Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 179 Nine Yang God Thunder

Chapter 179
A sea of ​​flames came from the sky, filling the entire valley, no matter the green phosphorous sand or the ghost bone arrows, they were all repelled.

Xu Wan had no choice but to protect himself with a streamer of bloody sand, cursed secretly "lunatic", and withdrew all kinds of spells.

It's true that he dotes on Qiao Qiao very much, even if he is willing to teach him the secret script of Taiyin, the way of life, but he is naturally unwilling to risk his life.

Even if Nanming Lihuo Sword and this woman were to be chosen together, he would choose Excalibur without hesitation.

But Firewalker is different, he really loves Qiaoqiao to the bottom of his heart, and now he has fallen into madness, shouting: "How dare you kill her? How dare you!"

Hoarse, the Yin-Yang Shuanglong Monument has been activated to the extreme, even if the cultivation base cannot support it, and the blood is bleeding from the seven orifices, it will not stop.

Meng Qiu could only guard Yu Qian Liuli, and it was extremely difficult to deal with it.If it was before Taishan and his party, his cultivation would not be able to persist, and his defense might have been breached.

But now even though the inner and outer primordial spirits have not merged, but their strength is more than double that of before, the sword light differentiation, which is drilled on this basis, can naturally be persisted.

While supporting him, he sneered and said: "I had a big grudge with this ghost girl and old ghost Xu, and I came here this time to take revenge.

After catching her, he thought that if he was obedient and cooperative, he might be able to let her go.Unexpectedly, this female ghost has a lot of thoughts, and she plots again and again to kill herself.

Originally, I didn't want to offend you Lizhu Palace. After all, the last time Yue'er Island fetched treasures, God Shaoyang didn't come, so it was considered a face.

But if you have to work hard for this ghost girl and me, then I am not afraid.When I was young, I cut off your head and sent it to Moqiu Island.

Anyway, Nanhai cultivator, I have offended a lot, and I am not bad for your family. "

After Meng Qiu finished speaking, he took out the dragon bird ring and threw it into the air.

The four circles are divided into two sides in a swirl, the red and white mother rings become ten feet big in a flash, stirring up the sea of ​​fire, pulling the real fire into the circle, absorbing all the surrounding flames in a short while, and reducing the pressure.

In addition, the blue and yellow sub-rings flashed, and in the blink of an eye, they were put on the waists of the red and black spirit snakes, and they were retracted suddenly.

Two days later, the fiery snake immediately broke into two pieces, but when one shook, it was connected again.This dragon sparrow ring can defeat the flying sword, even if the purple Ying Qingsuo is in the circle, it can block it, but it can't hurt this kind of spirit body between the virtual and the real.

The fire walker was furious, and he activated the yin and yang double dragon tablet, and the fire snake immediately doubled in size, swooped down, and hit the barrier that combined the submerged glass and the formation.

The barrier shook for a while, as if it was on the verge of falling, and the surrounding earth and rocks were all impacted by the aftermath, and the ground sank three feet. As soon as the rocks splashed up, they immediately turned into powder.

Although the Firewalker was struggling to move the Shuanglong Monument, and was already overdrawing himself, he was already crazy, and it was difficult to calculate with common sense.

Meng Qiu knew that he couldn't stand in a stalemate, and with Xu Wan watching over him, he used his energy to push Nanming's Lihuo sword into the sea of ​​flames.

If other flying swords came here, even Ziying Qingsuo would probably be burned by the real fire, restraining most of his energy and making it difficult to exert his full strength.

But Nanming Lihuo Sword is different, it is the essence of fire, like a fish in water.And the grade is even higher than the Yin-Yang Shuanglong Monument, innately invincible.

It galloped out, and the surrounding flames couldn't stop it in the slightest, stabbing directly at the Fire Walker.

Most of the fire walker's energy was devoted to mobilizing the two snakes from the magic weapon. Even if the Sun God Fire Orb was powerful, it could not withstand the attack of Nanming Lihuo Sword. In just a moment, most of the magic light had been cut off, and the flame was dim, and it was in danger.

If he were to die, the Yin-Yang Shuanglong Monument would naturally lose its owner's drive. No matter how powerful it was, there would be nothing to do about it. Such a crisis could be resolved.

It's just that when Meng Qiu was about to kill Fire Walker, Xu Wan suddenly made a move beside him, and the Jade Blood Miehuner came galloping to stop the Excalibur.

He said loudly: "Fire Walker, don't worry, I will protect you, and quickly deal with the murderer who killed Qiao Qiao."

Meng Qiu didn't expect that this person came out to disrupt the situation, and when he attacked with Nanming Lihuo Sword, the opponent also used all kinds of magic weapons and Taoism to block it.

Although the power of the ghost magic was greatly reduced in the flames of the true fire god, Xu Wan was an earth immortal after all, and he was able to protect the fire walker with only his powerful mana.

"Hey, you old ghost, just now you were screaming happily with an adulterer and adulterer, but now they are mixed together, protecting each other life and death, just like brothers."

Meng Qiu spoke sarcastically, and said: "It is said that Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, is magnanimous. When I saw him today, as expected, he would even let his wife and concubine go."

Xu Wan was not fooled, he only twisted his face to look like a fire walker, and hissed: "I love Qiao Qiao the most in my life, and I never hide it from her when I respond to ghost spells.

Now that she has unfortunately died, it is natural to think of revenge first, and then talk about other things.If you still think about it now and entangle your identity, you don't deserve to fall in love with her. "

Blood and tears flowed unceasingly from the Fire Walker, shouting the word "revenge", he urged the two spirit snakes together, they coiled together, and attacked downward together, just like two dragons playing with pearls.

The boundless fire wave hit the magic circle, arousing little sparks, splashing out, and bursting one after another, crackling, causing the valley to be full of rumbling sounds.

Although Meng Qiu is still stable, the blue light has gradually shrunk.All the real fires came together, and from a distance, they looked like a pile of firewood, full of flames.

Xu Wan's intentions were not difficult to guess. It was nothing more than to use the half-mad Fire Walker to fight Meng Qiu, and both sides would suffer.

It's just that even if he exposes it now, it won't help. Firewalker even squeezed his soul and mana, and used magic weapons by leaps and bounds. Obviously, there is nothing else in his heart except hatred.

The real fire burned more and more intensely, and Meng Qiu's long-term attack was ineffective, so he couldn't help sighing, the realm is really the root.If he is an Earth Immortal now, not to mention counterattack, even if he is just defending, the Shuanglongbei will definitely not be able to break through Yuqian Liuli.

He stretched out his hand and retracted the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and then took out the Haotian Mirror. Even if he couldn't hurt the enemy, at least he could open an escape route.

It's just that when he saw the flames in the sky, he was agitated, and the fire walker looked dull. He just followed his instinct to stir up the real fire, suddenly came up with an idea, and said with a smile:
"The power of this flame is not as good as that of Yue'er Island. Let me add some strength to you."

He took out two red beads the size of mung beans, urged them with magic power, they turned into two beams of precious light, and came out. They looked like fire, but the color was vivid, which is rare.

The strangest thing is that when it first appeared, it looked like two pillars of fire. As soon as it appeared, the front of it suddenly exploded and turned into fire beads as big as longan eyes.

Immediately, this valley was completely covered by fire and thunder, and in the blink of an eye, it turned from infinite sparks into hundreds of feet of red clouds. The smoke was thick, black and red, as if it was one with the original sea of ​​fire.

The real fire superimposed on the god sand, the power became infinitely stronger at once, the fire and thunder stirred up, and exploded everywhere. The several mountain tops that had been melted by this blow disappeared in an instant, and even the fly ash could not be found.

Meng Qiu had already made preparations. Except for the magic circle and Yu Qian Liuli, Nanming's Lihuo sword and Longque ring were all retracted, and they were gathered by his side, and the magic light circulated.

As soon as the thunder and fire hit, they were either taken away by the dragon bird ring or scattered by the divine sword. Although it was difficult, it could be supported.

Xu Wan cursed loudly, and no longer cared about protecting the fire walker, he just wrapped himself in the bloody sand streamer and was about to go out.

Unexpectedly, the ghost gas was activated, as if water droplets fell into the hot oil, it exploded immediately.Infinite True Vulcan Thunder rushed forward, buried him inside, and exploded rumbling non-stop.

And the Sun God Fire Bead above the Firewalker's head finally couldn't hold on, the magic light dimmed and fell down, exposing his whole body to the fire and thunder.

The real fire will not backfire, but the thunder of the gods is like rain, and it does not stop, breaking through the defense of the fire walker in a short time, and falling on the body.

He let out a muffled grunt, woke up in pain and turned around. Looking at the scene again, he was horrified, and his face turned pale again in an instant.

It's too late to think about protecting yourself now.Even if the Yin-Yang Double Dragon Stele is put away, it will fall under the thunder of the gods.

The fire walker looked at the bottom of the valley with nostalgia. Not long after Qiao Qiao died, his spirit body dissipated and turned into light smoke, leaving only a treasure bag, which was also put away by Meng Qiu.

He gave Meng Qiu and Xu Wan a vicious look, and said, "Even if I die, I will drag you to be buried with me!"

Bite the tip of the tongue, catch the blood drop with the hand, rub it together, and wave it into the field. The red snake and black snake, which were raging wantonly in mid-air, suddenly hit the middle, mingled together, and spun rapidly, sucking all the surrounding fire clouds, turning faster and faster.

Shenlei threw Firewalker into the air, but he couldn't stop laughing wildly.Then he saw that the two snakes had disappeared, and there was only a red brilliance of more than one hundred mu left.

"Sanyang Shenlei!" Xu Wan yelled strangely, and cursed: "You madman, do you really want us to die together?
Fellow Daoist Meng, if you don’t take back the spell, you and I will leave quickly, and we can still escape from this place! "

The Sanyang God Thunder is the treasure condensed by real fire, and it strikes in the sky like hail and rain, with blazing flames, huge momentum, and extremely violent.

Thousands of strands of fire arrows shot in all directions, turning into a net of divine thunder and fire that densely covered the sky, and immediately burst out thousands of silver lights that were brighter than electricity.

Meng Qiu hastily mobilized his mana to connect with Lei Ze Shensha. The red cloud like a sea of ​​fire only flashed, and then returned to its original shape, turning into two pillars of fire, Zhu Hong, from big to small, and landed in his hand.

It's just that it was too late for Xu Wan to take back the magic weapon at this moment, and the hiding place was already trapped by Sanyang Shenlei and Xiantian True Fire.

This thunder is only a ball of silver light the size of a wine glass, and when it touches the water cloud, it grows violently, about an acre, like blowing bubbles, it suddenly turns into countless silver flames, and bursts together.

Thousands of feet of fiery red light surrounded a piece of bloody light and green light the size of mu, reflecting each other inside and outside, the glow of the sun was brilliant, and the dance of electricity was flying.

"Madman, if you continue like this, you will die too!" Xu Wan yelled, it was very difficult to deal with this kind of offensive.

Firewalker was still laughing wildly, and said: "I risked being expelled from the master's school, and stole the Yin-Yang Shuanglong stele, but I still couldn't rescue Qiaoqiao.

At this moment, regardless of victory or defeat, it is difficult to keep this master's treasure.I am ashamed of my mentor, and I am sorry for Qiao Qiao, I don't want to live for a long time. "

While speaking, the Thunder of the Three Suns shot down from the sky again, the silver light fell like rain, the rumbling sound shook the earth, and the sea of ​​fire boiled, enveloping the three of them, none of them could escape.

From a distance, it is a majestic and majestic scene of flames soaring into the sky; but up close, it is a hell on earth, and its viciousness has reached the extreme.

Unlike Xu Wan who was yelling and cursing, Meng Qiu was extremely calm. He built his defense first, and then thought about how to deal with the chaotic situation that even Fire Walker could not control.

Sanyang real fire is different from ordinary fire, there is no smoke outside the fire.At this moment, all the clouds in the sky are reflected by the fire, and the surroundings are as bright as red clouds.

There is also a blue color in the center of the sky in the middle of the sky, which is not a serious sky, and it is also low from the clouds, but at this time, the flames are burning, and the clouds in the sky have long since been washed away.

After a burst of explosions, Firewalker's Dharma Light was breached, and his body was instantly torn apart.

Even though he was dead, the magic weapon was driven by the mana he left behind, but it didn't stop, it still kept running.

The sky is full of stars and rain, and thousands of thunders from the gods of the three suns have already struck down.When it fell to the bottom, thunderbolts and thunderbolts exploded one after another, and the heat wave immediately emptied.

The Thunder of the Three Yang Gods is extremely powerful, and the places it hits are the high mountains and great mountains, and they are also turned into powder, melted into slurry, splashed tens of hundreds of feet high, and turned into boiling soup, flying around.

Thousands of thunderbolts shook violently, and Xu Wan was swayed here and there by the divine thunder in the flames.

Later, the divine thunder became more and more intense, and it was as dense as a scorpion. Although the bloody sand streamer had not been broken, it danced like star pellets, floating in the Qianxun fire.

He knew not to leave at this time, once the thunder was released, he could just restrain his magic power, and if he wanted to escape again, even if he paid a huge price, he might not be able to succeed.

Immediately shouted loudly, green light radiated from his whole body, together with the purple flame from the bloody sand streamer, suddenly spread outward, clearing a large open space in the thunder light.

He bit his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood mist, wrapped himself up, and was about to fly away.

Suddenly, a big thunderbolt exploded on a sunny day. He only felt dizzy, tinnitus, and palpitations.

But I saw a flame, coming from nowhere, as fast as lightning, when the thunder sounded, it passed through the chest from front to back.

"Ah!" Xu Wan screamed, and with great difficulty, he let out a breath, and the surrounding space disappeared immediately.

After the power of the shock passed, the three sun god thunders gathered from the outside to the center again, from big to small, from split to merge, the number of thunder continued to increase, like thousands of drums roaring one after another, more than a hundred times stronger than ordinary thunderbolts.

Xu Wan received Meng Qiu's sword qi and thunder sound, and the magic light protecting his body was shattered, and he fell into the endless thunder. After a few hits, the ghost body exploded immediately.

After a while, the body was born again, and then surrounded by fire, flustered.

Meng Qiushi's attack was already a bit of mana squeezed out, and he didn't care about the result, he still gathered Nanming Lihuojian to his side to resist the thunder and fire.

Seeing that the fire and thunder continued, birth and death followed without a break, he planned to delay it for a while, wait for Xu Wan to become weaker, and then find a way to strike.

It's just that as soon as he stopped, a loud noise came from the east.A closer look revealed that the sea of ​​fire stretched for thousands of miles, and was burning to a peak, but was blocked.

Halfway up the mountain, a cave mansion stood out, shining golden light, and the magic circle protecting the cave resisted the anger without giving in

"The sky is full of trees and plum blossoms!" Both of them saw a couplet at the gate of the cave. Xu Wan muttered something and shouted:
"It turns out that the caves of the two old men in Songshan Mountain are actually here!"

"The second shortest cave in Songshan?" Meng Qiu was also taken aback.

Just at this moment, Huohai was blocked by the golden light of the cave, revealing some gaps, Xu Wan did not hesitate, and immediately exploded the green blood destroying soul shuttle, adding to the turmoil.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xue Shafan once again protected himself with a little Zhenyang, passed through the flames, and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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