Chapter 174
More than a thousand fiery swords soared into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and the surrounding area was covered with redness, and the surrounding ice cold was swept away, leaving only scorching heat.

As soon as the sword shadow moved, it traveled thousands of miles in an instant, and instantly penetrated into the cold flame lotus. There was a loud "boom", which was formed by the gathering of thousands of thumping sounds, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

The surrounding birds jumped up and rushed, and the wild animals fled in panic.Even the six livestock raised by the people in the villages and towns screamed in unison, making a lot of noise.

The ground could not be seen for a long time, in the flames, the brilliance of the Abiyuan pearl in Qiaoqiao's hand was greatly reduced, and he screamed: "Nanming Lihuo!"

Ghost Dao cultivators are bodies refined by true yin and primordial spirits, which can be separated or reunited, gathered and scattered, and good at transforming profound arts. They are not afraid of other swords and weapons, but only various innate true fires can refine them.

Among them, the real fire of the sun is the most restrained, and the greatest enemy in Xu Wan's life is the God of Shaoyang, Moqiu Island, Lizhu Palace, who is proficient in this way.

In addition, any monk who is good at Nanming Lihuo, Sanmai Zhenhuo, and Liuding Shenhuo is also the enemy of the ghost kingdom.

Now Meng Qiu's flying sword is so powerful that it can injure the treasure in his hand, Qiao Qiao immediately reacted, and shouted again: "Why do you have the Nanming Lihuo sword refined by Patriarch Bodhidharma?"

This sword is the most powerful magic weapon in the world to restrain ghosts, it made her terrified, and she had the idea of ​​running away immediately.

Her Taiyin Ghost Seal has been handed down by Xu Wan, and it can be transformed in no way. Using the method of Taiyin Illusion, her figure flickered and disappeared in an instant, and her figure reappeared, already dozens of miles away.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy." Meng Qiu turned his sword into a rainbow, and came first to intercept Qiao Qiao. The sword light flashed, and several flames fell on him.

Qiao Qiao hurriedly activated the Abi Yuanzhu, and Leng Yan blocked it, not daring to stay for a while, and then hid to the other side.

Although she is magically transformed, she has practiced the true spirit to the point of concealment. The ordinary magic weapon, the flying sword, even if she is cut into thousands of pieces, cannot damage the true spirit.

But once the innate true fire dyes the body, it can follow the breath, penetrate the void, burn the true spirit into nothingness, and die immediately.

So when Meng Qiu showed the Nanming Lihuo Sword, Qiao Qiao became very frightened and lost all courage to fight.

The shortcomings of ghost monks are so obvious, it is no wonder that there are only legends in Mangshan, and no one in other schools is willing to learn.

Meng Qiu's Yujian attacked again and again, Qiao Qiao used all her strengths, Abi Yuanzhu and Ghost Arrow launched one after another, and fled in embarrassment while fighting.

The two chased and stopped, but the route had already deviated from Mang Mountain and headed east.

After a while, a very high mountain appeared under the two people's feet, shaking like a pillar, looking down from the top, it stood out from the crowd.

"Songshan!" Qiaoqiao was startled in horror, recalling Meng Qiu's stupid words just now, and shouted: "You did it on purpose!"

Meng Qiu chuckled lightly and said, "It's not stupid at all."

Nanming's Lihuo sword suddenly accelerated and landed on Qiao Qiao's side in an instant. When it circled forward, the sword light was divided into tens of thousands of threads, wrapping the opponent inside.

Qiao Qiao was about to struggle, when Meng Qiu suddenly saw Meng Qiu take out a yellow gourd, shake it, and a streak of red rainbow shot out, the scorching heat made her whole body scald, almost melting.If she hadn't been a ghost, she would have been sweating profusely.

Meng Qiu said: "You'd better not move, here is the most precious Lei Ze Shensha condensed by Binghuo True Essence, if it falls on other monks, you may be able to escape. But if you get hit, you will never survive."

Qiao Qiao is a ghost, and his heart can't stop getting chills. He is very afraid, and secretly said: "I'm afraid this person hates the Underworld Sage and me, otherwise, how could he collect so many treasures in the fire? It was clearly premeditated, and I foolishly drilled into it."

Immediately shouted: "You can't kill me! I have the forbidden edict refined by the underworld sage on my body, which communicates with him spiritually. Once my body dies, it will turn into a mark and attach to you, and he will follow."

"Oh, is there such a good thing?" Meng Qiu didn't think so, and said, "I was just looking for trouble for him, wouldn't it be better if I could lure him out?"

About to start again, Qiao Qiao was really scared, and shouted: "Wait a minute. If you want to lure him, you don't have to kill me. I have the method of sound transmission for thousands of miles, but I can tell him urgently. He loves me very much and will definitely come to check.

In any case, he is always a suzerain, and his methods are not trivial, and he is much more powerful than me. If you act rashly, I am afraid it will not be successful.

If you are willing to let me go, I am willing to tell you all of his methods of Taoism, as well as the power of the magic weapon. "

Meng Qiu's heart skipped a beat and he hesitated a bit. Seeing this, Qiao Qiao hit the rails while it was hot:

"Besides that, I also know many secrets in the ghost country, such as why he went to Baiyang Mountain back then, and some major events planned recently, and who supports him behind him."

Hearing this, Meng Qiu felt a little moved, nodded slowly, and said, "It's not impossible to let you go, but if you are not satisfied with the news that follows, then you can't blame me."

He immediately took out a formation flag, took Qiao Qiao down to the bottom of the mountain, found a high cliff, arranged a formation, trapped her inside, and began to ask.

Qiao Qiao has practiced for many years, and her cultivation level is getting better and higher, and her status is getting higher and higher. Millions of Yin soldiers and ghost soldiers listen to her commands and enjoy every kind of enjoyment.
"Ming Sheng emerged from the ancient tomb of Mang Mountain in his early years, and when his cultivation was not yet complete, he had a conflict with a very powerful monster, Qiong Qi.

The two sides have been fighting for many years, and it wasn't until Ming Sheng practiced Taiyin Ghost Seal and became Earth Immortal that he overwhelmed the other side.

He originally wanted to find an opportunity to kill Qiongqi completely, but he didn't expect that the other party was alert and escaped one step earlier.After being chased and killed several times, it ran to Baiyang Mountain and took refuge with Wu Huazi and his son.

Ming Sheng was worried and went to the door.Wu Huazi, father and son, plus Qiongqi, were no match for him, but they met the ancient god dove.

This strange bird had the ability to eat ghosts before it was alive. After thousands of years of death, it absorbed the energy of the earth, and then resurrected with its master, becoming the nemesis of evil spirits.

Mingsheng didn't check any of them, and suffered a big loss, so he had to give up.After that, I went to the door to attack many times intermittently, but it has not been successful.

The most vicious thing was the big battle you met last time, because it was Qiongqi who was about to be promoted to the Earth Immortal, and the Underworld Sage was afraid that it would be more difficult to cure in the future, so he led a hundred thousand ghost soldiers to crusade.

But in that battle, I don't know how many mountains collapsed, and most of the [-] ghost soldiers died, but they didn't get their wish.Qiongqi was not eliminated, and later successfully became an Earth Immortal.

After that, Ming Sheng brought millions of people from one place up the mountain to train them into ghosts.For many years, they have been training ghost soldiers, just to attack Qiongqi and them again, wanting to get rid of them once and for all. "

"Millions of lives were lost for the selfishness of that ghost." Meng Qiu secretly sighed in his heart, and asked again: "Old ghost Xu has returned without success a few times before, where does he have the confidence now to say that he can solve it once?"

Qiao Qiao didn't dare to lie, and said: "This is related to another matter. More than ten years ago, he met a celestial master from the imperial court, and then he obtained a Taoism. I heard that there are powerful methods in it."

(End of this chapter)

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