Chapter 223
Seeing the enemy approaching menacingly, there is a faint pressure from the thunder light, which seems to be able to destroy Shanbengyue.

Meng Qiu didn't dare to be negligent, and first offered Qian Liuli to the top of his head, and when the surrounding blue light and dark thunder touched, it immediately swayed.

The Yin Lei couldn't maintain its shape, it exploded, and the sparks flew in pieces, falling dozens of feet before they were all extinguished.

The green-robed patriarch had completely changed his expression now, and there was a red light in his blue eyes, looking fierce and scary.

The entire face was also gloomy, without any luster in broad daylight, as heavy as a dark cloud.

No matter Xin Chenzi or Tang Shi, all the disciples stepped aside, stood in a row, bowed their hands respectfully, not daring to show their air.

Shang Heyang felt a little uncomfortable, and stepped back slightly, but was a little surprised that there was no second person on the opposite side to challenge.

Jakota was terrified just now, seeing the green-robed patriarch finally wake up and make a move, he breathed a sigh of relief, cheered loudly, and said:
"The power of the ancestors is well known in the world! You guys are just a little famous, but you dare to come to Baiman Mountain to be reckless, you really don't know your life!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the words "noisy", a green light flew out from the hands of the green-robed ancestor, blinking close to him.

There was no time for Jakota to react too much, he just subconsciously released the body protection light, and was instantly shattered by the green light.

This blow was like a big knife, the sharpness was terrifying and unstoppable, his eyes were about to die, suddenly a red light flashed, knocked on the green light, and exploded two by two.

The red light was slightly weaker, and it only offset most of the power of the green light, and the remaining part shot over, cutting seven or eight big gashs on Jacoba's face and body, and blood gushed out.

Shang Heyang rescued his companion, and quickly said: "Green Robe, Jacoba is praising you, what are you doing so recklessly?"

The green robe said sullenly: "What kind of thing is he? The ancestor is doing things, and he is also worthy of pointing fingers at the side?"

If it wasn't for the help of his companions, Jakota would have died just now.His face turned pale, and he was about to explain himself, when Shang Heyang quickly pulled him away, stepped back a hundred feet, and said:
"I made a stupid mistake just now, why don't I remember it now? Don't say anything else, just shut up.

Such lack of vision, if it wasn't for the sake of fellow Taoist Du Long, I wouldn't have saved you just now. "

"It's not that I divided most of the treasures of the Western Yunnan Cult with you, how could you have such a good intention?" Jacob slandered, but he didn't dare to say it face to face, he only kept promises, and didn't dare to say anything.

At this moment, there was a numb itching from the wound, and he looked down, the blood flowing out of it was no longer bright red, but dark green.

Apparently the wound left on him by the green-robed patriarch just now contained strange poison, so he quickly took out the elixir and swallowed it.

But a few pills in a row didn't work, and the elixir went on, but the numbness intensified and pain, like pouring a pot of hot salt water, the taste was not pleasant.

Jakota was in so much pain that he didn't dare to cry out, so he gritted his teeth and begged through voice transmission: "Heavenly King, this wound is bleeding and medicine is useless, please save my life!"

Shang Heyang was watching the green-robed patriarch and Meng Qiu fight vigorously, when he heard this, he turned around and was also taken aback.

In just a moment, the companion's entire face and exposed skin were all green with black, and the skin was wrinkled, like the bark of a dead tree.

"This green ghost!" Shang Heyang muttered to himself, solemnly took out a jade bottle, poured out a pill, threw it over, and said:

"You asked me to find a stronger backer for you, and I introduced you to Lupao, that's one thing.

Saving your life right now is the second thing.One more thing, if you lead me to obtain the hidden treasure of the Western Yunnan Demon Sect, it will be considered clean. "

It turned out that after Shang and Yang escaped from the ambush of Meng Qiu and others, they were going back to the Eastern Demon Cult's camp.But thinking about his friendship with the West Yunnan Demon Sect, he stopped by and informed.

When Jakota heard that Venerable Poison Dragon was doomed, he was terrified. He was very afraid that Bagu Zheng would also come to seek revenge on him.

In panic, he didn't know what to do. Seeing that Shang Heyang was about to leave, he suddenly had an idea and used the treasure hidden in the teaching as a bargaining chip to beg the other party to take him in.

But Shang Heyang knew that he had enmity with Zheng Bagu and others, and he didn't want to make a big enemy easily, so he agreed to get most of the treasures of the Western Yunnan Demon Sect in exchange for three easy conditions.

He originally wanted to introduce the other party to the red-haired patriarch of Tiangouya in Hongmuling, Miaojiang, but Ya Geda said that he had some grievances with the disciple of the patriarch, Hong Changbao, so he dared not go.

Shang and Yangsi thought about it, although there are many famous leftists here, most of them have no friendship, only the green-robed patriarch, the two sides have come and gone.

Although Jakota had heard the name of the green-robed patriarch's ruthlessness, he thought that everyone in the Demon Cult was like this, and the matter was urgent and he didn't dare to delay, so he agreed.

Unexpectedly, the green-robed patriarch welcomed him, but he was not very enthusiastic, and it took him a long time to receive him.In the midst of embarrassment, Bagu Zheng shouted outside.

Jakota was still afraid of being handed over, Shang Heyang persuaded him that the green-robed patriarch had a very good face, so naturally he wouldn't, but there were twists and turns afterwards.

Fortunately, the two sides finally fought. He was overjoyed and said one more word, but he was flattered on the horse's leg and almost died.

Now that Shang Heyang proposed the second matter with the pill, Ya Geda nodded quickly and took the pill, and it really had an immediate effect, the pain and itching disappeared, and the blood from the wound turned red.

As soon as the pain stopped, he immediately came back to his senses and looked at the field.

The green-robed patriarch still threw out clouds of thunder with both hands, striking towards the opposite side like a rosary.

At this time, Meng Qiu was not only using Qian Liuli to defend passively, but also used Taiyi Shenlei in his hand to attack and counterattack.

Thunder and fire exploded one after another, scattered all over the sky, and stars fell like rain.

Occasionally, a very small spark that could not be dispelled on the spot fell, and immediately burned a big hole when it touched the stone beside it, and the red magma gushed out.

The people around the audience, at least in the realm of Sanxian, were all serious.

Even Shang Heyang was also surprised, and muttered in his mouth: "Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved. How can a boy surnamed Meng cultivate such high mana at his age?"

Jacoba looked at it for a while, and was also terrified. The strength of the two people in the formation was much higher than his, and it was impossible to tell which one was stronger.

He hurriedly leaned towards Shang Heyang and asked: "Heavenly King, this little thief can persist for such a long time with the body of a Loose Immortal. Could it be that he already has the cultivation base of an Earth Immortal and can defeat the ancestor?"

Shang Heyang said: "The magic weapon on this little thief's head, if my guess is right, it should be half of the old nun's Yu Qian Liuli.

He uses magic weapons and Taoism together, but he still has to lose to Lupao's usual dark thunder methods. Naturally, it is not as good, so don't be fooled by him. "

Only then did Jacoba heave a sigh of relief, and suddenly he thought that even though Meng Qiu was not as good as the green card patriarch, he was only at a disadvantage. In comparison, he was more than a hundred times better than himself.

Besides, even if the green robe wins, there is nothing to rejoice about.This person has an impermanent temperament, and there is no reason to speak of his actions. No matter what he does, he cannot stay in Baiman Mountain.

He was just about to ask Shang Heyang to find another place for him, when Zheng Bagu got impatient and shouted:

"Meng Qiu, agree on this battle, I will take the lead, and you come down, let me meet the old demon. Let's see how capable he is, how dare he protect my enemy."

Hearing this, Meng Qiu suddenly protruded more than a hundred lightning bolts from the Taiyi God, covering the sky and covering the sun, and then retreated.

Zheng Bagu immediately dodges over, Tianhui Sword Flying Dragon is in the sky, and slashes straight at the enemy.

The green robe broke Meng Qiu's divine thunder, and was about to pursue, but was blocked by the flying sword. He couldn't help being annoyed, and shouted: "Where is the ignorant woman who dares to ruin my business!"

In the same way, he grasped with both hands, and flew out several clouds of thunder, which were as big as a millstone, and rumbled away.

But Hui Jian was not an ordinary thing that day, and he would not evade or give way, and swept across against the thunder ball, with just one slash, it completely destroyed it, and still continued to kill towards the opposite side with undiminished momentum.

The green robe was also a little surprised, but it didn't panic either. With a slight swing of its body, there was an extra green light, which turned into a long cloth and rolled over.

When the Tianhui sword fell, it seemed as if it had fallen into the water. The sword energy shrank by half, and its movements also became sluggish.

Zheng Bagu refused to give in, and ordered Feijian to turn around and rush forward again.The sword light pierced into the green light, like scissors, moving forward, separating the green light into two halves.

The green-robed patriarch let out a sigh, chuckled a few times, and said, "Your junior, do you still have some skills?"

He turned his head to one side and asked, "Who is she here?"

Xin Chenzi quickly flew ten feet forward, bowed and replied: "This person is the famous up-and-coming goddess Zheng Bagu in the Lianshan Sect decades ago.

Tuer's arm was severed by her and another woman beside her, Yu Luocha, Chen Yufeng.Later, Uncle Liebaduo stepped forward for me, but was stopped by Baiqin Daoist Gong Yehuang. "

"Under Lian Shan's teaching, no wonder you have some skills." The green-robed patriarch pointed behind him, and the green light twisted for a while, then became tough again, blocking the Tianhui sword in midair.

He still refused to let Meng Qiu go, another series of thunderstorms struck, and said at the same time: "Gongye Huang is not very capable, but he manages a lot of other things.

I heard that he was besieged on Yue'er Island last time and was seriously injured. Is he dead now? "

"Of course Uncle Master is fine, but I think you will die soon!" Eighth Aunt Zheng snorted lightly, but he didn't allow him to disturb his companions again, and turned the Tianhui sword around to intercept Yin Lei.

Shang Heyang couldn't help but said: "Lu Pao, how long have you been behind closed doors, why don't you know about the major events in the world?
A few years ago, Gongyehuang, the female calamity god who had become an earth immortal, Yu Luocha, and this boy surnamed Meng together took out the hidden treasure of Yue'er Island.

It is said that they chased away the old man chasing clouds, Yue Yun, a real person from Yudong, and overseas monks. "

The green robe tried a few times, but once the thunder came out, it was completely blocked, and said coldly: "These trivial matters are not worthy of the ancestor's concern.

But that Gong Yehuang, who was besieged by several people at the beginning, is still alive to this day, which is really unexpected. "

Shang Heyang also knew that he was always conceited, and he never paid attention to ordinary monks, and he didn't even care about the movements of Emei and Wutai disciples, so he didn't feel strange.

At this time, only Zheng Bagu and Lu Pao were facing each other, and the rest of Meng Qiu and Chen Yufeng stood by and watched, showing no intention of inviting a fight.

Liu Quan couldn't help but feel a little strange, so he sent his voice to Chen Yufeng, saying, "Just now I advised Bagu not to be impulsive, but instead of joining me in persuading you, you agree very much.

I thought you also had a heart for revenge, why did you come here, just watch her do it alone, and don't help? "

Chen Yufeng glanced at him, and said: "We can all guess Bagu's thoughts. It's about her path, you don't have enough realm, and you don't understand it, so there's no need to ask."

Liu Quan was a little displeased, and said, "If I don't understand, Fellow Daoist Meng is just a loose immortal, so can he understand?"

"Why do you dare to compete with Fellow Daoist Meng?" Chen Yufeng sneered, and said:
"Even I consciously took advantage of Daoism's elders to be able to barely compare with him. When I started to fight, I didn't dare to say victory easily.

You are far from his opponent, even the swordsmanship you are proud of is far behind, where is your confidence? "

Liu Quan was suddenly at a loss for words.After the death of his master, Ba Gu left. After many years of casual cultivation, his youthful spirit had been wiped out, and he realized that he was just a talented but not top-notch monk, so he finally chose to join Ling Hun's sect.

It's so easy to get what you want, to be promoted to an immortal, and you feel that the road ahead is difficult, and you can't get a glimpse of the mysteries of the gods. How can you be the No. 1 of the young generation who is well-known all over the body?
Even though there was some dissatisfaction in his heart, when he thought that Meng Qiu could already stand on par with Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, and even Gongyehuang recognized it, he was a little frustrated and speechless.

Chen Yufeng couldn't care about his emotions, instead she was talking to Meng Qiu, and said via voice transmission: "Ba Gu is just too arrogant, so what's wrong with turning to Buddhism.

It's just using Buddhist methods, and it doesn't mean that she will be fooled by those bald donkeys and give up heartlessly.

Right now, her idea is still to support war with war.Of course nothing happened in the early stage, but in the later stage, progress will become extremely difficult, and you have to be forced to a desperate situation to explode.

But in this way, it is too dangerous.It's impossible for the uncle to be on the sidelines to guard all the time. I'm really afraid that one day, if one is careless, it will be... alas! "

Since ancient times, there have been many monks with this idea.But as far as Meng Qiu knew, none of them succeeded.

This principle is also very simple, as long as you have to push yourself to a dead end to break through, no matter if you are not talented enough or your foundation is not deep, it shows that there is no other way.

Even if Zheng Bagu took precautions and set foot on this road ahead of time, the chances are still slim.

Meng Qiu secretly sighed, and responded: "Since she has made a decision, what can we do? Try it, there is still a chance."

"That's right." Chen Yufeng said: "I originally wanted you to persuade her, but after thinking about it later, it's really wrong. No matter how sincere you are to persuade people with your talent, it sounds like you don't want to eat meat."

Now Meng Qiu doesn't refute any words that praise him, and besides, he is quite familiar with Chen Yufeng, so there is no need to be humble and hypocritical.

He just said: "Who can tell the truth about what will happen in the future? At least right now I am just a mere loose fairy, and there is still a long way to go from the heavenly fairy.

Look at that god camel Yixiu, who is also a leader among his peers, but until now, he is also stuck in the realm, and it is difficult to be promoted. "

"Don't say that his talent is inferior to yours, but just say that this kind of person is not caressing?" Chen Yufeng said:
"It's not like Uncle Shi and me. On the road to promotion, every wrong step may lead to failure. How can I have any thoughts to think about the foundation, Taoism and so on."

Meng Qiu was still waiting for detailed questions, but the situation on the field changed.

But the green robe, no matter it was the method of Yin Lei or Green Light, was suppressed by Zheng Bagu, unable to break free, his face was dull, and he used magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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