Chapter 181

Venerable Poison Dragon was startled and angry, and shouted: "Don't think that you know Goddess of Calamity, I will let you go!"

He, Zheng Bagu, Chen Yufeng and others are all under Lian Shan's teaching, so they had some friendship back then.

It's just that unlike the other few people who are well-known, Venerable Dulong has always been famous.

Even if he succeeds Old Buddha Chili as the master of the Western Yunnan Demon Sect, not many people in the practice world look up to him.

Over the years, he has made friends everywhere, and finally he has made some promises, but he still has some vague jealousy towards Zheng Bagu.

It's okay not to mention Zheng Bagu, but Venerable Dulong couldn't help getting angry when he mentioned this person, not to mention Meng Qiu said extremely harsh words.

He immediately mobilized ten thousand demons, soft red sand, yellow dust, green fire, red mist, and black smoke, to explode together.

After the green fire burned, the chill began to rise, and some surrounding trees were covered with frost, and strips of white and black icicles hung down, like arrows.

Surrounded by yellow dust, it is like a gust of wind blowing. Every time it blows, some mana can be taken away. If there is no treasure to protect it, it only takes a moment for a Sanxian to exhaust his mana and die.

Even if Meng Qiu had Yuqian colored glass to protect his body, it could not completely prevent the loss of mana.

The red mist just hovers around the blue light, but every time it rubs against it, it can bring up a trace of rustling sound, which enters the ears, sometimes mourning and lingering, sometimes howling and screaming, like a demon descending, making people confused.

Multiple disturbances were superimposed, and they did not confront each other head-on, but it made it even more difficult for Meng Qiu to parry.

He hurriedly lifted up the ring of dragonfinch, and the four light circles flew up into the air, each sucking water like a long whale, according to each color of the soft red sand of the ten thousand demons, they sucked them fiercely.

Yellow dust, green fire, red mist, and black smoke were thrown into the four-color circle of red, white, blue, and yellow respectively. Meng Qiu only felt the pressure around his body lighten, and the smoky voice immediately disappeared.

Venerable Poison Dragon naturally recognized the Dragon Sparrow Ring, and he screamed strangely: "The treasure of the mountains! Why is this magic weapon in your hands?"

Suddenly he understood again, and said angrily: "It's Zheng Bagu, she must have obtained the treasure house of Yue'er Island. The master's legacy should have belonged to our disciples, but she actually gave it to you, an outsider!"

Gritting teeth, with a ferocious face, and pinching spells with both hands, the soft red sand of the ten thousand demons escaped from the envelop of the dragon bird ring in an instant, gathered together, and the surrounding ghost fog surged in, forming a thick cloud with it, pitch black, without any other colors.

As soon as the black cloud formed, a bolt of lightning flew out of it. It was equally pitch-black and full of magic, and it was determined that Meng Qiu would explode.

With a bang, Meng Qiu felt that Wanjun's huge force hit the blue light on the body protection, his body shook, and then the black electricity dispersed, turning into a black mist, and it seemed that there were thin needles piercing into the blue light.

In the blink of an eye, the circle of dharma light around Yuqian Liuli was dyed blue-black, as if a mountain was pressing down immediately.

Meng Qiu's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly activated the dragon sparrow ring, a red light fell, covered the black light, pulled it up, and put it into the ring.

"Magic?" It was only then that he remembered that the other party's Dianxi Demon Cult was also a branch of the Demon Sect, and what he inherited was also the authentic sect of the Demon Sect.

He knew very little about magic, and this was his first match, so he couldn't help but be more careful.

Venerable Poison Dragon sneered and said, "Today I will let you know how good I am at teaching spells."

He murmured: "There is a real son under King Kong's family, and he can be entrusted by King Kong. I heard that this sutra has a profound purpose, and the Emperor Jue said it has a wonderful meaning. Close your eyes and listen carefully, and the enlightenment drips into your burning intestines..."

From Venerable Poison Dragon, a black shadow suddenly flew out, standing above his head, his figure was similar to him, and his face was completely invisible.

Meng Qiu looked at it with his eyes, and his eyes suddenly seemed to fall into a whirlpool. Once he was sucked in, he couldn't get away from him at all.

Fortunately, his primordial spirit was divided into internal and external, one was bewitched, and the other was still safe and sound, driving Yu Qian Liuli, sending out a sense of coolness, and the whole person suddenly woke up.

He couldn't help being a little shocked, the sect of the secret path demon sect is really powerful, compared with Fang Sanfeng's ability in Ziyun Palace, it's only marginal, like a small way.

Venerable Poison Dragon was also extremely surprised to see that the phantom had failed to confuse the opponent.

One must know that this technique of his is to tell the old Buddha to adopt the strengths of Buddhism and Demon Sect, and to transform the meaning of heavenly demon from the golden body of Buddhism.

He just thought that Yu Qian's Liuli was so powerful, and secretly scolded half of the old nuns, saying that he would give away such a treasure.

Immediately sneaked in mana, but saw the phantom pounced forward and landed in the soft red sand of ten thousand demons.The black cloud suddenly boiled with magic, gathering all the light around it.

Meng Qiu quickly lowered his eyelids, silently recited the method of concentrating the mind contained in the "Huangdi Neijing", and remained motionless.

But the black cloud seemed to come alive, the smoke rose, and it flew over the Qianliu Li in an instant, like a monster with many legs, stretching its teeth and claws, pressing down, tightly enveloping the blue light.

"Not good!" Meng Qiu noticed that the connection with the dragon bird ring had become indistinct, and hurriedly mobilized his mana, and the blue light rose outwards, opening a little gap.

The brilliance on the dragon bird ring rose sharply, and the four circles each held the black cloud, trying to suck the black smoke away.It's just that this inhalation was empty, and the black smoke didn't seem to exist.

"Hahahaha!" Venerable Poison Dragon laughed triumphantly, and said, "Heavenly Demon has no shape or form, even if you have a dragon sparrow ring, what can you do with it? Be obedient and catch it with nothing, maybe I can spare your life!"

"Anyone who can cultivate to the realm of Earth Immortal is really not easy to deal with." Meng Qiu took back the dragon bird ring, took out the Nanming Lihuo sword, and said:
"But you have magic, I have Buddha fire, let's see who is better."

The mana poured in, the flames rose, and burned into the sky.There was a big hole in the helpless black smoke of Longquehuan.

"Nanming Lihuo Sword!" Venerable Poison Dragon has exclaimed several times today, and shouted: "Why do you have such a ghost thing!"

When Buddhism was born, it was in the name of eliminating demons.Leaving aside the basic cultivation methods, all kinds of powerful spells and magic weapons are all based on refining demons at the beginning.

Among them, the Nanming Lihuo sword refined by the ancestor Bodhidharma is the most powerful. In those days, many high-level demon sects were killed by this sword.

Venerable Poison Dragon was quite self-aware. Seeing this sword, he was more afraid than seeing the three-light pestle. He hurriedly shouted: "Ghost grandma, if you don't move quickly, are you really going to be defeated by this kid one by one?"

"You just need to retreat, and you won't die. What are you asking me to do?" Xuehe Immortal Yan Ni sneered, and said, "If I don't make a move, isn't it giving you a chance to show off your prestige?"

Although there is a bit of sarcasm in the words, the action is not slow.The scarlet gauze under the feet will fly out, wrapping around the blue light.

Nanming Lihuo surged up, touched the light of blood, sizzled, and dissipated in twos.

"Blood Sea Bloodline?" Meng Qiu narrowed his eyes, remembering what the ghost girl Qiao Qiao said, this Blood River Fairy Yan Ni has quite a background, judging by this spell, it is as expected.

The blood sea lineage is one of the core sects of the demon sect. It is rumored that there are still celestial elders alive in the sect, who can keep pace with the sects such as Tianmo and Asura, which is far from being comparable to the demon sect in western Yunnan.

Yan Nike was not as ignorant and ignorant as Venerable Dulong, she had heard a lot about Meng Qiu's deeds, and she was very afraid, and said: "Since fellow Taoists recognized him, he must also know that the Demon Sect is powerful.

It's still the same sentence just now, anyway, you and I have nothing to lose, so why not let it go, how about it? "

Before Meng Qiu could answer, Venerable Poison Dragon was unwilling, and shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about, you and I have joined forces, and we have a good location, so I'm afraid he won't be able to become a mere loose immortal?
Quickly use Xuehehe Dafa, coupled with my Supreme True Demon, to kill him.Lest he grow up and embarrass us in the future. "

Yan Ni glared at him, then secretly sent a voice transmission, saying: "I'm afraid you don't know, this person's greatest skill is in swordsmanship.

Ming Sheng was seriously injured by him and returned home. Even if you and I join forces, the means are worse than Ming Sheng, how can we win.

Besides, relying on Nanming Lihuo sword, he only wants to leave, can you stop him?Why make a death feud! "

Hearing Venerable Poison Dragon's words, Meng Qiu sneered and said, "Since you are not afraid of me, why are you hiding in the ghost fog and not daring to show your heads?"

He has the Nanming Lihuo sword to protect him. Although he is afraid of the enemy's magic, he is not too afraid. The only thing is that the ghost fog behind the opponent is too deep, even if he wants to kill the enemy, he can't do it.

"Who says I'm not afraid?" Yan Ni said before Venerable Dulong said, "Friend Daoist Meng's sword is famous all over the world, and with the help of Nanming's Lihuo sword, except for those who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, who would dare to underestimate them?
If I am inspired by you, if I really come out, I am afraid that I will follow in the footsteps of those disciples in Emei. "

Although Yan Ni, the Immortal of the Blood River, is not well-known, she is also the godmother of the Ghost Kingdom, and her status is quite high, so she doesn't care about face, Meng Qiu doesn't know how to answer.

Venerable Poison Dragon was also dumbfounded. He never thought that this man, who was usually so majestic in the ghost country, even sometimes refused to give Xu Wan face, would show this side now.

Yan Ni ignored what the enemy and us were thinking, and said directly: "Friend Daoist Meng, what do you think?"

While speaking, one end of the blood-colored gauze came straight to her side.In the thick black night fog, it is particularly conspicuous.

A crooked one, like a stream.The blood energy on it is ups and downs, red but not bright, light but not thin.

A light fragrance wafted along with it, without any fishy smell, it smelled refreshing, like a panacea for ascending to heaven.

Meng Qiu's eyelids twitched, and he still underestimated the other party. With this move, Yan Ni is not just a simple disciple of the blood sea, it is clearly a direct method.

He was very puzzled. People of the Devil's Sect were placed in Emei, even if they were not at the level of Xuanzhenzi and Qi Shuming, they were at least ascetic Toutuo and Miechenzi.

For Yan Ni, Mang Mountain is almost a remote village, and Xu Wan, who is known as the sage of the underworld, is nothing more than a local emperor.

Dragons do not live with snakes, a majestic descendant of the blood sea demon sect, he came here not to be jealous, so why?
Meng Qiu was full of doubts, so he didn't do anything, and let Yan Ni take the magic weapon and retreat into the ghost fog.

As soon as she left, Venerable Poison Dragon became even more angry, and shouted: "You called me here just now, but now you leave first, what's the reason? Could it be that I'm really a servant of your family!"

Yan Ni said not to entangle Meng Qiu any more, but he refused to listen.On the contrary, he stepped up to mobilize the soft red sand of all kinds of demons, and all kinds of offensives came overwhelmingly.

"It's this kind of method again, the donkey's skills are exhausted!" Meng Qiu sneered, and went to guard, only using Yu Qian Liuli to protect his whole body for a foot, and Nanming Lihuo sword soared into the sky.

With a violent attack upwards, it hit the barrier made of black mist above the head, the fireworks exploded violently, and the red light instantly covered the entire space, forcing all other stray lights away, either dissipating, or shrinking into a ball, swaying.

Then there was a bang, and the explosion was about to explode.Rao Venerable Poison Dragon had been prepared for a long time, but he also felt a buzzing in his ears, and then he couldn't hear anything.

"Sword Qi and Thunder Sound!" He had naturally seen this superb sword technique before, so he couldn't help but be astonished.The enemy's swordsmanship is superb, and he also has the Buddhist sword, so he immediately put away the Wanmo soft red sand, and then retreated.

The dark curtain above the head has been broken, and there is no hindrance to come and go.But how could Meng Qiu take this trip in vain, and shouted: "Stay here!"

Nanming Lihuo Sword fell straight from the sky, rushing towards the enemy like a rainbow piercing the sun.

Venerable Poison Dragon saw flying upwards along the archway of Mangshan Ghost Country, but was caught up by Feijian, so he had to stop, propped up the magic weapon in his hand with all his strength, and cursed:

"Boy, I'm crazy, I just don't want to get too entangled with you, I really thought... ah!"

A sword qi shot out, hitting the soft red sand of ten thousand demons supported by him, just like Hou Yi shooting down the Golden Crow, just a tiny bit of starlight hit the ground, causing drastic changes inside.

A little bit of Lihuo swayed and changed infinitely, the yellow dust and red smoke immediately turbulent, collided with each other, and then separated from each other, breaking away from the shackles of the magic weapon, scattered, and the stars fell like rain.

The poisonous red sand poisonous dragon, which Venerable Poison Dragon sacrificed for many years, was reduced to one-fifth of its original size, and its brilliance dimmed. It wrapped around the remaining half of his body and fled away.

Meng Qiu chased forward a few steps, and as soon as he entered the archway, a huge force suddenly pressed against his back, his heart was beating wildly, and when he looked up at the sky, a black cloud had already risen.

He jumped out, and the discomfort in his body stopped immediately.Here, as expected, there is indeed a large formation to protect him, and he is by no means invincible.

If it was another sect, he could go down and kill a few disciples floating outside to vent his anger.But the Guild of Ghosts has millions of people, even if it took ten or eight years to exterminate all the wandering souls in a place, I am afraid that Xu Wan would not frown.


Meng Qiu left Mang Mountain and went to Snow Valley of Qingluo Mountain again. The place was still the same, without any trace of people coming.

Zheng Bagu's writing was still three or four years ago, when Meng Qiu was still in Taishan, with her extremely affectionate disposition, she definitely wouldn't just leave her companion behind and see nothing for a long time.

He couldn't help but feel a little worried. After thinking about it, he decided to go to Wudang Mountain first.

After seeing half of the old nuns, he told all the things about going north to Mount Mang, and said:

"I thought those ghosts in Luoyang were the ones who caused the disturbance, but Xu Wan didn't want to involve any court celestial masters, and later linked up with the Wutai faction and the Huashan faction. Has the master ever heard of this?"

As long as there is deep participation of the Wutai faction, it will not be a trivial matter.Hearing what happened, the old nun frowned more and more, and finally said:

"Although Xu Wan came from a sect, his strength is extraordinary, and the ordinary Dapai Earth Immortal may not be his opponent.

Moreover, this person's strategy is also very clever. From the little-known little ghost cultivators in the past, he gradually expanded his power and became a huge ghost country today.

If it weren't for the fact that the inheritance he obtained was a dead end and he had no background, I am afraid that his achievements so far would not be worse than that of Patriarch Huashan Liehuo.

What's more, you said that Yan Ni, the Blood River Immortal, is actually the orthodox sect of the Demon Sect, so there are not many people who can convince Xu Wan.Unless it's those hidden celestial beings, it's still possible, but it's hard to guess. "

 I was thinking of adding an update on the weekend, but something was delayed, and I owed an update instead, which is a bit outrageous.Will find a way to make up for it later!
(End of this chapter)

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