Chapter 177
"It's too late!" Meng Qiu turned his head to look at the sky.

Sure enough, a white light came directly, followed by a shout from afar: "Bitch! How dare you betray me!"

Wherever they passed, frost and cold fog condensed along the way, as if the winter was coming, and as soon as it fell, heavy snow began to float in the midair.

The face of the visitor was as white as gray, he was wearing a white hemp road dress and a hemp crown on his head, his appearance was extremely cold and distorted, his body was full of cold, it was astonishingly cold.

As soon as he appeared, he waved his hand and there were thousands of ghost arrows, all pale, covering Fire Walker and Meng Qiu inside.

The same spell is used by different people, so the power is naturally different.

With Qiao Qiao's hand, Meng Qiu was not in a hurry, and could take it with ease.

When Ming Sheng Xu Wan came here at this moment, he didn't dare to neglect at all, he hurriedly put away the precious umbrella transformed by the blue light, and urged it with all his strength, turning it into a thick barrier.

The bone arrow fell down like a boulder, the sound of "dong dong dong" was like beating a drum, and the blue light shook for a while, and it was finally supported.

Xu Wan especially hated the Fire Walker, and sent more attacks there, and the countless arrows rained down like pouring down.

Li Zhugong and Mangshan have been fighting for many years, how could Fire Walker not know the opponent's methods?

He had been prepared for it long ago, a bright red ball flew up to a height of one foot above his head, the size of a fist, and its flames were boundless.

The ghost arrow fell into the flames, like drizzle falling into the furnace, and disappeared invisible with a hissing sound.

"Sun God Fire Orb! Old Shaoyang is willing to give you this magic weapon." Xu Wan gritted his teeth.

This treasure was carefully refined by Zhenjun Shaoyang to refine demons and defend himself. It contains the real fire of the sun collected from Lizhu Palace.

This treasure is very capable of restraining the magic weapon of ghosts and dao. Xu Wan suffered a lot from this fire bead back then.

With this magic weapon, ordinary ghost spells have no effect at all.

He was about to come up with some powerful means, but he turned his head to see Meng Qiu again, stared at him, and said, "I've seen you before. It's your good fortune not to die in Baiyang Mountain that day, and you dare to come again, are you tired of living?

When I capture you, I will let you know how powerful the ghost kingdom is.Even if you die, it is not the end, the soul will be tortured by Yinhuo for 300 years..."

Meng Qiu chuckled, stretched out his hand and pulled out Nanming Lihuo Sword, urging him to release Lihuo.

"Nanming Lihuo Sword?" Xu Wan, who was still rambling on, was taken aback for a moment, and took another look, only to see that the opponent's magic weapon for body protection was actually the well-known Yu Qian Liuli, and blurted out: "You are Meng Qiu?"

Surprised and greedy at the same time, he stared at the divine sword and said, "I don't know where the news came from earlier that Nanming Lihuo sword fell into the hands of a Sanxian.

I still don't believe that a mere celestial being, how can He De have this divine sword.Only now do I know that it is true.

Little thief, if you give me this sword, I will let you go and let you go. "

Meng Qiu was not angry, and replied: "You are cultivating the way of ghosts. You dare to think about this pure yang treasure, and you are not afraid that Li Huo will set you on fire?"

From the perspective of cultivation, the ghost way has the potential to open up a single branch.But if there is no way forward, it is extremely fatal, and it is normal not to be recognized.

What's more, one has to be subject to various restrictions when practicing, and there are many taboos.For example, at the beginning of cultivation, one must choose a place that is cloudy and cold, without any taint of yang energy.

After cultivating to the end, every time you pass a threshold, you have to go through hardships.Among them, the most difficult thing is to cross the tribulation. If you are not careful, you will lose your body and spirit.

Even those who are fortunate enough to cultivate into immortals have many flaws. They are afraid of all kinds of real fire and one-handed pure yang Taoism.

Even some pure yang magic weapons can't be used.Otherwise, as soon as the magic power is urged, the real Vulcan thunder will come, and the compatibility will be incompatible, and the first person who will be unlucky will be himself.

Xu Wan sneered and said, "I don't need to worry about this, just present the Excalibur!"

Meng Qiu shook the flying sword and said, "If you have the ability, you can get it yourself."

Xu Wanjian stared back and forth between Meng Qiu and Fire Walker, and then looked at Qiao Qiao who was trapped by the formation. Seeing that his true yin had not diminished and he was still perfect, he was relieved immediately, and turned his gaze to Nanming Lihuo Sword.

"You just rely on the momentum of old man Gongye and the sharpness of this divine sword to kill a few Emei juniors, do you really think that you can be lawless?"

Xu Wan still decided to grab the Excalibur first, and then kill the adulterer, raising his hand was still a ghost bone arrow, and he also used the spell that Qiao Qiao used in the previous round.

Before it was activated, the bone meal, phosphorescence, and blood energy were still united, turning into a ball of magic light in white, blue, and red, coming like a shooting star.

Meng Qiu threw the Nanming Lihuo sword into the air, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of swords were formed, and they went up to him.

Xu Wan only thought that all the swords were separated, he didn't care, he just used his eyesight enough to lock the real sword, and laughed at the same time: "It's just a mere illusion, dare to use it on the stage..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Jianguang penetrate into the three-color light group, and with a snap, they all exploded.Then there was a burst of red light, and the fire was boiling away, burning away the remains of the bone arrow.

"Mr. Zhong's Thousand Shadow Phantom Light Sword Technique? Or Boy of Bliss' Qiankun Red Line Divine Sword Needle?"

After all, Xu Wan is an Earth Immortal with many years of experience, so he was very knowledgeable. He immediately listened to his hand, asked a few words in a deep voice, and then denied it, saying: "What kind of sword technique is this?"

The Qianying Phantom Light Sword Technique is the unique skill of Mr. Zhong, the sword fairy of the Kunlun School. It uses illusion all the way, and every time it is released, thousands of flying swords can be separated in the air. The sword and sword moves are different and ever-changing.

Although most of these flying swords are shadows, only the yin and yang flying swords are real, but if the enemy has no treasure to break the illusory, or the realm is far higher, they will not be able to see it at all.

And after practicing the mutual generation of virtual and real, Feijian can change from virtual to real, or from real to virtual in an instant, which is hard to guard against.

Therefore, Mr. Zhong is known as the number one contemporary swordsman in Kunlun, and his strength is no less than that of Ling Hun and half old nun.It's just a low-key person. If you are not a big school or a casual cultivator with a higher level, you may not have heard of it.

As for the Qiankun Red Line Divine Sword Needle, it is a treasure refined by the real person of Ji Le, with a total of [-] Qiankun needles.

Usually used, all the flying needles are combined into a flying sword, which is already the best in the world; it can also be separated, and with real people practicing swordsmanship, each needle is a flying sword, with infinite power.

These two, one virtual and one real, are different from the tricks Meng Qiu used just now.The flames in that sword energy were scorching, Xu Wan was determined not to admit his mistake, it was Nanming Lihuo, this sword has never been heard to be able to combine and divide.

Meng Qiu was quite satisfied with the effect just now, and said, "This is a sword technique created by me by splitting the sword into light. Old Ghost Xu, what do you think?"

"You created it yourself?" Xu Wan narrowed his eyes, and said slowly: "Sure enough, he is extremely talented, not inferior to the boy of bliss.

No wonder the Emei faction wants to kill them quickly.You don't hesitate to expose your shortcomings, and spread the fact that you have the Nanming Lihuo Sword in your hand to the world.

I changed my mind, after I kill you, I will no longer torture you, but I will turn you into a general of the ghost country, and fight for me! "

With a wave of his hand, first thousands of three-color ghost arrows appeared, and then thousands of dark green lights floated up at the same time.

This is the Jade Blood Soul Slayer Shuttle that he has honed over the years. He is only willing to use it when dealing with enemies. Once he hits someone, he can capture the soul of the living.

The two spells shot out at the same time, and the four colors of white, blue, red, and green flowed, making people dizzy and dizzy, and if they were not careful, they would feel like vomiting.

Meng Qiu didn't use any other magic weapon, he only split the sword light and broke it with one blow.

Seeing that Xu Wan didn't stop, he continued to cast spells, the ghost arrows and Bisuo continued to shoot, and he said in his mouth: "I see how many ways you can distinguish?"

"If this sword technique has only this bit of power, how can I have the face to say that the sword can turn into a rainbow and become a silk when practiced?" Meng Qiu laughed loudly, flew up, and shouted: "Please ask the underworld sage to try the sword for me!"

As soon as Yuanshen moved, he saw Nanming's Lihuo sword split into two thousand sword lights, and they shot out in unison. Each sword pierced into the enemy's spell without staying, but passed through it, reappeared, and attacked the rear.

The Ghost Arrow and Bi Suo who followed behind were all fired, and Jian Guang moved forward again, intercepting the second and third attacks that came in a row.

Even if all the sword lights went straight and there was no other trick, Xu Wan still felt shocked.

Previously, he thought that Meng Qiu was only relying on the power of the divine sword. Even if he could keep the balance now, but after all, his realm was lower, and it would be difficult for the opponent to hold on if he dragged himself a little longer.

But once this sword technique is out, if the lack of mana is made up for with skill, it only consumes extra soul and energy, and it will not be a problem to persist for ten or eight days.

How could Xu Wan wait for ten or eight days?

He felt ruthless in his heart, and was about to use another trick, when he suddenly noticed something different.

Taking advantage of the fight between the two in the sky, the fire walker quickly cast a spell to destroy the magic circle, and went to save Qiao Qiao.

"Bold!" Xu Wan was furious, and immediately allocated part of his mana to turn the Jade Blood Soul Extermination Shuttle to attack Fire Walker.

As soon as this treasure moves, all the green light in the sky converges, and it turns into a flying shuttle, rushing towards the enemy with lightning speed.

The fire walker saw that he was able to break through the formation, but was interrupted, and he was very angry. He urged the Shaoyang God Fire Bead upwards, turning it into a ball of fire, and the red light was like sunlight, covering the valley in an instant.

As soon as the Bisuo fire beads meet, it is really like meteors colliding with each other. Its momentum is so great that it suddenly creates an endless gust of wind and pushes it away, pushing away all the rocks, trees and weeds, leaving only a piece of bare land.

Even the formation was shaking violently, almost unable to hold on, so scared that Qiao Qiao's face changed.

After all, Xu Wan's cultivation base is deeper, even if Bi Suo is overcome by the opponent, he can still win.

As the green light passed by, it was piercingly cold, and it swept Firewalker's body protection light, causing him to shiver unknowingly.

He wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue him again, but Meng Qiu had destroyed the ghost bone arrow, and laughed loudly: "How dare you be distracted? Old ghost Xu, are you looking down on Meng?"

With a flick of the Nanming Lihuo sword, more than 3000 sword shadows were instantly separated and shot towards them.

Xu Wan was furious, and said, "I thought I would deal with you again. Since you have to die first, I will fulfill you!"

In front of him, ten thousand phantom ghost arrows immediately appeared, and the blue blood soul destroying shuttle also shot out ten thousand rays of light, all kinds of auras, covering the sky and the sun, and can be seen thousands of miles away.

"Is it useful if there are a lot of them?" Meng Qiu didn't have enough mana to separate out three thousand sword lights, but he didn't panic. As long as he moved the divine sword, the sword lights turned from red to white, the heat rose, and even the void was burned and distorted.

When Xu Wan's attack was approaching, the sword light was as quick as lightning, each attack was completed several times in the blink of an eye, and all the ghost arrows Bisuo were intercepted.

It's just that when the two were fighting fiercely, the fire walker didn't take the opportunity to deal with Xu Wan, but instead went to solve the formation around Qiao Qiao.

Meng Qiu was so angry that he laughed and scolded: "Idiot! I can't tell the seriousness at all!"

Qiao Qiao was still the governor, so he hurriedly shouted: "Brother Yuan, leave me alone, help fellow Daoist Meng quickly, as long as I get rid of Ming Sheng, I will be truly free."

Only then did Firewalker wake up, and quickly released the Sun God Fire Orb to attack Xu Wan.

It is very difficult to deal with Meng Qiu alone, coupled with the restraint of Fire Walker's Taoism and the exquisite magic weapon, even Xu Wan's advanced level is difficult to deal with for a while.

Annoyed, he stretched out his hand to grab and took out the most precious blood sand streamer that he had cultivated. The blood was translucent and bright. When he shook it suddenly, endless purple flames burst out, and he turned into a ghost and evil spirit.

The white light is like a dark moon, the blue light is like a ghost fog, the green is miserable, and the red is misty, as if the hell is coming, it is terrifying and eerie.

Meng Qiu also divided the sword light, but it fell into the purple flame, as if in a quagmire, and it was difficult to move.

"The realm and magic power are still not enough!" He sighed, gathered the sword light ten feet in front of him, urged Nanming Lihuo, and attached it to the barrier of magic light emitted by Qian Liuli.

The blue light and the fire light are not mutually exclusive, the two merge, the inner green and the outer red, the flame rises up, has been multiplied several times, forming a circle, enveloping itself.

Ziyan was attached to Ghost Arrow and Bisuo, and when it hit the light barrier, it was like raindrops hitting a scorching hot iron plate. Not only could it not be shaken, but it was burned by Lihuo, and all the filth was removed, and it disappeared into light smoke.

On the other side, the fire walker could not stand it after only one attack, and the sun god fire ball was beaten down again and again, and he saw that he flew back.

The fire light is also retracted again and again, and it can only protect itself, and the rest of the valley is covered with frost condensed by ghost energy.

While besieging the two enemies, Xu Wan yelled at Qiao Qiao: "Bitch! I have found the way to become a god, and the road is promising. Why do you still betray me?"

That formation is precarious and may overturn at any time.Even so, Qiao Qiao was trembling, but still refused to bow his head, saying:

"Ming Sheng, I have been with you for more than a hundred years, how can I not know your temperament?
As long as you are a little sure that you can be promoted, and you have already devoted all your attention to cultivation, you will still pester me and ask me to submit, and the more you press, the more you will get tighter. "

Xu Wan was furious and scolded: "What do you know? How could I not be sure? Isn't it because after becoming a fairy, I can't..."

When he said this, he felt something was wrong, so he stopped talking and said angrily: "I will come to you to settle accounts after I kill these two juniors."

"Destroy me? I want you to have this ability!" Although Meng Qiu failed to hear the key information, he also knew that Xu Wan was plotting secretly, and he must have something to do with the court celestial master, so there was no need to think about it.

Without hesitation at the moment, he shook his hand and hit the dragon bird ring.The mother and child have four apertures, crystal clear, one blue, one yellow, one red and one white.

The streamer was shining, and flew straight into the ghostly air in the sky, spinning non-stop, growing to more than ten feet.

I could only hear whirring sounds, red, white, blue, and yellow colors became more and more abundant, and the brilliance rolled up, like a dragon absorbing water, grabbing Ziyan, Guijian, and Bisuo, squeezing them in the middle, shrinking them to a thickness of six feet, and penetrating into the circle.

In the blink of an eye, all the eerie aura was swept away.

The sun shone from the sky and shone on the surrounding frost, which was radiant and gorgeous.

(End of this chapter)

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