Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 221 The Green Robe Ancestor

Chapter 221 The Green Robe Ancestor
Chen Yufeng pursed her lips and said, "It's a good thing you came to your senses at the last moment, otherwise the magic weapon of the poisonous dragon would explode, and it would be very powerful.

Broken arms and legs, vomiting blood, are trivial matters.It will be troublesome if it is contaminated by his black smoke and demonic energy and invades the primordial spirit. "

Bagu Zheng didn't argue with her, and used the Yin-Yang umbrella to slowly gather the ball of soft red sand with ten thousand demons.

It took a lot of effort for the three of them to gather it up, seal it carefully, and deal with it properly before rushing to the Demon Palace in the west of Yunnan.

When we got to the place, the door was closed tightly, and there was no sound from all around, only the outer restriction still existed, and it was stronger than before.

Zheng Bagu took a closer look and said: "This formation is made by Uncle Chili, if you want to break through it, you have to surround and attack it for several months to have a chance.

Jieshi's wild demon Jakota might have run away long ago, and it's useless to catch some minions.

What's more, the three of us are more or less well-known, and it's a joke to say that it takes so much trouble just for a mere Sanxian. "

Chen Yufeng shook her head and said, "For those of us who are close to casual cultivators, the name is of no great use except to deter the enemy and avoid many small troubles. Don't worry too much about it."

"Okay, you don't need to preach anymore." Zheng Bagu was a little impatient, and said: "After you entered Buddhism, how could you follow those bald heads and become verbose."

Chen Yufeng sighed, didn't say much, went back to Mangcang Mountain with her companions, and went to the cave by herself.

After she left, Meng Qiu couldn't help saying: "Bagu, Fellow Daoist Chen..."

Zheng Bagu interrupted him, saying: "I know Yufeng wants to persuade me, don't be paranoid, think of other methods early, the fairy is still hopeful."

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "You know that the road ahead is full of difficulties, why do you insist on the road in front of you? From my point of view, even if you switch to Buddhism, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

Zheng Bagu said: "If I turn to Buddhism, my mood will inevitably be unstable. Even if I reach the level of cultivation, I will inevitably be like the old nun Youtan. I am worried about the evil and dare not take the last step. What's the use?"

Meng Qiu couldn't help being silent, and didn't ask why the other party had a problem.Some things, once you hate them, last a lifetime, and it is difficult to reverse them.

Zheng Bagu said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I have to go to Qingluoyu and meet Liu Quan." Obviously he didn't want to say more, and he wanted to leave with an excuse.

Meng Qiu had no choice but to say: "Even if Fellow Daoist Liu worships another teacher, but the friendship is still there, the news of Senior Gongye's promotion to the Heavenly Immortal should be informed, so as not to cause any unpleasantness later.

In addition, the action was rushed this time, and I didn't even have time to inform Du Dongfu, so I was somewhat rude.After you go, just say I invited him to come over as a guest. "

Zheng Bagu nodded and left. After waiting for more than a day, she brought people back. Apart from Liu Quan, Chen Yufeng also followed.

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and just about to speak, Zheng Bagu waved his hand, motioning Liu Quan to speak first.

Liu Quan said: "Then I came out of the formation, and I was going back to Qingluoyu to wait for you, but I thought that besides the poisonous dragon, Ya Geda was also an accomplice, so I turned back to the Demon Palace in the west of Yunnan, and prepared to kill him.

He hadn't arrived yet, but he saw Shang Heyang rushing over from a distance, stopped at the door, said a few words, and entered the magic palace.

I was afraid that he might have some yin demons, so I used my mystic skills to hide my body, quietly rushed over, and hid outside.

After less than half an hour, Shang and Yang left the magic palace again, followed by Jacoba.

The direction the two of you were going was not towards you. I couldn't help being curious, and followed carefully.

After about two hours, they arrived at Baiman Mountain, heading towards Yinfeng Cave, and apparently went to the old demon in green robe. "

Meng Qiu frowned and said, "Green robe? Could it be that they are going to rescue soldiers?"

Liu Quan shook his head and said, "I thought so at first, so I waited there for a while.

But after two hours, I didn't see anyone coming out, and it didn't look right, and I couldn't wait, thinking that Ba Gu was still waiting for me, so I rushed back first. "

"Since they have no intention of coming here to seek revenge, why are you so nervous?" Meng Qiu couldn't help being a little surprised.

Liu Quan felt a little unhappy, and said: "You are too young to practice Taoism, and you have never heard of the evil name of the green-robed old demon, so I don't blame you.

This person has practiced Taoism longer than my Master Ling Hun, and he is almost at the same age as Master Gongye.

When he first appeared in the practice world, he was famous for his brutality. He once plundered more than a hundred infants and young children, just to make a pot of soup for people's hearts.

After being defeated by a master of the Orthodox Church, he hid in the Yinfeng Cave of Baiman Mountain and founded the Southern School of Demon Cult, calling himself the Patriarch.

This person is narrow-minded, he will repay every grievance, and he has profound magic skills. He has trained millions of magic soldiers. Even my master dare not mess with him easily. "

Meng Qiu said: "Millions of demon soldiers? I have been to Mang Mountain, it took Xu Wan to have a million ghost soldiers, I don't know how much effort it took, and there was a lot of trouble, and now he can't even protect his foundation.

If you want to refine a million demon soldiers, I'm afraid it will take ten times as many human lives to pile them up.Such a perverse move, even if he is a fairy, he will be attacked by a crowd, and he will never survive. "

Zheng Bagu said: "Don't listen to his bragging, what a million demon soldiers are, but a rare treasure that the green robed old demon spent a hundred years training, called the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu.

This Gu is half-life and half-dead, very strange.Let it go out, like millions of wasps, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Among them are many powerful supernatural powers, one is extremely poisonous, if an ordinary sword fairy is bitten by it, within an hour, the poison will attack the heart and die.

The second is that the whole body is hard, even better than the red gold and black iron, and it is absolutely difficult to damage it with ordinary spells.

The most miraculous thing is that the old demon has somehow cultivated a bit of spirituality in it, even if it does not stimulate it, it is more flexible than the ordinary foundation building and the flying sword of the imperial envoy of Sanxian.

You just need to think about what it would be like to have millions of flying swords attacking you, one after another. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while, then said: "If it's just that he has more sword lights, I'm not afraid of him. I don't know if there are other strange things."

Liu Quan curled his lips secretly, and said, "I don't know. It is rumored that I have seen the old demon urge all the poisonous golden silkworm Gu with all its strength, and none of them survived, no matter whether they are good or bad."

Meng Qiu was surprised and said, "Is it so amazing? I don't know if it is better or lower than the god camel Yixiu?"

"I don't know about that." Liu Quan said, "The two have never met, but according to my experience, the green-robed old demon is stronger."

Meng Qiu was a little moved now, Yixiu was the No. 1 earth fairy he had seen so far, if the green-robed patriarch could still beat him, then wouldn't this person's supernatural powers be comparable to some heavenly immortals?
"However, even if he is powerful, what is there to worry about?" He asked, "Could it be possible that he will come to the door for Venerable Poison Dragon? When did the members of the Demon Cult have such a deep friendship?"

Chen Yufeng said: "Other demon cultivators naturally don't know how to do it, but this old demon doesn't necessarily. It is said that he became so obsessed with practicing kung fu that he became schizophrenic and often did things that ordinary people can't imagine.

A few decades ago, a relatively sensational event happened.At that time, there was a female disciple in Emei who went out to visit friends. When she returned to the mountain, she met Qiao Shouteng, a famous Taoist priest who cultivated ghosts, and was chased by her.

This woman was defeated, and she was about to fall into his hands as soon as she saw it, and was insulted, but she accidentally ran into the old demon who was going out.

Qiao Shouteng was afraid of the old demon, so he wanted to sacrifice the woman.Unexpectedly, the old demon was furious, and accused him of bullying the weak and doing many evils, which was not done by an upright monk. He shook his hands and shot a thunderbolt, burning him to ashes.

Afterwards, without waiting for the Emei female disciple to thank her, she left directly, with the demeanor of an ancient chivalrous man. "

The corners of Meng Qiu's eyes twitched when he heard that, he had also heard about the name of the green robe, he was the most ferocious and violent figure in the Demon Cult.

The Baiman Mountain where it is located has a radius of thousands of miles, and there is no one inhabited, and all of them have been killed by the Southern Demon Sect.

Moreover, they kill people without any purpose, maybe they just pass by and go back to the mountain, and they will destroy a village easily.

In contrast, the ghost sect where the Underworld Saint Xu Wan belongs, although he can kill people, but he never does such meaningless things, it seems too normal.

It is indeed incredible that this kind of irrational character who only knows how to kill is actually an "ancient chivalrous man".

But Meng Qiu still can't understand, even if the green robe goes crazy again, it may not necessarily bump into him, why is he so cautious.

Zheng Bagu said: "If someone else takes action against Shang Heyang, it's okay, but it's you, that's the trouble.

That green-robed old demon was born in strange shapes and experienced ups and downs in cultivating Taoism. He hated young and promising young talents the most in his life.

It's better to have a background. When he is still rational, he won't be easily offended.But whoever comes from a casual cultivator background can rarely escape his poisonous hands.

For example, Guan Lin, the Stone Immortal King of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province, regardless of his seniority or mana, is not uncommon.He loves Sun Shiwan, and he is also precocious, but at the age of [-], he has established a great foundation, and Sanxian is expected.

But these deeds spread to the ears of the old demon, who, disregarding the honor of the Earth Immortal, ambushed in Qinling, captured Shi Wan and tortured him to death.

In grief and anger, King Shixian went to the door, but the old demon couldn't help him with supernatural powers, but was seriously injured, and died shortly after returning to the mountain.

There is also Lin Han who, together with Zhuge Jingwo and Shen Tuhong, is known as the "Little Three Immortals". His teacher is the junior brother of the god Nifanta, the Zen master Duzhi of Jingbo Temple in Shangfangshan, Suzhou, and his background is also extremely prominent.

But the old demon went crazy, went to the door, and beat him half to death.If this person hadn't escaped with the treasure of his teacher, he would have lost his life.

In today's world, if you are younger, who can compare to you in terms of talent and reputation?

The old demon may not be able to remember before, but if someone went to sow discord, he would definitely not be able to bear it and would come to trouble you. "

It is rare for Zheng Bagu to be worried like this, which shows the great pressure brought by the green-robed patriarch.

Meng Qiu still had an indifferent attitude, and said: "If he comes to find fault, so what? It's impossible to prevent it. It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up water and soil.

I can't rely on a little guesswork, and I'll preemptively hit the door, right? "

He looked at Zheng Bagu, who looked a little serious, and was about to say more when Liu Quan hurriedly said: "How can you have such an idea?
Even if you hide in this cave, you may not be able to defend it. If you rushed to the door, wouldn't you be courting death?
From my point of view, if you are on good terms with half of the old nuns, it is better to hide in Wudang and practice for a few more decades. When you become an immortal, you don't have to be afraid of him. "

Meng Qiu said disapprovingly, "If I want to hide, this is the best place."

He looked at Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, and said, "Haven't they told you yet? Senior Gongye has been promoted to Heavenly Immortal, not far away at Lingyu Cliff.

With the courage of the green-robed old demon, he would not dare to provoke him, unless he didn't know about it at all. "

"Ah!" Liu Quan was taken aback for a moment, then ecstasy flooded his face, and he said, "Is what you said true?"

He looked at Zheng Bagu again and asked, "Bagu, is what fellow Daoist Meng said true? Is it true that my uncle has been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal?"

"Really." Zheng Bagu nodded and said, "I came to you to tell you about this matter. How could I have heard about the green-robed old demon, so I forgot to tell you."

When Liu Quan got the confirmation, he became even more excited and was speechless for a while.

Meng Qiu ignored him, and asked Zheng Bagu, "Why do you want to attack Baiman Mountain? Could it be that you have enmity with that green robe?"

"We have no enmity with him, it should be him who has enmity with us."

Chen Yufeng said: "He had a big disciple, Xin Chenzi, who saw us beautiful and teased us, but was defeated by Ba Gu and me together, and an arm was cut off.

Later, the green-robed old demon didn't show up, but his younger brother Lie Baduo, the non-poisonous king, came to him, and was beaten half to death by his uncle Gongye. "

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said, "Is Lie Ba Duo actually the younger brother of the green-robed old demon? Why have I never heard of it?"

Zheng Bagu said: "What's so strange about this. With the barbarism of the old demon, if Lie Badu is not his junior brother, how can he allow this person to be in Baiman Mountain?"

"It's reasonable." Meng Qiu nodded, and said again: "Since you don't have any enmity with Baiman Mountain, why do you want to take the risk?"

Chen Yufeng said: "When we met Xin Chenzi, we were just loose immortals. It was a fluke that we could defeat him together. Of course, we wouldn't be Liebado's opponent. We suffered a little bit."

Meng Qiu suddenly realized.According to Zheng Bagu's temperament, if she didn't make up for the loss, she would definitely keep it in her heart, and if she had a chance, she would wait for the opportunity to return it.

He immediately changed his words and said: "I've thought about it, but I can't just sit and wait for death, I have to strike first.

There is nothing impracticable about attacking Baiman Mountain.Anyway, we can't win, and they can't hold us. "

Liu Quan came back to his senses, and said: "Stupid! You are still protected by your uncle in Mangcang Mountain. Going to Baiman Mountain is like sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth.

Even if the uncle wants to save him, he needs to be able to pay attention all the time, and rush over in time when the old demon makes a move. "

Before Meng Qiu could answer, Chen Yufeng said suddenly, "That's fine. It's better to strike first, and then you'll suffer. Then go tell Master Uncle first, and then go to Baiman Mountain."

There was a sudden change in her attitude, which made Liu Quan even more confused.Seeing the tacit understanding of the other three, he was immediately discouraged and sad, and didn't want to ask more questions or meddle too much.

A group of four immediately set off to Lingyu Cliff to report the matter.

Gongye Huang pondered for a while, then slowly opened his mouth, and said, "Ba Gu, I know you have a bitter heart about your defeat at the hands of Lie Ba Duo back then.

But at that time, he was an Earth Immortal for many years, you and Yufeng just became Loose Immortals not long ago, it is normal to lose, there is no need... huh? "

He was halfway through speaking, but seeing Zheng Bagu's calm expression for a year, his heart moved, he sighed, and said: "I understand. If you want to go, then go!"

(End of this chapter)

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