Chapter 224 you come and I go
A white paper banner appeared in midair, with seven naked witches painted on one side and seven hideous skeletons on the other.

The green-robed patriarch shook the paper streamer, a wisp of thin black and reddish smoke rose, swayed, and disappeared quickly.

"Not good!" Gongye Huang, who was hiding in mid-air, yelled secretly, and quickly reminded the four juniors, "This magic banner is a bit weird, please calm down!"

The four dare not stop, even Zheng Bagu withdrew the Tianhui sword to protect herself.

Meng Qiu felt in a trance, his eyes were full of white flags shaking, and then he became dizzy and felt very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, with the reminder and preparations, the soul was stable, and a burst of warmth surged up, flowing all over the body, and immediately eliminated the dizziness.

As soon as he woke up, he immediately felt a few thunderstorms approaching.

He was not in a hurry, still only using Qianliuli, and urged with all his strength, the blue light suddenly opened up, enveloping all four people present.

This magic weapon is already balanced, it can defend against flying swords and thunder, and it can respond to poisonous miasma and devil energy, but it is not top-notch in all aspects, and the stronger the cultivation base, the more effective it will be.

Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng were of the highest level, and Gongyehuang reminded them in advance that there was nothing serious about it, only Liu Quan was most affected, and only then did they recover.

A few people thought that the green-robed patriarch had such a great name, but his mana was only a little higher, and the rest was not surprising, and some of the names did not match the reality.

As soon as this magic weapon is released, one knows that its methods are really powerful and cannot be guarded against.

Eighth Aunt Zheng said: "Meng Qiu, don't worry about me, just back off."

The three of them withdrew from Baizhang, leaving her alone to confront the enemy in mid-air.

The green-robed patriarch waved the white paper banner again, and the smoke of the seven demons rose up and turned into a flood dragon, attacking here.

But seeing the seven dragon heads, they are all thick bones, with fierce faces, baring their teeth and claws, roaring in unison, seemingly silent, but their ears are full of hoarse and strange cries.

Zheng Bagu put away the Tianhui sword, and shouted: "Old demon, don't make such mysteries, show some real skills!"

As soon as the hands were urged, thousands of golden lights flew out of the hands immediately, rushing away like a rain of arrows, covering the sky and covering the earth.

The seven magic dragons were illuminated by the golden light, like snow seeing a scorching sun, they instantly dissipated.

The green-robed patriarch still didn't care about it, and didn't change his moves. He placed the paper banner again, and seven black smokes still flew out, twisted in the air, and turned into a two-foot-thick magic dragon, opened its mouth, and flew towards it.

The brilliance of Zheng Bagu's hand was flowing, a red light flickered, and the radiance greeted him, and just like before, completely neutralized the opponent's attack.

The red light didn't end here, but the castration became even faster, and it rushed forward, so fast that it was almost impossible to see, it rushed away all the light of the green robe body protection, and smashed inside.

The green robe was also taken aback, and hastily blocked it with a paper streamer, black smoke and red mist rose out thickly, turning into a cloud the size of a house.

But the red light shot into it, melted all the smoke, and hit the front of the paper streamer.With a few chi chi sounds, countless small holes were pierced in the streamer like a flying needle threading a thread.

"Huh!" The green robe glanced at the treasure, frowned, and threw it out casually. With a puff, a ball of flames appeared on the paper, and in the blink of an eye, the treasure was burned to ashes.

He asked in a deep voice: "This is the famous Great Five Elements Extinction God Light in Lianshan Sect? It is really powerful, and it destroyed a magic weapon of mine."

Faced with such a formidable Taoist method, the green robe knew the usual methods and was already unable to resist, so he said: "Since you want to die with all your heart, the ancestor is merciful and will naturally fulfill you."

As soon as he shook his hand, he saw hundreds of gold stars shooting out, like a kaleidoscope, flying in the sky like lightning.

"Look, this is the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu!" Gong Yehuang's voice came, and Meng Qiu took a closer look, and there was a strange insect in the Venus.

The body is like a silkworm, divided into nine sections, and the outer skin is golden, like armor.The first section is the head, shaped like a longhorn, with sharp jaws and a pair of long touches.

The two wings on the abdomen are as thin as the wings of a cicada; the six legs under the abdomen, four small and two large, are like praying mantises.The front two feet can be folded into three, sharp and sharp.

The golden silkworm Gu did not dodge or dodge, and flew towards the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God, and the two big feet waved and crashed into the light.

When the two phases came into contact, rustling sounds were heard immediately, the divine light paused, the golden silkworm Gu fell down one after another, and fell down.

"This..." Jakota was extremely surprised, spit out a word, and then quickly stopped.Shang Heyang frowned and said:

"The light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God is really so powerful, can't even the Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu be able to resist it?"

Before the words were finished, there was a buzzing sound, and the Gu worms, which had dropped more than a dozen feet, flapped their wings and fluttered again.

It was the turn of Meng Qiu and the others to be surprised. The light of the Great Five Elements Annihilation God is one of the top spells in Taoism, and it claims to be able to dissolve all things.

Even though Zheng Bagu hadn't achieved great success yet, the opposite Golden Silkworm Gu didn't suffer much damage after this blow, which is really unacceptable.

Her expression suddenly became dignified, the golden light rippled slightly, and immediately became layered, as if the rays of the morning sun shot out, separating three colors of different shades, very gorgeous.

The golden silkworm Gu was hit once, like being hit, it flew backwards, but it was faster than the light, after catching up, the light hits one after another to destroy it.

"Since you have made a move, you all stay here!" The green-robed patriarch suddenly moved, and the green light all over his body spread in all directions.

There was a loud creaking sound suddenly, but it came from the field below.In the calyx of the blossoming emerald jade, a little bit of light suddenly lit up.

The light rising up curled up, it was actually tens of thousands of Hundred Poisonous Golden Silkworm Gu.In the blink of an eye, the general will fly into the air and surround Meng Qiu and others.

One of them split out and came towards Zheng Bagu. When it met the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God, it only paused for a moment, then separated from the two sides, passed through the light, and reunited.

There was a creaking sound, like the sound of spring eating leaves.After the ten thousand golden stars merged into a cluster, they rushed towards the enemy without delay.

Zheng Bagu still glowed continuously.Although this method is ingenious, the Golden Silkworm Gu is not weak, and it is a solid body, advancing step by step.

Strange insects came from all directions, Meng Qiu hurriedly mobilized Yu Qian Liuli to isolate it from the outside.

But the golden silkworms fluttered on the blue light, densely packed, they opened their mouths and bit, easily tore off a piece, and swallowed it.

Meng Qiu immediately noticed that the mana in the magic weapon was draining very fast, and quickly retracted the light curtain, the blue light was thick, like an iron wall, and only then did he slightly stop the decline.

However, although the insect bite has slowed down, every bite can still take away a small amount of mana.

Chen Yufeng turned her head to look, indicating if she wanted to make a move.Meng Qiu understood the meaning, shook his head, and said, "Let me weigh it first!"

He first fired more than a hundred points of the Taiyi God Thunder, a series of explosions, and he couldn't get through it, even the Great Five Elements Extinction God's light couldn't break it, let alone his mana and Taoism.

Just for this, since it failed, Meng Qiu didn't try too much, and directly took out the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and with enough mana, he shot it out suddenly.

The light of the sword is like electricity, passing through it.Crashing into the insect swarm, with a few bangs, a dozen golden silkworm Gu exploded one after another.

Although the blow worked, Meng Qiu's expression was not good.Although this attack was not a unique move, it also consumed a lot of mana, he stabbed hundreds of Gu worms, but only killed a limited number of them.

Chen Yufeng raised her eyebrows and said, "It's amazing! It's a bit difficult to rely on you alone, so I'll help you."

She flashed out the blue light of Yuqian Liuli, fell into the field, faced the golden silkworm Gu flying from all directions, pulled out the sun, moon and five-star wheel, and raised it to the top of her head.

The sun, the moon, and the stars all shone together, and clusters of flames wrapped around the Gu worms, burning violently.As soon as the cold light swept away, countless Gu worms couldn't open their wings, and they were so cold that they kept falling down.

There is the power of Yuan magnetism in the starlight, but it is useless.Because this worm is neither gold nor iron, nor does it belong to the five elements, there is no way to absorb it.

Seeing this, Liu Quan was also eager to try. Without saying hello, he released the flying sword and slashed out.

He thought that this time, even if he couldn't surpass Meng Qiu, it would not be too far behind.

But it never occurred to him that after the Feijian slashed three Gu worms in a row, he had no energy left, and knocked on the fourth Gu worm, instead Bengfei retreated a bit.

This made Liu Quan inexplicably horrified.You must know that although his flying sword is not top-notch, it is not bad among his peers; even though his magic power is not high, he is still in the realm of the earth fairy.

He couldn't believe that even this little golden silkworm Gu couldn't break through.

In this moment of stupefaction, something went wrong.The sky was full of Gu worms, densely packed, more than a hundred of them immediately surrounded and bit Jian Guang.

Liu Quan hurriedly mobilized his mana, wanting to break free, but the Gu worms joined forces, and their mana was no small matter. They couldn't break free in time, and then thousands of golden silkworm Gu surged forward, forming a golden ball several feet long.

He used his mana desperately, his face was already flushed, but Fei Jian contacted him, and it became indistinct.

He prided himself on his sword skills, didn't prepare a decent magic weapon, and his Tao skills were poor, so he couldn't do anything, so he couldn't help asking Gongyehuang for help.

Meng Qiu shouted loudly, a red light flashed, and then there was a bang, and the thunder shook the sky.

As soon as the sword qi and thunder sound moved, Nanming Lihuo sword pierced into the ball, and the sword light exploded loudly, and the flames shot out in all directions.

A large area of ​​golden silkworm Gu creaked and died, Liu Quan contacted Feijian again, hurriedly turned around, opened a passage, and returned to the front.

Meng Qiu ignored him, killed more than a hundred Gu worms with this blow, and chased after the poor. With a turn of the sword light, it turned into a silk thread, condensed into a point, and every time he pricked forward, he could take another Gu worm.

"Smelting a sword into silk!" Liu Quan's tone was complicated.He has practiced this sword technique since he was a child, and he has become famous for it, of course he is very familiar with it.

It's just that his hard work of more than a hundred years can only be regarded as proficiency, like Meng Qiu's flying needle and thread, he is already proficient, and it is simply incomparable.

He couldn't help being frustrated, and couldn't pull up his strength for a while.

Gongye Huang saw the clue, and shouted: "You are young, and when you encounter setbacks, you are dejected, how can you improve in the future?

If you are like you, monks who have seen such figures as Changmei Daoist, Jile Daoist, and Master Lianshan, shouldn’t they all put down their thoughts of cultivation and go back to the mortal world to enjoy the blessings?

So what if other people are talented? Are you practicing Taoism to compare yourself with others?Practice is not for yourself, but for whom? "

These words were like enlightenment, and Liu Quan immediately came to his senses, his face flushed, and he said, "It was my jealousy that broke out, and I went mad."

He hurriedly cheered up, urged the flying sword, and killed Meng Qiu like Meng Qiu.

Even though his cultivation base is a bit poor, refining swords into silk is a top-notch swordsmanship. It is impossible to completely deal with the hundred poisonous golden silkworm Gu, but it is far enough to kill them one by one.

Meng Qiu and Liu Quan used their swords to cut off the Gu worms. Although Chen Yufeng did not kill them as fast as them, but the moon was extremely cold, and a large number of Gu worms were frozen, and they lost their combat power for a while.

The most ruthless is Zheng Bagu, who has released the Yin-Yang umbrella to defend, and concentrates on activating the Great Five Elements Extinction God Light, sweeping down one by one, the Gu insects will not die, and then come to the second floor.

The divine light is continuous, no matter how powerful the golden silkworm Gu is, it cannot withstand such a blow and disappears in pieces.

The green-robed patriarch wanted to push harder, glanced to the side, snorted softly, and said

"Little Red Thief, don't just stand by and watch the excitement. There are also Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi, let's fight together, don't let any one go today!"

Shang Heyang didn't want to come forward, took out the bone lock hammer, pointed at Chen Yufeng and said: "Last time you drove me away because of the large number of people, but this time it fell into my hands, let's see what else you can do."

"Then you can watch it!" Chen Yufeng shot first, urging the sun wheel, and dozens of big fireballs were born, hitting them like beads.

Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi were about to kill Meng Qiu, the green-robed patriarch shouted: "You two hold this girl surnamed Zheng for me, I'll kill her."

He came straight to Meng Qiu, Zheng Bagu was about to chase, Xin Chenzi and Tang Shi Qiqi took out a demon banner and waved it vigorously.

One yellow and one green, two puffs of smoke flew out from the streamer, twisted together, flew towards Bagu Zheng, circled around Bagu Zheng, then dispersed suddenly, turning into clouds and mist, enveloping people inside.

Zheng Bagu clasped his hands together, and the divine light shot out, and the yellow and green smoke immediately dispelled more than half of it.In an instant, it tossed again and closed again.

She frowned and shone again. The gap healed faster than last time. Obviously, the other party had made up her mind to trap her here and not be able to rescue her companion.

At other times, Zheng Bagu would naturally rush out desperately, but right now Gongyehuang is hiding behind, so Er is not in a hurry, slows down the attack, and breaks it with peace of mind.

Facing the menacing approach of the green-robed patriarch, Liu Quan couldn't help feeling a little nervous, saying:

"Fellow Daoist Meng, you left and right, as long as you join hands to block for a while, when Bagu comes out, the old demon will return without success."

But Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "Take back the flying sword."

Liu Quan thought that he wanted to guard the sword to protect himself, so he took Feijian back to his side.

Several people killed for a while, but the number of Gu worms was not many but many.

At this moment, the green-robed patriarch came to attack in person, and the golden silkworm Gu turned into a cloud, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, dimming the light.Thousands of golden lights flashed like shooting stars.

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Nanming Lihuo sword in mid-air shook, and two identical flying swords appeared on the spot. In the blink of an eye, four, eight, sixteen, more than a hundred swords were born.

These flying swords shot forward, still in mid-air, suddenly there was a blur, ten times more, facing each Gu worm, stabbing straight past.

But after hearing a burst of creaking and screaming, thousands of gold stars, like meteorites raining down, fell to the ground one after another.

The green-robed patriarch was taken aback, and said, "What kind of swordsmanship are you doing!"

The blow just now consumed all of Meng Qiu's mana, he could only smile a little, moved forward slowly, and said slowly:
"Sword light differentiation!"

(End of this chapter)

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