Chapter 175 Procrastination
"Tianshi? The imperial court?" Meng Qiu frowned, realizing that things were not that simple.

It's no wonder that in this place, day and night are under the jurisdiction of the government and the ghost kingdom, and many evil cultivators got opportunities from the temples set up by the court for no reason, but helped this wandering soul take away the soul of life.

If there is a collusion between the two, everything makes sense.

He then asked, "Who is the teacher that day?"

"I really don't know." Qiao Qiao shook his head and said, "I remember it was the fourth year after the crusade against Qiong Qi and Wu Huazi and his son. At that time, Ming Sheng said that he was away on business and would not return for more than half a year.

But after leaving Mang Mountain for a few days, he suddenly returned, and then ordered that all the ghosts and wandering spirits who were outside should be recruited back, and the rules were promulgated.

As you can see right now, you must not take the initiative to hurt people during the day, and you must not enter the village without authorization at night.

I asked him why, and he only said that a celestial master from the imperial court approached him on his own initiative and gave him a Daoist book, and the two sides reached some agreement.

As for who the teacher was that day, he talked about him from left to right; when he asked in a hurry, he rarely got angry, and told me not to inquire about it, so as not to suffer disaster.

I was so annoyed that I simply suppressed my curiosity and didn't ask any questions.Until more than ten years ago, he went out and brought back a mysterious monk, who he said was an envoy sent by the celestial master.

When this person came, he was wrapped in black clothes, covered by the magic light, so he couldn't see the real situation.As soon as he arrived at Mang Mountain, after he got the Dharma of Mingsheng Zhenzhen, he retreated and practiced.

It wasn't until the year before last, when he crossed the catastrophe in Mang Mountain and was promoted to Earth Immortal, that he revealed his true face, that he was actually a monk.

I opened my mouth to inquire, and this person did not hide anything, saying that it was Venerable Dulong, the patriarch of the Western Yunnan Demon Sect, who had offended someone in the south and came here to seek refuge.

Only about the imperial court and the Heavenly Master, although he coveted my beauty, he kept his mouth shut and didn't dare to reveal anything at all. "

"The poisonous dragon is still alive?" Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said: "Back then when he was fighting swords in the Dai family field, this man was wounded in the vitals by the heroic monk Yifan with the three-light pestle, a Buddhist weapon for subjugating demons.

Although he had to forcefully escape back to the mountain, but the three-light pestle was powerful, and he couldn't enter meditation for three years without distracting thoughts, so it was inevitable that he would be tempered by the Buddha fire.

There are also treasures in other religions, but they can barely protect the primordial spirit, but the burning of the Buddha's fire on the body is definitely not so easy to dissolve.

It seems that he still didn't want to be reincarnated, and finally joined the ghost country and embarked on the road of ghosts. "

In order to heal his wounds, Venerable Poison Dragon went to trouble Zheng Bagu, who was secretly cultivating in the ice valley.At that time, this person was with Patriarch Lie Huo, and the latter was also on good terms with Underworld Sage Xu Wan.

After going around and around, Venerable Dulong actually became the messenger of the Celestial Master, and the matter became more and more complicated.Now it seems that there is a deep connection between these leftist sects and the imperial court.

Qiaoqiao didn't understand the twists and turns, and blurted out: "How did you know this?"

"Back then, I also participated in the sword fight at the Dai family field, and I was hostile to the poisonous dragon." Meng Qiu said indifferently: "Afterwards, he offended a friend of mine. He was going to trouble him, but he hid here."

Qiao Qiao's heart tightened, recalling the embarrassment on Venerable Dulong's face when he mentioned his enemy in the south.

She thought at that time that the person who can make the leader of a faction fear and flee to the north must be extremely powerful, and it turns out that it has something to do with the person in front of her.

After thinking about it, even if the poisonous dragon comes from behind, it has been able to draw with him in just two or three years, but it will never be able to defeat and capture him forcefully like the man in front of him.

"Leave him alone, someone will take care of him in the future." Meng Qiu said again: "You just said that the big event planned by Xu Wan means that he is colluding with the court?"

"Yes!" Qiao Qiao nodded and said with lowered eyebrows: "The Underworld Sage once proudly said that once the order in that place is established, it will not take many years to build a ghost country on the ground. He is also hopeful."

"It's hard for a ghost to become a saint." Meng Qiuqi said: "Since ancient times, there have been no immortals in the ghost way. Old ghost Xu can achieve today's achievements, he is already a long way ahead of his predecessors.

It's getting more and more interesting, how can he have such a big confidence?If the Heavenly Master of the imperial court who preached to him really has this ability, why bother to make such dark and trivial things, I want to overcome the calamity and ascend, and it will not be difficult. "

Qiao Qiao felt bitter in her heart, and said: "Could it be that if you practice the way of ghosts, you really can't become a fairy?"

Meng Qiudao: "What's the truth of 'solitary yin does not grow, and solitary yang does not grow'? I don't need to talk nonsense with you. You just think about it. You are afraid of the congenital fire. How can you survive that day when Lei Chunyang is extremely strong?"

What Qiaoqiao was worried about day and night was not being able to be promoted. Hearing this, he became more and more frustrated and unwilling, and asked again: "Is there really no way? What if I prepare more magic weapons?"

"The magic weapon is a support after all. Even if it can survive the heavenly calamity, what about the devil's calamity?" Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "If you want to become a celestial being, you must pass through the devil's calamity. Ghosts have no form, and the primordial spirit has nothing to rely on. What can we use to resist the heavenly demon?"

"Heavenly Demon?" Qiao Qiao couldn't help shivering when he thought of the Heavenly Demon he encountered during the Earth Immortal Tribulation.

She almost didn't pass that time, and it was Xu Wan, the Underworld Sage, who tried his best and borrowed a magic treasure to make it through.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly asked: "If I switch to the magic way, can I avoid it?"

Meng Qiu smiled, and said patiently as before: "Let's not say that you have cultivated to the Earth Immortal, the foundation is fixed and cannot be changed. Even if you change the family, so what?
You don't think that Tianmo and Momen both have the word "mo" and they are a family, right?

Heavenly demons come from desire, formless, shadowless, lifeless, deathless, good and evil, and you still plan to go through the back door, it's just wishful thinking. "

"But..." Qiao Qiao was still not reconciled, and said: "The time I crossed the immortal calamity, the underworld sage borrowed a top magic weapon from the demon sect through Yanni, the fairy mother of the blood river, so that I could successfully cross the tribulation."

Meng Qiu sneered and said, "If they really have such means, how can the biggest forces in the cultivation world be the orthodox sect and the sects? Are the righteous demon sects good people?

Although I don't know what that magic weapon is, but I think it's just something that hurts people's hearts and minds.It is nothing more than pulling you into an illusion, and confusing you first.

If the heavenly demon strikes, when luck is good, the two conflicts can offset some disasters; when luck is bad, the two superimpose, and death will be faster.

Now think about it, after crossing the tribulation, did you feel weak for a while?It is not like this to cross the catastrophe normally. "

After listening to his reminder, Qiao Qiao recalled that it took more than a year for the Immortal Empress to fully recover, and Venerable Poison Dragon was mentally complete as soon as he left the customs.

She was defeated by Meng Qiu, and she had no power to fight back. Fear gave birth to admiration, so she trusted him very much. After hearing these remarks, her hopes were shattered.

Can't help but slumped on the ground, said: "Is there really no way? Then I struggle so hard and bear the humiliation, why?"

"Sister Qiao, don't listen to this person's nonsense!" A red light flashed in the air, and a handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes fell down, and shouted: "He is just a loose fairy, what does he know?"

Only then did Meng Qiu turn around and take a look. The man who came was Faguang, and he was following the right path. He couldn't help but sighed and said:

"Miss Qiao Qiao, I kindly let you go out through sound transmission, and you are allowed to delay the time, why is it not Xu Wan who came here?"

(End of this chapter)

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