Chapter 207 Gossip
"Your temperament is too arrogant, and you don't know how to learn from each other's strengths to make up for your weaknesses. In this regard, you can't compare with Yufeng, and you will always suffer in the future."

Gongyehuang shook his head, but he also knew Zheng Bagu's temperament, so he didn't try to persuade him much, and only said to Meng Qiu:

"Your talent is much higher than hers, so it stands to reason that you wouldn't be able to reach her level.

But the world is unpredictable, how many talented and brilliant people are stuck in the earth immortal for life and cannot be promoted, and their lives are accumulated under the accumulation of catastrophes.

If there is such a time, I hope you can look away. The fundamental purpose of practice is to ascend, and don't be obsessed with which path to take.

After all, the mortal world is just a small pond, and things that you think you can't have both, may be easily realized in the spirit world.Don't lock yourself in here. "

Meng Qiu took it for granted.But Zheng Bagu was still stubborn, and said: "Since my uncle knows that the purpose of cultivation is to ascend, why did you delay your promotion because you were so tired that you were injured in order to protect the treasure house of Lianshan?"

Gongye Huang said indifferently: "A man will do something and not do something. Cultivation is not just about improving one's realm and magic power.

Once the xinxing cannot keep up, it is like a child using a big knife, hurting others and hurting himself.It may be quick for a while, but in the end it will be hard to escape the calamity of the demons.

Look at the three ways of the Demon Gate, originally the Heavenly Demon was the most respected, but now the orthodoxy is gradually shifting to the Asura Way.It's not because this way is more upright, it is closest to the original face of Taoism.

Right now, I haven't had time to digest the gains after promotion. After a period of retreat, I will sort out the promotion pass and the beauty of the heavenly realm, and then I will teach you, Ba Gu, fellow Daoist Meng and Professor Yufeng. "

Meng Qiu was overjoyed and quickly thanked her.Zheng Bagu didn't bother with this anymore, she changed the subject and said, "Master, why do you only criticize me for being proud, don't you know that Meng Qiu is worse than me.

No matter how conceited I am, I can't say that Wudang, Qingcheng, and Qiongshen Linghunmen's swordsmanship is in order. "

Gongye Huang laughed loudly and said, "He is a genius, so he is different from us fools.

After Sanfeng Zhenren, Wudang sent a monk who was famous for his swordsmanship.Qingcheng, Jing Jingzi is an ordinary person, he is not as good as Zhu Mei, what good swordsmanship can he have?

As for Ling Hun, the Snow Mountain Sect founded by his master Jushan Daoist has a lot of heels, but I have never dealt with this Daoist, so I don't know very well.

But Daoyou Meng can possess the three top swordsmanship in the world by himself, so his vision is naturally higher, and it makes sense to regard these swordsmanship as ordinary. "

"Uncle, aren't you talking at both ends?" Aunt Zheng said a little dissatisfied: "Come on, Meng Qiu, tell me, apart from the three major swordsmanship, who else's swordsmanship can catch your eyes?"

"Of course it belongs to my old Meng's family!" Meng Qiu raised his hand, and the Qingxuan sword came out suddenly, floating on the stream in front, shining brightly.

He stretched out his hand a little, and the flying sword shook, and in an instant more than a hundred of them were separated, forming a ring, standing upright, and circling continuously.

Zheng Bagu didn't see the truth, and was about to say something to ridicule him for showing off.

But Gongyehuang let out a "huh", flicked his fingers, and a little black light shot out, divided into seven strands, and struck around the ring.

There was a ding, but seven voices came together.He was surprised and said, "Every flying sword of yours is an entity!"

Meng Qiu nodded, stretched out his hand and made a move. The flying sword was brought forward and backward, and then connected to the front, turning into a line and passing between the three of them.

Only then did Zheng Bagu understand, she couldn't help being shocked, and shouted: "Is this the sword-light differentiation you mentioned? It was really created."

"Splitting into sword light?" Gongyehuang looked at it for a while, was very amazed, and said: "Wonderful idea, amazing, amazing!
Your current cultivation base is still weak, and you are already so miraculous. If you are promoted, this sword technique will probably shock the whole world. "

Meng Qiu was also not modest, and said with a smile: "Indeed, when one's skill is weak, this sword technique can transform a thousand, but it's the same.

If I have the cultivation level of an Earth Immortal, at least one person can control the flying sword and can use a hundred kinds of swordsmanship. "

After finishing speaking, he sighed again: "Back when I saw Daoist Yang Da's Baihu Qisha Dao, I thought that one day I would also get a set of flying swords.

Later, as his cultivation level grew, he realized that a complete set of powerful flying swords had always been rare, and only the Emei Qixiu Sword and Wudang Qingniu Sword were famous.

I accidentally got the whereabouts of the Sanyang Yiqi sword of the former immortal Zhang Fang, but failed to find it, so I thought that relying on others is worse than relying on myself, and I worked hard to get the embryonic form of this sword technique. "

Speaking of this, he remembered something again, and asked: "By the way, I heard that the Sanyang Yiqi sword was taken away by Master Lianshan, but I haven't seen it in the treasure house. Was it taken away by someone?"

Gongye Huang shook his head, and said: "I joined the sect relatively late, and I have never heard of it. Why, you have such superb swordsmanship now, why don't you despise Feijian enough?"

"That's not true." Meng Qiu said, "I once went to the spiritual spring made of green mirage bottles in Zhongnan Mountain to cleanse the magic weapon.

At that time, it was the first time I heard the name of Master Lian Shan, and I was grateful for his kindness, so I remembered this incident. "

Gongyehuang also had a nostalgic look on his face, and said: "That is the miracle that the master left on purpose to benefit all the cultivators. It originally complemented Jindan Taoism, but unexpectedly, neither of them was accomplished.

Taoism is sublime, but after all, human nature is selfish, and the master's ideals are just empty talk; although Lingquan is good, how many channels do low-level monks know about this place? "

Zheng Bagu calmly said: "If you can help one person, you will have a point of merit. Besides, wouldn't Fellow Daoist Meng benefit from it? This is better than helping thousands of low-level casual cultivators."

"It's not calculated like this." Gongyehuang shook his head again, and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about it.

Fellow Daoist Meng, you continue to talk about what you have experienced since you came out of Mount Tai. How did you come to this vast wilderness to build a cave? "

Meng Qiu said: "I first went to Xuegu to look for Ba Gu, but she was nowhere to be found, so I left a handwriting, and went to Wudang to stay for a while.

Afterwards, he still couldn’t be free, remembering that he was almost killed by the underworld sage Xu Wan and his concubine ghost girl Qiao Qiao before he entered the road, so he decided to go north to seek revenge. "

He described the process of revenge in detail, and added that Emei led the righteous way and went to crusade, which was a waste of time.

Gongye Huang said: "You are right. Collecting beliefs and enshrining gods are definitely not things that Xu Wan has the ability to do. There must be extremely powerful people behind.

Even if you are covered with iron, you can't drive a few nails.This matter cannot be stopped by one person, and it is safest to let Emei step forward.

You don't want to participate in the future, the things involved are extremely deep, and with my current methods, I don't want to provoke them. "

Meng Qiu was shocked, even the gods were afraid, what a powerful person must be behind.

He and Zheng Bagu looked at each other, and couldn't help thinking about what happened in Zhushan Sect back then, and felt a little worried.

After Gongyehuang heard this, he pondered for a moment, and said: "The Zhushan Sect can survive to this day and not be wiped out, there must be someone behind it.

Whether it is a Shinto monk or a demon monk, it doesn't matter, it will not be a secret.

The practice world has always been full of flowers, but they are divided into evil, and no one is too busy to panic. If they must make trouble for them, there is no need to worry about the mastermind behind the scenes.

But the matter of Mangshan is quite different.It's a private matter, and if you pierce it, the foundation of Mangshan Mountain will be emptied, and the forces of the court and China will retreat, which means that a good foundation will be wiped out.

If I encounter this kind of thing, I will definitely take revenge.You should be more cautious, and don't continue to investigate, so as not to cause trouble. "

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "I would like to follow the teachings of the seniors, before the earth immortals, just avoid them.

But speaking of Shinto, when I went to the South China Sea to return the Yin-Yang Double Dragon Monument in Lizhu Palace, I encountered some strange things.

The Lord Shaoyang had ulterior motives, completely different from what was said in the rumors.And also colluded with the elders of the Xiji Cult to intercept and kill him halfway. "

He knew that the other party was well-informed and the opportunity was rare, so he hurriedly explained what happened that day, bit by bit, and finally told the news he got from half of the old nun, saying:

"The six elders of the Xiji Sect are known as the Six Royals. I don't know if one of them is the Jade Emperor I saw worshiped by the villagers at the foot of Mang Mountain."

"It's also possible." Gongye Huang said, "They rarely communicate with the outside world, and I don't know much about it.

Master Lian Shan had been there before, and he didn't say much when he came back. He only told us that they took another path, which might not be the way of ascending.

From this point of view, there must be masters in the Xiji Sect, you still have to be careful. "

At this moment, Bagu Zheng smiled lightly and said: "Uncle Master, you always say that Yufeng and I can cause trouble, how is it compared to Fellow Daoist Meng?
Emei, Wutai, Kunlun, and Huashan all offend not to mention, even overseas are full of enemies.Xuangui Palace, Lizhu Palace, Xiji Sect, all of them are not easy to get along with.

What kind of gods are still being provoked now, enemies that even you, uncle, are afraid of.I am afraid that there is no one in the world who would not dare to offend.

This is still when he has no background. If it was changed to my era, with the backing of uncles and uncles, I am afraid that even the sky will be overturned.

What three immortals, two elders, one son, and seven truths all have to be ranked under the great name of Qingxuan Sword Immortal. "

She made fun of Meng Qiu, intending to ease the other party's emotions, but she didn't want to think about the two people's first meeting, the other party has grown up all the way, the more she talked, the more she took it for granted, and sighed:

"I'm afraid that it won't be long before that god camel Yixiu is born, and he will bow down to you when he meets you."

"That's not the case." Meng Qiu said modestly: "I met him two days ago, but now I am far from his match."

"The hunchback came out of the mountain, what cultivation?" "You even offended him?"

Gongyehuang and Zheng Bagu asked questions at the same time, Meng Qiu answered the former first, saying: "He is still the ultimate immortal, but he has cultivated five elements of true energy, which is extremely powerful."

He sent a letter to Yang Da and was captured. He killed the old Mei Xueshan, but he learned that his friend was suffering from cold poison, and only Wannian Wenyu could solve it.

When mentioning the ambush of the demon corpse Guchen and being escaped by him, Bagu Zheng suddenly realized, "No wonder you can guess that uncle Shi and I are hiding in the lungs of the earth."

Gongye Huang said: "Hey, this evildoer hides very deeply. Back in the South China Sea, Master Lian Shan wanted to kill him and his master Tianxian Cult Master. They got the news in advance and hid in Xiji Cult.

It is because of this matter that the master went to the West Pole Continent.Later, they were forced to leave, and the leader of the obscene cult was punished by heaven, but Gu Chen fled back to the Middle Earth.

He has made so many enemies, and every time he encounters pursuit, he can escape, relying on this cunning.

The next thing, think about it, you know, is it because the two enemies, Tuo Zi and Ling Hun, accused each other, and then fought, you go to help? "

Meng Qiudao: "I haven't met Na Yixiu, but I have some friendship with Ling Daoyou. Back then, Ba Gu took Soul Gathering Alchemy, which was given by him.

Furthermore, in this situation, I can be regarded as half of the organization, so it is not easy for irrelevant people to come and bully my colleagues. "

Gong Yehuang asked: "So the big earthquake in the mountains that day was caused by you?"

"Yes!" Meng Qiu said, "Using all my magic power, I sent out the Taiyi Divine Thunder, which collided with Yixiu's Five Elements Divine Thunder, causing a commotion.

His five-element zhenqi is very strong, only the five elements come out together, and there is no change. The swordsmanship of Ling Daoyou, plus the seven-treasure amethyst bottle, is no match. "

He explained what he had seen in detail, but Gongye Huang didn't care, he just smiled and said: "The hunchback has always maintained his talent, is domineering, and doesn't look down on ordinary monks.

I have bumped into him a few times, and I despise him, saying that cultivating the Dao is not about the length of time, but the first one; I also said that he will definitely become a celestial being earlier than me.

how now 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi.Now I am already a celestial being, and he is still wasting away as an earthly celestial being.

I will definitely find an opportunity in the future, come to show off, and see if his mouth is still as hard as before. "

Gongyehuang seemed extremely happy, and seemed to want to set off immediately to the Nine Immortal Cave of Lingyang Peak in Wushan to see Yixiu.

Zheng Bagu also smiled, and said: "Then Shishu must first inquire clearly, and then go quietly, don't tell him to hide in Minshan White Rhino Pond Fairy Han, it will be difficult for you to come."

"No." Gongye Huang said: "With his temperament, he has always refused to bow his head and admit his mistakes. The misunderstanding with Fairy Han is not so easy to solve."

Zheng Bagu was a little strange, and asked: "The husband and wife did not have an overnight feud. What is it that caused the two to be separated for many years?"

"This is a private matter, I can't expose it casually." Gongye Huang just refused, but couldn't help but said:

"Forget it, this matter is not a secret, if I don't tell it, other people will say it, so you don't need to inquire about it.

You also know that Tuozi has a good background, but in fact Fairy Han is not bad at all, even worse, the two are a perfect match.

She was originally a disciple of Shen Wuwang, the fairy cave girl Sanxian Yeyun of Xiaodongming Mountain. The three sisters of the Shen family are powerful, let's not talk about it for now, you can inquire later.

Just to say that her father, Han Xiao, is also the younger brother of the two elders of the Great Wilderness, the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu, with profound mana.

Before Han Xiao was robbed and died, because the other children were unworthy, he handed over all the ancient rare treasures accumulated for hundreds of years to Fairy Han.

When Fairy Han was grieving, she guarded the door tightly and did not go out to cause trouble, but her brothers and sisters came to her door to ask for a magic weapon.

Originally, she cared about the bond of flesh and blood, and was willing to hand over half of her treasures, but unexpectedly, she was not popular enough. Seeing that she was weak and deceitful, others insisted on giving them all.

The words of the two sides did not match, and they started to fight, she was outnumbered, seeing that her life was in danger, it was the hunchback who came back from traveling, overwhelmed everyone, and rescued her.

At that time, the two sides fought fiercely, and everyone was not a hunchback opponent. Fairy Han persuaded them to save their lives, which should have been saved.

It's a pity that these people have vicious hearts, and they got together again, discussing that when the hunchback went out again, they suddenly killed Fairy Han and won the magic weapon.

But they couldn't figure it out, and the hunchback was not a good stubble, and they were angry that these people disregarded family affection and killed them.

So after comforting his wife with the front foot, he followed up with the back foot, ready to teach them a harsh lesson.

After hearing this conversation, he was so angry that he couldn't control it and killed everyone, leaving no one behind.

When Fairy Han realized something was wrong, she rushed over and only saw the bodies of her brothers and sisters. She couldn't help being very sad, and she made a few words of criticism.

The hunchback was stubborn, he just felt right, refused to bow his head to explain, and said a few soft words, so the misunderstanding deepened, and they parted ways at that time.

Although the truth was also clarified later, Fairy Han hated the hunchback for being ruthless and not informing in advance.

Back then, the hunchback was ambushed by Ling Hun, and Fairy Han was injured by a demon corpse. The two of them just tried their best to rescue each other and never saw each other.

Therefore, Bagu, you said that the hunchback would hide in the White Rhino Pond, and this probably won't happen. "

(End of this chapter)

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