Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 204 Returning to the Cave Mansion

Chapter 204 Returning to the Cave Mansion
Meng Qiu asked casually, "Then what happened next?"

"It's the same as people going to the empty building." Half of the old nun said: "I heard from the mortal emperor that in the previous dynasty hundreds of years ago, monks entered the court and built Taoist palaces.

Those monks have great supernatural powers, and they dare not interfere with what they do. They just follow the example of their predecessors and offer sacrifices.

More than a year ago, these monks suddenly disappeared again and have never returned. "

Now that Emei has taken over, Meng Qiu is not as concerned about the matter of Mangshan Ghost Country as before.

On the contrary, it was Yi Zhou and Zhenjun Shaoyang of Xuangui Palace overseas, who were involved in their own safety and wanted to find out more.

Half of the old nun said: "Headmaster Qi also sent letters to the two of them this time, but they were all excuses to retreat and practice, so they didn't come.

As for the strangely dressed old man you met when you came out of Lizhu Palace last time, I asked someone, it should be an elder of the Xiji Cult.

The inheritance of this religion is neither monks nor Taoists nor demon sects, but a separate sect, and its followers are all proficient in the art of cursing, banning and impeachment, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

The West Pole Continent where he lives is not far from Zhu Island, only a few thousand miles away, which is smaller than Qilu Island. The so-called God's Domain in his religion has never allowed outsiders to set foot in it, and he is self-confident.

There are six elders in their whole sect, who claim to be immortal, but there are different opinions about what state it is, but there are always earth immortals. "

"The old man I met is indeed an Earth Immortal." Meng Qiu nodded, and asked again: "The art of cursing and impeachment sounds like a divine method."

Half of the old nun said: "It is the method of the divine way. The six elders in the Xiji Sect are also called Liuyu, which are compared to mortal myths and legends.

I only inquired about this information from my friends, and it was discovered by a senior in the practice world. As for the details, I have no way of knowing. "

Meng Qiu frowned slightly, and said: "Since they don't interact with outsiders, how could they have hooked up with the God of Shaoyang. Besides, his magic power is very strange, comparable to that of Mangshan Ghost Dao."

Half of the old nun shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it's not surprising that the Dao and Dharma systems in the world come from the same source, and each has its own reference."

Afterwards, she sighed, hesitated for a moment, and just said: "With your current cultivation level, in the current cultivation world, except for those heavenly immortals, otherwise no one will be able to catch you.

He is not afraid of staying somewhere and being found for revenge.Therefore, there is a settlement at the right time, which is convenient for you to practice well.

You have traveled all over the years and experienced many accidents, and you should be aware of it. The world seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is turbulent and stormy.

The most important of these is that the Ten Thousand Years Calamity is approaching.Although I don't want to hide it from you, the matter is of great importance. If you are not in the realm, if you say it in advance, it will not only be useless, but harmful.

You should work hard and become a fairy early.Otherwise, it seems to be free and easy, but the realm is too low after all, it is just a pawn, and it must be held by others and cannot be freed. "

Meng Qiu heard about the Ten Thousand Years Calamity more than once, and seeing the solemnity of the other party's words, he couldn't help asking: "Why do you have to go to the Earth Immortal? What does the teacher mean when he says it is related to the Ten Thousand Years Calamity?

For this sword fight, Emei summoned all the Zhengdao families in advance, is it just to discuss how to deal with it? "

He asked repeatedly, half of the old nun shook his head and nodded again, saying: "We can't guess the specific situation of the great catastrophe. But now there are some signs, and they can't be sensed until the earth immortal."

She has always been frank and never hides what she can say. Now she refuses to speak out, and Meng Qiu doesn't ask too many questions. She just said curiously:

"This catastrophe can make everyone so solemn, is it even more violent than the last time Emperor Zhuanxu's Jedi Tiantong?"

"Who would know?" Half of the old nun said, "The lifespan of a mortal monk is only 300 or [-] years.

What's more, any monk who has the ability to persevere for a thousand years will have survived the heavenly calamity long ago, so he can't escape the heavenly calamity even if he is spent among the earth immortals.

Therefore, for the monks you can meet, five hundred years old is considered a long life.Such as the real person of blissful joy, rare.

In ancient times, there were sects, but they have long since declined.Kunlun, which has been passed down the longest, is less than 3000 years old, so what happened before can no longer be tested. "

Meng Qiu laughed and said, "Since you don't know what will happen, why are you still so nervous?"

"A man of Tao should know the distance by the near, know the past by the present, benefit what he sees, and know what he doesn't see!" Half of the old nun said:
"Look at the mortal world, but there are natural disasters, droughts, floods, earthquakes and epidemics, only in the middle, there are corpses all over the field, ten rooms and ten rooms are empty, it is utterly miserable.

And the catastrophe of ten thousand years has always spread all over one world, there is nowhere to hide, and no one can escape.

Under the power of the sky, monks are just as vulnerable, so why not make people fearful, so you have to prepare in advance. "

Although Meng Qiu has never seen the Heavenly Immortal Tribulation, the Loose Immortal Tribulation and the Earth Immortal Tribulation are just as fierce, and he can probably survive it in all likelihood, not to mention the most severe catastrophe in ten thousand years, the horror can be imagined.

But he didn't have a sense of urgency, after all, half of the old nun also said that he had to be an immortal to have a sense of the catastrophe.

Although he has made great progress recently, he is still a long way from becoming an Earth Immortal, and even if he makes further progress, there are too many things to deal with, and he can't worry about it for a while.

After half of the old nuns left, Meng Qiu had a chance to walk around the cave back and forth.

The front cave is like a fairy garden, with green grass like silk, and mixed trees with red hair.The fragrance is all over the floor, the water is flowing, the clouds and mists are lingering, and the thin smoke is heavy, making people intoxicated physically and mentally.

The rear caves are quite different, the stone chambers are square, the layout is wonderful, the rings are connected, and each has its own exquisiteness.Quiet room, fire room, alchemy room, book pavilion, halls and rooms are listed, with complete functions.

I went out of the cave again, standing on a high cliff, the stars are light and the wind is quiet, a bright moon hangs high in the sky, the brilliance is bright, the streamer is scattered, the mountains in the distance are looming, like the waves of the sea, rising and falling; the rocky forests in front of me are clear and picturesque.

After the war, it is inevitable that the mind and soul will be exhausted. With this fine day as a company, the scenery is infinite, although there is no light wind, but there is a cool night, it is also refreshing.

Meng Qiu was so greedy to look at the beautiful scenery that he didn't realize that the night was over. The sun rose from the sea of ​​clouds, the sky was bright white, the red flowers were gorgeous, and the green trees were dyed gold.

After three poles, he set off to the Xuanshuang Cave of Tu'er Cliff.

Yang Li and Lu Rongbo were still at the door, so they hurriedly asked: "Fellow Daoist Meng also came here because of yesterday's shock, right?"

Before, the two of them went to Black Wind Valley with Meng Qiu to investigate, and accidentally bumped into Yin Sutang of the Kunlun School.

Although the latter was chased away by Meng Qiu, they did not dare to be careless and stayed in the cave all the time without going out.

I was practicing sword skills yesterday, but I felt a violent vibration, a little worried and a little curious.

Meng Qiu shook his head, without going into details, and said: "It's just a little commotion caused by us besieging and killing the demon corpse Gu Chen in Lingyu Cliff yesterday, don't panic.

This time I came to tell you two that I also found a cave in Mangcang Mountain, and it will be my neighbor in the future. If there is something to do, there is no need to send a letter to Wudang. "

He took out a jade talisman to guide the way, handed it over, and was about to leave.

Yang Li and Lu Rongbo were so bored that they panicked. If Cui Haike and Lu Min hadn't ordered them not to take risks, they would have been unable to restrain themselves and wanted to investigate.

Hearing that there is a big battle nearby, but not being able to see it, it is just annoyance and regret, where he is willing to let the person go, he insists on telling it in detail.

Meng Qiu also likes the two of them, they have practiced for many years, and they are still innocent, anyway, there is nothing serious, so they stayed for a long time, picked up some of the fights, and told the two of them.

After delaying for a while, I only got the news that Lu Min will return soon.

It was already evening when we arrived at Yuqingguan, a village to dispel evil spirits.Master Yuqing smiled and said: "The last time I met you, I complained that I had nowhere to go. Now it's good, the cave is built in front of me."

"It's just a fluke." After finding the cave, Meng Qiu only mentioned a few words, only talking about other things, saying:

"Last time you asked me to find a successor to pass on Master Lianshan's Taoism. I have already found someone to teach it to Wudang disciples Mi Mingniang and Qiu Zhixian. What do you think?"

"Wudang disciples, it's not impossible." Master Yuqing didn't care, and even said:

"Half the masters are also big-hearted. After Sanfeng Daoist ascended to the throne, the Wudang orthodoxy turned to Buddha again, which caused an uproar among the sects, mutual dissatisfaction, and chaos.

Now that it's so easy to get together and mix in a sectarian Taoism, is it possible that his three generations of disciples are going to make a fuss for the orthodox again? "

Meng Qiu said with a smile: "That's because none of Wudang's second-generation sects was superior to others, so there are these disturbances. If we switch to the third generation, we won't let this kind of situation reappear."

Mrs. Yuqing was a little curious, and said: "The seven Wudang women and the four friends of Wudang are all talented, but none of them can be said to stand out.

Hearing you say it this way, could it be that they have found a talent who can overwhelm these disciples of the same generation? "

"There is indeed one, and she's a little girl." Meng Qiu responded, and said with emotion:

"Tell me about the current situation in the practice world, as far as I know, all the girls are extraordinary.

Regardless of Wudang, besides Qi Lingyun, Emei also has two people, Li Yingqiong and Zhou Qingyun, who are able to wield the Ziqing twin swords as outsiders. "

Mrs. Yuqing laughed dumbly and said: "You speak so old-fashioned, as if you are their senior. In fact, you are much younger than Qi Lingyun, not to mention, you probably are not older than that Zhou Qingyun.

In my eyes, the most outstanding person in this generation is none other than you.Only when the purple and green are combined can they compete with you.

Not only me, but the next generation of Emei has already regarded you as the target of catching up.Apart from the three women you mentioned, other people are also eyeing.

For example, Headmaster Qi's beloved son, Qi Jinchan, and Li Hong, put aside their words and want to capture you back to Emei to avenge your fellow sect.

Don't look at the two of them who have never been out of the mountain and have almost no reputation in the practice world, but according to my observations when I was stationed in Songshan, the methods are not trivial, and they are like fathers. "

"Oh, there's another matter?" Meng Qiu paused, curious, and asked, "If I kill them both, do you think Qi Shuming will go crazy? Will Emei come out to catch me?"

Master Yuqing was taken aback, then laughed, and said, "You really should have been born 200 years earlier. Eighth Gu and I are not as good at causing trouble and bold as you."

Meng Qiu smiled slightly, asked her if she still had no news of Zheng Bagu, then left and went to Qingluoyu Snow Valley.

This place is still the same, and there is no trace of anyone coming.He had no choice but to rush back to the cave with regret.

After running around all night, it was just dawn again, the golden sun was hot but not strong, the yellow light was thick but not hurtful, thousands of miles were clear, and the sky was clear and refreshing.

Seeing that he was about to reach the place, suddenly there was a wave of spiritual energy, and the flight could not be stable, and then a huge force forced it down.

Meng Qiu couldn't help being startled, thinking that the enemy was lying in ambush here, just after releasing the Nanming Lihuo Sword, he wanted to go ahead with the sword, when he heard strange rumbling sounds in the sky that seemed to be breaking through the sky and clouds.

Looking up, I don't know when a group of dark clouds appeared, and the sun had already disappeared into the clouds. Suddenly, the sky was dark, and the wind was strong.

Only then did he realize that it was not aimed at himself, but a catastrophe from heaven, and he was even more horrified, thinking involuntarily: "Could it be that the catastrophe of ten thousand years is coming?"

He hurriedly stabilized his figure, found a very high mountain, landed on it, and watched from a distance.

The stronger the wind, the more rocks and sand flew, and the sky gradually became dark as lacquer. Only the sound of surging cries was heard, shaking the sky and the earth.

The sound of rumbling in the clouds became louder and louder, like ten thousand horses galloping, mixed with thousands of shrill and sharp ghosts whistling.

Meng Qiu couldn't help being shaken, and hurriedly sat cross-legged on a big rock, sacrificed Yuqian Liuli on top of his head, and used his profound skills to stabilize his soul.

After meditating, I realized that this catastrophe was actually caused by the Black Wind Valley.

I saw clusters of red lights suddenly descending from the black clouds, which were redder than fire, and looked very clear.

At first glance, most of them are only the size of a teacup, and when they fall hundreds of feet, they have become the size of a wheel.

With the sound of rumbling wind and thunder, Xingfei and lightning came, and in a blink of an eye, they reached the sky above the Black Wind Valley, illuminating the entire area around thousands of miles brighter than under the sun.

The center of the red light was three feet bright red and transparent, dazzling in brilliance, and it was about to fall, when suddenly from the Black Wind Valley, a column of wind rose up, crystal clear and white, rushing straight up.

"Mysterious Ice Black Frost!" This is Gongyehuang's unique skill, so Meng Qiu yelled loudly without knowing it.

When I looked again, the pillars of wind dispersed and turned into white clouds, blocking those light clusters and fighting each other.

At that place, in every cloud, it seemed as if the sun was just rising from the hibiscus, the sea waves were phantoms, and countless golden lights were beating, going up and down from time to time.

The red light appears and disappears among the white clouds, and thousands of layers of clouds and beautiful shadows appear, which are colorful and very beautiful.Every time it rises and falls, the white cloud will wipe out a layer.

Seeing that the clouds were about to dissipate, Meng Qiu couldn't help but feel a little worried. Suddenly, a beam of light shot up into the sky, pierced into the air, filled it, and exploded suddenly, sweeping away the fire mass.

The black cloud seemed to be furious, the flames receded, but the wind and thunder rose, and a loud thunder could be heard from a distance, shaking the sky and the earth, roaring furiously, and the mountain was about to fall.

As soon as the limelight came out, it immediately flew to the ground, and within a thousand miles outside the Black Wind Valley, a piece of lush forests were all smashed to pieces.

It's like floating sand and thin snow piled up, instantly destroyed, and naturally collapsed, the momentum is very frightening.

Then the sky thunder followed, and the rocks and forests had already turned into ashes.

The nearby high mountains were attacked, they all collapsed in front of them like an avalanche in the waves, like an earth dragon turning over, it was more than ten thousand times more powerful than the previous confrontation between Meng Qiu and Yixiu.

(End of this chapter)

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