Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 201 The Battle of Ling Yi

Chapter 201 The Battle of Ling Yi
Yixiu, Ling Hun and the others all let out a cold snort, but couldn't get away.

From the gap in the middle of the cave, although there are only sporadic fires and black smoke gushing out, the ground is already undulating, and there are seven or eight cracks, like a spider's web.

The wall of the cave began to pour in violent vibrations.The whole piece of stone wall collapsed, and the strange stone piles flew up, and the dust and mist filled the air.

The most terrifying thing is that the whole mountain is falling down.Meng Qiu's place was in a tunnel, and in an instant, it was more than ten feet high, and was squeezed down to a hole the size of one foot.

Yixiu gave a soft shout, raised his hands high, and pushed upwards, the yellow light all over the sky overlapped and supported the mountain top.

The other half of the old nun held the ground, Bai Guyi and Grandma Jin pressed down on the ground together to prevent the ground from collapsing and the lungs from bursting out.

Ling Hunfei flew over, and a cloud of purple clouds flew out from the Seven Treasures Amethyst Vase, which was about to block the entrance of the cave.

All this is just a blink of an eye, and everyone is performing their duties.But Meng Qiu was not reconciled, with a flash of sword light, he rushed into the hole ahead of him.

A corridor only three feet wide leads to the ground and reaches a depth of five hundred feet.The sword qi turned into a rainbow, passed by in an instant, and fell into the sea of ​​flames.

There was a red cloud and red mist all around, filling a space thousands of feet deep, the heat was extremely high, the surrounding rocks were burned red, and magma dripped from time to time.

Using his sharp eyesight, Meng Qiu looked carefully through the fire cloud, only to see a gap as wide as three feet to the south. Black smoke billowed inside, but there were also dots of golden light shining.

The demon corpse was rushing there, only a few feet away from the entrance of the cave, and it was about to escape.

Meng Qiu made a quick decision and carried the Nanming Lihuo sword. With a flash of rainbow light, it reached the enemy's back in an instant and passed through it.

Although he succeeded, there was no smile on his face, and he hurriedly drove the flying sword again to block the entrance of the gap.

Sure enough, the body of the demon corpse fell more than ten feet down, and then turned into foam and dissipated away with a puff.

Not far away, the figure of another demon corpse appeared, with a look of surprise on his face, he scolded: "The younger generation has ruined my business, and if you dare to chase after me, I will definitely skin you and cramp you!"

You must know that the lungs of the earth are full of fire and poisonous smoke, which is extremely fierce, and the power becomes stronger as you go down.

Otherwise, the fire will burn the body, the poisonous smoke will fascinate the gods, and there will be a continuous stream. Even if the gods fall into it, they will not only escape, but will be wiped out.

The demon corpse had no intention of seeing a gap leading to another place here, so it dared to escape here. It was unexpected that someone would dare to chase down into the lungs.

Meng Qiu's sword was so fast that he was caught off guard, and only got a blow, and there was no way to dodge it.

Fortunately, the demon corpse knows that he has many enemies, so he has been practicing his single-minded magic skills for many years. Once he encounters a sneak attack, even if he cannot dodge it, it will automatically operate, and immediately reverse the intricacies, changing the truth and the truth.

He escaped unharmed, thinking that he was overwhelmed by Yixiu just now, and attacked by Ling Hun and other crowd.

Then he turned around and shook the demon banner of Yinhun Gathering Beast, a puff of black smoke flew out from the mouth of the monster on the banner, turned into a ghost face, and with only one flash, it was already in front of Meng Qiu's eyes, covering it down.

A ray of blue light floated up, and then the light exploded, covering the ghost's face.

Meng Qiu almost broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't react at all when the demon corpse attacked just now. It was Yu Qian Liuli's own body protection function to block it.

Immediately, he didn't dare to be negligent, he flipped his hands quickly, and got an extra set of dragon bird rings, threw them into the air, and suddenly the four colors were red, white, blue and blue.

Nanming's Lihuo sword is more powerful, but he dare not use it in such an environment, otherwise the movement will be too loud, and even just stirring the fireworks may cause the earth lung qi to spurt more violently.

He was in the midst of it, and he would bear the brunt of the blow. Even if he could escape, he didn't know what kind of injury he would suffer.

Meng Qiu only thought that the Dragon Sparrow Ring would be able to entangle the enemy, and then use the Nanming Lihuo Sword to block the way out, and when the ground lung energy surged up, he would be able to force the opponent to follow him back to the ground.

Unexpectedly, when the demon corpse saw this treasure, it screamed out in shock, and stopped attacking. It quickly pulled out several fist-sized, dark thunders, and threw its hands towards the ground.

"Crazy!" Meng Qiu was taken aback, and quickly recalled Nanming's Lihuo Sword and Longquehuan, put it against Yu Qian Liuli, and flew up.

Looking back, those dark thunders landed in the sea of ​​flames and exploded, immediately causing shocks, surging waves, and balls of fireballs were thrown high.

Then, like a rising tide, the sea of ​​flames suddenly rose a hundred feet, and pillars of fire rushed straight forward like dragons, submerging the place where the two were standing just now.

The black light around the demon corpse flickered and then went out, and the flames lingered, burning his skin to pieces and screaming incessantly.But he also stared at the heat wave and forcibly rushed into the gap.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to stay, and flew up quickly.Although Yu Qian Liuli has a strong defense, its advantage lies in the balance of all aspects. It is not afraid of ordinary smoke and fire, but the air of the lungs here is no small matter.

At this moment, he couldn't help regretting that he didn't wait for Zheng Bagu to come over.The precious umbrella on his body is the perfect magic weapon to restrain the flames.At that time, I could walk through the burning fireworks of Yue'er Island calmly.

As soon as Meng Qiu rushed to the ground, he yelled: "All fellow Taoists, be careful, the demon corpse has exploded the lungs, and the fire will be even more violent."

Half of the old nun smiled and said, "You really are a troublemaker. Lend me Yu Qian Liuli."

When Yu Qian Liuli flew to the top of her head, he immediately unfolded the four-element array, and the 28 constellations emerged. Illuminated by the precious blue light, each solidified three points, and all released golden light, turning into a yin-yang fish, and flying into the cave.

Ling Hun also poured mana into the Seven Treasures Amethyst Bottle, and the purple cloud that flew out became bigger and thicker, and pressed on the entire cave floor, calming the shock.

Grandma Jin and Bai Guyi shot together, using their own profound arts, thickening the mountain wall, and filling up the cave layer by layer, and soon there was only a [-]-foot-high hole left.

Yixiu saw that the mountain was supported and stopped falling, so he stopped and helped half of the old nuns to suppress the ground fire, and put a restraint on the entrance of the cave, thus eliminating the catastrophe.

Grandma Jin said: "The lungs here have become a furnace, and the place where it vents is an excellent source of fire. Whether it is making utensils or alchemy, it is very useful and can save a lot of effort.

In addition, this place is right on the spiritual vein, it is quiet and beautiful, and it is also a good cave.Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Meng. "

Meng Qiu hurriedly said: "Thanks to the senior who came to help, a disaster was avoided. Otherwise, the earth's lungs would explode, covering thousands of miles into a sea of ​​flames, and even the entire Mangcang Mountain Range would be affected."

"Based on your achievements today, I can't be a senior. We can only talk about friends of the same generation, and we can be friends with each other." Grandma Jin looked at the other party with a smile, and many emotions arose in her heart.

When I met Meng Qiu at the beginning, he was just a small casual builder with little knowledge and had to listen to his own teaching.

But he didn't expect that in less than 20 years, he had already cultivated into a Sanxian, and he was even a world-renowned master. Even Bai Guyi, the second elder of Songshan who was well-known beside him, had suffered a bit at his hands.

Without waiting for the other party to back down, she asked about the movement of the demon corpse, and Meng Qiu explained what she had seen.

Half of the old nun shook his head and said: "The evildoer is still so cunning, who would have expected that he has prepared a way out in the lungs of the earth, it is really hard to guard against."

But Yixiu sneered and said, "It's not that you shot indiscriminately and gave him a chance to escape. If I deal with it alone, I won't reveal such a big flaw."

"What a shameless hunchback." Ling Hun was furious, cursing: "The few of us have already negotiated and set up a net, and the demon corpse can't escape.

I wrote to you earlier, but you never responded.When we came here to ambush, you didn't care about it, and suddenly shot, disrupting our arrangement.

If not, when we seal off the sky and the earth, where else can this evildoer escape? "

The two blamed each other, and the more they talked, the more angry they became. In the end, it was Yixiu who was more violent, and shouted:
"With your ability, how dare you brag? I'm afraid you have forgotten what it was like when a few people besieged me, but was beaten to pieces."

"Nonsense!" Ling Hun was furious, raised his hand and was struck by a bolt of thunder.

With a wave of Yixiu's sleeve, the red glow flickered, and he dissipated the thunder light, and counterattacked forward, turning it into a big net, trying to catch the opponent.

The two haven't seen each other for many years, and this round is just a test.Once you start, you won't stop.

Ling Hun has already noticed that there is still some gap between himself and the other party, but he is not afraid.Immediately released the flying sword, turned into a golden lightning, and shot out.

Yixiu chuckled and said: "Come on, come on, you said just now that you are number one in the world in terms of swordsmanship, and you looked down on my five-element zhenqi.

I would like to see, over the years, what skills have you developed to dare to say such big words in front of me. "

When he opened his left hand, there was still a ray of red glow, which swayed out and turned into a sea of ​​flames, covering the entire cave roof, and washed over against the sword light.

Only the sound of sneering can be heard, like a scorching hot iron falling into the ice water and cooling down for a while.

Yixiu's mana is domineering, opening and closing, and the momentum is amazing.Ordinary monks, even if their minds are not affected, will not be able to withstand such a fierce offensive, and will soon be defeated.

But such a character as Ling Hun, with outstanding swordsmanship and a family of his own, his moves may seem ordinary, but in fact their subtleties are like the horns of antelopes, and there is no trace to be found.

Even if the enemy's spells are not clear, he can think of a way to deal with it in an instant. The sword light immediately converges, but the brilliance is sharper.

There was also a non-stop chirping sound, like scissors cutting cloth, cutting this piece of red silk into pieces.

Exiu was not surprised, and turned his hand over.It was a piece of divine light again, a little yellow was born in the red, and it was quickly soaked out and floated on the surface.

Ling Hun's sword energy landed on it, but only made a few small holes, and could no longer penetrate.

His expression became a little dignified, his magic power surged, and the speed of his sword suddenly accelerated, flying in all directions, east, west, north, south, so fast that it was hard to distinguish.

Only a little trace can be seen from the ups and downs of the divine light, and the opening from time to time.

Meng Qiu was also amazed by this kind of swordsmanship.Back then when he was fighting swords in Qingluoyu, he saw that his sword skills were exquisite, but they were also very varied, such as Long Yaojiao, with variable sizes and different postures.

Right now, however, it shows a different style, with the speed of a flying sword, breaking the surface with a point.

On the other hand, the old nun sighed secretly, and came over via voice transmission, saying: "This Yixiu's cultivation level is much higher than before. The change of the five elements is only as far as the fire producing the soil, which has already made Fellow Daoist Ling perform his unique skills.

There may still be a way to break the earth-born gold change later.But if you wait until Jin Shengshui, there must be nothing you can do. "

Meng Qiu couldn't help but nodded, and was about to speak when Grandma Jin came over and said to him:
"Since the demon corpse has already run away, it is useless for me to stay here, so I will leave here. If there is any news about this person in the future, Wan Wang will let you know.

If you have time, you can also come to Baique Cave in Hengshan to be a guest, and let those lowly disciples under our sect gain insight into what the casual cultivators they looked down on back then have grown into. "

Meng Qiu said a few more words of humility, and seeing her walking calmly, leaving the original tunnel, the entrance of the cave was immediately raised by a foot.

As soon as she passed, she was about to shrink, but Bai Guyi also moved, and followed her, saying: "With the help of fellow Taoist, I will save effort."

After the two left, the cave was still filled with sword energy and divine light.The stone wall and stone roof that had been piled up just now were blown up beyond recognition, and the stones were scattered in all directions, like rain.

Meng Qiu looked serious.Ling Hun has obviously become a real firefighter.

Ascension is the first priority of all monks who have some achievements, so they are afraid of limb damage and soul injury when encountering fighting skills.

Judging from Meng Qiu's current knowledge, Ling Hun's cultivation was definitely higher than that of Snow Mountain's Old Charm, but in Qingluoyu back then, he was a tie in the end.

If you set up a major event, you will keep your hands, which shows that you are cautious.But now he doesn't care about it, it's because of the deep anger in his heart.

Yixiu laughed loudly: "Come again!" The yellow light turned and turned into white light, and gold was born from the soil.

Jin Guangzi is different.The last time they were all defensive, this time they will only attack, shooting golden arrows in all directions, like a torrential rain, and the rage is endless.

Although Ling Hun's sword light is sharp, but the four-color divine light is as dense as a net and full of tenacity, like a fish in it, there is no way to escape.

Seeing Yixiu's triumph, Meng Qiu was a little displeased, seeing that Ling Hun didn't want to use the hole card of Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, so he suddenly played a divine thunder.

Yixiu laughed loudly, and said, "Hanako, you still have to rely on others after all."

Rubbing his hands together, many brilliance flashed, and the flying generals flew out, immediately turning into balls and turning into thunder.

Meng Qiu flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and in an instant more than a hundred stars flew out, like stars falling from nine heavens, with great momentum.

The two collided and exploded in the air, flying smoke and thunder.

He kept hitting all kinds of Taiyi Divine Thunder, and the opponent just returned it with the Five Elements Divine Thunder casually, understating it very calmly, as if it didn't take any effort at all.

Yixiu raised his head slightly, with a haughty posture, and praised: "You are a junior, you are also a real talent, no wonder you dare to provoke Emei.

I'm not afraid to tell you that the senior person I admire the most in my life is Daoist Changmei.It's a pity that after I became enlightened, he didn't make any moves, and soon after that, he ascended through the tribulation.

Qi Shuming, head teacher of Emei, is my best friend for many years.Although he didn't ask me to deal with you, but the meaning of friendship is there, I don't like you.

If I can't meet you, that's fine. Once I meet you, I won't be stingy if I give you a little trouble. "

 I recommend a serious novel "Mysterious Recovery: Starting from the Strange Lake". The author already has a similar masterpiece, which is very interesting.


(End of this chapter)

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