Chapter 238
"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Meng came from Admiralty Island." Qian Kang paused, and said, "I don't know how Fellow Daoist Ye introduced Dongtian of the Light Realm and the demon owl?"

Meng Qiu recounted the conversation just now in detail.

Qian Kang pondered for a while, and said: "Ye Daoyou and I jointly defended against the evildoers of Little Antarctic 47 Island, and we have known each other for 300 years, so we are fairly familiar with her.

There is nothing wrong with her description of the monster's ability, but she has concealed some key points about the effect of the cave of light, but it does not affect the purpose of your trip. "

"That's good!" Meng Qiu nodded, and said, "A whole family of Jinzhong Island has waited here for hundreds of years, and they came here just for that cave, so it's human nature to be on guard.

As long as there is no means of concealing the demon gnat, it is nothing if it is about our safety. "

Qian Kangdao: "Neither Ye Daoyou nor I have really experienced the methods of the demon gnats, and we don't know them well. If we really want to fight, we should be more cautious.

Even in my opinion, its lifespan is approaching, and it only has one or two hundred years to live. If it is not necessary, it is better not to provoke it. "

Meng Qiu said: "That's the truth. If a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall. It's just that we can find the demon corpse Gu Chen and retrieve a very important thing. We can't delay.

Now he is hiding in the light realm, and he is tolerant by nature. I am afraid that he will not be able to come out in a short time, so he can only find a way to attack. "

Hearing this, Qian Kang stopped persuading, and only said: "The situation in the Light Realm I know is the same as that described by Daoist Ye, so I won't repeat it.

It's just her hidden selfishness, which I can roughly guess.From Jin Zhongdao's family up and down, no generation can defeat that demon gnat.

Ye Daoyou's master back then had thought of using Master Lian Shan and Daoist Changmei to accomplish this.

But at that time, evildoers had already become a reality, even if the master and the real person made a move, it would take a lot of trouble.

The former Admiralty Island owner was not very kind, he just used the big hat of subduing demons and demons, and being compassionate, and put it on the heads of the two seniors, but there was no real reward.

The two seniors are aware of everything, of course they know her plan.Moreover, the Guangming Realm is located in a remote place, and no one else can come except monks, so I don't bother to pay attention to it.

After that, the island owner fell under the catastrophe, and now this matter has fallen on Fellow Daoist Ye Bin again. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while, then said with a smile: "Admiralty Island is not considered a top power in the South China Sea, how much wealth can it have.

Besides, if they could afford to invite Master Lianshan and Daoist Changmei, they would have a place in Zhongtu, so why go to such a biased place?
I think that the former Admiralty Island Master, who also knew the two seniors, would not be moved by her kind words.Apart from the idea of ​​giving it a try, I have no other ideas. "

Qian Kang was startled, and said, "What do you mean?"

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground, and said: "The Light Realm is not like this city that never sleeps, it has been completely occupied by fellow Taoists, so naturally it belongs to fellow Taoists.

Not to mention that there are demon gnats entrenched in the cave, even if it is an unowned thing, it cannot be that he has not been able to occupy Jinzhong Island for several lifetimes.

It was nothing more than fearing that Master Lianshan and Daoist Changmei would come and snatch it up, so he had to speak ahead of time.The two seniors naturally didn't like this, so they followed her way. "

Qian Kang thought about it carefully, and there were a lot of doubts in it, and then he sighed: "It seems that I am used to comforting here, and I didn't even think of such a simple reason.

If it were me, facing a treasure that I want day and night but can't get, I would probably be trembling. No matter who passes by, I think it's an idea for my treasure. "

Meng Qiu said: "It's true, even saints have selfish intentions, let alone us ordinary people.

It's just that they really have perseverance, and they have spent hundreds of years and generations of time for this cave.

But before I left Admiralty Island, Daoist Ye's attitude was very different. It seemed that he really hoped that Emei would send people over to help him attack the Guangming Realm Cave.

Although the lifespan of the monster gnat is not much left, it seems that Ye Daoyou can't stand it anymore, is it that her catastrophe is coming soon? "

Qian Kang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's not just a catastrophe, but also the upcoming catastrophe of ten thousand years.

This is what she deliberately concealed.According to the news I got by chance, the cave is very likely to help monks avoid the catastrophe of ten thousand years. "

Meng Qiulue opened his eyes and said, "Can you resist the catastrophe for ten thousand years? This is unbelievable. What fellow Taoists said is really unbelievable."

Qian Kangdao: "I also saw a few words from a damaged Taoist formula handed down in ancient times."

While speaking, he took out a piece of dark blue jade slip, and luckily brought it over.

Meng Qiu was not polite either, he held it in his hand, lifted up his soul, and inspected it carefully, only to see the opening statement in it:

"Since the universe has been opened up, clear and turbid have been separated... then there are spiritual palaces and mansions, jade universes and golden platforms, or formed by condensing qi, and condensed clouds are fictional..."

Looking further down, the text is intermittent, most of it is blurred, and only a few short words are left:
"Spiritual Elephant Works, the palaces and palaces are listed in the clear scenery; the secluded nature is condensed, and the caves are opened in the famous mountains. As for the Tiandong District, the high and the low are different; the calamity is good, the size is different..."

After Meng Qiu finished reading the fragment, he frowned and thought silently. After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"'The cave sky is complete, and even the end, the three elements of the universe, nine calamities, major disasters and minor disasters, cannot be disturbed, and their luck can be moved.'

Judging from this sentence, it is indeed said that after escaping into the cave, one can be isolated from the calamity outside. "

These texts are not obscure, but they contain profound truths, which are in the same line as the "Huangdi Neijing", and cannot be expressed unless they are of a very high level.

Even if this jade slip is not a magic spell handed down by an ancient monk, it must have been handed down by a great senior.

Meng Qiu returned the jade slips and said, "No wonder the Jinzhong Island lineage has been stationed here for nearly a thousand years and has never given up.

If this news gets out, I'm afraid we don't need to do anything. Those immortals from all over the world will swarm here to kill the demon gnats, and then fight to fight for this place. "

Qian Kang nodded and said: "It is because I am afraid that such things will happen that I bury this secret in my heart and dare not tell it.

I have self-knowledge, this kind of spiritual realm is not something I can get my hands on.But now Master Gongye has become a god, according to fellow Taoists, does he have any ideas? "

Meng Qiu said: "The effect of the cave is too great, I really can't figure out what senior Gongye is thinking. I will ask when I go back to see what his plan is."

He was about to leave, but when he turned his head and saw Qian Laian sitting quietly at the side, looking over with piercing eyes, he thought to himself, "It's not in a hurry at this moment."

Immediately follow Qian Kang to stay and stay for a few days.Most of the time, he was giving advice on Qian Lai's sword skills.

Although they are the same, they are also in the Sanxian realm, and Qian Lai is even older.But there is a world of difference between strength and reputation, so it is naturally impossible to talk about each other.

Qian Lai was very respectful, and Meng Qiu thought that the other party was also considered his own, so he did his best, and taught him all the secret swordsmanship.

But for a few days, although Qian Lai's aptitude is good, but he is not top-notch, he felt that it was difficult, so Meng Qiu stopped teaching and left.

When we arrived at Mangcang Mountain, we went back to the cave first, and saw that the drunken Taoist had left a letter, saying that it was about the matter of the ten thousand-year-old cold gnat in the light realm.

Meng Qiu changed his mind, went to Zaohua Cliff first, called Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, and came to Lingyu Cliff together.

Before it landed, a big bird shot straight up, like a sharp arrow shooting at the sun, and in the blink of an eye it became huge again, reaching a height of ten feet, flying down in the air, with extremely fierce momentum.

All of a sudden, the wind surged like a wave, and it was accompanied by a few croaks, which were extremely ear-piercing.

"Shenjiu, it's us!" Zheng Bagu said, and the voice passed through, and the bird immediately turned around and fell back into the cliff.

There was a black light floating on the body of the ancient god dove, and the body suddenly shrank to only five feet, the feathers were bright, and the brilliance flickered darkly.

With Gongyehuang's guidance, it finally understood the method of Qi training, its body can shrink freely, and it can talk, so it opened its mouth and said:
"It turned out to be some young masters! My eyes were blurred for a moment, and I couldn't see clearly. Don't blame me."

Zheng Bagu scolded: "Even if it's not us, you shouldn't be so arrogant and domineering. If other comrades see it, they will think that you don't understand etiquette, and you will lose the face of your uncle."

Immediately, the ancient god Jiu stood up with his feet together, raised his head, and dared not vent his breath.

Eighth Aunt Zheng snorted coldly, and said: "I have something important to deal with first, and then come to train me when I'm free. If you dare to do this next time, don't even think about keeping that bird feather."

The three of them went inside and waited for a while before Gongye Huang came over, still a little surprised, and said:

"The three of you are here. It seems that something big has happened. No wonder you want to call me out of retreat."

Meng Qiu recounted the overseas trip from the beginning, only hiding some secrets such as Mie Chenzi's whereabouts.

When he said that Xuan Zhenzi had made a move, Gongye Huang frowned fiercely, and said: "Before the Lianshan Sect collapsed, the Xiji Sect only had four elders, so it was already difficult to deal with.

Right now, there are six people, and they have geography. According to what Master Lianshan said before, they are no longer able to deal with monks who have just entered the realm of celestial beings.

And that Xuan Zhenzi didn't see him face to face, and he didn't see any powerful magic weapon used to suppress the opponent just by using spells. This level of cultivation is really terrifying.

With my current knowledge and strength, I can no longer judge how powerful he is.But I think it would be no worse than the heavenly immortals who took the first step like the two elders of the wilderness. "

Gongyehuang asked many details, Meng Qiu tried his best to reply, then he sighed and said: "Xuan Zhenzi has always been quiet, rarely made a move, and few Taoism was passed down.

Although he is one of the Three Immortals of the East China Sea, the world at most only puts him together with Ascetic Toutuo, thinking that he is inferior to Qi Shuming.

Looking at it now, he is worthy of being the first apprentice of Daoist Changmei, and among Emei, others may not be as good as him. "

Meng Qiu thought of Miechenzi, who had a frighteningly high talent, and even found a different way in Taoism, not to let the predecessors.

It's just that it's really hard for others to know this secret, and it's hard for him to refute, so he had to say:
"Emei Five Heroes, none of them should be bad, otherwise, how could they still stand upright after Master Changmei ascended to the ascension.

Miechenzi is unfathomable; and in Qingluoyu, although the ascetic toutuo only made a move once, but thinking about it now, it still feels mysterious.

As for Jian Bingru, she only heard of her name and never heard of any other news.And Qi Shuming recognized that the qualification of the second generation of Emei was the first, which is quite extraordinary after all. "

"I have seen Headmaster Emei. At that time, he was full of vigor and sharpness. Although he was young, he was very capable."

Gongye Huang said: "I don't know what it looks like now. But it must be much stronger than before.

Since Qi Shuming became the head teacher of Emei, in the past hundred years, people rarely talked about his cultivation, and most of them praised him as a leader and respected by Wanliu
It is said that his mountain bears Haihan, Yuan Chunyue stands firm, profound kung fu, profound Taoism, well-thought-out wisdom, and unpredictable opportunities. "

This series of praises is not an exaggeration. In fact, many middle-earth monks, especially casual cultivators, think so.

Meng Qiu had never seen this person before, but judging from the last time the drunk Taoist was dispatched as a pioneer and almost died, Qi Shuming's senses were not good, and he curled his lips and said:
"A monk must speak with his strength after all. Even if outsiders praise him more, once his cultivation base cannot keep up, the position of head teacher may not be secure."

He was talking about Miechenzi, but Gongyehuang thought it was Xuanzhenzi, so he said: "Xuanzhenzi's temperament is weak, so he won't be unable to let go of the head of the sect.

But now that he has become a fairy, Emei will definitely publicize it.As I expected, I will definitely take the initiative to attack in the future to deal with the evil spirits in the north headed by the Wutai faction. "

This statement coincided with what Qian Kang thought.Meng Qiu was going to find an opportunity to go to Wudang Mountain to see what half of the old nuns thought.

If there is a sign of a big war, he has to be more careful.Emei is still scruples about the influence, so he didn't send powerful people to hunt him down.

Once the war starts, they will definitely not care about so many rules and regulations, and will act much more unscrupulously.

But these are all things for later, Meng Qiu is now looking for it because of the usefulness of the Bright Realm.

He escaped from Yaoshi Guchen, Xuan Zhenzi practiced the law, and continued to chase and kill in the Little Antarctic, focusing on the Bright Realm Dongtian that he had heard from Ye Bin and Qian Kang.

"Senior, if that place is really as described in the incomplete jade slip and has such miraculous effects, is it worth fighting for?"

Gongye Huang said: "You guessed right. The former master of Jinzhong Island once wanted to join the Lianshan Sect as a condition in exchange for Master Lianshan's hand to deal with the Wanzai Hanyu.

But the master saw that her motives were not pure, and she didn't mean it sincerely. In fact, he wanted the master to admit that the light realm belonged to him on Admiralty Island.

Therefore, he neither agreed to her request, nor even the idea of ​​joining a religion.Later, we were even warned not to have too much contact with her, lest we be tricked and not know it. "

Gong Yehuang was not very interested in the Bright Realm, and said: "To me, the cave is like a chicken rib. I have already been promoted to the Celestial Immortal, and I will face catastrophe sooner or later.

If you are afraid in your heart and hide for a while, your cultivation can certainly increase a lot.

But you have also seen that the last time I crossed the tribulation, the wind, fire, thunder and calamity did not use so much mana, no matter how much it was accumulated, it would not have much effect in essence.On the contrary, avoiding the battle will consume courage, and it will be difficult for the demons to die. "

He looked to the side again, and said: "Bagu is lonely and Yufeng is tough, so I shouldn't look down on such a coincidental method, don't worry about the cave, just practice hard.

As for the ten-thousand-year catastrophe, which has yet to come, no one can say for sure what it will look like.It may be useless to make so many preparations, and it is unknown. "

Meng Qiu understood, and said: "Since that's the case, I'll take the time to reply to Qian Kang, lest he still have expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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