Chapter 211
"It's a pity that I ran away for nothing!" When the two came out of Qiaoshan, Meng Qiu was a little disappointed, and asked, "Where are we going now, back to Mangcang Mountain?"

Zheng Bagu shook her head and said, "Although I don't think Wu Hua's father and son and the beast Qiongqi are able to enter the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum, but just to be on the safe side, let's go and explore."

Ensuring that the Jiuyi Cauldron would not fall into the hands of these three people was also one of the purposes of Meng Qiu's visit, so he agreed.

The devil's lair of the three monsters is on another hill of this mountain range, not far from Baiyang Mountain.

This is not the first time that Wu Hua and his son have been brought back from the dead, the previous time was also like this.

It was a time when dynasties were changing and soldiers were in turmoil. They came out to do evil, leaving the surrounding area desolate and desolate.

It was Master Baiyang who was merciful and came forward to subdue the devil.It's just that the bodies of Wu Hua's father and son are too miraculous, even a real person can't kill them, so they can only be sealed in the devil's lair, and they can't go out. When the catastrophe comes, they will fend for themselves.

I was delayed for some time in the mausoleum of the Holy Emperor before, and it is already night at this moment.

Under the moonlight, from a very far distance, one can see a tens of feet high, two hundred feet long, oblate cave on the mountainside, like a bloody mouth, very hideous.

There is no restriction in that cave, looking from a distance, the entrance of the cave is smoky, the inside of the cave is pitch black, and the bottom cannot be seen at all.

When Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu arrived at the door, without saying a word, they shook their hands like a thunder from the Taiyi God, piercing into it.Immediately there was a rumbling sound.

It wasn't too loud at the entrance of the cave, but it got louder as it went in, as if thunder fell from the clouds to the ears.

The strange sound of "wow wow" rushed from the cave, and a group of blue light rushed out from the inside, falling in front of the two.

It has a ferocious appearance, hollow eye sockets, looks like an evil spirit, has a beard, is almost two feet tall, is surrounded by a wrap of animal skin, and the rest of the skin is exposed, its muscles are protruding, and its color is like iron.

Holding a golden dagger in his right hand, he opened his mouth and yelled a few times, without asking any questions, and rushed straight over.

In Meng Qiuyang's hand, there are dozens of Taiyi Divine Thunder, each one the size of a thumb, dotted with golden light, like a swarm of bees.

This monster didn't dodge either, and jumped forward in front of the attack. The speed was extremely fast, and it couldn't let go of the flying sword.

There was a crackling sound, the divine thunder hit his chest, and it exploded suddenly, a burst of thunder and lightning flashed, but it disappeared invisible, leaving no trace on his body.

"What kind of body is this!" Meng Qiu was a little shocked.

One must know that this Taiyi Divine Thunder is ten times more powerful than that cultivated by monks of the same level, and it will be regarded as nothing if it collapses mountains and cracks the earth.

Even the Earth Immortal dared not use the body-protecting divine light to resist, and had to resort to magic weapons or Taoism, let alone use their bodies to forcibly shake them.

This monster has rushed to the front, raised the golden spear and slashed down, it is still a fighting method of a mortal martial artist.

Meng Qiu wanted to test it, but he didn't evade it. He took out the Qingxuan sword, shook it, turned into a three-foot-long sword, and slammed it upwards.

There was a sound of "boom", like a drum beating, he felt that he was hit by a mountain, and he flew hundreds of feet away in an instant, before he managed to stabilize his figure and said, "What a lot of strength!"

The monster chased after him again, and the light on Ge was brilliant, golden, like the sun falling, unstoppable.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to take the risk again, so he flew out, and the Qingxuan sword turned into a stream of light, and stabbed forward.

The monster screamed non-stop, and danced the golden spear in his hand very fast, the sound of "dang dang dang dang" kept ringing, and the rain hit the tiles continuously.

This was the first time Meng Qiu saw a monk who was able to keep up with the speed of the flying sword purely with his body, blocking left and right, without losing too much wind.

He was still waiting to test, but Zheng Bagu said: "Don't play, unless you use Nanming Lihuo Sword, ordinary flying swords can't hurt him.

As I expected, this monster is Wuhua's son Rong Dun.His father and son, who were originally the kings of the mountain people, were both born with the fierce spirit of heaven and earth. They have their own supernatural powers, and they can shoulder the mountains and split the earth with their hands.

At that time, Chi You thought that he had cultivated an immortal body, and rebelled. He was captured by Emperor Xuanyuan, cut off his limbs and head with Xuanyuan sword, and broke the magic spell, so he was executed.

Wu Hua's father and son were also one of the followers of Chi You in rebellion. They were very worried, so they used evil methods to sacrifice the whole tribe with blood. "

While commanding Feijian and fighting with Rong Dun endlessly, Meng Qiu asked in surprise, "Could it be that Xuanyuan Sword can't cut off their bodies?"

"That's not the case!" Zheng Bagu said: "It's because Wu Hua's father and son think too highly of themselves. Are they worthy of the Holy Emperor to do it himself?
A partial division captured both of them, and an unknown general did the execution afterwards, and the Holy Emperor didn't pay much attention from the beginning to the end.

It's just that the general killed their souls, but didn't do anything with their bodies. Just the corpses of the defeated generals were randomly thrown in Baiyang Mountain.

It just so happened that the place where the corpses were buried was above the spiritual veins, and there were many powerful corpses of former ancient monks as nourishment, which actually made the two bodies go to a higher level, and even gave birth to miracles.

After many years, it was able to attract the primordial spirit of the dead monk, inject it into it, and use the corpse to revive the soul.Just like this, they are no longer the original father and son without Hua. "

"Nonsense!" As soon as Bagu Zheng finished speaking, there was a burst of sound waves buzzing out from the cave, and the surrounding valleys vibrated accordingly. She scolded:

"My father and son, the cultivation base reaches the heavens and the earth, before the primordial spirit was only sleeping, so what is the resurrection of the soul?

You junior, you don't understand anything, and you dare to talk nonsense! "

Another cloud of green light rushed out, taller than Rong Dun, with a head like a bucket, and eyes half a foot long, forming a thin line, revealing black light, seemingly open and sometimes closed.

Coupled with the protruding wide mouth that is seven or eight inches long, the upper and lower lips are thick and mustache, thick and strong, like a hedgehog's spines, it looks more ferocious and mighty.

Zheng Bagu said contemptuously: "There are no monks with more than 300 years in the world. No matter how much you boast about supernatural powers, can you still turn the sky?"

Afterwards, this man was naturally without Fahrenheit, and suddenly sneered a few times, which made the skin shudder.

He opened his mouth, spit out another burst of sound waves, and said, "What's so great about the sky, even Xuanyuan can't do anything to my father and son, what is it if we go against the sky?"

Eighth Aunt Zheng didn't bother to argue with him, she just said to Meng Qiu: "The two of them, although their bodies have been trained to be indestructible, but after all, even if there are evil methods in the countryside, they are full of loopholes.

Except for the body and all the muscles and bones, the rest of the viscera, tongue, eyes and brain are all eliminated.Therefore, you can't see things, and you can't make a sound. "

Wu Hua was furious, and said: "How dare you talk nonsense!" He slapped his chest, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a golden dagger from it, which turned into lightning, and flew towards him.

This golden dagger is the same as the one in Rong Dun's hand. It was forged by the former emperor, and its power is infinite.

Before Wuhua was put to death, he had already refined it into his body.Later, the person who borrowed the corpse was able to function smoothly without sacrifice.

In contrast, Rong Dun didn't do his best back then, so every time a person who came back from his soul had to practice again.

Although Zheng Bagu was very contemptuous of Wu Huashi in her mouth, she didn't dare to ignore it in her heart. She released the Tianhui sword and went up to meet him.

After a short friendship, he tried to find out that the other party had tens of thousands of years of accumulation in the corpse, which was really powerful.

Even though the primordial spirit is weak and the swordsmanship is rough, the strength of mana is almost comparable to that of an immortal.

Seeing this, Meng Qiu took out the Nanming Lihuo sword and rushed forward.

Rong Dun still wanted to show off his strength, but Wu Hua knew how powerful it was. With a buzzing sound, he dodged over, holding the golden spear in his hand, shining brilliantly, and using all his power, he was able to withstand the divine sword.

But Zheng Bagu also seized the opportunity, taking advantage of the other party's attention on Meng Qiu, Tianhui's sword light folded, and galloped towards Rongdun.

"Wow", Rong Dun responded in a timely manner, and he raised Jin Ge to intercept, but he was also a little embarrassed.

He had a fiery temper, and suddenly became furious, abandoned Meng Qiu, and came towards Zheng Bagu.

With this move, Meng Qiu also changed his moves, Nanming Lihuo sword turned back, and went straight to kill Rong Dun's vest.

There was no Huashi who wanted to stop her, but Zheng Bagu intercepted her with her sword just right, and her cooperation was extremely tacit.

Just listening to the sound of "ding ding", thousands of paths sounded almost at the same time, and the sword light rushed like rain, covering the sky and covering the earth, completely covering Rong Dun in it.

Meng Qiu knew that the opportunity was rare, so he did his best.

Although Rong Dun's moves are natural and there are no flaws, after all, he is not as flexible as Feijian in close combat, not to mention meeting the world's top swordsmanship master, he couldn't cover up and back, and was extremely embarrassed.

Wu Hua screamed anxiously, trying to move Jin Ge, trying to break through the obstruction.But Bagu Zheng was very smart, and she didn't fight too hard, she just focused on defending, which made him unable to move forward.

After all, Meng Qiu was superior, Nanming's Lihuo sword broke Rong Dun's move, leaving many marks on the opponent's body with his chi chi chi, causing him to move up and down in the air in pain.

"Who the hell are you guys? Why did you come to our cave to provoke us!" Seeing his son suffering, Wuhua was startled and frightened, and his tone softened a bit.

Unexpectedly, Meng Qiu and Zheng Bagu were even more surprised. Even though the Nanming Lihuo Sword is not famous for its sharpness, its damage is definitely among the best in the world.

When it fell on Rong Dun's body, it only made shallow cuts, and could not penetrate or cut the inner skin.

Meng Qiu couldn't help being amazed, and said: "How is this body tempered? Compared with those top-grade defensive magic weapons, it is not bad at all."

He wanted to use more strength to see the opponent's limit, Wu Huashi suddenly opened his mouth and shouted into the cave, followed by the whistling sound of wind roaring out from inside.

A huge ugly bird flew out of it, croaking and croaking, spread its wings, and covered the sky and the sun.

This ancient god Jiu Mengqiu had seen it before, he knew it was very powerful, so he didn't dare to neglect, Nanming Lihuojian took the initiative to greet him and circled him in.

With three wars and two, the situation has been slightly reversed. No one sees that there is still no victory, so let's call again.

A ball of red light flew out from inside, paused at the entrance of the cave, looked at the situation, and immediately attacked from Meng Qiu's side.

Meng Qiuyi was not afraid, concentrated his mind and calmed down, and used the ability of practicing swords to make silk. The sword light is like a fish swimming in the water, without sluggishness at all, and it is still easy to handle.

The last monster is Qiongqi, who is in collusion with Wuhua and his son. He is taller, with a leopard skin around his waist, and his whole body looks like a big bone frame, as thin and hard as iron.

There is a strange laugh in the mouth, and the sound is like an owl, which is creepy.If it is called out in the dead of night, people will be scared out of their wits.

Its two thin long arms fluttered in the air, opened its big mouth, and shot out countless golden stars and red threads, like a violent wind and snow, like waves swirling flowers, instead wrapping around Meng Qiu's flying sword.

Meng Qiu fought three against one, of course he couldn't let Fei Jian sink into the mud, he struggled a few times, and Jian Guang quickly got out, more sharp and more aggressive.

Qiongqi resisted a few times, felt that Nanming Lihuo was too scorching, just restrained his Taoism, and was able to resist, it took twelve minutes of strength, he couldn't help saying angrily:
"This flying sword is like the old monk Bodhidharma's Nanming Lihuo sword. How did the two of you provoke such a powerful opponent?"

The difference is that Hua's father and son have always been in this cave, and Qiongqi came from outside.

Back then, he was chased and killed by orthodox monks when he committed evil, and strayed into this place. Seeing the strangeness of this cave, he broke into it, intending to snatch it.

For this reason, he fought with Wu Hua and his son for three years, and they sat down to negotiate, before they reached an agreement to jointly own the cave and teach them some powerful Taoism.

Wu Hua also seemed baffled, and said: "How do I know where the lunatic came from? He came to attack indiscriminately."

Meng Qiu shouted: "It's you evildoers who are too presumptuous to go to the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum and do mischief. As a human race, how can I tolerate you?"

"Nonsense!" Wu Hua roared angrily, "We practice here, and we haven't stepped outside for many years. When did we go to Qiaoshan?"

Meng Qiu pointed at the ancient god dove, and said confidently: "20 years ago, this bird attacked the Holy Emperor's ban. Could it be that you have forgotten?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party's reaction, he immediately released the dragon sparrow ring, threw it in the air, and the four-color light burst out, and flew forward, encircling the wings and feet of the unsuspecting ancient god dove.

The bird was caught off guard, its magic power disappeared immediately, and it fell straight down.

Rong Dun suddenly put away the golden weapon, stepped back behind his father, slapped his head, and a black cloud floated up from behind, holding a hideous-looking strange head twice as big as Castanopsis chinensis. His eyes shot fiercely, destined to come over.

Meng Qiu didn't take it seriously at first, but it was only for a moment that he realized that there was some kind of miraculous effect in the gaze, which could dispel the magic light on the magic weapon flying sword and make it less powerful.

After a pause of only half an hour, [-]% of the magic light on Nanming's Lihuo sword had disappeared.

In this way, as long as the delay is longer, Meng Qiu will turn from good to bad.

He wanted to get another magic weapon, or use other sword techniques, but he heard Zheng Bagu say:

"There's no need to waste time. This Rong Dun is the worst, both have this level of strength, and the other two definitely have methods.

We are just here to test, there is no need to fight them desperately.Even if you kill them, you won't get any benefit. "

Meng Qiu reckoned that he could win, but it might not be easy for him not to get hurt.

Thinking of this, he nodded in agreement, stretched out his hand, and Long Quehuan floated beside him with the ancient god dove, and then with a movement of the flying sword, he met Zheng Bagu and left without a trace, leaving only Hua's father and son cursing behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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