Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 178 Transformation between Friend and Enemy

Chapter 178 Transformation between Friend and Enemy
When Master Lian Shan created the Great Teaching in the South China Sea, Xu Wan was just an ordinary monk, so naturally he had never seen the dragon bird ring.

But just based on the power he saw just now, and the magic weapons he took out just now, he was frightened and could not help being greedy.

Seeing that Meng Qiu had broken Xu Wan's spell, Firewalker was not to be outdone, and besides still putting the Sun God Fire Bead on his head as a guard, he also took out a stone tablet.

On both sides of the stele, there is a monster that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, or a snake but not a snake. The front is red and the back is black.

"Yin-Yang Double Dragon Monument!" Xu Wan screamed, terrified, and shouted, "Is old Shaoyang crazy? I ask you to take out this magic weapon too."

Fire Walker couldn't care less about rebuttals, and poured mana with great effort to activate the magic weapon.

The sudden red light on the stele rose thousands of feet high, dyeing half of the sky red.

The monster depicted on the front, with flames flying all over its body, flew out suddenly, fell into the air, and turned into a blood-red, crystal-clear body, thick as a human arm, and a three-foot-long basilisk.

As soon as the Red Snake got away, he couldn't wait to rush towards Xu Wan. Thousands of waves of fire swayed from the soles of his feet, billowing clouds of flames.

When it flew out for a while, it changed suddenly, and grew to tens of feet, circling the sky, with fierce momentum.

This is the spirit snake conceived by the essence of Binghuo, and it is the town spirit beast of Lizhu Palace on Moqiu Island. It usually cultivates on the Yin-Yang Shuanglong Monument. Unless it is in a critical situation, this stele must not be moved lightly, and it will be brought out by Fire Walker somehow.

Xu Wan didn't know why, he came to the door to provoke him, and he suffered a lot from this magic weapon, and almost died.

Right now, he didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, he first protected himself with the blood sand banner, and then shot out the ghost bone arrow and the blue blood soul destroying shuttle.

The Fire Walker had just witnessed Meng Qiu's supernatural power, and was extremely unconvinced. He wanted to compete, so he followed the example of the opponent and took the first step, driving the red snake, controlling the fire cloud, and intercepting all the attacks.

The boundless rain of arrows and blue shuttles are no different from the snowflakes floating in the sky, they are only swept by the fire waves and disappear in an instant.

Meng Qiu simply withdrew his hands, stood aside, and couldn't help but marvel at the fact that the magic spells are the most amazing.Those double dragon steles may not be stronger than the dragon sparrow ring, but they are much more suitable for dealing with ghost spells.

The red snake didn't stop for a moment, it blinked in front of Xu Wan, opened its mouth wide, spewed out a cloud of blood-red fire, spread out in a blink of an eye, and swooped towards Xu Wan head-on.

Xu Wan's expression was extremely dignified, and he unfolded the blood-stained streamer, and a burst of purple light soared up into the sky, rushing towards the fire cloud.It's just that as soon as it was touched, it immediately disappeared by itself, which was worse than the arrow rain just now.

"Old ghost, you rag, how can you stop the elites condensed by the three-yang real fire fired by my spirit snake?" Firewalker glanced at Meng Qiu, triumphantly, and said:

"Don't be obedient and get caught. For the sake of taking care of sister Qiao all these years, maybe you can spare your life!"

Xu Wan was furious, and shouted: "The little thief is rampant! Do you really think that with the magic weapon, I will be afraid of you?"

The mana surged, and a burst of black light transpired, covering the bloody sand streamer. Suddenly, the purple light turned into a purple flame, rolling up like a tide, and for a while, thick clouds were densely covered, like the morning glow.

The red snake fits itself and pounces down, spraying out continuous fire clouds, it is as big as a mangosteen tree, and when it leaves its mouth, it expands into a square area of ​​mu, and one after another it falls down, extremely violently.

The fire walker was supposed to be able to make meritorious deeds, and he laughed to himself.

But I saw the red fire falling into the purple flames, like a thunder from the sky stirring the fire on the ground, the light burst out, and the blue sky and white sun were already covered; the heat was so intense that all the surrounding rocks were melted into magma.

There was a loud bang, like the beating of a drum, or like a landslide, and the sound shook hundreds of miles.

Seeing that the fire cloud could not penetrate the purple flame, the fire walker stopped laughing abruptly, and shouted: "How is it possible! What kind of demon technique are you doing?"

Qiao Qiao said in a loud voice: "Brother Yuan, be careful, this blood sand banner is a magic weapon for protecting the body that the Underworld Sage restrained thousands of fierce souls. It is infinitely mysterious and cannot be taken lightly.

The purple flame in this hand is not ghost fire, but yang energy.Back then, he and I found 99 young boys who had just escaped from their mother's womb, killed them, took their souls, and gathered them together.

Although the souls of these boys belong to Yin ghosts, there is still a little innate true yang in their bodies that has not dissipated, so they are not afraid of your true fire. "

"So that's how it is!" Fire Walker suddenly said, "But no matter what his true yin and true yang are, I don't believe he can defeat my divine monument."

He urged the mana again, but saw the red snake raised its head and opened its mouth to spray out a red net as big as mu. It seems to be a very thin layer, and there is no difference, but it is also the essence of the real fire elite.

As soon as it touched Ziyan, it seemed like boiling oil was on fire, and with a bang, everything erupted.The red light flashed and turned into thousands of hundreds of feet of fire rushing upwards.

Xu Wan shook his body, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed his mouth, emitting a deep red blood. It was the unique magic of the Red Corpse God Flame, which was connected with the Purple Flame, and the two colors rotated and gradually became stable.

"At this moment!" Meng Qiuzao was waiting for the opportunity, and immediately urged the Nanming Lihuo sword, the sword energy turned into a rainbow, and slashed at the enemy in the air.

"Ah!" Even though Xu Wan tried his best to warn him spiritually, there was a real fire coming from the fire walker, and Meng Qiufei's sword was so fast that it was too late to dodge completely, and he only hid the real spirit in a hurry.

A long rainbow hung in the air, the red light was faster than electricity, it penetrated Xu Wan's chest and flew out.

Immediately afterwards, the big net sprayed out by the red snake retracted, caged Xu Wan inside, and shrunk inward. Xu Wan's body suddenly turned into light smoke and disappeared without a trace.

The fire walker was showing joy, but he saw a hundred feet away, flashing, revealing a figure, still dressed in hemp, with a pale face.

Qiao Qiao said faintly: "The body of Mingsheng is refined from the true yin and primordial spirit. It is incomparably ingenious. Only the true spirit is not lost. Even if it is killed a hundred times, it can still be restored as a whole, scattered and reunited."

Xu Wan glared at the bottom, and said sternly: "Bitch! I treat you well, so I won't help me, and keep exposing my background. If you dare to bully me like this, don't blame me for not showing any mercy."

Firewalker was furious and shouted: "You dare to threaten sister Qiao, I..."

"Shut up! If old Shaoyang comes, I'll give up three points, what are you?" Xu Wan interrupted his words with a contemptuous tone, only staring at Meng Qiu, and said rather fearfully:

"If this boy surnamed Meng doesn't interfere, let's see how I deal with you!"

At the beginning, Firewalker took out the Yin-Yang Shuanglong stele, which really surprised him, but seeing that the opponent's power was not high enough to make him reluctant, he was not afraid, but coveted it instead.

After various calculations, he thought to himself that if he could keep this magic weapon, Li Zhu Gong's strength would be reduced by more than half.It's a pity that there is a nosy person next to him.

At this time, Xu Wan adjusted his mentality, he no longer wanted to punish the other party, he just wanted to take Qiao Qiao and leave quickly.

Immediately, he took out a gourd, flung it outward, and the green fire flew up to a hundred feet, and the green fireflies were like rain, and the head was pressed down.This is the green phosphorous sand that he prepared to resist the three calamities of the earth immortal.

The hair is about to go out, the poisonous sand originally covered the two people on the opposite side, Meng Qiu just moved the flying sword, but saw the fire walker dodge to the side, and said:
"Old ghost, how dare you look down on me! Well, I want to see what you can do if you keep promoting this person!"

At the critical moment, I don't know why I made this mistake. When the enemy is in front of me, I choose to stand by and watch.

Of course there was Xu Wan's instigating relationship, but it was more because Qiao Qiao didn't believe what he said just now, but believed in Meng Qiu's matter.The combination of the two will inevitably lead to burning jealousy.

"Is this man a fool, how did he become an Earth Immortal?"

Faced with this situation, Meng Qiu felt sincere admiration for the God Sovereign of Shaoyang whom he had never met before. Even this kind of people can be transformed into immortals, which is really amazing.

Immediately ignored it, mobilized the Nanming Lihuo sword, split the sword light, turned into an electric arrow, shot out, and crashed into the green cloud.

Pieces of green phosphorous sand dissipated in the explosion, but they merged as soon as they were separated, and gathered more and more, and the tide was pressing, and Jianguang was not able to completely intercept it.

In a blink of an eye, he was within a hundred feet of his body, and suddenly he felt a biting cold, and he was shivering.

Meng Qiu hurriedly sacrificed the Dragon Sparrow Ring again, the red, white, blue and yellow halos formed a ring, and flew out.

"Hmph!" Xu Wan sneered, thinking inwardly, "My green phosphorous sand is made by accumulating countless rotting corpse gas, dirty blood, and thousands of fierce souls over the years, and it is the most filthy magic weapon.

What are the abilities of these four small rings, dare to force it up.It's a pity that this good magic weapon is going to be destroyed here. "

As soon as he thought this way, he saw the dragon sparrow ring spinning faster and faster in the air, and then like a long whale sucking water, it engulfed all the arsenopyrite within a hundred meters in front of it to the platform.

Xu Wan was shocked, unexpectedly, the power of this magic weapon was so powerful that it was one of the most powerful he had ever seen in his life.

He immediately cheered up and pushed the green phosphorous sand all over the sky, the green light was miserable, and more than a thousand ghosts and ghosts escaped, baring their teeth and claws, violently.

At this time, Qiao Qiao yelled: "Brother Yuan, don't be willful. Take action quickly and deal with Ming Sheng together with Fellow Daoist Meng."

Xu Wan was furious, and said, "Bitch! Shut up!"

He immediately took out a jade tablet and crushed it vigorously.With a click, a white light flew out and instantly sank into Qiao Qiao's body, even the surrounding magic circle couldn't resist it.

"Ah!" Qiao Qiao just screamed out of panic, her body exploded with a bang, and then gathered together, but her face turned paler, a little ethereal.

As soon as she moved, she suddenly felt a burst of fatigue, as if her body was a little overdrawn, and then her mana was weaker than before, and it was slowly draining.

Just as Firewalker was about to make a move, he was suddenly frightened, his voice trembling, and said, "Old ghost, what did you do?"

"It was you who forced me to use the last trick." Xu Wan argued with Meng Qiu while saying, "I have already exploded the spiritual seeds planted in the bitch's body.

Within five hours, if it cannot be completed, the ghost power will be lost bit by bit, until finally, the primordial spirit and true spirit will also disappear, and the world will disappear from then on.

If you are sensible, quickly help me deal with the little thief surnamed Meng. After killing the enemy, I will plant a new seed for her to save his life. "

This is the spell he used to lure Qiao Qiao into Taoism and secretly control him.Because it needs to be concealed, it has no other effect, not even killing the opponent quickly.

It can only explode at a critical moment, causing it to slowly lose its shape, so that the soul has no sustenance and dies naturally.

Qiao Qiao was so frightened that the souls of the dead froze, and hurriedly said: "Brother Yuan, quickly obey the orders of the Underworld Sage and kill this man surnamed Meng."

The moment just now made her feel the taste of death again after many years.

The strange thing is that this time, he can't regard death as home as before.On the contrary, it was extremely frightening, as if an invisible hand was tickling in my heart, and I didn't know how to get rid of it.

If it weren't for the lack of a body, I'm afraid I would vomit out of fear at this moment.Even paralyzed in the formation, trembling.

"Okay!" The fire walker was so decisive that he mobilized the yin and yang double dragon stele, and the red snake rose again, with clouds under its feet, spraying three yang real fire, and attacked Meng Qiu.

He still didn't think it was enough, so he blushed, summoned up his mana, and released the monster on the back of the stone tablet. It was another strange snake with a body as black as ink and a crystal-clear body, only seven feet long.

As soon as he was born, there were two flashes, the sound of wind and thunder interspersed faintly, and the surroundings were surrounded by red light and blue and white smoke.

Although the black snake looks much smaller than the red snake, its supernatural power is even more powerful than the red snake, especially its violent temperament, which is unparalleled.

With a snarl, he burst into flames, and he opened his mouth to spit out a red letter like a flame two or three feet long, with more than a hundred sparks the size of a wine glass.

Sparks splashed out, instantly turning into a mass of fire as big as castan and redder than blood, igniting the green phosphorous sand from where it came from.

Immediately, the whole valley became a sea of ​​flames up and down, and only the whistling sound was heard, complemented by the echoes from the four walls.

Meng Qiu changed from two against one to one against two, and the pressure doubled.Fortunately, Xu Wan's ghost magic weapon and Fire Walker are not compatible, otherwise the difficulty would be several levels higher.

He took a deep breath, and was not in a hurry to defend. Instead, his long sword turned into a rainbow, passed through the formation, and suddenly landed beside Qiao Qiao, saying:
"You did me a favor last time. I promised to bring you to Songshan, and now I have done it. If that's the case, let's send you on your way."

Qiao Qiao was startled, and just about to speak, she saw Meng Qiu slash her neck with his sword, and a beautiful head fell to the ground.

"No!" Xu Wan and Fire Walker yelled together, their eyes were red, their faces were twisted, and they fell eagerly from above.

The green phosphorous sand and the Sanyang real fire each occupy half of the sky, like two green and red curtains, along the middle there is a clear line, the sand is surging violently, and the flames are blazing.

Yu Qian Liuli flew out and landed in the formation.The blue light immediately hooked up with the light of the magic circle, and the two merged, and the defense increased tenfold.This is one of the real uses of this treasure.

When the magic weapons of the two enemies fell down, there were two crumbling mountains, large and small, densely packed rubble, and it was impossible to count them.

But Meng Qiu shrunk the magic circle, and a golden light appeared, like a Buddhist golden bell jar, the attack fell on it, motionless, as solid as gold.

After Qiao Qiao died, Xu Wan and Firewalker put aside their old hostility and shared the same hatred. They stepped up their mana and attacked for a while, but they were still unable to capture.

The fire walker showed his power again, urging the two snakes to step up their attack, the flames became stronger and stronger, the red light turned into white light, surging up like a frenzy, and the flames all around turned silver.

The fiery clouds and flames at the bottom of the feet rolled suddenly and violently like turbulent waves, rolling up countless whirlpools, soaring wheels and electricity, dazzling red light, and even a wise eye could not see beyond ten feet,
Especially the firepower that fell in the middle was extremely powerful. It fell down and landed on the magic circle, and the surrounding stone ground was swayed by more than ten feet, followed by a white smoke, and suddenly the fire was scorching and extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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