Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 182 Five Fire Emissaries

Chapter 182 Five Fire Messenger

"Since you don't know who it is, then don't worry about it." Meng Qiu said, "Anyway, I can't control this matter, I just came here to remind my wife to take some precautions.

I think there must be a lot of planning in Mangshan's connection with Wutai and Huashan. It may just be the beginning now, and it may not affect it in the future. "

Half of the old nun nodded and said: "You are right. There have been precedents for this kind of thing before. When the Zhushan Sect was founded, it was very noisy for a while. In just a few decades, its missionary spread to half of Yunnan Province.

At that time, the seniors didn't care much about his idea of ​​recruiting disciples, only thought it was a flash in the pan, and ignored it.

But I don't think that after a few decades, this religion will develop to the four provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi, and spread to Chu, Hunan and Shaanxi.

There are good and bad under his sect, some borrowed from natural disasters, or borrowed soldiers to rob, or even simply became the source of disasters, causing chaos in several provinces and causing tens of millions of mortals to die.

It wasn't until Daoist Changmei took action to rectify it, united with various factions to encircle and suppress, and killed only a few hundred people who did not do evil, drew down the scope, and prohibited them from appearing in the mortal world, then the catastrophe was stopped. "

"Thousands of people!" Meng Qiu couldn't help being astonished, and said, "Even if the monks ignore world affairs, it wouldn't be possible for the Zhushan Sect to make trouble like this?"

Half of the old nun said: "You are too young to have experienced those years. At that time, the practice world was not as peaceful as it is now. There were murderous opportunities everywhere. Fighting together, it is not only superior or inferior, but also life and death. Everyone is in danger.

If the orthodox religion is not like Kunlun, which closed its doors and guarded itself, it means that some ancient sects, such as Kongtong and Huangshan, have been wiped out.

Demons are rampant, and most monks are too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they care about ordinary people.

It wasn't until Daoist Changmei was born, wiped out the evil spirits, defeated the demon sect, killed the evildoers, subdued the heroes, and there was order today.

Therefore, everyone in the practice world is grateful.Otherwise, you think that the Emei sect doesn't have a single celestial being, so how can everyone admit that they are the number one sect in the world? "

"So that's how it is!" Meng Qiu suddenly realized, and said to himself: "No wonder, with the arrogance of Bagu, when she mentioned the real person with long eyebrows, her tone was respectful and admirable!"

Half of the old nun continued: "As for the disaster at Mangshan, it is probably more severe than that of Zhushan Sect.

After all, most of the Zhushan sect is less than Sanxian, and below foundation establishment, whether it is food, drink, or indulgence in pleasure, they cannot do without the support of mortals.So kill less and enslave more.

But that ghost religion is very different, it is all ghosts.Xu Wan's heart is vicious, he just wants to practice the method, and kills millions of people, even if he is given tens of millions, hundreds of millions, it is not enough. "

Meng Qiu frowned and said, "Then what should we do? Could it be that the teacher wants to take care of this mess?"

Half of the old nun shook his head and said with a smile: "Wudang is not a big place, it is not difficult to break through Mang Mountain, but you also said that Xu Wan has Wutai and Huashan as helpers, we cannot handle it.

The leaders of the Emei sect who hold the righteous way, such a big event can only be accomplished if they take the lead, Wudang only wants to follow. "

Meng Qiu couldn't help being stunned, and said: "This... this..." He couldn't continue.

Half of the old nun said: "Although we can't understand the current Emei sect, they don't have the strength to overwhelm the world, nor do they have the air of a real person to embrace the world, blindly domineering.

But I have to admit that when it comes to who can fight against the evil way and solve the disaster of Mangshan Mountain, the Emei faction must come forward.

It's only the Patriarch Sanfeng's fault that the apprentices he accepts are not as good as those of Daoist Changmei.

Let's look at the next generation. I don't know if Yingnan can get back a little bit. "

Skills are not as good as people, so why not!

Meng Qiu nodded, expressing his understanding, and said, "Since that's the case, I won't be able to go to Emei anyway, so I'll take my leave.

I haven't seen Bagu for several years, and I don't know how she is now. I plan to go to Yuqingguan, North Bixie Village, Chengdu, to find Yu Luocha and find out the news. "

The old nun on the other side shook his head and said, "The female calamity god is very advanced, so she will be fine. Even if there are some bumps, I'm not afraid to delay for a few days.

As a matter of urgency, you should first go to Lizhu Palace on Moqiu Island in the South China Sea and send back the magic weapon left by Firewalker.

Otherwise, if you run around with the stele, once you delay the time, you will inevitably be suspected of embezzling this treasure, and you will get a bad reputation if it spreads.

What's more, the Yin-Yang Shuanglong stele is the treasure of the Lizhu Palace, it is no small matter, once it is lost, the God of Shaoyang will definitely recover it.

He became enlightened very early, even if he is not a celestial immortal, he should be the top of the earth immortal, not inferior to the three immortals of the East China Sea, and he is difficult to deal with.

I know that you are skilled in fighting skills, maybe you are not afraid, but it is better to solve an enemy than to make a knot, since you are not greedy for this treasure, why bother to form a big enemy. "

Meng Qiu thought it made sense, so he wanted to go to the South China Sea first.

The old nun on the other side kept him again and said: "Don't be busy. I'll go to Emei first and tell Emei about Mang Mountain. When I get back, I'll find an expert in the practice world to go with you, so as not to cause any accidents."

"Can there be any accidents?" Meng Qiu didn't think so, and said, "Could it be that he still wants to avenge Fire Walker?"

"Maybe or not, he has a strange temperament, who can predict?" Half of the old nun said: "I will not hide it from you, the God of Shaoyang and the Wudang faction have long had a long-standing grudge.

You are friendly with Wudang, and you took my Yuqian Liuli to kill his favorite disciple, he is not magnanimous, he is no longer happy in his heart, it is not surprising that he is sincerely embarrassed. "

"If he dares to embarrass me, it's a big deal and it's up to whoever loses the most." Meng Qiu didn't care, but asked: "Speaking of which, he is far away in the South China Sea, why did he have a grudge with Wudang?"

Half of the old nun said: "Overseas monks, anyone who has some pursuits will come to China to travel and gain insights, and the God of Shaoyang is no exception.

But at that time, he was young and arrogant, and challenged many times.Some monks of the same generation that he met at the beginning were not his opponents, and after many battles and victories, they became more and more arrogant, and even hit the elders with ideas.

The first expert he challenged was Patriarch Sanfeng.At that time, the Patriarch was sitting on a high position, he didn't move at all, he only breathed out a breath of true energy, and defeated him.

Unconvinced, he came back a few years later, and suffered the same fiasco, again and again.

If this is the only way, at most he is dissatisfied, but it may not cause much conflict.

Only because the disciples handed down by Patriarch Sanfeng are conceited and have evil thoughts, they sarcastically say nothing every time, until the third time, they were worried that no one would subdue the opponent after the Patriarch ascended, so they organized people afterwards to besiege Zhenjun Shaoyang, causing him to be seriously injured, and thus forged a great hatred.

Later, when he recovered from his injuries, he came to ask for an explanation. The real Sanfeng had already ascended, so he couldn't complain.

Those disciples fought him again.At that time, he had not achieved great success in Daoism, and he was invincible against many, so he suffered a lot, and his resentment accumulated deeper and deeper. "

Only then did Meng Qiu understand why the old nun said to find an expert to mediate for him, instead of doing it himself.

After talking, Meng Qiu still refused: "I'll do it myself. If I go alone, I will return the magic weapon if I say yes, and leave if I don't agree, so as to avoid trouble.

If you want to ask the senior real person to go, you have to care about his face to some extent, you can't ask others to go for nothing, but I can't help but agree to return it. "

The old nun thought about it for a while, and said, "Just as you said. Just be more careful. Overseas monks don't have any benevolence, righteousness and morality, and capriciousness is very common."


Moqiu Island is at the end of the South China Sea, where it meets the West Sea.If you want to go here, you have to go through the danger of a strong wind that is separated by eighteen thousand miles.

There are infinite pillars of wind blowing and impacting each other all year round, and the sky is dark from ancient times.

The bottom of the sea below is filled with white essence qi drifting from the West Sea all the year round. The water contains the qi of real gold, and is agitated by hurricanes, which is as sharp as a knife.

If a person flies in the sky, he will be injured by the wind column, and the wind is violent; if he passes through the seabed, he cannot withstand the risk of long-distance golden water.

Relying on the protection of the treasure, Meng Qiu flew across the sky, only wasting a little more time, nothing unusual.As soon as you walk there, and then walk a hundred miles, you will see a piece of island land.

It has a radius of about [-] miles, and there is a large beach in front of it, accounting for almost sixty-sevenths of the entire island.The ground is so high that it is almost level with the sea.

Going further inward, the mountain suddenly rises thousands of feet from the flat ground, and it is extremely majestic.

Surrounding the high cliff, there are more than ten strange peaks and beautiful mountains, with waterfalls and clear streams distributed among them.There are fairy mountains and pavilions everywhere, resplendent and magnificent.The famous Lizhu Palace is located on a sphere-shaped natural jade cliff about [-] mu in the center of the mountain.

He saw the grassy grass on the mountain, very flat and open, scattered with a dozen magnolia-like flowers and trees, most of which were more than ten square meters in length, with erect iron trunks and slender twigs, like a treasured cover of a small flower, with a wonderful fragrance.

Among them, there is a golden archway more than ten feet high, and the three characters "Yingkelou" written on it can be seen from a distance.

Meng Qiu landed on Yuntou, and there was a white jade square in front of him. When he stepped into the stairs, there was no one there, he said, "Meng Qiu, a loose cultivator, is here to pay homage to God Shaoyang. If you have something important to tell, please let me know!"

As soon as the words were finished, suddenly a ball of flames galloped from outside and landed in the middle of the building. Five tall and strange-looking boys in Taoist costumes appeared, each holding whisks.

The first person is taller, with lightning eyes, and is extraordinarily powerful; the other four are also all with fire faces and shoulders, eagle breasts and tiger necks, only slightly fatter or thinner.

The five people all have similar appearances, and their attire is exactly the same. They look like five twin brothers who cannot tell the difference between their elders and younger ones.

Although their appearances are very strange at first glance, they are all full of Taoism and profound attainments, and they are by no means mediocre immortals or first-rate monks.

In particular, besides wearing a vermilion gourd on their body, each person also has a delicate and delicate fish skin treasure bag around his waist, which can be seen faintly.

The leading boy had an angry look on his face, and shouted: "Where is Ye Xiu from? He doesn't know anything. Since he came here to ask for the elixir, why didn't he inquire about the rules first? He yelled as soon as he came up, what a shame!"

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, his previous words were modest enough, but these villains were still dissatisfied, as the old nun said, Li Zhugong's family is not easy to deal with.

Although that Shaoyang God Lord can be regarded as upright, he is not an orthodox Taoist sect. He has been in Taoism for a long time, and he always likes to call himself an ancestor, and he is proud of himself.

And Moqiu Island produces many elixirs and rare treasures, and the disciples of the sect rely on all kinds of magic weapons refined by real fire, which are unmatched in the present.

Meng Qiu was about to leave, but he came here when he thought about it. If he didn't see his master, he would explain the matter clearly.

He suppressed his anger, and said: "I came here just to meet the God of Shaoyang, but I don't know what the rules are in Lizhu Palace?"

"Is there any senior Gaozhen's token or greeting card?" The leading boy asked, seeing the other party shaking his head, he couldn't help being more contemptuous, and then scolded:
"My teacher is merciful, and pity that it is not easy for monks in the world to practice, so they open up the elixir on the island and let them pick it.

It's just that he has a good heart, but you savages can't help but be grateful, and you really swagger like you're in the land of no one.

Therefore, my elder brother, Huo Xingzhe, made a rule for the master, if you come here to ask for medicine, you must be considerate and considerate.

Not to mention bartering, my family does not care about your three melons and two dates, but the intention needs to be sincere, and you are not allowed to fly when entering the island, you have to walk from the outer beach.

You wild way, if you don't inquire clearly in advance, it's fine; since you come to the island, you should be slow to escape, why are you flying so fast and acting sneaky?

If you know how to apologize now, and come here as a guest, we will not be embarrassed anymore, or you can report it internally.

If you want to make trouble here, if you have any plans, you can also say it clearly, and you will have your own divine fire to serve you.It's just that at that time, Hugh will regret it. "

It turned out that the Lingyan Lake on Moqiu Island is a strange place, where several special elixir are planted, no matter how they make alchemy to overcome tribulations, they are all miraculous.

The God Lord Shaoyang occupies this island, and he once declared that he would never share with outsiders, as long as he can get into the pool to take it for himself, he can take it, otherwise, any affection will be useless.

But he secretly transported the congenital true fire, and arranged Qianxun blazing fire and poisonous flames on the Lingyan pool to block it.

If someone comes to ask for medicine, he must first pay homage to the master like a descendant, and after obtaining the permission of the god, order the disciples to lead him to the edge of the pool, then measure the magic power, and enter the pool to get it himself.

In the past two or three hundred years, there have been quite a few people who have gone to ask for it. Nineteen times they saw that the flames of the divine fire were too powerful, and they could not take care of themselves, so they retreated despite difficulties.

Those who were really willing to take the risk, there were only a dozen or so people, most of them died in the fire, and only two people got their wish, and there was a reason, not all because of the person's powerful magic power.

One of these two people is holding a letter written by Miaoyi, the ancestor of the Emei Sect, and the other is a disciple of Xiaonan, the best friend of the God of Shaoyang.

Before entering the pond, the god had instructed his disciples to reduce the power of the fierce fire and poisonous flames that were launched secretly by seven or eight out of ten.

The people who came came through the risk of being burned by the fire, and each possessed the magic talisman and magic weapon for protection given by the teacher, and then they got it.

Later, the fire walker even set up private rules to block people who came, Shaoyang Shenjun was not ignorant, but he felt that it was harmless, so he ignored it.

All of his disciples are arrogant and often find fault with those seeking medicine, so in the past 50 years, none of them have successfully met True Monarch Shaoyang, let alone obtained the elixir.

Meng Qiu became even more impatient when he heard his bad words, and didn't want to mention the Fire Walker or the Yin-Yang Double Dragon Monument, and said:

"You misunderstood, who cares about your family's elixir, I have a big business, I want to see the God of Shaoyang.

Don't be too long-winded here, hurry up and report, just say casual cultivator Meng Qiu is here, tell him to come and see him quickly, if you delay, don't regret it. "

These five Taoist boys are the disciples of Shaoyang Shenjun's disciples, the five fire envoys, they are extremely favored by the gods, they only cultivate on the island as adults, and they almost never leave this place.

The leading boy almost jumped up and shouted: "A mere casual cultivator, what the hell, dare to come to the island to act recklessly.

I just said that you are sneaky and not a good person, now show your fox tail. "

After finishing speaking, he shook the gourd and shot out a beam of three-yang real fire, and circled forward, blocking the opponent's front and back, saying:

"If you are captured without a fight and sincerely serve as a slave on the island for a hundred years, I will spare you, otherwise I will make you know the pain of burning your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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