Chapter 202
Meng Qiu didn't stop, and beat Taiyi God out like a thunderbolt, saying: "Hehe, it's not surprising that he is Emei's dog leg.

Ever since I had conflicts with Emei, I have met many people, like you, who, without the master’s words, go up the pole and want to use me as a talent for promotion.

It's just that I'm a little strange. If Daoist Changmei is still there, there is some truth in your flattery. Right now, the masters of the Emei Sect are all earth immortals, which are far worse than those of the Demon Sect and Buddhism. Even if you kneel upright, what benefits can you gain? "

When others pointed at him, he would naturally retaliate, speaking with extreme sarcasm.

But Yixiu was not annoyed, he said: "After all, he is a child, and his knowledge is shallow. I have never seen such a storm. It is too naive to think that such an agitation can piss me off.

I see that you are familiar with half of the old nuns, so you may as well ask, I, Yixiu, have always been upright, when will I ask to come to Emei? "

"Up to the sky?" Meng Qiu kept his hands on his hands, glanced up and down, and said with a sneer, "It seems that you can't stand up to this day, otherwise how could you be crushed into a hunchback."

As soon as this sentence came out, it seemed to stab Yixiu's shortness, his face immediately changed, anger hung on his face, and he shouted:

"The cultivation of the so-called No.1 of the younger generation has never been revealed, and the sharpness of the tongue has been seen. If I really give you something powerful today and spread it, I would think that the hunchback will die."

With a sudden wave of his right hand, red, yellow, white, and black rotated in turn, giving birth to wooden lines, surging blue, turning into a cloud of colorful clouds, wrapping Ling Hun and his sword in it, and immediately completely gained the upper hand.

Flicking the fingers of his left hand repeatedly, five starbursts popped out, rushed to the middle of the two, collided with each other, and the five colors merged, that is, it turned into a cloud of black and white, not white and gray.

"I really want to see what kind of abilities the so-called leader of the Seven Truths has, and dare to be so arrogant!"

Meng Qiu yelled violently, and his figure rose suddenly, as if he was three feet taller in an instant. He circulated his whole body's mana, and with his hands together, a bright yellow light appeared on his chest, shining like a great sun, with majestic power.

This light crashed into the gray cloud, and exploded immediately, like lightning flashing in a midsummer thundercloud, followed by a loud noise that shook the sky, filling the entire cave, shaking the entire mountain, and stretching for thousands of miles.

The trees tremble, the flowers and plants lie low, the stream pauses, the waterfall trembles into a section, thousands of birds startle, and ten thousand beasts run.

The Five Elements Divine Thunder and the Taiyi Divine Thunder exploded at the same time. First, there was an extremely white light, which was so dazzling that people could not open their eyes. Then there was a buzzing sound, and even the void was opened, and the flame and lightning dissipated in an instant.

Half of the old nun also had to prop up the Dharma light to isolate the turbulent aftermath, and suddenly threw out another piece of tortoise shell, emitting a hazy layer of black light, separating the two people.

She said: "Okay, the evil corpse Guchen has escaped, you don't want to pursue, but you contradict yourself, why?
Fortunately, there are only a few of us here, otherwise the heretical evildoers will know about this matter, and they don't know how to laugh at it. "

Yixiu looked at Meng Qiu in surprise, slowly withdrew his hands, and said, "Which one has the guts to laugh at me?"

With a sound of "chi", Ling Hun cut through the multi-colored brocade, slipped it out, and glanced at Meng Qiu, but didn't move again, and said, "You're not ashamed, so I'll tell you in person, what can you do?"

Meng Qiu hit with all his strength just now, and he was relieved, but he didn't quarrel with Yixiu any more.

Although he used the thunder technique that he was not good at, and the sword technique was not at all, but it was obvious that the opponent was more calm and calm, and his depth was bottomless.

Even without Yixiu taking out the method he used to deal with the demon corpse Gu Chen just now, just to deal with Ling Hun's movements, Meng Qiu also considers himself not an opponent.

It was also said before that if you do not do it, you will not be as skilled as others, so you don't have to talk for cheap.

Yixiu didn't look at Ling Hun, only destined Meng Qiu, and said: "I underestimated you. I thought the previous rumors were exaggerated.

In the past, it wasn't that there were no talented monks. At that time, my Taoism was not yet perfect, and I couldn't walk through it if I fell into my hands.In contrast, you do have some skills.

If I really want to give you some trouble today, it's not impossible.It's just too hard, and it doesn't suit my identity.

Let it go this time, and wait until the next time, but I won't be so merciful.You must also use your world-renowned swordsmanship to show me some real skills. "

As soon as the voice fell, the person disappeared, and Meng Qiu couldn't realize how he left at all.

Only then did the old nun put away the tortoise shell, sighed, and said, "Compared to the last time I saw you, you have made great progress. If this goes on, in a few years, I'm afraid I won't be your match."

Last time, she thought that once she left no stone unturned and made a real move, she would be able to kill Meng Qiu with a certain degree of confidence.But less than a year later, the situation changed again, so I can't be so sure.

Not only her, but Ling Hun was also full of emotion and a little helpless, and said: "As far as I know, your performance in this realm is comparable to that of the real Changmei. Even the real Lu Zu and Sanfeng are worse.

It's no wonder that hunchback B, who rarely let go of his big words, but left halfway, probably because he suffered setbacks from you and was in a bad mood.

As he said, in his life, he admired the real person with long eyebrows the most.As soon as he was born back then, he was a Loose Immortal, his cultivation level was unbelievably high, not to mention that it was hard for his peers to match, even many senior Earth Immortals were no match for him.

Therefore, some people compare him with real people.It's a pity that after all, the stamina is insufficient. Although the queen of the earth fairy is still outstanding, she can't widen the gap with Xuan Zhenzi and others.

He said it nicely, for the sake of being friends with Headmaster Qi, maybe because he heard your name, he came here specially, ready to hit you. "

Speaking of this, he was not at all depressed by being trapped by Yixiu just now, on the contrary, he gloated a little and said with a laugh: "Based on what I know about him, it must be so.

However, he was very smart in his calculations, but he never imagined that you have such means, and you let him return in vain without even using your sword skills. "

Meng Qiu said that he didn't dare to take it, and said: "I didn't use swordsmanship, and he also suppressed his means to the realm of Sanxian. Just looking at his attack just now, I'm still a little far away."

"You don't know what's good or bad." Half of the old nun nodded at him, and said, "Then who is Fellow Daoist Yi? Back then, he was famous all over the world.

I am not like this Huazi who has conflicts with him, I am quite stubborn, I am still convinced by him.

I haven't seen him for many years now, and his cultivation base is much higher than before.Even if he doesn't use all his strength, there are not many people in the world who can resist the Five Elements Thunder.

For example, if you are the same as Qizhen, Zheng Dianxian, who hangs at the end, is not as capable as you. If you encounter the five-element god thunder just now, you may have already retreated. "

Ling Hun chuckled lightly and said, "Master, after all these years, the conflict between you and that woman still cannot be resolved."

Meng Qiu immediately pricked up his ears, wanting to wait for an explanation, but the old nun said first: "It's her blessing that I can mention her. After a few years, all the younger generations will have entered the realm of the earth fairy. How can she still be qualified to be side by side with us."

 I would recommend a friend's fairy tale masterpiece, "Fengshen: I'm Not the True Immortal of Fortune", with novel angles and exciting plots.


(End of this chapter)

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