Chapter 239
In the blink of an eye for half a year, Meng Qiu was retreating in the cave, when suddenly there was some movement from outside, a visitor came to visit.

With the aid of the formation, he saw that standing on the reception platform were the real person of Ji Le and the little Tong Shisheng.

Meng Qiu was greatly surprised, and interrupted his practice, secretly speculating about the intention of the other party, while rushing to the door to greet him.

"This place is really ingeniously built, with extraordinary craftsmanship and ingenuity. I don't know which expert arranged it?"

Master Ji Le put his hands behind his back, looked up at the waterfall falling straight from mid-air, and fell into the vast clouds, full of admiration.

Meng Qiu went up to see Li, and said: "All the arrangements inside and outside the cave are all made by fellow Taoist Luhua of Wudang Gushexianlin."

While speaking, he led the other party into the clouds and mist, passed through a secluded forest in front of the cliff, arrived in front of the waterfall, and then went into the cave from the left.

A white sword pierced straight down and passed through the high cliff, like a brilliant sword coming from the sky, very majestic.

This kind of scene made the real person of Ji Le even more amazed.Shi Sheng beside him also stared wide-eyed, without blinking.

After entering the cave, the real man of bliss said: "Suck the micro liquid of the flying spring, and cherish the Huaying of Wanyan. The jade color is full of slenderness, and the essence is pure and strong.

Just staying in this cave for a while is refreshing.If you can live for a long time, how can you not become enlightened? "

After sitting down to serve tea, the real person got to the point and said: "This time I have taken the liberty to visit the door because I have an urgent matter, and I want to ask my fellow Taoist for help.

I don't know if you've heard that the great wise monk is going to hold a marriage meeting recently? "

Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "I have very little contact with Buddhist sects, and I have never heard much about them.

In recent days, they are all in seclusion again, and there is no news, and no friends have mentioned any conferences. . "

"Sure enough, I know those bald thieves who talk about opening the door to convenience, but are actually very selfish in their hearts."

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "Since you don't know, let me explain it slowly for you.

Let’s talk about the identity of the great wise monk first. He is also known as Zen Master Zhigong, and he lives in seclusion in the ice cave of Qinglianyu under the steep valley of Daxue Mountain.

Although his name is not prominent, he is far less famous than Tianmeng and Zunsheng, and even in many cases, he is not as famous as Monk Baimei.

But in terms of actual cultivation, he is also a figure who ranks third or fourth in the Buddhist sect, and he is indistinguishable from Fentuo. Both of them were promoted to heaven more than a hundred years ago.

This great wise monk has always been just practicing penance, not caring about worldly affairs, and seldom interacting with other sects.But for some reason, more than half a year ago, there was a sudden news that such a marriage meeting would be held.

What did he say that he had made a great wish before, if he could become a fairy, he must give back to the world.Originally, after the promotion, it was time to act, but the realm was not stable enough, so it was postponed until now.

Young talents from all over the world are invited, as long as they are Sanxian or below, they can go to the assembly and listen to him talk about the way of cultivation and crossing the catastrophe.

This is not a big deal, but every big school has the same experience records, what he said may not be good.

The key point is that the monk said that after the sermon, a trial will be set up, and the winner will get a treasure as a reward.

It's fine if it's any other magic weapon, but this one is extraordinary. It's called the Seven Treasures Golden Banner. It was sacrificed by the Buddha himself and left in the human world when he became enlightened.

This treasure is attached with seven treasures and rare treasures, all dharma will not touch it, all evils will not invade it, the defense is so strong that there is no one in the world that can match it, the power is magical and inconceivable. "

Meng Qiu was a little surprised, and said: "How can the Buddhist sect be willing to give such a powerful thing to others? Could it be some conspiracy?"

Master Ji Le said: "Based on what I know about them, they say nicely that they have equal opportunities to come, but secretly, I'm afraid they have a connection with a certain faction. Most likely it's Emei.

At least this great wise monk said that he was making good connections, but in reality, he was also intentionally selecting candidates.

All the young talents who are qualified to seize the Seven Treasures Golden Building, all the great sects, are not missed.

Among the sects, only well-known monks and disciples will be invited.The casual cultivators with poorer backgrounds may not get any news. "

"That's right, this is like their style of handling things." Meng Qiu smiled and said:

"However, the senior came to see me, so why not tell me to go to the Qinglian Valley to participate in the competition for the magic weapon?"

"Right or wrong." True Master Ji Le said: "Speaking of young talents, who in the world can match you?

Since the Buddhist sect didn't even notify you, it obviously doesn't want you to get involved and steal other people's opportunities.

If you go by yourself, whether there is any danger is another matter, you will definitely not get the magic weapon.

Anyway, those monks are used to playing tricks, and when the time comes, they will say 'no fate for you', what can you do?

I came to you because I really wanted you to take you there, but I didn't want to support you in fighting for the Seven Treasures Golden Building alone, but to ask you to help Shi Sheng and help him win this treasure.

I can't use this magic weapon, but I have to consider it for my junior.Great changes are imminent, and there will be many catastrophes. It is inevitable that there will be times when I can't take care of him.

As for Shi Sheng's child, his practice years are still young, and his Taoism is not enough. If he encounters a strong enemy, he does not have some strong means, and it is difficult to protect himself.

If he can get this seven-treasure golden building, except for the heavenly immortals and a few top-notch earth immortals, no one else in the world has the ability to hurt him. "

Only then did Meng Qiu understand, after thinking about it for a while, he didn't want to get involved, and just as he was about to politely refuse, Master Ji Le spoke first:

"Of course, I can't let you contribute in vain. As long as you are willing to make a move and put your mind into it, whether it succeeds or not, I am willing to do the same for you once, as long as the matter is not too outrageous.

If you have made great efforts in Shisheng's capture of the Seven Treasures Golden Building, then I can also warn Emei not to trouble you until you become an earth immortal, how about it? "

Meng Qiu immediately swallowed the words of refusal, suppressed the thought of agreeing immediately, and said, "Senior, can you allow me to think about it for a few days?"

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "It's natural. For such a big matter, you shouldn't listen to my one-sided words, so you immediately believed it.

You also have friends in Emei, so you can go and find out the ins and outs of the matter.

It is best to ask the attitude of the Buddhist sect, the great wise monk, whether he is willing or not, and you go to fight for the golden banner of the seven treasures. "

After he finished speaking, he didn't stay long, stopped for a while, and then returned to the Frost Cave of Rabbit Cliff.

After Meng Qiu sent the real person away, he simply closed the cave, went straight to Zaohua Cliff, called Chen Yufeng out, and asked her if she knew about the Buddhist practice.

Chen Yufeng replied: "I have heard of the name of Zen Master Dazhi, but he is not in the same line as Youtan, if there is a secret in this matter, I will not tell Youtan.

But I know a few buddhist buddhists more or less, and I will reply to you when I go out and ask. "

When she went out, Meng Qiu also went to the evil spirit village, met the drunk Taoist, and explained the purpose of coming.

I thought he didn't know much, but he didn't want the other party to say: "I happen to know what you said. But it involves Emei's plan, if you don't ask, I can't take the initiative to talk about it.

Do you remember that more than half a year ago, I told you that Emei would go to Xiaonanji Guangming Realm to hunt down and kill Gu Chen without your intervention?
The Great Wisdom Zen Master's karma meeting has something to do with this matter.The Seven Treasures Golden Building was originally prepared to deal with the demon gnats. "


It turned out that after Taoist Zui and Meng Qiu separated that day, they went to the East China Sea to fish Aoji, and told Xuan Zhenzi the news they got from Ye Bin on Jinzhong Island.

Xuan Zhenzi thought for a while and said: "The special feature of the Little Antarctic Lighting Realm was mentioned by Master back then.

His old man's original intention was to get rid of the demon gnats and prepare an overseas Befu for Emei.

But the former owner of Admiralty Island, Ziyun and their sect, had been waiting in Little Antarctica for almost a thousand years, begging Master to take action, and speaking against him, preventing Master from occupying that place.

There are many heavens and blessed places overseas, so the master naturally didn't want to fight with the opponent, so he gave up the idea, but he didn't want to be used by others, so he didn't make a move.

Now the demon corpses are fleeing, collaborating with Wanzai Hanyu, trying to deal with them, it is troublesome and simple.

The trouble is that the cave is different from the cave, it is self-contained, if there is no great formation or the blessing of the treasure, just attacking from the outside is like scratching an itch, and it will not have much effect.

And the demon gnat has been operating in the cave for many years, just as Island Master Ye said, its cultivation level is close to that of a fairy, even if I go in, I may not be able to beat it.

And the key point is that once it loses to the enemy, it will be able to disconnect the cave from the universe immediately. If there is no defense, the cave will drift into the void, and no one knows what the consequences will be.

To put it simply, I just need to send out a large array of dust particles from the Liangyi Liuhe, and once life, death, illusion, extinction, darkness, and light come out, even this small cave can't escape.

But in this way, once the opponent resists strongly and the formation is too refined, everything inside will be turned into fly ash.

In this way, on the one hand, Zhuge policeman, I can't avenge the past, and on the other hand, the ten thousand year Wen Yu will definitely not survive. "

"This is not possible! This is no different from failure, why should we bother?"

The drunk Taoist immediately asked: "Is there no other way? According to senior brother, what should we do?"

Xuan Zhenzi said: "It's okay for me to contribute, but I'm not good at making suggestions. I still need to ask Junior Brother Qi to think of a way."

The two flew back to Mount Emei. Qi Shuming was a little surprised to see Xuan Zhenzi so rarely. After the Taoist Zui finished talking about the incident, he pondered for a while before saying:

"The conflict between our faction and the evildoers headed by the Wutai faction is deepening day by day, and there may be a big battle in the near future.

Under such circumstances, the Liangyi Mote Formation serves as the foundation of the Zhenjiao, and should not be moved lightly, lest people see the flaws. "

The drunk Taoist was a little anxious, and said: "Then what should we do? You can't let the senior brother take the risk of going deep into the cave of light, right?"

"Junior Brother, don't worry!" Qi Shuming said unhurriedly: "It's not easy to deal with Wan Zai Hanyu, but it's not impossible.

In fact, this light realm is quite small, there is no need to use the Liangyi Mote Formation, and there are other things that can restrain it.

As long as the magic weapon seals the void and locks the cave, then the senior brother can enter it calmly, and then invite some fellow Taoists to help, so that the monster gnats and monster corpses have nowhere to escape. "

The drunk Taoist asked: "What kind of magic weapon can have such great power?"

"The Golden Building of the Seven Treasures of Buddhism." As soon as Qi Shuming said it, Xuan Zhenzi suddenly realized, and said: "It turns out that it is this magic weapon, and it can indeed do this.

But this treasure is in the hands of Zen Master Dazhi, and he is somewhat dependent on it when he sees that he is about to pass through an immortal calamity, so he might not want to lend it out? "

Zui Taoist didn't know the origin of this treasure, and wanted to ask a question, but Qi Shuming spoke first, saying:
"Brother, do you still remember the agreement between your mentor and the crazy monk?"

Xuan Zhenzi asked back: "You mean, the three generations of Emei since the master will give up three disciples to Buddhism?"

"That's right, that's the matter." Qi Shuming said: "In our generation, Junior Sister Shen Xiu became a monk halfway, and switched to Xinru Shenni's sect.

Among the disciples of the next generation, Xia'er and Sister Fanxia exchanged sects, and after all, Master Youtan is not considered the core elder of the Buddhist sect, so he cannot be counted.

Therefore, it is necessary to select one person from all the disciples to join the Buddhism.I prefer Li Hong, and I originally wanted to send him to Zen Master Tianmeng, but Zen Master was a little hesitant as his ascension was imminent.

Right now, Zen Master Dazhi is also just right.If this is the reason, send Hong'er there, and at the same time give him the Luohan Chan Sutra as agreed.

I think to him, a mere Buddhist treasure is important, but according to the teachings of the Buddha, it cannot be taken to the heavens, and in any case it is not comparable to the way of Arhat recorded in the Zen scriptures.

You must know that what is recorded in this second Zen sutra is the venerable Ayan Shuliluo who ranks No. 40 among the five hundred arhats. "

At this point, the drunk Taoist was already a little confused and couldn't get in his mouth.

But Xuan Zhenzi nodded and said: "If you plan according to this, this method is indeed feasible."

He explained to the drunk Taoist: "The mad monk did a great favor to the master back then, and because he was about to pass away, he asked the master to help him find a few people from the Buddhist sect to pass on the three volumes of scriptures that he had worked so hard to pass on.

These three volumes of scriptures record the [-] arhats who were differentiated by the Buddha in the Western Paradise according to the Shinto skills.

As long as you get a scripture, once you succeed in cultivation, you can occupy this honorary position in advance. After ascending, the fruit position will match with yourself, and your realm and mana will immediately increase.

Even in the mortal world, one can borrow some methods and powers of Arhat, which is wonderful.

People in Buddhism have the most selfishness.One counts as one, and none of them can escape this temptation.Even if the heart was like a god nun who was so powerful in the world back then, it was the same. "

Xuan Zhenzi explained a few words hastily, and then said to Zui Taoist: "You don't need to know too much, just wait for Junior Brother Qi to come forward and get things done."

The drunken Taoist thought for a while and said, "Then how should I reply to Meng Qiu?"

Qi Shuming said: "Emei's affairs can be resolved by Emei herself, there is no need to ask outsiders to get involved, not to mention that person has a grudge against Emei.

Just tell me what you say, don't mention this person in front of Senior Sister Baiyun, otherwise troubles will arise. "


Taoist Zui told Meng Qiu at this point, "I followed the instructions of Headmaster Qi, and came to Mangcang Mountain just now, and saw that you were not here, so I left you a letter.

After a few trips to Emei, I slowly got some news from my nephew, police officer Zhuge.

It is said that after the head teacher found Zen Master Dazhi that day, the other party naturally agreed, but the seven-treasure golden pillar is the most precious treasure left by the Buddha, and its significance is not trivial.

Although it fell into his hands, it's okay for the Zen master to use it himself. If he wants to pass it on to others, he must be famous as a master, so it's not easy to show too obvious selfishness.

So he thought of a way, as you heard, to make some kind of matchmaking conference, and send invitations to all major sects and many Gaozhen sects.

Many young talents who have not reached the realm of the earth and fairy have been invited. They say they are choosing a successor, but in fact they have already decided. The successor of the magic weapon is Li Hong sent by me.

There are many twists and turns in this matter, and it is also related to the sect's plan, so it is naturally difficult for me to find you.

But since you have heard about it yourself, I will tell you the details. As long as you don't tell the outside world, you won't be sorry for the sect. "

Only then did Meng Qiu understand the twists and turns, and said, "Then, even if I fight for it in the past, I will definitely not be able to fight for it?"

"If there is a fair competition, I don't think anyone is your opponent." Drunk Taoist said:
"But I guess, Master Qi has far-reaching wisdom, so he will naturally prevent you from knowing about this gathering, so he must have made preparations in advance.

Anyway, Buddhism all talk about fate, if Zen Master Dazhi insists on taking sides, no matter what, the golden banner of the seven treasures will not reach your hands. "

Having said that, he sighed and said in a complicated tone:
"Anyway, you are not a person who is greedy for magic weapons, and the matter of Yang Da can be resolved satisfactorily, why don't you give up, lest the enmity with Emei will deepen.

This time the matter is too big, if you really want to obstruct it, you have offended both Emei and Fomen, I think the person who chases after you will no longer be Senior Sister Baiyun. "

(End of this chapter)

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