Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 240 Determined to Fight

Chapter 240 Determined to Fight
After careful consideration, Taoist Zui told Meng Qiu some of the inside story of this meeting, also for the sake of the other party.

Regardless of Emei or Buddhism, the power is far beyond what Meng Qiu can handle right now. If they really got involved, even if Gongye Huang stepped forward, it would be difficult to end.

Meng Qiu was also a little embarrassed, sighed, and said, "Do you know who told me this news?"

Without waiting for the drunken Taoist to speak, he said to himself: "It's the real man of bliss! He has already planned to ask the younger generation to attend this matchmaking meeting and compete for the seven treasures golden building."

Taoist Zui was taken aback, and said: "This, this, why did the old man suddenly move his heart?"

"It's not that the things that Zen Master Dazhi brought out are too attractive." Meng Qiu said, "This kind of defensive treasure is extremely rare. If it can save your life at a critical moment, who wouldn't be tempted?"

There are countless types of magic weapons in the world, but most of them win by attacking, very few can defend, and there are very few top ones.

As far as Meng Qiu knew, there was only the Seven Treasures Golden Building that could compete with the Ziqing Twin Swords, the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and the Zhou CD-ROM.

As for the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler obtained by Ling Hun, it may also be counted, but the effect of this magic weapon is not just for defense.

There are not many magic weapons of the same kind at the next level, and each one can be called famous.

For example, Meng Qiu got half of the old nun's piece of Yuqian Liuli. From the foundation establishment to the present, the flying sword magic weapon in his hand has been changed several times. Only this defensive treasure is still irreplaceable, and it has helped him overcome many difficulties.

The reason is not because he couldn't find a better defensive magic weapon.

This time the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar was born, if it wasn't in the hands of a celestial being like Zen Master Dazhi, he would have thought about it.

Zui Taoist naturally understood this truth, he couldn't help but frowned, thought for a while, and then said: "I think since Headmaster Qi dared to come up with this idea, he must have a plan.

Even if Master Ji Le intends to do it, as long as he does not act personally, who is destined and who is not, in the end it does not depend on the thoughts of Zen Master Dazhi. "

Meng Qiu chuckled, and said: "Since Master Ji Le intends to help his juniors compete for the Seven Treasures Golden Tower, do you think he will allow Emei and Zen Master Dazhi to succeed in their secret affair?
As long as there is a little bit of unfairness, let's see if the real person will have a good temper, and laugh to see that Emei has the magic weapon in his pocket.

Of course, if you want to say that headmaster Qi's beloved apprentice, Li Hong, will definitely be able to outperform the juniors trained by the real person himself, then naturally you don't need to pay attention to it. "

Zui Taoist carefully recalled the life story and temperament of Master Ji Le, and it was indeed not so easy to be fooled, so he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and said: "Oh, this is self-defeating."

Zen Master Dazhi's original intention was to accept Li Hong as an apprentice through this meeting, and complete the second agreement between his mentor and the crazy monk.

At that time, he got a volume of Arhat Buddhist scriptures, and at the same time, in the name of Li Hong, he temporarily lent the Seven Treasures Golden Building to Emei to complete the transaction.

As long as things are reasonable and not so obvious, Tianmeng, Zunsheng, and Fentuo will definitely have nothing to say.

The rest of Kunlun, Wudang, Wutai, Huashan, and Emei were not worried either. Who would have expected that they would alarm the long-lost Daoist Bliss.

Thinking of this, the drunk Taoist continued: "Actually, I don't care about the ownership of the Seven Treasures Golden Building.

Anyway, even if this magic weapon falls into Li Hong's hands, Emei can only be considered as a borrower, and it can only be transferred in the Buddhist sect in the future.

It's just that this treasure is very effective in breaking the Little Antarctic Light Realm at the moment.Once it falls into the hands of Daoist Ji Le, it is almost impossible to lend it out.

At that time, if Wanzai Hanyu and Yaoshi Guchen couldn't be killed, Yang Da and Zhuge's nephew would all have their futures ruined. "

Meng Qiu said: "This is where I am hesitant. If Emei is sure of winning, then I don't have to make a move. Otherwise, if I give up and Emei can't get it, wouldn't both sides lose?"

The drunken Taoist said: "Then Yiyou means that he is going to fight for the Seven Treasures Golden Building himself?"

"Of course not." Meng Qiu shook his head, and said, "You also know that Headmaster Qi and the Buddhist sect have planned for a long time, and they will definitely not ask me to win the championship.

During the period, he made some conspiracies to exclude me, and the real person of Ji Le had no reason to stand up for me, and it was not a useless thing.

Besides, even if I can really win the golden banner of seven treasures, what's the use?

Only by senior Gongye alone, he was unable to go deep into the cave to kill the demon gnat if he settled down to the cave sky in the light realm.He entered the cave, but no one can control this treasure.

If I want to cooperate with Emei, it is unclear who will enter the cave and who will hold the treasure. I am afraid that neither side can trust the other.

After all, as long as the people who are in charge of the seven treasures and golden banners outside do bad things, the angels inside will be in danger of drifting into the void. "

"Then how do we do it?" The drunk Taoist saw that he couldn't do left or right, he was very anxious.

Meng Qiudao: "True Master Ji Le came to me, of course not to support me to compete for the leader of the Marriage Ceremony, but hoped that I would help his junior to get the Seven Treasures Golden Building.

After his promise is fulfilled, he is willing to make a move for me.All the problems mentioned above will not be solved easily.

As long as the Seven Treasures Golden Building falls into his hands, then I can take advantage of the situation and ask him to help solve the Wanzai cold cockles. "

Daoist Zui was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This is also a way. But if Emei can't get that treasure, it will be very uncomfortable."

"It's best if I don't get it!" Meng Qiu said flatly, "The seven-treasure golden building is too powerful. If it falls into the hands of Master Qi's lineage, how will I be buried in the future?"

He seems to be at ease right now, but he is actually in a crisis, and the pressure on Emei is always there.

Although Meng Qiu didn't know what the other party was waiting for, he also understood that once the other party freed his hand, let alone a fairy like Xuan Zhenzi, even if the ascetic Toutuo made a move, it would be very difficult for him to block it.

Even Emei sent out only three generations of disciples, carrying famous magic weapons such as Ziqing Twin Swords, Zhou CD-ROM, Yuanyang Thunderbolt Sword, and Qixiu Sword, which were enough for him to have a headache.Coupled with the Seven Treasures and Golden Building, you can't even escape.

The drunk Taoist was silent for a long time, before he said: "The matter has come to this, what can we do? You have to help the younger generation of the real person of Ji Le to seize the golden building of seven treasures, and it will be even more difficult to bridge the conflict afterwards.

One side is my sect, and the other side is my best friend in life, no one can help.I only hope that Yang Dan can survive this calamity in peace and stability, and let the rest be at peace. "

"Everyone has a predestined relationship, that's exactly how it should be." Meng Qiu said: "The monks seek to be detached, seniors don't need to be too entangled."

The drunken Taoist nodded and said, "Since you have made a decision, I am not going to say much. It's just that if Daoist Ji Le wants to participate in the Dharma Assembly, I have to inform Senior Brother and Headmaster Qi."

"Of course, you can't hide this matter for a few days if you want to." Master Ji Le didn't ask Meng Qiu to hide it, so naturally he wasn't afraid of leaking the news.

The two separated at this point, and Meng Qiu got the news of the marriage meeting from here, so he didn't go to Wudang to inquire, and went back to Mangcang Mountain directly.

When they arrived at Zaohuaya, Chen Yufeng had already returned, and she spoke first:

"I've inquired about it, and it turns out that Zen Master Dazhi is indeed planning to hold a marriage ceremony. Just three months later, in the Qinglian Valley of Daxue Mountain.

However, those few friends of mine don’t know much about it. Just like what you said, we Earth Immortals are not qualified to participate, so we can only go there to cheer for our disciples.

And this Dharma meeting, although the door is wide open, but most of the world's big sects, as well as some famous fairy families, are invited.

Most of the rest of the unknown casual practitioners have not heard of this matter; there are some who don't even know where this Zen master is stationed in Xixi, and they can't find the way to go there. "

"If you inquire about this, do you really have thoughts about the seven-treasure golden building?" Zheng Bagu waited for her to finish speaking, and asked Meng Qiu directly, saying:
"I advise you not to act rashly. People in the Buddhist sect have always been uninterested. How can you disclose the treasure left by the Buddha to others? There must be something strange in it.

I guess they deliberately made this scene of excitement in order to strengthen the momentum of Buddhism.In the end, the seven-treasure golden pillar will still fall into the hands of Buddhist disciples.

Anyway, they talk about karma all day long, and shut their mouths about karma.Who has the guts to question the success of a fairy? "

Killing the demon corpse Guchen, going to Wanzai Wenyu, and saving Yang Da, these series of things, although they were all Meng Qiu's personal affairs, involved Emei, so he never wanted Zheng Bagu and others to get involved.

Just ambiguously, he said: "It's not me, but Daoist Ji Le came forward and asked me to help his junior get this treasure, and promised to help me once afterwards.

I was afraid that there was fraud in it, so I wanted to find out and judge whether it was worth it, so that I could reply to him. "

When it came to No.1 in the world, Zheng Bagu looked a little solemn, and said: "The real person has great powers, what else do you need?"

"After all, he didn't do it himself. Who can estimate the situation." Meng Qiu didn't want to say too much, but said:

"Since the matter is true, then I have nothing to worry about. A real person makes a rare promise, so naturally he can't miss it. Whether it's dealing with important matters or keeping Emei on guard, it's not a loss."

He made up his mind, but he was not in a hurry, and wentssiping with his two companions until the third day before he left and went to the Xuanshuang Cave of Tuerya.

Yang Li and Lu Rongbo welcomed him in. The real person of Ji Le had been waiting by the side, besides Shi Sheng, Cui Haike was also there.

There is also a middle-aged Taoist, who looks the oldest, has a ethereal temperament, and an extraordinary demeanor. It is Lu Min who is known as the "Golden Immortal of the Land".

The two sides sat down, and Master Ji Le laughed and said, "Friend Daoist Meng, are you ready to deal with this matter?"

"The eyes of a real person are like torches." Meng Qiu replied immediately without beating around the bush:
"I went out to inquire about it, and it is true that Zen Master Dazhi is going to hold a matchmaking meeting, and he will bring out the Seven Treasures Gold Building, and give it to the next test for the first name.

In addition, I also inquired a little news from a few friends, it seems that Emei participated in it early, and will send the next disciple to devote himself to Buddhism. "

Master Ji Le nodded, and said: "This is the agreement between Daoist Elder Eyebrow and the crazy monk back then, not many people know about it."

He also briefly mentioned the past that Taoist Zui said, and said: "It seems that Qi Xia'er, the daughter of Master Qi who cast herself under the Youtan sect, is not recognized by Buddhism.

But in this way, this marriage ceremony is not so simple.Apart from Monk Dazhi, Tianmeng and Zunsheng would also join in the fun. "

Hearing the name of the Buddhist monk, Meng Qiu was a little puzzled, and said, "If that's the case, can seniors guarantee that the Dharma conference will be held to the end and still be fair?"

Master Ji Le said indifferently: "Three or four of them join forces, I am naturally no match, so I have no choice but to flee.

However, are they doing this to offend me completely, and then stay together forever? "

Meng Qiuming understood.Even Zen Master Tianmeng, the number one monk in the Buddhist sect, only survived two calamities, and he wanted to soar. Compared with the real person of Ji Le, his strength was significantly different, and he obviously didn't dare to do things to the extreme.

Master Ji Le continued to laugh and said, "Besides, Monk Dazhi's handwriting is too big this time, and I am not the only one who is tempted.

Last time I met Fairy Biwen Yanmu, and I heard that she also wanted to call her grandnephew Yan Renying, so that she could compete for this opportunity. "

Meng Qiu thought for a while and said: "Buddhism is our family, and the participants must have been carefully selected; among the disciples of Emei, there are quite a few powerful ones; now there is Yan Renying.

I would like to ask senior, this Fellow Daoist Shi Sheng, is he confident in dealing with these people.

After all, even if I make a move, it can only be used as a support.The key point must be grasped by Fellow Daoist Shi himself. "

"Don't worry here. The juniors I personally teach will not be worse than others." The real person of Ji Le said:

"Besides, you don't have to worry. Feel free to take action when you are in trouble. If there is any trouble, I will take it on my own. Those old bald people in the Buddhist sect still have this measure, and I won't blame you, a junior.

However, this move will inevitably offend Emei and some other sects, and I don't think you will care about it. "

"There are pros and cons. I can still afford this trouble." Meng Qiu said, "However, after the matter is completed, I will make a reservation in advance for the senior's attack."

"Oh, what do you want me to do?" Master Ji Le was a little surprised, and said, "Don't think about it, did you decide so soon?"

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "The real person should know that the Lingyu Cliff where Senior Gongye lives now was originally owned by the demon corpse Guchen.

Last time I presided over it, several fellow Taoists attacked together, trying to kill him, but he escaped swiftly, and thus forged a deep hatred.

It just so happened that Zhuge, a disciple of Emei, policed ​​me, and had a grudge against him long ago.The last time they chased and killed together, he was forced to enter the Little Antarctic Light Realm, where he was sheltered under the ten-thousand-year-old cold gnat.

If you want to cut grass and roots, you must get rid of the light realm, and the real people must know how difficult it is.

If Fellow Daoist Shi did not participate in this Dharma meeting of Zen Master Dazhi, most of the Seven Treasures Golden Pedestal would fall into Emei's hands, and the problem would be solved easily.

But now that the seniors want to make a move, Emei will not act rashly without this treasure locked in the cave.

Their family has a big business, and they are not afraid of the ghost corpse. I am a lonely family and I don't want to leave a hidden danger.

If the Seven Treasures Golden Building is really captured by Fellow Daoist Shi, then I would like to ask the real person to help me completely eliminate the demon gnats and demon corpses. "

Master Ji Le pondered for a while, and said, "Will Fellow Daoist Gongye make a move at that time?"

"But it depends on the arrangement of the real person." Meng Qiu said: "If necessary, I can also ask to move."

"Okay! I agree with this matter." Master Ji Le immediately agreed, and said with a smile: "There is still three months before the Fa Conference, so you stay here first.

Grind your guns before the battle, and you will be happy if you are unhappy.Firstly, since you and Shi Sheng are joining forces, you still need to know each other a little bit in order to cooperate with each other tacitly.

Secondly, let me give you some pointers to strive for a higher level of strength, so that you can be more confident! "

(End of this chapter)

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