Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 180 Going to Mang Mountain Again

Chapter 180 Going to Mang Mountain Again
The Firewalker was dead, and Xu Wan also fled, but the fire and thunder in this place did not attenuate in the slightest. It was still stirring in the valley, and even swayed farther and farther, destroying the past along the way.

If it wasn't blocked by the two short caves of Songshan Mountain, all the mountains in the future would be turned into powder under the friction of fire and thunder.

Meng Qiu stabilized the protective magic circle, waited for a while, concentrated on observing, no one was around, then took out the Haotian mirror, channeled his magic power, and took a photo on the Yin-Yang Shuanglong Monument.

The stele was fixed in the air by the shining blue light of the precious mirror, and a red and black air mass appeared at the core of the fire and thunder. It immediately disintegrated and re-formed into two spirit snakes, and then quickly shrunk.

The real fire all over the sky also returned to the sea like thousands of streams, vying to be the first to fall towards the stone tablet.

But for a moment, the surrounding fields are empty, only the sky is clear and the wind is smooth.

"This Haotian mirror is really useful, but unfortunately with my current cultivation, I can only sneak around and cover it up."

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand to caress the precious mirror in his hand, and sighed helplessly, it was very depressing to have one of the top magic weapons in the world, but he couldn't use it openly.

Gai Shibao has been at the top in ancient and modern times, and it is also one of the few magic weapons that are very useful for the catastrophe of ascension.As long as it is a fairy with pursuit, there is no one who will not be tempted.

However, according to the rumors, Haotian Mirror and Jiuyi Cauldron flew up to the fairyland of Lingkong together with Emperor Xuanyuan, so no one pursued it.

If people know that the Haotian Mirror is still in the mortal world and it is in the hands of a loose fairy, even if Meng Qiu goes to heaven and earth, he will never be able to escape.

As for the slightly inferior Nanming Lihuo Sword or Ziqing Shuangjian, no one snatched it, and it wasn't because the gods used it uselessly.

It's a magic weapon like the flying sword, which is almost all powerful in attacking and attacking, and has very little defensive power, so it can't do much against the heavenly tribulation.

Celestial Immortal already had his usual magic weapon, even if he got one of these three flying swords, if it wasn't compatible with each other, the increase in combat power would be limited.

Besides, based on common sense, a monk who can get this level of flying sword must have a strong background no matter what his cultivation level is.

Leaving aside the disciples of the Emei Twin Sword inheritance, even Meng Qiu will be involved in backstages such as Lianshan Sect and Gongyehuang.

Ordinary celestial beings don't need to offend another celestial being just because of a not-so-important magic weapon.

After this fight, the aftermath dissipated, and there was no hustle and bustle. There was only one sun in the sky.

In a radius of hundreds of miles, there is no longer a high mountain, let alone any vegetation, animals or birds, only a flat, hard as iron ground, left to future generations for legend.

Meng Qiu took back the Yuqian Liuli, the magic circle and the Yin-Yang Shuanglong stele, and picked up the Sun God fire bead.

And Firewalker's body was burned by the real fire long ago, leaving no trace, not even a trace of fly ash left, and he didn't know what to say when he went to see the God of Shaoyang in the future.

Meng Qiu searched around again, and found nothing missing. He looked at the second cave in Songshan Mountain, and went west without going forward to check.


"Late View of Mang Mountain" was once one of the eight great scenic spots in Luoyang.

Thinking back to those days, whenever the twilight was dim, when you climbed up and looked at the undulating mountains, misty clouds and mists, you could have a panoramic view of the victory of Yiluo Erchuan.

The capital city of God is majestic, the palace is magnificent, and thousands of lanterns are just lit up, like stars in the sky, and the smoke is curling up, creating a tranquil beauty.

It's a pity that such a scene was not seen for a long time after Xu Wan occupied Mang Mountain and established the Ghost Kingdom.For two or three hundred years, no literati and poets have come here to recite poems and compose Fu.

These 20 years have been particularly bleak.After nightfall, everyone is afraid of ghosts and ghosts, and even the lights of the past can't be seen.

Meng Qiu rushed over, and when he was beyond the ghost fog on Mang Mountain, he stopped and didn't say much, he just raised his hands, and more than a hundred thunders from the Taiyi God fell like rain.

His thunder method evolved from the ancient Taoist method, and it is the most primitive. In terms of majesty and grandeur, it exploded, and immediately burst into flames, sweeping away the ghost fog around it, revealing a dark dead area.

But there is a huge square in front of it, the ground is flat, and it is all paved with scarlet square bricks.

There are forests on both sides, the trees are particularly dense, but the branches grow strangely, twisted and twisted, like earthworms.The leaves are not green at all, just blood red.

Looking forward, you can vaguely see a tall archway, with two zigzagging tadpole characters engraved on its forehead, and the word "ghost country" written on it.

"Old ghost Xu Wan, get out!" Meng Qiu yelled loudly while continuously hitting Taiyi Divine Thunder.

There was a rumbling sound, the thunder light dispersed, turned into pieces of sparks and splashed all over the place, filling back the lights that had never been seen at the foot of the mountain.

Several groups of ghost soldiers were patrolling at the door, and they were attracted, but they didn't have a chance to speak, and they were swept away by the thunder fire, and their bodies disappeared.

This happened one after another, within half a quarter of an hour, hundreds of wandering souls had already died at the hands of Meng Qiu.

It's just that the ghost fog has some tricks, and it's easy for Shenlei to blow it open, but it won't take much effort, and it will be replenished from other places to cover the mountain gate again.

Meng Qiu once calculated in mid-air that the ghost kingdom might be as wide as thousands of miles in radius and as deep as thousands of feet. It is all covered with this kind of mist.

"Bold, whoever dares to come to the ghost country to make noise!" The black mist parted, and a person slowly flew out from the middle.

With long blood red hair and a pale face, her appearance is not as good as Qiao Qiao's, but she is still considered a first-class beauty.And she has a slender figure, a graceful figure, and a pair of peach-blossom eyes, the pupils of which are also faintly blue, which is extremely charming.

When she saw the person coming, she was also taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "You are Meng Qiu?"

Hastily released a ribbon from his sleeve, and it fell to his feet. Red light surged and drifted with the wind, like a river of blood.Then he said a few words in his mouth and sent a message inside.

Meng Qiu didn't answer, raised her hand and there was another burst of Taiyi divine thunder, the woman hurriedly retreated to the archway, seeing with her own eyes that the ghost mist turned into light smoke and dissipated after only one blow, she couldn't help being a little startled.

This mist was created by Xu Wan who massacred hundreds of thousands of people, drew out ghosts, and practiced it with Dafa. It was exclusively used to protect the mountain. It removed all effects of poison and fire, and only retained the original chill of ghosts, so it was full of resilience.

Don't talk about the foreign fairy, even if she knows the ghost way very well, she can't break her eagerness.

She secretly scolded Xu Wan for being blind, how could she provoke such an enemy, but she smiled and said:

"Speaking of which, you and Ming Sheng don't have any deep hatred, it's just because of a female ghost, now that she's dead, why bother too much.

I am the Empress of Ghost Kingdom, Blood River Immortal Yan Ni, if you are willing to turn hostility into jade silk, I will be the master and choose a hundred beauties from millions of Yin soldiers for your enjoyment. "

Seeing that the attack was futile, Meng Qiu stopped, and sneered, "Didn't Old Ghost Xu tell you the truth? There is a life-and-death enmity between me and him, and we must fight to the death.

What kind of ghost girl came to bribe me to tell me to stop?What a joke. "

"Enmity between life and death?" Blood River Immortal Lady Yan Ni was extremely surprised, and said: "Why have I never heard him mention it, could there be some misunderstanding?"

Meng Qiu saw that the ghost fog was about to cover this area again, he shook his hands and shot out a cloud of divine thunder to expel it, saying:
"I don't believe you don't know. It's just to delay time, why put on a show? I'll wait for you and see what you can do."

Yan Ni was not embarrassed when she saw that the plan was smashed, she just waited aside.After a while, a tall monk came.

When Meng Qiu saw it, it was Venerable Dulong, the suzerain of the western Yunnan sect.

It's just that this person's demeanor has changed drastically at the moment, he is no longer as arrogant as before, instead his face is blue and very gloomy.

He didn't speak as loudly as before, but his tone was completely thin, and he said: "Ghost grandma, are you calling me here because of this little monk surnamed Meng?"

It seemed that he recognized Meng Qiu and asked why.

"Hey, do you know each other?" Yan Ni asked a little strangely.

Venerable Poison Dragon did not hide anything, and said: "The fight where I was injured was related to this kid. It was the sword fight between the drunken Taoist and the golden Arhat Fayuan that he caused.

At that time, I was invited to go, and I was still a Sanxian.I don't want to think that 20 years later, by chance, I was promoted to Earth Immortal, and the person in front of me was still a Foundation Establishment at that time, the same class as my apprentice, and also became a Sanxian. "

Yan Ni was both happy and regretful, and said: "So, you have enmity with him?"

"Of course there is a grudge." Resentment suddenly surged in Venerable Dulong's eyes, and he said, "It's more than one time."

Back then, after he was hit by the heroic monk Yifan with a three-light pestle, the fire of the Buddha hit his heart, and he almost died.

Fortunately, although the Demon Cult in West Dian is young, its founder, Chili Old Buddha, has advanced cultivation and great supernatural powers, leaving behind a lot of good things.There are a few pills in it, which can barely control the injury.

After eating the elixir, Venerable Poison Dragon went to the doctor in a hurry. He happened to think that the Snow Soul Orb in a certain canyon of Qingluo Mountain might be able to suppress the Buddha's fire, so he sent his junior brother Western Wild Demon Ya Geda to collect it.

At that time, there was a sword fight in Qingluoyu, Meng Qiu bumped into it by accident, and saved Zheng Bagu from the siege.

Afterwards, Poison Dragon Venerable and the Patriarch of Huashan Liehuo joined forces to take action in person, preparing to snatch it back.But they didn't expect Zheng Bagu to cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, so the two had to avoid the edge for the time being.

This delay caused Venerable Dulong's injury to be irreversible, so he had to ask his younger brother Ya Geda to preside over the affairs of the teaching, which can be regarded as an explanation for the funeral.Suddenly someone gave him a way out, which is to practice the way of ghosts.

Only then did Venerable Poison Dragon join Xu Wan's sect, obtained the Judgment, abandoned his body, and stabilized his primordial spirit, so he didn't have to do a life-and-death turnaround.

It's just that he is a majestic leader, and now he has to bow his knees in front of people who were originally called brothers, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Although the culprit was the heroic monk Yifan, if other enemies like Meng Qiu appeared in front of him, they would naturally not let them go.

Meng Qiu once heard Qiao Qiao mention that this person was in Mangshan, so he was not surprised, but sighed, looked Venerable Dulong up and down, and said:
"Back then, when I followed Taoist Zui and the others, when I saw you, I was so arrogant and arrogant.

Unexpectedly, in less than 20 years, when I saw you again, I was groveling, with no temper, and even my temperament changed drastically. How can I not sigh! "

Venerable Poison Dragon saw that he was still making sarcastic remarks, so he couldn't help but get angry, and shouted: "This is not thanks to you! Little thief, take your life!"

Immediately, he took out a red and black gourd and pushed it away, emitting thick smoke of mottled and mixed colors, which inflated instantly, and under the cover of ghost fog, came towards this side.

This Wanmo soft red sand is the treasure of the Western Dian sect. Meng Qiu also saw it when he was fighting swords in the Dai family field.

It's just that it was only yellow, green and red at that time, but now there is an extra black.

First, more than a hundred balls of green fire flew out of the ghost fog, falling like meteors.

Meng Qiu flicked his fingers repeatedly, and the Taiyi Divine Thunder intercepted them one by one.

When the two collided, there was a sudden explosion, like the rumbling of a war drum, ringing non-stop.

Venerable Dulong's face became serious.After he became the fairy queen, he sacrificially refined this magic weapon again. He thought that even if the heroic monk Yifan came, he would definitely not be able to resist it, but Meng Qiu lightly guarded against it.

He stretched out his hand and pointed, and an acre of yellow dust immediately rose from the thick smoke and covered it in this direction.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to be careless, so he sacrificed Yuqian Liuli, and the blue light lifted it up, lifting the yellow dust.Another branch was separated and stopped in front of him.

Hearing the sound of bang bang, non-stop.But there was another kind of red mist, which came quietly under the cover of ghost fog.

"Yu Qian Liuli!" Venerable Poison Dragon was startled, and shouted, "Why is the treasure of half of the old nun in Wudang in your hands?"

After he was injured, his life was in great danger, so he put all his thoughts on it, and no longer cared about other trivial matters in the practice world, so he didn't even know that this magic weapon fell into Meng Qiu's hands.

Meng Qiu was also very surprised, and said: "It's strange, I used this treasure when I was fighting swords in Qingluoyu. It was Monk Tuotuo and Lao Huo who saw it with their own eyes. Could it be that they didn't tell you?"

"No!" Venerable Poison Dragon blurted out, "After the sword fight, brother Li Huo sent me here!"

He didn't think there was anything to hide, but he didn't want Meng Qiu to hear the crucial news that the Huashan faction was also connected with the court celestial master.Perhaps the Wutai faction is also inseparable.

Meng Qiu said: "So that's the case. I thought you were the one in the court who came forward, and the Underworld Sage was willing to give face. Unexpectedly, it was Lao Huo who intervened."

"Imperial court, what imperial court?" Venerable Du Long couldn't figure it out, just hearing the Blood River Immortal Yan Ni cough, and said:
"The details, my husband and I will naturally explain to you after this person is gone."

Poison Dragon could only move the soft red sand with full of doubts, but saw the thick yellow, green and red smoke instantly inflated, completely covering the surrounding area, even Meng Qiu was wrapped in it.

Then the green fire started to ignite, emitting a cold light, and the temperature was not high but low, which was very strange.

The same goes for the yellow dust and red mist, which at first glance are just ordinary evil treasures, nothing special.But if you open your eyes, you can see that the dust is like bone meal, and the red mist is like blood mist.

Ghost Ghost Arrow!Meng Qiu immediately thought of the source of this practice method.Venerable Poison Dragon's Myriad Devils soft red sand is clearly fused with this ghostly spell.

That's all, it's not a big deal.The key lies in the puff of black smoke, which has melted into ghost fog, making it difficult to distinguish.

When Meng Qiu noticed it, he had already been sneaked up to him, and a cage was formed outside, and he was locked inside.

He raised a series of Taiyi Divine Thunder, the barrier did not move at all, and immediately changed color.

Even if Venerable Poison Dragon's realm was one level higher than his, it wouldn't be so. It was clearly the ghost mist power that connected the entire mountain and turned it into an iron wall.

Meng Qiu stopped probing, and praised: "Bagu once said that when you played with them back then, you looked like a waste, and it was difficult to be a big responsibility. Unexpectedly, you became an earth fairy, and finally you have something to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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