Chapter 213
Once the deception was uncovered, Gu Shenjiu felt more and more uncomfortable when he heard it. If his body was not out of his control, he might have drooped his head and wept like chaff.

Gongyehuang didn't bother to continue to stimulate it, and then asked: "Tell me again, how did Qiongqi get into the cave without Hua's father and son, and what kind of dark activities are there?"

He stretched out his hand a little, and the ancient god Jiu suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, sobered up from his depression, pulled himself together, and called out again.

After Gong Yehuang heard about it, he relayed: "Qiong Qi claimed that he grew up in Mang Mountain, and he and Xu Wan had conflicts and kept fighting for a place to practice.

Until the other party became an earth immortal, unable to resist, he hid in XZ for many years, and finally had no choice but to flee to Baiyang Mountain, begging Wuhua's father and son for protection.

It seems that Qiongqi was also another spirit beast raised by the father and son at the beginning, but someone else was much smarter, knew how to cultivate, became an earth immortal, and his status suddenly rose.

As for the fight between Xu Wan and them that Daoyou Meng asked about 20 years ago, it really started because of this.

This ancient god dove was born to be the nemesis of ghosts, with its help, Wu Hua and his son were able to drive away the ghosts of Mangshan Mountain.After that, Qiongqi was promoted to Earth Immortal.

As for the activities related to the Qiaoshan Holy Tomb, this stupid bird sleeps in the cave all day long, and seems to be unaware of it. "

"So it has been cooing for a long time, and it doesn't know anything except its own life experience?"

Zheng Bagu said angrily: "Such waste should be stewed into soup."

Gu Shenjiu was terrified, unable to move, screamed, could only roll his eyes, desperately looking at Gongyehuang, his eyes filled with prayer.

"Forget it, it's too big, and I have to recast an iron pot, which is a bit wasteful."

Meng Qiudao: "If seniors like it, I'll take it to be a gatekeeper spirit beast. I just don't know if this stupid bird is willing to do it or not."

The ancient god Jiu kept blinking, cooing loudly, and looked at Gongyehuang with a flattering expression.

Gong Yehuang didn't refuse either, and said: "I also want to say that Xinde Dongfu has fewer people to guard and receive it. Although it is ugly, it is rare because it has a good cultivation, so it is suitable.

As long as it has cultivated to the realm of Sanxian, it will naturally speak, and it is enough to deal with daily life. "

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade tablet, which was exquisitely shaped, with a phoenix engraved on one side and a blank side.With a shake of his hand, a white light shot directly into the head of the ancient god dove.

The bird couldn't move its head and eyes immediately, and was dumbfounded.Then following the white light, a dove-shaped primordial spirit shrunk a hundred times smaller flew out, and fell straight into the jade tablet.

On the blank side, the statue of the ancient god dove was immediately revealed. From the eyes, sharp beak to sharp claws, everything was fine and lifelike.

With another wave of his hand, Gongyehuang released the restraint on the bird, saying:

"My Yuanming Talisman has two sides, yin and yang, and the talisman on one side has entered the stupid bird's sea of ​​consciousness, and it can be imprisoned just by shaking it."

While speaking, he shook the jade tablet, and sure enough, the ancient god Jiu couldn't move, and then said: "The other side has drawn out a piece of its soul. Just activate it, and it can go back and destroy its soul."

He slammed the jade tablet, and the ancient god Jiu regained his freedom, but he didn't dare to move too much, only moved to the corner carefully, very well-behaved.

Gongye Huang said: "Bagu, let's finish repairing the cave. Let's go, take me to have a look."

Zheng Bagu and Meng Qiu led the way, and Gongyehuang followed leisurely on the ancient dove.

When you arrive at Lingyu Cliff, there are clusters of flowers, full of vitality, and countless birds singing.

Gongyehuang inspected the circle, nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"Immortal Gushe really lives up to her reputation. The layout of this cave is really like a fairyland on earth. It is much better than my Black Wind Valley."

"Hahahaha, Master Uncle was joking. There is nothing in your Black Wind Valley, as long as it is a cave, it is better than..."

Zheng Bagu laughed a few times, then suddenly remembered Meng Qiu's cave in Yunwu Mountain, and changed her words:
"Dongfu worse than that in the world is extremely rare."

Gong Yehuang didn't take it seriously, he pointed to a stone room at the entrance of the cave, and said: "Stupid bird, from now on, you will be stationed here, understand?"

The ancient god Jiu cooed twice and nodded obediently.

Gongyehuang thought for a while, then casually took out a jade slip, threw it over, and said: "This method of Taoism is very suitable for beasts to cultivate, you should work hard, and you will be able to speak when you become a Sanxian as soon as possible.

In case you don't know how to deal with people and things, it doesn't make sense to ask me to deliver a message for you. "

The ancient god Jiu lifted up the Dharma light, held it over, and nodded with low eyebrows to show that he knew, but the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

When the three of them entered the courtyard, Gongye Huang asked, "What do you mean by the Holy Emperor's Mausoleum?"

Meng Qiudao: "A few years ago, I came across a secret by accident. Under the statue of the Holy Emperor in the Qiaoshan Holy Tomb, there is an Earth Immortal Mausoleum hidden in it, which contains some treasures left by the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan.

I had little knowledge before and couldn't find the entrance, so I asked Bagu to go there together.

But he didn't want to wait for Bagu to break the restriction, and someone else would have already stepped in.

We previously suspected that it was Wuhua's father and son, but after thinking about the strong restrictions on the Holy Tomb, non-humans should not be able to enter.

But they live close together, so they don't know what they have heard, so they want to get some news from the mouth of the ancient god Jiu.

Since it doesn't know either, then we can only find another way, the key is to find out. "

Gongye Huang said: "It is rumored that when Emperor Xuanyuan ascended, he took all the good things with him to the heaven. Is there anything in there that is worth your trouble?"

Eighth Aunt Zheng said: "Of course it is a magic weapon that even Master Uncle you would be envious of."

Gongye Huang smiled and said: "I have already cultivated to the level of immortals, ordinary magic weapons, even Nanming Lihuo Sword, which is a sharp attacking weapon, can only increase the power of fighting skills for me, it is not very useful for crossing tribulation and ascending.

Unless there are Xuanyuan Sword and Jiuyi Cauldron of the Holy Emperor left in the mausoleum. "

Meng Qiu interjected: "Xuanyuan Sword is the holy emperor's personal weapon. It has been recorded in ancient times that it was taken to the fairyland of Lingkong. However, there are different opinions on the Nine Doubt Cauldron, but there has never been any definite news that it went to the heaven with the holy emperor."

"Is there really a cauldron of doubts?" Gongye Huang couldn't help but sat up straight, seeing Meng Qiu nodding, he was a little dazed.After a while, he took a deep breath and said:

"Please tell me about the layout of the underground mausoleum in detail."

As Meng Qiu said, Bagu Zheng also added some details.

After listening, Gongye Huang pondered for a moment, and said: "You two guessed right, they can't be monsters. They are not human race, so they cannot enter the restriction set by the Holy Emperor.

And even if they find a loophole and get in by chance, they will definitely not retain the original appearance in the mausoleum.

It will not be Buddhism.They might not be interested in those first-class weapons, but those two pots of sesame oil are their favorite, and they will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation.

The Demon Sect is even more greedy, there is no king and no father, and all valuable things in it will be swept away, even the corpses of those guards will not be let go.

Therefore, those who open the underground mausoleum are either the Orthodox Church or the cultivators with great magic power.As for who, it's hard to guess. "

"It's not bad to be able to narrow the scope down to orthodox sects or sects." Meng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "As long as you don't get caught by the demon sect or those evildoers, there will be no catastrophe."

Since you can't guess it, put the matter on hold for now.

After chatting for a while, Gongye Huang said: "As I said before, after leaving the customs, I will teach you the key to becoming a god, now is the time.

Meng Qiu, go and call Yufeng over.As for Bagu, after the sermon is over, I have to work hard for you to make a few more trips.

Although the Lianshan Sect has been ruined, there are still some loyal monks who have been refusing to leave. As the only remaining elder in the sect, I can't treat them badly.

After I finish talking about the realm of celestial beings, half a year later, I will enlighten the earthly immortals, and you go and inform them to come.

Counting those who are still alive today, there are only Pan Fang, Gong Shuanghuan, Zhao Guangdou, Xing Yun, Yuan Da, Di Chen, Tao Yu, and Lu Jin. "

He only sighed a little, and quickly cheered up again, telling the two to go back quickly.

It's convenient for Meng Qiu, Yuqing Temple is not far from Xiexie Village on the outskirts of Chengdu.

But Zheng Bagu has many places to go, for example, Pan Fang and Gong Shuanghuan, two female Sanxians, are close friends of the same family, but one lives in Xiantao Cockroach in Jingmen Mountain, and the other lives in Dongshi Immortal Mansion behind Yuquan Cave in Tianping Mountain, Suzhou.

It's fine if you're in the cave, but if you're not, I'm afraid you'll have to run several times.However, it is impossible for Meng Qiu to go to this matter, only Zheng Bagu can represent Gongye Huang.

The last time I came to Bixie Village, I didn't see Mrs. Yuqing, but this time I happened to be at home.

When Meng Qiu explained her intentions, she was overjoyed, and she transformed into Chen Yufeng's attire and appearance in Jade Raksha, and flew to Lingyu Cliff together.

When everyone was ready, Gongyehuang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Do you know what is a celestial being? The sergeant raises his form and ascends to the void, calling him a celestial being.

A monk has three calamities.The catastrophe of foundation establishment is the catastrophe that lays the foundation for the monk's future. Even if you switch to the magic Buddha golden pill method later, this foundation cannot be replaced.

People are people, and ghosts are ghosts.After entering the Buddhist gate, people can become Buddhas, but ghosts can only be the eight divisions of heaven and dragon.

The calamity of the Sanxian is not only due to the great increase in lifespan, but also because it can shed the mortal womb, like a chrysalis into a butterfly, which is a completely different state.

And the third catastrophe is the catastrophe of ascension, leading to the spiritual world, getting rid of the restriction of life essence, and proving eternity.

And the realm of the immortal is to withdraw the true spirit from the world, and the connection with the heaven and the earth is already indistinct, leaving only the last layer of separation.

If you can pierce through it, you can cut off the last fetter and become immortal.If not, the body dies, the dao disappears, and becomes the nourishment of heaven and earth again.

This is what is meant by raising the form and promoting the virtual, and it is also the key to promotion.Crossing the catastrophe and refining the form, escape the catastrophe and transform the void.

Using the Tribulation of the Earth Immortal to strengthen the body and polish the primordial spirit, only then can the true spirit be withdrawn from the heaven and the earth bit by bit. "

He explained in detail the process of how he cultivated from the realm of the Earth Immortal to the Heavenly Immortal, including how to prepare for the Tribulation of the Earth Immortal and things to pay attention to.

These experiences are extremely precious, and there are not many people in the world who can hear them in their entirety.

Naturally, Meng Qiu and the others cherished it very much and did not dare to be distracted at all. It took three days and three nights to hear everything.When encountering content that was incomprehensible at the time, I forcibly kept it in my heart and figured it out afterwards.

Gongyehuang finished explaining the knowledge among the earth immortals, and said: "The catastrophe of heavenly immortals is certainly not as important as the catastrophe of ascension, and it is even less powerful than the catastrophe of ascension.

But out of a hundred Earth Immortals, there may not be a single Heavenly Immortal.

The lack of cultivation base and the lack of magic weapons are only part of the reasons, and some of them are due to lack of understanding and preparation for the catastrophe of the immortals.

Last time, Meng Qiu, you also saw me crossing the catastrophe. It seems that the difference from the Earth Immortal Tribulation is only in its power, but in reality, there is no danger hidden in it.

For example, during the time of Fire Tribulation and Earth Immortal, according to the five elements, prepare some better water magic weapons, most of them will come in handy.

But this is not the case with the Celestial Fire Tribulation.The fire looks ordinary, but it is not an extraordinary fire, nor is it a fire in the air or a fire in a stone, but a unique kind of divine fire in Jiutian.

Or it is not appropriate to say that it is called Shenhuo, because it does not belong to the five elements, but its image is the same as fire, and it has nothing to do with it.

If you use water as a magic weapon, it will not work at all.If the effect of the magic weapon is not chosen correctly, it may actually contribute to the danger of catastrophe.

The rest of the wind and thunder calamities are all like this.It seems ordinary, but there is a hidden murder inside.If you don't stick it, the power may not be obvious. Once it falls on your body, no one will know the change.

This is still a disaster of nature.In fact, the most difficult thing to overcome is the Heavenly Demon Tribulation.This heavenly demon is completely different from the so-called heavenly demon in the magic way.

There are tangible celestial demons and invisible celestial demons.Those who have a tangible sky demon are worse than the realm of the immortals. They are more powerful than the heavenly immortals or even Xiaju's ascended generation. It all depends on personal creation.

The invisible celestial demon can also be called the inner demon, which is caused by the hidden emotions in the heart.When others are on the side, it is like watching a painting, separated by a layer, everything is clear, so they think it is ordinary.

But the people who fall into it are different, the five senses are covered, and everything seems to be repeated, it is all true feelings, unless they are extremely intelligent and high-willed, they cannot escape.

Like the generation of the Yi Tuozi and the ancestors of Haha, they have high cultivation bases.Those natural catastrophes mentioned just now, no matter how powerful they are, they will definitely not be able to survive.

They have weird temperaments, and what they are afraid of is naturally the Devil's Tribulation. No matter how prepared you are, it will not help. "

Gong Yehuang broke the catastrophe of the immortals and explained it carefully, for fear that the three of them would not be able to accept it.

Zheng Bagu thought for a while, then said: "Master uncle said to prepare early, but the heavenly calamity will have the same signs as the earthly calamity?"

Gongye Huang said: "It's basically the same. It's just that there will be a subtle feeling. It seems that the whole world is rejecting it, and the body doesn't seem to be my own, but there is nothing wrong with controlling it."

Eighth Aunt Zheng said: "No. I'm obviously far from a fairy, and I also have this symptom."

Chen Yufeng nodded in agreement, obviously she also encountered such a situation.

"This..." Gongyehuang was a little strange, and said, "I am in your realm, but I have never felt this kind of reaction?"

Chen Yufeng said: "I didn't have it before, it just appeared suddenly in the past few years."

The three of them communicated for a while, but none of them could tell what their specific feelings were, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

Hearing their mysterious words, Meng Qiu couldn't help but move in his heart, and said: "I remembered something, the master of Wudang once said that only the earth immortals can sense it when the catastrophe of ten thousand years is approaching, is it related to this?"

(End of this chapter)

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