Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 212 The Origin of the Divine Dove

Chapter 212 The Origin of the Divine Dove
Meng Qiu led Zheng Bagu, and only turned around a hill, and when Wu Hua's father and son and Qiongqi were thrown away, they turned back to Baiyang Mountain.

He was familiar with the road by car, went around the deep mountain, and arrived at a cliff hidden in the clouds and mist. This was the Baiyang Cave Mansion he had visited more than 20 years ago.

At this time, the scenery is completely different, most of the cliff has collapsed, leaving only a gap less than one mu in size, hanging in the air.

The moss on the surface is patchy and bald, and the exposed stones are also stained black and blue by the perennial humidity.

The opposite was originally the entrance of the cave, but now it has collapsed, filled with rocks, and there is no way to enter.Sections of dead vines hanging from the outer wall are extremely desolate.

Meng Qiu casually threw the ancient god dove on the ground, sighed and was speechless.

Zheng Bagu stretched out her foot and kicked the bird monster, and asked, "What are you doing with it? It can't talk, it can't ask anything, so it's better to kill it right away."

The ancient god dove fluttered its wings, scratched the ground with its two claws, struggled to stand up, and cooed at her.

Meng Qiu still probed the situation in the cave with his spiritual sense, and responded casually: "Looking at how fat it is, it seems to taste good.

I haven't enjoyed mortal fireworks for many years, and I'm a little greedy, so I'm going to pluck the hair and roast it, and make a tooth-making sacrifice. "

Gu Shenjiu froze immediately when he heard the words, the cry stopped abruptly, and his head slowly retracted.

Zheng Bagu said with a little disgust: "Look at its appearance, there are always three or five hundred years old, too old, the meat must be tough, how can it be delicious?"

Ancient God Dove nodded hurriedly.But Meng Qiu said: "Then don't roast it, stewing soup should be good too."

He turned around and looked at the bird monster up and down, his eyes were burning, and he looked very seriously.

"Cuckoo, cluck!" The ancient god dove struggled to fold its wings and lowered its head to show its submission.

Zheng Bagu stopped scaring it, and asked: "Seeing that you are very familiar with this place, could it be that this place is your original cave?"

Meng Qiu shook his head and said: "This is Baiyang Cave Mansion, I know from the ancient books handed down by my family that there is a diagram of Baiyang handed down by Master Baiyang, which is an excellent foundation-building method.

It's a pity that he came here with great difficulty, but was chased away by Emei Qi Lingyun and Ling Yunfeng.Afterwards, he wandered outside and was captured by the ghost girl Qiaoqiao to lure the bird monster out. "

At this time, Gu Shenjiu thought of the time when Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, came to find Qiongqi and seek revenge, and racked his brains to match the beggar who escaped over the wall with the vicious monk in front of him, and couldn't help feeling even more flustered.

Meng Qiu briefly explained how he came to Baiyang Mountain and what happened to him.

Zheng Bagu has also heard the name of Baiyang Zhenjie, who adopts the attitude of animals, birds, fish and insects, is considerate and natural, neutral and gentle, and is one of the best foundation-building methods in the world. She can't help but feel a little regretful:

"I didn't expect such a wonderful method to be hidden in this Baiyang Mountain. Now people have destroyed the cave, and it might be lost."

Meng Qiu pointed at the cave and said:

"The so-called space in the cave is not only filled with stones, but also the original inspiration has been scattered for the most part. It is definitely not done by passing monks, it looks like it was done on purpose.

Not many people know about this place, only Ling Hun and his wife, Qi Lingyun and Ling Yunfeng plus me five.The first two don't have this kind of free time, and the eldest lady of Emei is an arrogant person, so she won't be so boring.

The only one left is Ling Yunfeng, who was reprimanded in the battle of Qingluoyu, and then lost face, and she is narrow-minded, so she can do this kind of thing. "

Eighth Aunt Zheng snorted softly, and said, "With such a mind, what kind of way do you cultivate?"

"I don't talk about these things when cultivating immortals. Moral habits don't matter. As long as you come from a powerful monk family or an elder with great supernatural powers, the chance you get is far better than that of casual cultivators."

Meng Qiu couldn't help thinking that with his own talent, the road to seeking the Tao was very difficult, and he almost died several times.

On the other hand, Ling Yunfeng's aptitude is not very good, just because there is a poor god Ling Hun in her ancestors, she easily entered the Emei gate wall.

He glanced at the cave again, turned around and shot a beam of magic light, sealed the ancient god Jiu Yuanshen, lifted it up, and said, "Let's go, there is nothing left to miss about this place."

Zheng Bagu said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you want to stew this bird, this is a good place."

"It's just a joke." Meng Qiu said, "Senior Gongye is called Taoist Hundred Birds, so he should have a way to get news out of this strange bird.

Furthermore, his cave is newly completed, and he doesn't even have a boy, so he just sent this bird to him as a gatekeeper spirit beast. "

He carried the ancient god dove, and headed southeast with Zheng Bagu, and after a while, he landed on Mang Mountain.

This place is completely different from what Meng Qiu saw last time.
At that time, the main peak of the mountain and several nearby hilltops were all surrounded by black mist, making it difficult to see through.Moreover, the fog was fierce, and there were countless unknown dangers inside, even he did not dare to enter it easily.

But right now, the world is completely changed, there is no demon atmosphere, and the mountains, rocks and forests are all exposed.

Although the trees were scattered here and there, they were all full of vitality and greenery, not the lifeless black and green of the previous time.

At this time, the sky was already clear, and the two of them fell down, but they could also feel a burst of coolness, attached to the skin, not the ghostly aura like before, which chilled the bottom of their hearts.

Meng Qiu took a closer look, not only the archway that he had seen before disappeared, but also all the attic caves in it.

The whole mountain has neither the original and natural appearance of other mountains, nor all kinds of man-made buildings. It is empty and awkward.

The two circled around, Zheng Bagu said: "Emei is still domineering and fierce as usual, not only cleaned up the top and bottom of this mountain, leaving no tiles, but also took away the spiritual energy inside, leaving this place barren.

Even if Xu Wan came back again, he would not be able to rebuild the cave and could not find a foothold.Really don't leave the enemy a chance to come back and recover.

It's just that I don't know where this old demon is hiding now. Could it be that he has returned to the Blood Sea Road of the Demon Cult in Kunlun Mountain where his wife is? "

"It's also possible." Meng Qiu said: "I have also fought against Yan Ni, and she is indeed very skillful.

However, Xu Wan may also hide in western Yunnan. After all, the poisonous dragon is now under his command, and he learned his ghost way. "

"Poisonous dragon?" Zheng Bagu narrowed his eyes and said, "It would be great if it was a poisonous dragon.

Back then, when I was stiff and unable to move, together with other people, I came over again and again to make trouble, wanting to snatch the Xue Pozhu.

Later, I looked for opportunities to take revenge several times, but I didn't know his whereabouts.If I hadn't heard you say that he was in Mang Mountain, I would have thought that he had gone mad and died long ago.

It would be great if the bastard was still alive.Otherwise, you can't take revenge if you have grudges, and you have nowhere to vent, which is very uncomfortable.

Let's go back to Mangcang Mountain first, wait for our uncle to leave the customs, call together the fellow Taoists of the Lianshan Sect, and explain the matter clearly, so that no one will say that I don't care about my fellowship.

When the time comes, you come to help me block the others, and I will have a hearty fight. "

The two went straight back to the Qingxuan Cave Mansion, and waited for another month and a half before Gongyehuang finally left the customs.

Seeing him at this time, Meng Qiu's divine light subsided, looking at his ordinary appearance, his gaze was like that of someone who had just started cultivating.

"Congratulations, senior, for leaving the customs, and the ascension can be expected!" After congratulating first, he lifted the ancient god Jiu up, saying:

"We went to the north, but we didn't get it done, so we returned without success, so we got this strange bird."

Gongye Huang clicked his tongue in amazement, and said: "Is this the exotic bird raised by Wuhua?

Back then, I was tempted and wanted to capture it and make it a mountain god beast. Unfortunately, the father and son are not small, and they are cautious, hiding in the cave and occupying a geographical advantage, which failed to make me succeed. "

"That's it!" Meng Qiu nodded, told the story, stretched out his hand to release the restraint on the ancient god Jiu, and put away the dragon bird ring.

The ancient god Jiu woke up from the chaos, just about to open his eyes, he suddenly found that the restraints on his wings and legs had been removed, and he was overjoyed.

It pretended to be in a coma, and slowly regained its mana, ready to take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness and soar into the sky.

"Hehe, in front of Taoist Baiqin, you stupid bird, how dare you pretend to be asleep?"

Gongye Huang chuckled, stretched out his hand and flicked it, a burst of clear light flew over, wrapping the ancient god dove inside.

Gu Shenjiu immediately sensed a strange force spreading into his body, he didn't dare to wait any longer, he opened his eyes immediately, and didn't bother to check the surrounding situation, only flew towards the side that seemed to be the exit.

Unexpectedly, it just moved, but it realized that its body was not under its command at all, so it hurriedly mobilized all its strength and twisted desperately.

It has a whole body of strength, more than a million catties, but no matter how much it struggles, it still looks like it is lying on the ground, unable to move at all, it can't help being terrified, and let out a few strange cries of "cuckoo".

"It's just a small skill, why are you surprised?" Gong Yehuang could understand the cry of the ancient god dove, and said with a smile:

"You only act according to your instincts, you don't have any supernatural powers, and if you fall into my hands, you still want to escape? It's too naive."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and asked, "Fellow Daoist Meng, what do you want to know, I will ask for you."

Meng Qiu was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Then I would like to ask seniors, how did it fall into Wuhua's family, when did Qiongqi go there, and did the three demons do any bad things to Xuanyuan Holy Tomb?
And more than 20 years ago, what happened between them and Ming Sheng Xu Wan. "

Gong Yehuang nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the ancient god Jiu stood up, with both wings together and standing on two feet, looking very cute.

He asked: "You also heard the question from Fellow Daoist Meng just now, answer honestly, don't hide anything, don't think I can't find out."

The ancient god dove called out "Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu" with an aggrieved look, implying that he could not speak.

"Noisy!" Gongye Huang scolded, "Speak up if you tell me, I can understand myself, keep your voice down!"

There was a tingling pain in Gu Shenjiu's body, and there was a few croaks, and then another soft cry.

Gongyehuang listened for a while, nodded slightly, and said: "This stupid bird can't figure out its own origin, only knows that it was born in the wild, and it has been smarter and faster than its brothers and sisters since childhood.

Later, his body got bigger and bigger, and his methods became more and more fierce. He became a tyrant in the forest, and he didn't lack for food.

Suddenly, one day, he fell ill with a serious illness. He was dying, and his eyes were closed all day long, as if he was about to die.

It was Wu Hua who passed by, rescued it and took good care of it, which made it better.But the disease has not been cured until now, and every once in a while, he still falls asleep. "

"Huh?" Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said, "I heard the ghost girl Qiao Qiao say that this stupid bird was killed with Wu Hua and his son in ancient times, and then came back to life again."

"Is there such a thing?" Gongye Huang laughed loudly, and said: "It seems that Wu Hua and his son deliberately deceived people, so they said such things to the outside world. This stupid bird was deceived, and I am grateful to Dade."

He looked at the eager look of the ancient god Jiu, and said: "He has a little conscience, he will repay his kindness, and he will argue for the master.

I said you are stupid, don't deny it.I've heard of your symptoms before, and it's clearly caused by eating the most precious medicine raw.

This spiritual herb has extraordinary effects, it can regenerate a person and enhance their aptitude.It's just that if it can't be processed properly, there is a disadvantage, that is, it will be drunk, and after a while, it will be muddled and confused.

But this is not a deadly poisonous weed, as long as you find a place and hide to survive the drowsiness, you will be fine.

According to the strength of the body and soul, it will take one to twenty years for the earth immortal to take it, and sleep two or three times to completely consume the effect of the medicine.

As for taking it during the Foundation Establishment period, it is not surprising that it will be drowsy for 200 years, and the life essence will be exhausted.

I don't know if you, a stupid bird, have good luck or bad luck. When you take it, your cultivation base may only be used to train qi, and your soul is weak. If you were a human race, you should have died of drunkenness.

But you are very talented and have a strong body, so you have shared the effects of the medicine, so it took hundreds of years to completely survive the disaster.

It is not difficult to get rid of this medicine, as long as the primordial spirit is strong, it can be digested. Not only is it harmless, but it has many benefits.

But you have been with Wuhua and his son so far, and all your abilities are just the effects of medicine, and you have naturally grown to the current fairyland.

However, the strength of the primordial spirit is still in the realm of foundation building.Apparently, their father and son didn't teach any clever Qi training method, otherwise it would be more than that.

Even so, you are still so grateful to them, trying to protect and cover up, you are so stupid. "

The ancient god Jiu screamed anxiously, refusing to admit it.

Gong Yehuang didn't argue with it, he said: "Every kind of bird has its unique ability, but most of them are too small to display.

You said that Xu Wan would be afraid of you because Wuhua and his son taught you the ability to eat ghosts and restrain evil spirits, but you don't know that this is your innate ability.

Calculate your current wisdom, you are not inferior to ordinary people, think about your past experience, I am wrong. "

Gu Shenjiu couldn't help thinking about the past carefully, as if every time his strength increased, it was really after sleeping.

And it has never practiced any spells in its life, and even asked Wu Hua, but it was dismissed by the other party because the methods of humans and monsters are different.

The so-called ghost-eating ability taught by the professor refers to the hunting movements of various birds, and he didn't even get much advice from Qiongqi.

With tears in its eyes, it seemed not to believe it, and argued a few words.

"They lied to you." Gongye Huang said: "Taoism comes from heaven and earth, although it was created by humans, except for some special types, most monsters can also practice.

At most, it is most suitable for the human body, practiced by monsters and beasts, the effect is not good, how can there be a reason why it cannot be learned?

I think Wu Hua's father and son, who were beaten to death, could escape with their souls and find a possessed body.

Not to mention giving you their natal Taoism, even if they give you other Taoisms to practice casually, your primordial spirit will not be at the level it is today.

Driven by Immortal Jin, he should at least be in the Sanxian Realm.Coupled with so many years of lethargic growth, it is at least ten times stronger than it is now. "

(End of this chapter)

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