Chapter 222

Liu Quan was even more confused.

He also counted on Gongyehuang to dissuade Bagu Zheng from taking risks, why did the other party say a few words, but suddenly changed his attitude?

He was about to ask a question, but Bagu Zheng didn't give him a chance, turned his head and said:
"This matter has nothing to do with you. Besides, you have worshiped under the Xueshan sect, so you can act unscrupulously like us.

Anyway, you have paid homage to your uncle, and you know the location of Yufeng and I's permanent residence, so if you have nothing else to do, you can leave on your own. "

Liu Quan opened his mouth and wanted to say to stay, but when he thought of yesterday, at the critical moment of the battle, he would not be able to intervene and be easily attacked, so he had no choice but to take a step forward.

At this time, I feel that I have no face, so I will talk about staying.But he was still unwilling, pointed at Meng Qiu, and said:

"Friend Daoist Meng is only in the realm of loose immortals right now, and has a great reputation. If you take him there, won't you drive the green-robed old demon crazy?"

Gongye Huang opened his mouth first, and said: "What are you afraid of, what can the old demon do if he goes crazy? I'm going too, to see how arrogant he is, if you don't run, you might as well follow."

Chen Yufeng was startled and said: "Uncle, didn't you say you wanted to meditate last time, why did you also think about making a move?"

Gongye Huang said: "I became a celestial being, few people know about it, when it spreads, when will it go.

In the intervening years, people might think that you have no backing and you still want to be bullied, but it's not worth it.

It's better to simply learn from Master Mei, take the initiative, make some big events, and deter foreign enemies. "

Liu Quan was overjoyed, and quickly said: "It's very good, I really want to see the demeanor of my uncle becoming a fairy queen."

The plan was right, and the few people set off immediately without hesitation.

Mangcang Mountain is only two or three hours away from Baiman Mountain under full flight.

The sword light was swift, and within a short time, he was still a hundred miles away from Baiman Mountain, and he could already see the desolation and savagery.

Thousands of miles away from the mountain, there are still a few mountain people, who either live in caves in the wild, or gather into tribes and villages.But within a thousand miles, there is no trace of anyone.

Even apart from many poisonous insects and strange pythons lurking, even wild beasts are not easy to see.

Meng Qiu couldn't help thinking of the rumors about the green-robed patriarch that he had heard before, and he could only sigh for such a deserted situation.

Going forward, Baiman Mountain suddenly appeared in front of me, standing alone among the thousands of mountains in the southern border, surrounded by poor mountains and bad waters.

Looking down from the sky, the inner circle of the ridge is surrounded by thick and dense greenery, towering sky blocks out the sun, poisonous haze and miasma, shrouded all the year round.

Several people found the location of the Yinfeng Cave on the main peak, and rushed over, Gongyehuang hid his figure.

The main peak is covered by dark clouds and black smoke, so you can't see its size, but you can only see that it is steep at the top and sharp at the bottom, and the exposed places are also full of strange pines and rocks.

Gather enough mana and look closely, there are evil clouds and poisonous smoke shrouded below. In the valley, you can see strange insects and big snakes from time to time, chasing after them with colorful scales and red flames.

Rao Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng are well-informed, looking at the dangerous situation in this area full of poisons, they are already shocked.

The four of them held their breath tightly, and then walked forward, suddenly saw that the haze below was thinning out, and the surrounding mountains were like five small mountains, and suddenly they all closed together, and a large platform with an area of ​​several thousand acres appeared.

There are many houses and buildings sparsely and chaotically arranged inside, and some people can be seen shuttling back and forth, walking very fast.

If you take a closer look, most of them are just practicing Qi cultivation, and their clothes are ragged, and scars can be seen on the exposed parts. Their faces are numb, and they move in a hurry, like slaves, without any monastic demeanor at all.

There is no trace of formation in this area, obviously in the eyes of the green-robed old demon, it is not important.

But the place where Faguang floats is still in front, and there is a solitary peak in the middle, which is half the sky high, and the mountains on all sides seem to bow together.

In the crevices of the mountains and rocks, there are many grasses, flowers and vines, in five colors, like a brocade pillar supporting the sky, very magnificent.

Thousands of cliffs are full of flying springs and waterfalls, pouring down from the gaps in many high and low cliffs, converging into countless wide and narrow clear streams.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like hundreds of jade dragons, hanging from the sky, and hundreds of horses on the ground, spread around the flat plate, flying and staggering.

Such a bright scene is surprising, completely different from the scene of the devil's cave just now.

The roar of the waves, the gurgling of the water, the sound of thunder and thunder, and the fine sound of the waterfall are woven into a drum, like a waterfall of Ningbi fairy.It was so strange and magnificent that several people were all amazed.

Zheng Bagu regained her composure, and shouted: "Old demon in green robe, Goddess of Calamity and Jade Raksha are here, hand over Jacoba quickly!"

The cry fell in the valley, echoing in bursts, layer upon layer.But the working monks below seemed to have never heard of it, and they kept moving.

"How courageous, how dare you chase here!" With a loud shout, a ball of red light appeared from behind the high cliff in the northwest corner, revealing the figure of Shang Heyang.

Bagu Zheng was about to speak, when she suddenly heard ghostly creaking from the walls, all the monks in tattered clothes on the platform were trembling with fright, and fell to the ground.

A gust of wind passed by, the eyes were full of green light, and there were a few whistling sounds, and when the light dissipated, a grotesque little man appeared in the midair, less than three feet long, short and thin, wearing a green robe.

On such a figure, there is a big man's head on top of it, the hair and beard are twisted into a ball, like a nest of grass; a pair of green eyes, shining in all directions.

Meng Qiu and others have never seen this person before, but they can tell that this person is the ancestor of the green robe.

After he appeared, a few more people came out, including the wild western demon Yakota, who was very surprised when he saw Liu Quan, and then his face was full of joy.

Standing behind the green robe on the left is a long and thin man with a broken arm. He is dressed in a non-monastic manner, with bare feet, holding a three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, shining dark red light, with a hideous face and a very vicious look.

The person on the right has a similar face to the one on the left, but is shorter in stature and has a broken arm. He holds a long sword in one hand and a hemp flag is stuck behind him.

There are five or six other tall and short men, all thin, either left or right, missing an arm, and lined up on both sides.

Zheng Bagu said via voice transmission: "The one on the left is the old demon's eldest disciple Xin Chenzi. The one on the right can be on the same level as him, and the realm is also comparable. It should be the old demon's favorite disciple Tang Shi."

Shang Heyang opened his mouth and said: "Green Robe, the four who came here are the ones who ambushed me and fellow Taoist Dulong. The two women are the Goddess of Calamity Zheng Bagu and Yu Luocha Chen Yufeng.

The ordinary-looking and slightly shorter man is the new disciple of the poor god Ling Qing, Baishui Master Liu Quan.

As for the good-looking boy at the end, I told you about it, the most famous young talent in the world today, Meng Qiu. "

The eyes of the green robe swept over the four of them one by one, and finally fell on Meng Qiu. After staring at them for a while, he gave a strange giggle and said:

"What kind of Goddess of Calamity, Jade Rakshasa, Baishui Heishui's real person and dummy, their names are not very famous, they are all older juniors, not very interesting.

On the other hand, Fellow Daoist Meng, at a young age, has already attained the body of a loose immortal, and his swordsmanship is exquisite, and his combat power is far beyond the realm.

I heard from my comrades that even Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld, was no match for you. He fled in embarrassment after being beaten by you, and fled back to Mang Mountain, too scared to go out.

I still think what a hero he is, is it an exaggeration to have this ability?Seeing you today, it really is a hero born a boy! "

"This..." Shang Heyang and Jakoda looked at each other, and said in surprise, "Lu Pao, why are you still praising someone? What does this mean?"

Disciples such as Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi on the left and right did not move their eyebrows, hands or feet, as if they had never heard of it.

Meng Qiu was also a little surprised, and didn't know how to answer. Gong Yehuang's voice rang in his ears, and said: "The old demon has fallen ill again, don't worry about it."

Zheng Bagu said: "Old demon, don't talk nonsense. I came today to avenge Ya Geda. If you are sensible, don't interfere."

The green robe ignored her at all, still staring at Meng Qiu, and said: "People like you are living in casual cultivation, which is extremely wasteful.

Don't look at being a hero for a while, but not a fairy, but an ant in the end.

The most important thing for you right now is not to fight bravely and hang out with these useless people, but to find a good teacher of the great school, devote yourself to it, cultivate immortality hard, and strive to become an immortal early, so that you can hope to ascend.

But the authentic sects in the world are only the three schools of Dao, Mo, and Buddha.Buddhism has a cunning mind, mediocre means, and a bunch of broken rules.

The Taoist sect is only enough to see Emei, but you have already formed a deep hatred with them, can you still bow your knees and come to the door to serve?

Only the Demon Cult, regardless of origin, regardless of hatred, old or young, as long as you are willing to come, the door will always be open.

My intention is very obvious, that is to invite you to join the magic gate.Presumably with your aptitude, you can get the True Inheritance of the Demon Sect, and you can be a fairy. "

Chen Yufeng couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Old demon, you have practiced Taoism for many years, and you are still just an earth immortal.

And you, the so-called Southern Devil's Cult, only these few people have shallow power, not as good as other sects like Huashan, how dare you open your mouth to recruit fellow Daoist Meng? "

The green-robed patriarch shook his head, and said, "Friend Daoist Meng, don't misunderstand me. How can I have the face to ask you to join the Southern Demon Cult? I'm talking about the authentic West Kunlun Demon Cult.

I have some friendship with some of the elders, as long as you are willing to nod, I can introduce you. "

He looked with piercing eyes, but the strange eyes were clear and sincere.

Meng Qiu couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake, so he said immediately, "Fellow Daoist's kindness is appreciated, but in my human heart, no matter if I practice Taoism or Buddhism, I want a normal human form."

Although there are monks with all kinds of strange faces in each sect, in general, they are much better than those of the Demon Sect with all kinds of weird shapes.

Such sarcasm, the green-robed patriarch didn't get angry, instead he sighed and said: "It seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of the Demon Sect, you practice normally, you just don't rush for quick success, you won't be like me and the little red thief.

Didn't you kill the Western Yunnan Demon Sect in the previous episode?Looking at the poisonous dragon and brother Yakoda, don't they still look normal? "

Speaking of this, he seemed to suddenly realize again, and said: "You don't want to join the Demon Sect, is it because you have enmity with Jacoba?

That's easy to handle, as long as you agree, I'll catch him immediately and give him as a meeting gift.

Anyway, Old Buddha Chili died early, his senior brother Du Long also died at your hands, and the Western Dianxi Demon Sect has existed in name only, and it's the same with him or without him. "

"Old Ancestor, you..." Jakoda was startled, and wanted to get up to escape, but was caught by Shang Heyang, and secretly said:
"Don't worry. I just remembered that the green robe is sick, and it will recover in a while.

You must not move now, otherwise it will provoke him, no matter what state he is in, he will kill you. "

Without any hesitation, Meng Qiu said, "Whether I want to join the Devil's Cult or not, I still have to think about it for a while. You can send Yakota here first."

The green-robed patriarch shook his head and said, "No promises, how could I be so stupid, you're underestimating me.

Forget it, pushing and resisting, after all, I don't want to, and I don't force it.But I'm a guest from afar, how about following me into the cave for a glass of wine? "

After all, he didn't wait for the other party's reaction, a green light flashed, and threw it towards the high cliff in the northwest.

Shang Heyang, Xin Chenzi and the others hurriedly followed and disappeared, only the hard-working monks below still did not dare to get up and knelt down on the ground.

No one expected this situation, they were very surprised.

But Bagu Zheng said: "Come on, follow up and see what tricks he plays?"

Flying over the cliff to have a look, the cliff is very high and wide, leaning against the isolated peak of Pingban.

The stone color of the cliff is deep red, and the light is as thin as jade. It is hundreds of feet in length and width, and no grass grows.There are nine large round holes arranged in a row, up and down, left and right, all of which are two or three feet in size.

On the other side of the cliff, there are hundreds of hectares of mountain fields, where a kind of unknown flowers and plants are planted. The flowers are like calyx, the leaves are like pine needles, the flowers are green like emerald jade, and the leaves are like gold.

Especially the size of the flowers, the length of the leaves, and the height of the branches are all neat, like tens of millions of golden needles, densely packed together, flashing in the sun; or like a vast golden quilt, dotted with millions of emerald flowers, which is even more magnificent.

A group of green robes are passing through Tianchou and flying into the cave.Zheng Bagu shouted loudly and said, "Where are you going!"

Released the Tianhui sword, the sword light seemed to be startled, and it went straight away, the momentum was extremely astonishing.

Shang and Yang pulled Jacoba and hid inside.

Xin Chenzi, Tang Shi and others did not make a move, they all retreated to the two sides, with smiles on their faces in unison.

Sure enough, that day when the Hui sword rushed over, the green-robed patriarch immediately stopped and turned around. With a strange laugh, he stretched out two slender arms, like bird claws, and flew out two bright green lights, intercepting the sword light.

He turned around, shook his big head, opened a pair of green eyes, and stared at him viciously, saying:

"Where did the ignorant junior dare to come to my door to act wildly? If you don't ask you to live or die today, the name of the ancestor will be given to you."

Although he looked weird in the previous round, his eyes were clear and clear, not vicious.But now his expression changed, his pupils shrank, and he looked like a snake, extremely fierce.

Shang Heyang breathed a sigh of relief, slowly leaned closer, and said, "Lu Pao, you finally woke up."

"What's the matter of waking up? I've been fine, Patriarch." The green robe snorted softly, fixed his eyes on Meng Qiu, and said:
"I'll talk about it later if I have anything to say. It won't be too late to talk about it after I kill this boy surnamed Meng!"

"Okay!" Shang Heyang paused, and walked back slowly until they reached Jakota's side, and said, "Look, he's come back to his senses."

While speaking, Xin Chenzi let go of the knife in his hand, and immediately flew into the sky, intercepting the Tianhui Sword.

But the green-robed patriarch freed his hand, and as soon as his two bird claws closed, a cloud of thunder the size of a dustpan flew up and shot towards Meng Qiu.

War is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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