Chapter 206 Talking in the Valley
Gongyehuang and Zheng Bagu followed Mengqiu to the cave, saw both in front of and behind the cave, and then went to sit down in the canyon.

Zheng Bagu said: "This place has a unique scenery and is quite ingenious. Compared with your original narrow 'Qingxuan Cave', it is much better, so it looks like a monk or fairy.

But based on what I know about you, you definitely don't have this level, and which comrade helped arrange it? "

"It's still your sharp eyes. I really don't have this ability. It was Lin Luhua, the Gushe fairy from Wudang Seven Girls Middle School, who helped me get it."

Meng Qiu took the opportunity to say: "She spent a lot of effort in order to allow a junior sister in the school to practice the golden alchemy method left by Master Lianshan.

It is said that all kinds of jade and stones in the cave transported here, as well as these Qiongzhi jade trees, as well as birds and animals, are all treasures cultivated by her carefully.

I don't know much about this kind of thing, you two help me find out, is this business a loss? "

Gongye Huang smiled and said nothing, but Zheng Bagu sneered and said: "When did you learn to speak in secret?
Don't you just want to ask us, what's your opinion on your teaching the Lianshan Taoism?
To be clear, since my uncle and I gave the Taoism to you that day, it was already a plan, and it is up to you to deal with it. "

Meng Qiu smiled and said: "It's not that I'm covering it up, but the last time I went to Yuqing to see Yu Luocha, she told me some things about the Lianshan Sect back then, and said that it was passed down from one generation to another.

Of course I don't mind too much, but after all, I am not from the Lianshan Sect, so I have to be more or less scrupulous. "

"I knew it was her." Zheng Bagu said: "Although her temperament has not changed much, she has been in the sect for many years, and she has more or less been infected with their rigid stink.

You are not taught by Lianshan, and no one wants to restrain you. What is there to worry about in this kind of thing? "

Gong Yehuang also nodded and said: "The so-called Lianshan sect, how many people are left? It's not even a shell, so there is really no need to think too much.

Besides, it was just a few senior brothers arguing about the concubine, but Master Lian Shan didn't agree.The heir in his old man's mind was supposed to be Taiyi Hunyuan, so how could he figure it out.

What's more, if it weren't for those of us who have followed us for many years, the master would have made this method public to the public.

If you don't believe Bagu's words, I am the only surviving elder of the Lianshan Sect, and I promise you that whether you pass on the teachings to your friends or publish them, it's up to you to decide. "

Meng Qiu quickly thanked her, and said: "The disaster caused by making it public is too great, and I can't bear it right now. I just let a few friends learn from it."

"It's up to you!" Gongyehuang said no more.

Zheng Bagu asked: "That day in Mount Tai, you were trapped by Mie Chenzi, after I got out, I came to look for my uncle.

Originally, I wanted to ask him to save you, but my uncle is preparing for the catastrophe of the immortals, so I can't move easily.

I am not even a little bit sure that I can rescue you, so I leave a book in Naxue Valley and return to this place to wait.

It wasn't until more than a year ago that you suddenly came to Black Wind Valley with a pair of teenagers to investigate, that I didn't know that you had left Mount Tai. "

Meng Qiu was a little puzzled, and said: "So you have been in the Black Wind Valley? Why didn't I notice it at all? Could it be that you are in the lungs of the earth?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Zheng Bagu said: "The Black Wind Valley was originally the residence of the uncle's cave, and the world-shaking Xuanbing Heishuang was cultivated in it.

It's just that the name was spread out later, fearing that some enemies would come to the door, so it was discarded.This time, I returned to my hometown because I wanted to cross the catastrophe.

It was supposed to be refurbished, but it was discovered that someone had set up surveillance inside, so they hid in a hollow in the lungs of the ground.

When you came, I was going to come out to meet you, but the two companions beside you are quite related to Daoist Ji Le.No one can fathom this senior's temper, and I have some disagreements with his disciple Qin Yu.

Now that you are out of trouble, we will see you sooner or later, so there will be complications, so you don't make a sound. "

Meng Qiu said: "That's how it is. You are right to keep quiet. Besides the two of them, there is Kunlun Yin Sutang lurking outside the valley. It is said that he has been waiting here for many years, just to learn the Xuanbing Black Frost Taoism of Senior Gongye."

"Among Kunlun's peers, she is one of the bottom ones. She usually behaves wretchedly. She didn't want to leave Kunlun, so she became bolder."

Eighth Aunt Zheng said contemptuously: "Leave her alone for now, and settle accounts with her in a few days. Tell me, how did you escape from Mount Tai?"

Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "It doesn't count as running away. Although Mie Chenzi has bad intentions, he only wanted me to help him test his exercises, and he didn't intend to kill me.

After I have practiced the exercise he taught and verified that the path he imagined is feasible, he will let me go. "

Gongye Huang smiled and said, "That's because he hasn't heard any news from the outside world for decades. Otherwise, if he knew that you killed the Emei disciple, how could he let you go?
He cared more about Emei's reputation than Qi Shuming.Otherwise, after suffering such a big loss in the sect, it would not be possible to keep silent and never let the cultivation world know the inside story. "

"This..." Meng Qiu hesitated, and said, "It doesn't look like it to me, but he told me a lot of things in the Emei Sect, and there were even internal struggles, and he didn't shy away from it at all."

"I'm afraid he thought you were under Lianshan's teaching." Gongye Huang said: "Back then, this person insisted that Patriarch Taiyuan, Yu Daoren of Xisanzi, and Master Lianshan were all in the same family, and he took good care of my subordinates.

Otherwise, do you really think that Bagu and Yufeng are mere loose immortals, why have they been making trouble for so many years and no one has taken care of them?

Taiyi Hunyuan can be regarded as their uncle, so of course he doesn't have the same knowledge as a few juniors, so he dismisses things casually.

But Miaoyi's wife, Xun Lanying, is notoriously cruel, how could she let her go so easily?Mostly because he was afraid of Mie Chenzi and didn't dare to make a move.

Of course, a few of them are bold, it's not good to offend anyone, and later they offended the Buddhist sect.Not bald and not poisonous, not poisonous and not bald, as expected, you have to suffer a little before you will be sensible. "

Gong Yehuang's words made Zheng Bagu blush slightly, and then said to Meng Qiu: "Besides the misunderstanding that you are under Lianshan's teaching, did you mention your relationship with the drunk Taoist?"

Meng Qiu said: "I mentioned something. Could it be that the relationship between their seniors and brothers is really so good?"

Gongye Huang said: "The sword technique of Jian Qi Lei Yin was created by Mie Chenzi and passed on to Taoist Zui, what do you think?"

"Ah!" Meng Qiu was very surprised, and said, "This sword technique is so famous that it has only been developed in the past few hundred years?"

"What's so strange about this?" Gongyehuang looked at Meng Qiu, then at Zheng Bagu, all of them were surprised, sighed, and said:

"I was negligent, how many years have you practiced, how do you know many stories here.

Although swordsmanship is recognized as the most powerful means of attack, but due to the difficulty of cultivation, its spread has not been high. Until the past few hundred years, more people have learned it.

Although there were legends of sword immortals in ancient times, and the great sage Guangcheng was also good at swordsmanship, but it was Lu Zu Dongbin who carried forward it and made it stand alongside the basic Taoism of earth immortals.

Occasionally, due to the game of flying swords, it destroyed the first peak in Zhongnan.Traveling to the North Vietnam at dusk, Cangwu, the green snake in the sleeve is bold. "Sword of Heaven Dungeon" is the hero of the moment, invincible vertically and horizontally.

Later, Master Changmei and Master Ji Le shine together, and the two work together to create the standard flying sword, the art of refining weapons, and the status of swordsmanship is considered a great achievement.All kinds of stunts emerge in endlessly.

I heard that you have learned all three of the world's top swordsmanship, but have you ever thought that the poor god Linghun is also famous for his swordsmanship, why have you never heard of any of them?
The reason for this is that these three kinds of swordsmanship were created too late, and he and he are both front and rear people. With his arrogant temperament, of course he is unwilling to ask for it.

Furthermore, Miechenzi created the sword energy thunder sound for his own disciples, and will not spread it to the outside world.

The method of refining swords into silk was taught by Lianshan Sect. Guess which one has this talent? "

Zheng Bagu was still thinking about each uncle and uncle in her heart, but Meng Qiu asked in surprise: "Could it be Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch?"

"Who else could he be?" Gongye Huang laughed a few times, and said again: "He is the most talented person after Changmei Daoist, whether you can compare with Daoyou Meng is still open to debate.

Well, let alone him.Guess again, who created the method of turning sword qi into rainbow? "

Meng Qiu frowned and said: "This kind of swordsmanship is definitely not a flash of inspiration, and you will get something. It must be accumulated deeply, so it is impossible to practice casually in the mountains.

Among the big factions, Mr. Zhong, the most outstanding swordsman in Kunlun, is famous for his Qianying Phantom Light sword technique. He has never heard of this sword technique, so he can be ruled out.

Wudang Zhenwu Fumo swordsmanship and Qingcheng swordsmanship are also considered unique, but like the swordsmanship of Linghun Daoyou's sect, they are somewhat regular, unless they are geniuses, they are not amazing.

There is no one in Buddhism who understands swordsmanship, so after all the calculations, it still falls on the Wutai and Emei factions.

But I think no matter how amazing and talented Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch is, it will be difficult to create two different styles of swordsmanship at the same time, right?Which one is Emei? "

"You guessed right, it's indeed from Emei." Gongye Huang said, "It's Xuan Zhenzi!"

Speaking of this, he laughed loudly and said: "Patriarch Taiyuan, Yu Daoren of Xisanzi, and Master Lianshan are descendants of three lines, and the other two lines have top swordsmen.

There is only one lineage of Taoists left. Although Qi Shuming is brilliant, he has no unique skills that have been handed down to future generations. "

There seemed to be some discord between Taoist Yu and Master Lian Shan, and Bagu Zheng followed suit with a smile on his face.

But Meng Qiu said: "But he has taught such a disciple as Daoist Changmei."

The smile froze on his face, and after a while, Gongye Huang gave a cold snort, and said, "So what? Master Changmei is certainly the most outstanding monk since the Great Sage Guangcheng.

Although he made great contributions, he failed to open up a new path like Master Lian Shan.When the golden elixir method spreads in the future, the master will be able to compete with the demon ancestor Buddha. "

But Meng Qiu secretly sighed, thinking: "Not only Daoist Changmei has created a new Taoism, even his apprentice Mie Chenzi has tried it.

I only hope that Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch can be more powerful, otherwise the Lianshan lineage will really be compared.

Eh, no, at least Patriarch Taiyuan is at the bottom. "

Thinking of this, he asked curiously again: "Since Xuanzhenzi created the Sword Qi Huahong, why wouldn't the people of Emei not?"

Gongye Huang said: "Because Xuan Zhenzi lost the bet with Zhongnan Lezhong, and lost this sword technique to the other party, he himself doesn't use it, and of course he won't pass it on to others."

"This..." Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu looked at each other, not knowing how to evaluate.

"Isn't it a bit unbelievable?" Gongye Huang said: "When I heard Master Lian Shan talk about it for the first time, I also felt strange and asked a question.

The master only replied one sentence, Daoxuan Makoto is a real monk.I didn't understand it at the time, but I realized it later.

For us, sword energy turning into a rainbow may be an incomparably precious thing, but for him, it is like rubble and can be discarded if it is of no benefit to cultivation.

I haven't been able to achieve such a state of not being stagnant in things, but he seems to be born with it. No wonder Emei's position as head teacher is not taken seriously. "

Meng Qiu thought silently in his heart, if he was himself, could he do it?Ask a hundred times, still can't, can't help but admire it very much.

Zheng Bagu said: "Since his realm is so high, why has he been stuck for so many years, and he is still just stagnant in the earth fairy?"

Gongye Huang said: "Only fools like us, who are pushed away by our cultivation, can't wait to be promoted to heaven.

For him and Yu Taiyi Hunyuan, promotion to the Heavenly Immortal seems to be a matter of course. Anyway, he has a long lifespan, so he will not be impatient.

Of course, maybe these two people have been promoted to Earth Immortal, but it is unknown to outsiders. "

Immediately, Bagu Zheng felt a little melancholy, and said: "Master Uncle can cultivate to a celestial being, there is no one in a million, and they all feel that they are stupid, so how do I deal with myself?"

Gong Yehuang was also helpless, so he could only say: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. If it's not possible, you can learn from the jade phoenix, switch to Buddhism, or join the path of Asura, it's all one way."

Even though Buddhism and the Asura Way have many disadvantages, it is still easier to practice than Taoism.

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said: "If you raise the Goddess of Calamity's realm, but you can't beat others, then you don't want to."

"You, you are so stubborn!" Gongyehuang hated iron for being weak, and said, "Look at Youtan and switch to Buddhism, won't you and Yufeng be injured and arrested?"

"Her?" When mentioning this big enemy, Zheng Bagu was a little contemptuous, and said: "Is her realm not inferior to Yixiu, Xuanyuan Fawang and Huolingshenjun?

Why has no one put her on a par with these people?It's not because of insufficient fighting skills.

As for Buddhism, there are Baimei and Fentuo who seem to have powerful mana, but Fenduo's practice period is not much shorter than that of the real person of blissful joy.

As for what kind of route Monk Baimei is, didn't you tell me, my uncle? "

Every time he talked with these seniors, Meng Qiu always got a lot of secrets.Zheng Bagu also knew that he was young in practice and had no one to guide him, so she explained:
"Monk Baimei was born in the land of Qilu. When he was young, he was a mortal martial arts hero. He was known as the 'White-browed Hero', and he was good at wielding the golden thread big ring knife.

It is said that when he was more than 50 years old, he retired from the rivers and lakes and traveled thousands of miles to Wudang. He accidentally met the real Zhang Sanfeng.

He practiced Taoism with the real person very early, and left before Wudang's second-generation head teacher Xinming Shennen started.Even the latter turned from Tao to Buddha because of his guidance.

Monk Baimei's Taoist background is extremely deep, far above the Buddhist skills, so the level of fighting skills surpasses his peers.

This kind of experience is not something ordinary people can have, and it is certainly not comparable to half-baked people like You Tan. "

(End of this chapter)

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