lifespan will be reduced by 360 years, and the consequences will be serious.

This magic also derived another magical method, which is reincarnation, which is so mysterious that it can allow people to live a second life. I don't know which senior has such a wonderful idea, which is really admirable. "

Although reincarnation has various disadvantages, for example, it can only be used up to three times, and if you use it later, your soul will fly away.

And it is impossible to predict where the reincarnation will be after reincarnation, and it is easier to fall into the maze of the womb every time.

But this kind of Taoism gives the monks who are not talented enough and have no hope of ascension a chance to start over. Maybe they will devote themselves to a person with unparalleled aptitude in their next life, and if they can break the mystery in the womb, they will soar into the sky.

The monks who cultivated to the end, the more they can feel the difficulty of cultivating the Tao, trembling like walking on thin ice, naturally they will follow the rules and not dare to go one step further.

Meng Qiu couldn't help being suspicious, and said: "Senior's idea is not to create a Taoism, but to create a new path of practice, is it possible?"

"It depends on human effort, how can it be impossible?" Mie Chenzi said: "The ability of Yuanshen to cultivate alone is the best proof.

As I said just now, half of the path of cultivation I have taken is from my benefactor, Daoist Changmei, and half is from Master Lian Shan.

When Master is around, we are asked to think more and not blindly follow the example of our predecessors.He is No. 1 under the Great Sage of Guangcheng, his cultivation reaches the sky, and he has created countless Taoism.

Just the crafting method alone is the best in the past and present.You can never imagine what kind of thaumaturgy master created.

It's a pity that Junior Brother Qi and others feel that it cannot be passed on to outsiders, so that Master's reputation in Taoism is not obvious.But you only need to look at the invisible sword practiced by Ascetic Toutuo, which is unique in the world, to know how powerful he is.

As for the origin of Master Lianshan, it is not an ordinary Taoism, but another way of cultivation.

Harmonize Kanli, integrate Yin and Yang, gather the three lights, use the body as the furnace, and combine the essence, energy and spirit to refine a golden elixir.

The so-called 'swallow a grain of golden elixir into the stomach, and then know that my fate is not controlled'.The intangible primordial spirit and mana are practiced into form, and the difficulty of practice is greatly reduced.

But all I got was the master's handbook, which mentioned this path a little bit, but there was no real cultivation method, and I couldn't figure out what it was, anyway, it was very mysterious.

It's just a pity that it is said that the master has deduced this method to the point where he can ascend, but he has not ascended for too long.

Otherwise, there will be another demon ancestor and Buddha-like figure in this world. After becoming a great sage, another world will be opened. "

Meng Qiu suddenly felt that it was right to choose to stay here, took a deep breath, and said:
"Master Lianshan's ambition is really admirable. However, if the senior can really create a complete method of cultivating the primordial spirit, and open up a path that no one has ever had before, he will be no worse than the master."

Mie Chenzi shook his head and said: "I still have self-knowledge to some extent. The cultivation of Yuanshen is the most difficult. Even if I am mature in Taoism, there will not be many people with this talent in the future.

If it can only benefit a few monks, it will be far worse than the master's salvation of all living beings. "

"That's enough. Since the great sage Guangcheng, how many monks in the later generations have only followed the Taoism created by him, revising and modifying, sewing and mending, and never breaking away from the barriers. How many of them can innovate?"

On the contrary, Meng Qiu praised him a lot, saying: "Senior, if you are really successful, it's hard to say that you can compete with the demon ancestor Buddha, but you can be regarded as the blue one."

Mie Chenzi showed a smile on his face, and said: "That's what I think. If you follow Master's path, you will be equal at best.

Besides, no one in the world has his talent. No matter how hard you work, there is no one in millions who can reach the level of Daoist Bliss. Junior Brother Qi may be able to, but it depends on chance.

But I am different. If I can make the current path clear, I can open another line and get out of the mold. "

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and at the moment, regardless of the location and practice, he began to talk about Taoism:
"Emperor Taiyi is at the head, called Niwan Lord, who is the master of all gods. According to the birth and knowledge of the gods, the soul of man is also. The command of life is the heart, and the birth of the yuan. Wuying is on the left, and the three souls are controlled. Bai Yuan is on the right, and the seven souls are restrained. The peach child lives in the navel and protects the root of the essence. According to the hundred festivals, the birth of the gods..."

Meng Qiu listened intently and calmly. Sure enough, although this method is wonderful, it is fragmented, and most of it is Mie Chenzi's own idea, and it is not systematic.

Many of the gates are still unclear and need long-term verification.And it must be in the realm of Sanxian, where the true spirit can stand out, but you can't reach the earth immortal, otherwise the road ahead is fixed and it is difficult to be compatible.

The cultivation technique is also extremely harsh, and it takes ten months to use the suppression of the wordless monument to give birth to another ray of primordial spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This process must be thoughtless, without any emotional fluctuations, so Miechenzi told all the details in order to dispel Meng Qiu's vigilance and concentrate on it.

"At the beginning, the first month is the cell, and the essence and blood are coagulated. The second month is the fetus, and the shape is a precursor to the embryo. The third month is the three souls, and the movement is born. The fourth month is the seven souls, which calm the shape. The fifth month, the five elements are separated to calm the mind."

Mie Chenzi murmured, and said: "In June, the six laws regulate the viscera and nourish the spirit. In July, the seven essences open their minds and open up the light. In August, the eight sceneries are magically equipped, and the true spirit descends. In September, the Luobu of the palace is used to stabilize the essence. In October, when the qi is full, all phenomena are completed.

This method is an introductory mental method created by me by referring to the principle that a baby is born in the womb of the mother in October.

Once cultivated, the primordial spirit will have the realm of building a foundation. Although it is far inferior to Sanxian, it can already mobilize the aura of heaven and earth and turn it into mana, with similar effects. "

It wasn't until the sun was high on the second day that Miechenzi revealed all his ideas about the cultivation method of the primordial spirit.

Meng Qiu sat withered until dusk, and then he digested everything and gained some experience.

Although this method is only in its infancy at the moment, many clues can already be seen, and it is indeed indescribable.

The wordless monument can isolate mana and imprison the primordial spirit. When a monk comes here, his cultivation is exhausted, except for his body, he is already an ordinary person.

But because there is only one true soul, a new primordial spirit was cultivated at that time. Compared with the original primordial spirit, it is only the difference between the water in the pot and the water in the cup, and they are actually one.

It is equivalent to splitting a piece from the original soul, and there will be no contradiction.

With the help of other spells to break the barrier, most of the original souls can be released and merged into one.

Therefore, while still in the confinement of the wordless monument, the primordial spirit can exist independently of mana, and naturally exists independently of the body.

This method is immature at the moment, and it is very difficult to practice, but for Meng Qiu, it is perfect to be able to increase the primordial spirit alone.

The original "Huangdi Neijing" is to cultivate the soul and mana together, and not to be paranoid, so as to grow.Back then, Meng Qiu was cultivating mana for a while and primordial spirit for a while, so that the two could be balanced.

Now that Meng Qiu has become a fairy, the chaotic primordial body can be used, and he accumulates mana all the time. Once the primordial spirit grows, it can immediately match the corresponding mana.

But no matter whether it's meditation or going down the mountain to practice, Yuanshen can only grow slowly, dragging him down, far behind the speed of those talented disciples of the big sect.

With this method of Taoism to quickly promote the primordial spirit, it can be said that it has made up for the last shortcoming in practice, how can it not be gratifying.

Meng Qiu stayed in the Taoist temple, listened to Miechenzi teach the Taoism every day, and pondered it day and night. Finally, after a month, he formally began to practice the method of self-cultivation of the primordial spirit.

Ten months passed in a blink of an eye, autumn went and spring came, one year old and one year old.

The old Taoist priest in the Taoist temple couldn't survive the winter after all, so he let go, leaving only Meng Qiu and Mie Chenzi here.

The top of the Jade Emperor is high, the mountain road is rugged, and there are very few tourists, so it seems that this place is becoming more and more deserted.

But Meng Qiu got used to this loneliness, or he didn't care about this state at all.

During this period of seclusion, except for the first month, he spent all the rest of the time in the secret room behind the Taoist temple, not drinking, eating, or speaking.

Today, something has finally been achieved. A smaller primordial spirit was born outside the sea of ​​consciousness. It is a completely different self that can be manipulated at will.

Meng Qiu was very curious, after playing around for a while, he let out his body to wander around again, passed through the wall of the secret room, and touched the restriction left in the secret room.

Mie Chenzi noticed it right away, and was very happy. After a few words of advice, he cautiously entered the secret room after the other party's primordial spirit returned to his place.

(End of this chapter)

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