Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 205 Gongye Sanctification

Chapter 205 Gongye Sanctification
By this time, Meng Qiu had already seen that this extremely fierce and powerful catastrophe was a heavenly catastrophe.

And Gongyehuang is in the middle, fighting with him, it goes without saying that he is going through the catastrophe of the gods.

In addition to admiration and envy, Meng Qiu couldn't take his eyes off him, and he was willing to let go of this rare opportunity.

The black ice and black frost resisted the fire of the sky before, and it was better than one game. Gongyehuang released it again, turning it into a dozen pillars of frost carved with white jade, sweeping away the wind and thunder from the sky.

But seeing the wind from the sky, it is like flowing water, penetrating through every hole, instantly filling thousands of miles around the Black Wind Valley, whistling and moving, like a big bellows.

Those pillars of frost stick inside, like a hidden reef in the middle of the river, they are safe to protect themselves, but if they want to disturb the world, they can't.

Gongyehuang tried to explode these pillars as he did just now, and immediately saw that the wind was erupting, as if the water in the lake was boiling, it was churning endlessly.

The wind blew up everywhere, and the trees and rocks that had been swept away were blown by the wind, like floating dust, and the dust rose up, and disappeared in an instant.

This time, instead of reducing the power of Heavenly Tribulation, it increased the power of Tianfeng, which was much greater than before.

The sky was windy, and then there was a rumbling loud noise in the black clouds, like a landslide, mixed with extremely sharp sounds, like the sound of scratching a mountain copper mirror, sizzle la la, ear-piercing and dizzy.

Meng Qiu only suffered the aftermath from the outside, but still felt very uncomfortable, he hurriedly held the Nanming Lihuo sword in his hand, and then dropped it on the Qianliuli, used his profound kung fu to stabilize his spirit, and was barely able to resist.

Gongyehuang faced the catastrophe, and the ordeal he suffered was a hundred times more severe.

The sky wind is like a knife, every time it passes by, it is like a knife scraping, and the inspiration and vitality in the body will be reduced by one point.

This catastrophe cannot be stopped, it can only be resisted.If it cannot be resolved as soon as possible, once the time is too long, the body will wither and rot like a tree that has lost water.

If the body dies, it is even more impossible for the primordial spirit attached to it to escape the obliteration of the catastrophe.

Gongyehuang didn't dare to wait any longer, he hurriedly threw out a copper fan, and then he took it out of his hand, and immediately a golden glow appeared, like the sky against the backdrop of the sky, and the atmosphere was brilliant.

As soon as the spiritual light moved, what came out was a cold glow that was as white as snow for thousands of feet, permeating the scene like the morning fog in autumn.

The sky wind was fierce, whistling, and the cold glow was blowing around, as if it was about to be blown away at any time.

Gong Yehuang immediately stretched out his hand and pointed, the black ice and black frost rose again, moved over, scattered into the cold glow, and the two combined, immediately turned into a cloud barrier like a horse, shuttled back and forth, encircling the world.

In the blink of an eye, the area around the Black Wind Valley was cut off piece by piece by the wall raised by the cold glow, as if it had become a maze.

The wind from the sky was isolated from it, rampaging, blowing down one cold wall, and immediately blocked the other side, endless life.

Being hindered by this, the sky wind howled more and more furiously, and the violent waves were driven, flying around like a whirlwind.Turning around, it also becomes dozens of wind pillars.

Each one is about a hundred feet high and several acres thick, and they are stirred straight.The cold barrier is like falling flowers in the water, involuntarily plunged into the whirlpool.

Gongyehuang shakes the Qingning fan immediately, the cold light shakes immediately, it turns into a silver cloth thousands of feet high, the head falls down, hitting all the wind pillars formed by the sky wind into it.

The internal and external collisions were extremely violent, only the sound of a mountain collapsing and roaring shouts was heard, which is indescribable.

After waiting for about half an hour, I saw that the wind could not stretch, but the thunder was stronger. Dozens of hillock-like light clusters flew out of the black clouds, like meteors falling, and they were crushed.

Gongyehuang didn't dare to take it too seriously, and immediately took out the Xuanguang ruler that he got from Lianshan Treasure House last time.

The rays of the sun shone, turning into countless multicolored light circles, spinning non-stop, eagerly rushing out, flying into the light group, just a movement, thunder and golden light fell like rain, and yellow leaves flew around, and the sound of rustling was endless.

Seeing this, Meng Qiu felt relieved.Just as he was feeling emotional, the wind and thunder suddenly merged, the thunder was moving, and the sound of the wind helped the thunder, and the momentum suddenly increased by three points.

The sky-shattering sound came from mid-air, and the towering trees thousands of miles away were uprooted one after another just by the shock of the sound waves.

Meng Qiu was caught off guard, his eyes went dark, and he felt dizzy, as if the world had turned upside down, and the universe was shaking.Barely compose himself, the Black Wind Valley in front of him has been wiped out by the wind and thunder.

He was worried about the earth lung seal in the Black Wind Valley, but he didn't want another thunderbolt to strike down in the black cloud, hitting the exit of the earth lung's cold air.

As if the earth had been overturned, it turned over completely, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, the cold air shot up into the sky, and went straight into the black clouds. Immediately, a thick white marble column appeared between the sky and the earth.

"Good time!" A loud shout came from the white pillar, and the surrounding black ice and black frost immediately swarmed and plunged into it as if they had received an order.

Then a loud bang exploded from the middle of the cold column. At first, it was only a ball tens of feet in size, but in the blink of an eye, it swelled a thousand times in size and exploded suddenly.

The coercion was still hundreds of miles away, Meng Qiu felt his hair stand on end, trembling inexplicably, he could hardly catch his breath.

He made a prompt decision, tried his best to carry the Nanming Lihuo Sword, the sword light turned into a rainbow, and retreated a hundred miles away again.

Looking up again, the Black Wind Valley is completely gone, leaving a round pit with a size of a hundred miles on the ground, and everything is gone.

The robbery cloud in the sky also dissipated, only the bright moon hangs in the sky alone, the surrounding fields are endless, the scenery is clear and the mountains are undulating, as if nothing happened.

Gongyehuang put away the Qingning fan and Xuanguang ruler, sat cross-legged on a high platform built in the huge pit, motionless, there was no trace of mana circulating around him.

Meng Qiu couldn't figure out what the intention was, when suddenly there was another loud noise, which came from behind, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, as if a thousand horses and thousands of troops had killed them.

He couldn't help being shocked, and turned around quickly, but there was no sign of the bright moon in the sky.

This movement changed again, but on the other side there was thunder and wind roar, landslide and tsunami, just like when the wind and thunder came.

Only then did Meng Qiu realize that this was the last catastrophe among the heavenly catastrophes, the catastrophe of the demons.It's just that he didn't expect to be affected by such a distance.

He quickly calmed down and recited "Huang Ting" to get rid of all distracting thoughts.If this is the case, there are false voices in the ear, although there is no actual trace, the momentum is also very astonishing and soul-stirring.

Gongyehuang, as a person who has crossed the catastrophe, suffered even more attacks.It's not just the frightening intimidation, but also the soft and charming voice.

At first, it was still clear blowing and fine playing, with melodious music.For a while, the bacchanalia will be played, and the sounds will come together, the glamorous and soft, touching people's minds.

He was not moved, and immediately became all kinds of human states.There was a lot of obscenity here, but at the same time there was a lot of mourning. First, there was a burst of weeping like a mourning concubine, and then the crowd roared angrily.

It's like a lone army in a dangerous city, Tian Hengjue Island, seeing the enemy approaching, strong enemies overwhelmed the country, and the food was empty, but unwilling to surrender to the bandits, holding the heart of death, crying out in pain to the sky, the voice of grief and indignation.

Meng Qiu could no longer pay attention to Gongyehuang's situation, so he set up a Wudang magic formation around him, and used Yuqian glass to seal himself inside the formation, which made it easier.

Gongye Huang's face remained unchanged, like a stone sculpture, sitting on a high platform, motionless.

The voice of the demon turned from high to low, turning into a voice of sorrow and resentment.Time is like leaving people and thinking about women, missing what you think about, poor and far away, feeling sad when you touch the scene.

However, these methods are still effective against ordinary monks, but Gongyehuang has been a fairy for many years, and love in the world cannot shake him in the slightest.

Including the devil's voice that came out later, whether it was bitterness, passion, tragedy, or pain, he ignored all kinds of heart-wrenching and heart-breaking emotions.

After running for a while, all illusions are empty, but the nose suddenly smells a strange smell.When you are in the Zhilan Room, the fragrance hits your brain, warm and soul-stirring; when you are in the Abalone House, the smell is strong and the stench is suffocating.

All kinds of beautiful and evil auras in the world came one after another.The most unpleasant smell is a warm fragrance, mixed with an extremely unpleasant smell of mutton, which makes people feel dizzy and upset, and feel sick.

Gong Yehuang was moved only now, he frowned and exhaled.But after suffering the sin in the mouth, all kinds of symptoms appeared on the body, such as pain, itching, soreness, or numbness.

He didn't dare to push it too far, so he immediately took out a jade flute, opened his mouth and blew it, and immediately the world was filled with the sounds of birds.

Swallows are passionate, chirping and chirping, or tactfully, like the whispers between young lovers; or hurriedly, like the tsunami-like screams of poor and lowly couples.

Magpies chirping, euphemistic and sweet, crisp and sweet, like guiding travelers, making people feel like falling into the mountains and forests, refreshing both physically and mentally.

There are also the hoopoe who laughs at the flowers and the sun, the turtledove who thins out the branches and calls for the rain; the crested lark is happy to be related, and the thrush on the plain of the wind and the birds.

Not counting all kinds of ordinary birds, there are also the genus Qingluan, swan, swan, and red sparrow. Although Meng Qiu has never seen their shapes, they can correspond to their sounds as soon as they come into their ears.

As soon as the birds chirped, all the emotions developed by the Heavenly Demon seemed to be pushed aside, and there was a barrier in between.

Severe pain came, but it seemed to fall on other people's bodies; lightning struck the top, but the tree was damaged in the rain.All these things are like looking at flowers in a fog, separated by a layer.

"So this is the so-called Hundred Birds Taoist!" Meng Qiu suddenly realized that there really was no wrong name in the world.

At this moment, another layer of multicolored clouds emerged from the sky, from which flew down many grotesque ghosts, Yashas, ​​all ferocious and vicious, breathing black smoke from their mouths.

The smoke condensed into one mass, and immediately covered the stars and the moon. It was pitch black and no fingers could be seen for a while, and ghost chirping could be heard faintly in the air, which was very chaotic.

These ghosts and monsters are all at least Loose Immortal cultivation base, and they are in groups, and there is an endless stream.Such a number can easily destroy a small sect.

Even if the immortals fell into it, they could not escape the siege, and died of exhaustion.

Meng Qiu was not surprised but delighted. The power of the Heavenly Demon lies in its invisibility and intangibility. It can escape into people's hearts and disturb the primordial spirit, making people hard to guard against.

Once it has a shape, it is not much different from ordinary cultivators, and it is not scary.

Sure enough, with a movement of Gongyehuang's hands, Qingning fan and Xuanguang ruler shot out again, and took the initiative to meet them.

On the left is Baizhang Hanhui, combined with the spell of Xuanbing Heshuang, with a single pounce forward, more than a dozen extremely powerful ghosts were immediately turned into ice sculptures, and they plummeted down, dissipating in black smoke in mid-air.

The light ruler on the right releases thousands of fast-rotating multicolored light wheels, like electric switches, gathered in threes and fives, and they are set on the head and limbs of Yaksha, and they are pulled into a cloud of smoke in all directions, and disappear.

After a while, the sky and the earth were empty again, the colorful clouds disappeared, the moonlight reappeared, the brilliance sprinkled everywhere, and the halo floated.

Gongyehuang couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and at first he could hold it tight, then grinned and chichied non-stop, and then couldn't help it anymore, he laughed loudly, and his voice swayed far away.

Meng Qiu understood very well, if it were him, his posture would be even more embarrassing.

After the other party finished laughing, he flew over with a flash of sword light, cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations senior, you will eventually become a celestial being, and there is hope for ascension!"

After taking a closer look, the pit at the bottom is hundreds of miles wide and thousands of feet deep, and the four sides are as smooth as a mirror, so it cannot be seen that it is Tiancheng at all.

The yin and cold air in the lungs, which was originally considered a serious problem, only escaped from a hole no more than three feet wide, like light rain bubbling in the sea.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Meng!" Gongyehuang sighed, and said, "After years of hard work, I finally achieved it! Difficult, difficult, difficult!"

"I think it's joy, joy, joy!" Zheng Bagu flew over from the other side, and said with a smile, "If you can become a fairy, no matter how much suffering you suffer, isn't it a happy moment?"

"Extremely, extremly!" Gongyehuang was in a very good mood, responded with a smile, glanced to the east again, and said:
"Someone is here. Right now I need to strengthen my cultivation. I don't want to see people. I'll talk about it in a place where I can speak."

With a big wave of his hand, he brought a gust of wind and blew it across thousands of miles to wipe away all traces before accepting Meng Qiu's invitation to go to his cave in the Mangcang Mountain.

After the three of them left, after a while, all kinds of Dharma light came over one after another, some were good and some were evil, some were Dao and some were Buddhas, with different costumes, young and old, and the one with the worst cultivation level was Sanxian.

Seeing that there is an extra flat land with a radius of thousands of miles, but there is a big pit in the center. Many people don't know what happened here. They were surprised and thought it was an inexplicable natural disaster.

Only some Earth Immortals who have lived for many years can detect it.One of them, a monk with a chubby body and big ears, landed on the stone platform left by Gong Yehuang, sat cross-legged and caressed for a moment, with a sad face.

Someone next to him quietly said to his companion: "Haha, the ancestor usually smiles happily, but this will make him lose his face. The matter must be serious!"

But he never thought that the fat monk sighed as if he heard it, and said: "Someone survived the catastrophe and became a god! The ancestor is still spinning around in the mud of the world of mortals. Tell me how to laugh."

After saying that, he ignored the talkative man who was shaking with fright, and just searched around the big pit, muttering:
"Who would rather make such a big commotion here than go overseas, who is so bold?
People from the Devil's Cult will not come here.I only heard that Baimei, Fentuo, Gongyehuang, Xuanyuan Dharma King and Huoling Shenjun have cultivated to this level, and maybe Xuanzhenzi and Shentuo Yixiu are similar.

For the rest, no matter Zhigong, Youtan, Jiulie Shenjun, Jiupanpo in the middle land, or Shaoyang Shenjun and Master Tianchi from overseas, they are not enough.

Who will it be?Who could it be?I have been practicing hard for so many years, why can you take the first step? "

He circled here on his own, chattering non-stop.

The rest of the monks came and couldn't find anything, so they left again.Until the sky was clear, there was still an endless stream of people coming.

However, those who have a little experience know that Ji Le Daoist once lived in this mountain, and also know that it is the place where newly-born celestial beings live, so no one dares to explore the surroundings at will.

(End of this chapter)

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