Chapter 241
Being able to be taught by the real person of bliss is really a rare opportunity, Meng Qiu would not refuse, he couldn't help being overjoyed, first went to Zaohuaya to tell Zheng Bagu and the two of them, and then hurried back.

Master Ji Le led all the juniors to the back mountain of the cave mansion, and said, "Fellow Daoist Meng is no stranger to this place. I heard from Rong Bo that you were here to teach her and Yang Li swordsmanship.

At that time, I was very curious about what kind of outstanding person, with such a high level of swordsmanship, it took only half a month of kung fu to bring the two of them to a higher level of swordsmanship.

Today coincides with the meeting, can you show me something?How about asking Lu Min to be your opponent? "

Now that the real person of Ji Le has spoken, Meng Qiuyan will not follow, and immediately said: "In this way, I will show my shame in front of the real person."

He shook his hands and released the Qingxuan sword, which fell into the air, the clear light rippling, like the light waves on the surface of a lake, buoyant and buoyant.

"It's not the Nanming Lihuo Sword. It seems that Fellow Daoist Meng is quite confident. Lu Min, you should be more careful."

Master Ji Le was a little surprised, chuckled lightly, glanced casually at Qingxuan Jian, then stopped suddenly, his eyes flickered, and said:
"This flying sword is interesting, did you refine it yourself?"

Meng Qiu nodded and said: "That's right. The name of the sword is Qingxuan. Before I unsealed the Nanming Lihuo Sword, I used to use the flying sword and stayed with me for a long time, so I was reluctant to give it up. Later, I practiced it again."

"A good sword, a good sword! The potential is unlimited." The real person of Ji Le praised a few times and stopped talking.

Although the brilliance of the Qingxuan Sword is pure and extraordinary, there are many flying swords in the world that can be compared with it.

Lu Min really couldn't see what was so good about this sword, it wasn't even as good as the flying sword he was currently using.

But even Daoist Ji Le praised him, of course he didn't dare to take it lightly, and put the flying sword in the air, solemnly said:
"Friend Daoist's swordsmanship is famous all over the world, just judging from the skills you taught my little girl, I am far behind.

But this will be done, not to test and teach swordsmanship, but to see the skills of fellow daoists, and then discuss how to cooperate with Shi Sheng.

Therefore, besides swordsmanship, I have other means, and I will use them. Friends, don't blame me for being abrupt. "

Meng Qiu nodded, knowing that Lu Min was more or less a senior, so he urged the Qingxuan sword to attack the opponent first.

The momentum is not grand, the moves are not very sophisticated, and the speed is not too fast, just an ordinary blow.

Lu Min didn't take it lightly either, he stretched out his finger, and while the mana was surging, the golden light on the flying sword was shining like a cast golden body, and it stopped and waited.

The Qingxuan sword slammed into it, shaking on both sides, without any waves.

Meng Qiu was quite satisfied, but Lu Min was greatly surprised.

Although there was suspicion of giving in just now, the magic power pouring into the flying sword cannot be faked, and it is even higher than ordinary earth immortals.

He thought that his flying sword would not move at all, but unexpectedly the two sides fought to a tie, and the flying sword was still trembling, obviously the opponent's mana was not low.

Lu Min didn't dare to keep it any longer, and quickly urged the flying sword to attack first.

As soon as the flying sword moved forward, thousands of gold stars shone immediately, like fireflies, and flew towards it.

Meng Qiu pinched the sword formula, the Qingxuan sword was like a swimming dragon, swiping left and right, every time it moved, it would hit a little gold star.In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand gold stars were destroyed, and then all of them disappeared.

It turned out that Lu Min's move of gold stars filled the sky, which seemed to be full of momentum, but in reality it was all a false move, which was to cover up the subsequent preparations for swordsmanship.

If the opponent didn't notice and misused his sword skills to provoke Jin Xing, it would be too late when he realized something was wrong.Once they fall into the backhand, there will be continuous offensives oncoming.

With Meng Qiu's swordsmanship attainments and foresight, he can naturally see through and deal with it calmly.

"Lu Min, be more serious, don't use such petty tricks, it's tantamount to using an ax in class." The real person of Ji Le reminded him next to him, and said to Meng Qiu:
"Fellow Daoist Meng, don't be polite, show some real skills, and tell them to take a good look at what the top figures in the cultivation world look like, lest they become a frog in a well under my protection."

Lu Min didn't dare to hesitate, and with a move of his hands, a hundred feet of light immediately appeared on the flying sword, as if it were real, and even the entire valley, vegetation, flowers and trees, and rock mounds were all coated with a thick layer of golden light.

He doesn't play tricks either, he always uses force to overwhelm others, and he is grand and upright.Master Ji Le nodded, seemingly satisfied.

Yang Li was amazed, and said: "Father-in-law's magic power is getting stronger and stronger. If I am on the opposite side, I will definitely be unable to resist it, but I don't know how fellow Daoist Meng will deal with it."

This kind is not completely regarded as swordsmanship, but a direct manifestation of cultivation base, which is the most difficult to deal with.

Faguang has already enveloped the surrounding area, even with superb swordsmanship, it is difficult to get around.If mana is not enough, you can only dodge.

But Meng Qiu showed it intentionally, so naturally he couldn't back down, concentrated his mind and calmed down, submerged his primordial spirit, and saw that a ball of clear light exploded on the Qingxuan sword, followed by the sound of a thunderbolt.

Yang Li and Lu Rongbo were stunned by the thunder, and Shi Sheng was also bloody and shook a few times.

Even Ling Xuzi Cui Haike was affected a little bit, only Daoist Bliss remained motionless, with an exclamation on his face, he said: "Sword Qi Lei Yin really lives up to its reputation."

Lu Min had already tied his hands, and the flying sword was spinning in the air, unable to land.

But Meng Qiu flew away with a sword, with extremely violent sword energy. Seeing that the opponent's magic light blasted away, only the flying sword itself was displayed, and he snatched it before Lu Min could control it, causing the flying sword to run wildly.

"Your sword is as light as it is heavy, it's really amazing." The real person of Ji Le's eyes lit up, and said: "Just this one hand, I can already discuss swords with me."

If it was a sword fight, Lu Min had already lost at this time, but this would allow Meng Qiu to show off his skills, so he had the cheek to strike again.

This time he was careful and careful, as an Earth Immortal, he didn't attack first, he just focused on defending, and let the opponent do his best.

Meng Qiu also knew what it meant, so he didn't hold back much, and showed all the sword skills he had learned and thought about in his life.

Yang Li and Lu Rongbo were fascinated by the sight, and at first they followed the gestures, but after a while, their eyes became straight again, and they could no longer understand.

Shi Sheng could still see a little bit, and he stretched out his little hand, and practiced accordingly, but although the shape was similar, the charm was a bit lacking.

Master Ji Le said: "Your way is not in swordsmanship, so there is no need to force it. It is the right way to look more at your grandfather's defense methods."

The sword energy was like a gust of wind and rain, it didn't stop for a moment, and it didn't leak anywhere, but Lu Min only relied on a flying sword. Although he looked embarrassed, he still kept it.

After holding each other for more than an hour, Meng Qiu quickly practiced all the sword skills, and there were only a few superb sword skills left, which were not easy to use, so he stopped and said with a smile:
"Fellow Daoist Lu is really hiding everything. Your strength is not inferior to Yudong real Yue Yun, but your reputation is far behind him. It's a bit too low-key."

Lu Min just smiled and didn't refute, saying: "Fellow Daoist Meng suppressed me to such an embarrassing state before he exerted all his strength. If I can really compare with Master Yudong, wouldn't Fellow Daoist be far better than him?"

Meng Qiu played with the Qingxuan sword in his hand, and said: "It is far better than dare not, it is better than him, and it is deserved."

"Hahahaha, if others listen to this, they will say that you are too arrogant." Lu Min laughed a few times, and said, "But if you show Nanming Lihuo Sword, they have to shut up too."

He retracted the flying sword, bowed towards the real person of Ji Le, and stepped aside.

Shi Sheng came out, puffed up his cheeks, and said crisply: "Fellow Daoist Meng, I need your help this time. I'll make a fool of myself first, and you can see how I can cooperate during the introduction."

He raised his hand, and a white light flew into the air, and continued:
"This is the Taibai Light Sword given by the Patriarch, although its power is not as powerful as the Nanming Lihuo Sword or the Emei Ziqing Twin Swords in the hands of fellow Taoists, it is still top-notch.

However, I'm not good at swordsmanship, so I can only dance around at will, and ask fellow daoists for advice. "

As soon as the sword moved, it immediately sprinkled a piece of silver light, like spring rain, as fine as silk.

This sword technique is different from the method of refining swords into silk, it is not caused by sword energy, but purely by mana.Even so, not ordinary monks can do it.

Meng Qiu also released the flying sword, some point or pick, cut off the silver threads one by one, wiped and scratched, attracting the opponent to show off his sword skills.

"Fellow Daoist Shi's swordsmanship, among the monks I have met in my life, can also be compared with Taoist Zui, Taoist Baishui, and Taoist Iron Man.

If you are not good at these things, then how powerful fellow daoist's other methods will be is really exciting. "

Shi Sheng didn't expect to be able to break through the opponent with his sword skills, so after practicing his sword moves, he immediately took out a small flag, waved it lightly, and said:
"I'm not good at cultivating Shenguang, so I won't make a fool of myself. The other magic weapons are not powerful enough, but this Nine Palace Zhu Ling Banner magic weapon can still be sacrificed. Please taste it."

He used the light silently, but saw nine rays of light shooting out from the flag, falling on the four sides of the Qingxuan sword, forming a nine palace pattern, surrounding it.

This light and shadow flashed, and then became invisible, but in the Nine Palaces, a large cloud of white mist floated up, completely covering this area in an instant, even if you are lucky, you can't see it clearly.

"Array?" Meng Qiu immediately noticed that there was a lot less contact with Feijian, and was very surprised. This method of moving and arranging an array is extremely rare, and it is so miraculous that he has never heard of it.

Shi Sheng nodded, with a serious face, and lightly waved the Nine Palace Zhuling Banner in his hand, a yellow light flashed in the formation, and fell into the white mist.

Meng Qiu suddenly felt that the Qingxuan sword seemed to be suppressed by something, and it was more difficult to mobilize it, so he couldn't help but yelled "powerful".

This is because the opponent kept his hand and didn't enclose others, otherwise he would have to worry about the flying sword and deal with the attack on himself by the formation, and the pressure would definitely be more than doubled.

Since Meng Qiu would not wait for the other party to finish casting the spell, he quickly drove the flying sword, aimed for the south, and attacked suddenly.

This sword is extremely powerful, if it hits a mountain, a hole will appear in the mountain.But when it fell into the white mist, it was instantly wiped away without any ripples appearing.

Shi Sheng said: "Fellow Daoist Meng, be careful." Turning the flag in his hand, a three-foot-thick thunder light appeared out of nowhere in the formation, golden in color and extremely oppressive.

He said: "This is Qiantian Shenlei, which can dissolve all tangible substances, and its power is infinite. One hit on an ordinary flying sword will destroy it."

This round was purely for exchange of ideas, so the thunder light was drawn in the mid-air without firing, and did not hit the Qingxuan sword.

Meng Qiu was waiting to strike later, seeing that the opponent was not moving, he simply shot first, the flying sword jumped and circled, flying out a few thin silk threads, supporting the divine thunder upwards, then twisted, and with a puff, the divine thunder disappeared.

"Smelting swords into silk?" Master Ji Le saw it clearly, nodded again and again, and said: "In addition to the sword Qi Huahong you are famous for, you have learned the three top swordsmanship by yourself."

The greater Meng Qiu's ability, the more help he can give Shi Sheng, and he is naturally happy.

Shi Sheng wanted to change his attack again, but Daoist quickly stopped him, saying: "That's enough, there is no need to try again.

Practicing sword Chengsi is best at chaotic battles, Jiugong Zhu Lingqi is formidable, but the internal means are limited by your realm, and you can't exert its full power, so you must have no way to use this flying sword.

Both of you have shown a lot of abilities, and the others are their secrets, which are irrelevant, so you don't need to reveal them. "

Shi Sheng nodded, and put away the Jiugong Zhuling Banner.

Meng Qiu also withdrew the Qingxuan sword, and said: "Friend Daoist Shi's talent and means are really formidable. Even if he is placed in the sect, he will not lose to the opponent's core disciples at all."

Master Ji Le smiled and said: "It's normal to be praised by others, but it's extremely wrong to say it from your mouth. You must know which young talent in the world can be better than you?
Besides, don't look at Shi Sheng's young appearance, but the actual age is better than you. It's just for the convenience of cultivation, so he keeps his current childish state. "

Carrying one's soul in one's arms, there is no separation; dedicated energy makes softness, which is suitable for babies.Cleanse the mystery and make up for the flaws.

Such a law can slow down a person's growth, making many years as one year old.Not only is he short in stature like a child, but his mind is also affected, making him appear childish.

The original intention is to keep the essence so that it does not become chaotic, make the body soft and supple, less selfishness and desires, ignorance and desire.

In this way, the progress of Taoism is preserved, and there is no messy thinking, and the progress is rapid, and there is no demon.

Meng Qiu was also not modest, so he could only smile.

Master Ji Le continued: "I have seen your swordsmanship, and I know it well, after thinking about it for a while, I will see how to cooperate with Shi Sheng.

Now let's show some tricks and see if you can understand something. "

After saying that, he shook his hand recklessly, and a red flying sword fell into the air. It was not surprising at first sight, but in an instant, with a slight movement, it immediately spread out and turned into dense red dots. If you look closely, it is a flying sword as thick as a cow's hair.

"Is this the Qiankun Chixian Shenjian Needle?" Meng Qiu asked.

He had heard people talk about the swordsmanship of Daoist Ji Le, the Qiankun Chixian Shenjian Needle, which is a treasure he refined, with a total of [-] Qiankun Needles.

Usually used, all the flying needles are combined into a flying sword, which is no less powerful than the two flying swords of Tianhui Yiguang.

It can also be separated, with real people practicing swordsmanship, each needle is a flying sword, with infinite power.

Immortal Ji Le just nodded and was about to speak, but saw Meng Qiuxin's hand tremble, Qingxuan Sword immediately gave birth to thousands of flying swords, probing forward, crashing into the crowd of Qiankun needles.

With a few bangs, the magic needles fell one after another, like rain, and fell more than a hundred feet away before being taken back by the real person.

He stared at the pieces of sword light from the Qingxuan sword, and said: "It's all about substance, where did you get this sword technique?"

"This summoning is called sword light differentiation, which I created myself. What do real people think?" Meng Qiu replied while holding the flying sword and shooting it continuously from a distance.

"Very good!" Daoist Ji Le gave a great compliment, and suddenly fell silent again, before saying after a long time: "Your talent reminds me of Fellow Daoist Long Eyebrow."

(End of this chapter)

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