Chapter 243
With the fragrant wind, the lake water began to turbulent slowly, and ripples appeared, pushing the lotus leaves out.

Soon everyone was pushed aside, scattered and out of line.

And in the vacated area, a hole appeared, and the lake water gushed out from bottom to top, like a fountain.

A burst of Qingpan Sanskrit singing flowed out of the cave, and then yellow light emerged, getting brighter and brighter, and a lotus platform rose slowly from it.

An old monk sat on it, with a thin body, but a head that was a circle larger than ordinary people.His face was old, his bald head was covered with skin, wrinkled together, like old tree bark.

Zen Master Dazhi looked like a candle in the wind, and he might be buried in the ground at any time. He really didn't look like a celestial being.

He whispered the Buddha's name, faced the crowd, and spoke, but his voice was young and clear, and said:
"For the sake of the old monk's little wish, I am so ashamed that all the little friends came here to show their faces. I just entered meditation, but I couldn't meet you far away, everyone, Haihan."

He clasped his hands together and saluted everyone.

All the people who were seated at the scene were juniors, and they dared not accept the gift, but they couldn't help themselves, they couldn't avoid it, so they had to return the gift one after another.

There are also those monks who are not very high-born, who have never seen a celestial being. Seeing such a person, they are so excited that they throw themselves to the ground.

After exchanging greetings, Zen Master Dazhi continued: "The old monk is withdrawn and only knows how to devote himself to ruthless cultivation, so he devoted himself to sitting in the Great Snow Mountain in his early years.

In the past 800 years, due to his lack of aptitude, he was unable to break through the enigma, so he took a shortcut, made great wishes, asked the Buddha for advice, and finally got promoted by luck.

Originally, this Dharma conference should have been held more than a hundred years ago.At that time, I wanted to impart the experience of the Tribulation of Immortals, but after all, I was not able to do enough, and my knowledge was shallow, so I didn't dare to use the ax in front of the Fang family, so I delayed for a long time.

Or the catastrophe is approaching, good or bad is unpredictable, I am afraid that if I die, wouldn't I have more regrets?
In this way, I got an old friend and came up with an idea.Earth Immortals, of course I am not qualified to talk about Taoism in front of them.However, if you are a talented person, I can give you some experience in these years I have grown up.

Therefore, this time I hastily invite all young heroes to gather here.Originally, I was apprehensive, thinking that there were only a few friends, and they would come over in the face of the teacher.

Unexpectedly, more than [-] people came here at this moment, all of them are full of spirits, looking extraordinary, they can be called the future of the practice world, and the valley is really full of brilliance. "

"Hey! This old monk can really save face." Meng Qiu sneered in his heart, and said to Shi Sheng secretly:
"Even a casual cultivator with a little bit of fame can't say such humble words, let alone a world-renowned celestial being.

Such a shameless person will act recklessly.In the competition for the Seven Treasures and Golden Building, apart from dealing with those arrogances of various families, I am afraid that more attention should be paid to this person, so as not to be spoiled by him halfway. "

Shi Sheng replied: "We do our own thing well. As for the thoughts of these people, we can't interfere, and our master will deal with them."

He has been with Daoist Ji Le since he was a child, and has very little experience, so he has a pure temperament, concentrates on doing things, and rarely worries about irrelevant or unhandled things.

Everyone was praised by Zen Master Dazhi. Although they said they didn't dare, many people couldn't help showing a hint of joy on their faces.

The Zen master said again: "The old monk has not been born for a long time, so I have only heard about the names of young friends, but I have never seen a real person, so I can't match them.

I dare to call everyone's name here, I implore you to have a response, let me recognize your face, how about it? "

"God monk, you are polite!" "It should be me who took the initiative to inform the Zen master." Everyone responded in confusion.

Zen Master Dazhi didn't blame people for talking too much, he still had a warm smile on his face, waited for a while, and when the voice faded away, he said: "How dare you bother you to take the initiative, let me ask the question."

Without waiting for anyone to speak again, he first said loudly: "I know a young man who was born as a casual cultivator, and he would not let the disciples of the big sect in the slightest.

He has fought a lot in his life, and he has bumped into a lot of enemies from low to high to extremely immortal, but he rarely loses.

He was famous all over the world when he was still building his foundation. In the first battle he was born, he used the peerless skill of turning sword energy into rainbow, and won many with one.

The second time he shocked the world, he used Lei Yin's majestic sword energy; now it is even more heard that he has learned three top sword skills in the world.

Fighting fiercely on Yue'er Island, chasing fellow Daoist Bai Guyi, the old man of the cloud, and breaking into Beimang Mountain alone, defeating Xu Wan, the sage of the underworld.It's hard to imagine that it was done by a Sanxian.

With such talent, who wouldn't be surprised to hear it?The number one talent among young people deserves his name.

I think it is very appropriate for fellow Taoists to compare it to when Daoist Ji Le was young.Even in my opinion, it is not much better than when Daoist Changmei was young.

Who is little friend Meng Qiu? Can you come out a little bit and let me have a look. "

After Zen Master Dazhi spoke, everyone had already guessed who it was, and all looked at him with admiration, curiosity, scrutiny, and jealousy.

Among them, Li Hong's gaze was the most fierce, as if two guns shot out of his eyes, trying to poke two holes out of Meng Qiu.

"Zen Master's praise is really embarrassing." Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and waved it lightly, the lotus leaf moved, and immediately got out of the crowd and came to the front.

"Youth's number one talent is really not what I want." He smiled slightly, and looked back, but he did not look at Li Hong, Huiming, and Yan Renying, but looked up.

Looking at the clouds and mist of the Dharma light above the head, it seems to be able to penetrate through it and look directly at the scorching sun.After a few glances, he lowered his head and dragged his gaze away from the crowd, then turned around and said:
"It's interesting to compete with them for the first place."

"What did you say?" The other party's so defiant performance made Li Hong fly into a rage, and said loudly angrily:
"You guys from the countryside, how dare you speak such nonsense! Come, come, come and fight right now, and let me see what you are capable of."

When he rubbed his hands together, a lightning from Taiyi came flying over.

"Ahem!" Zen Master Dazhi coughed twice, but did not move. The thunder light flew out of the lotus leaf and dissipated.

He wanted to persuade him, but Meng Qiu first cast a sideways glance at Li Hong and said, "How dare you make a fool of yourself?

If you want to fight, that's fine.Anyway, I came here today for the Seven Treasures Golden Building, and we will have a discussion in the future, so that the Zen master can see who is the leader.

The ranks of monks have always been determined by fighting skills, and it is all nonsense to engage in trials such as mood, enlightenment, and problem solving.

At that time, we will fight for the magic weapon, and you and I will fight first, the winner stays, the loser leaves, and then don't make any more noise. "

"Meng Daoyou's words are wrong!" In the lotus leaf formation, a thin and long young man said with a smile:

"In this karma ceremony, how can one decide who is superior or inferior by using swords alone? Doesn't it violate the Buddhist principle of compassion?

Moreover, the original intention of the Buddha to leave this treasure in the world is also to guide people to be good, hoping that those who hold the Buddha treasure can save all living beings.

Otherwise, with just a flying sword, how many injustices can be settled by killing people here and there?It is still necessary to focus on virtue and behavior, xinxing and predestined relationship. "

Meng Qiu originally wanted to make the fight for the Seven Treasures and Golden Building after the ceremony a duel with swords, but the people present were not stupid, so they could see it clearly, and of course they would come forward to stop it.

Most people are quite self-aware that if they fight, they will never be the opponents of Meng Qiu and a group of famous disciples, so they don't want to fight, and they all agree with what this person said.

Meng Qiu didn't refute, but just asked: "Is your Excellency Ji Deng, the eldest disciple of the Qingcheng school dwarf Zhu Mei? Count me in."

After a while, I will go with this kid who has not weaned his breasts. I guess I can last a while longer, and save him some face, so as not to go back to Emei and cry, saying that I bullied him, beat the young one and came to the old one. "

Gideon didn't feel annoyed, he shook his head with a smile, and stopped talking.Li Hong was even more furious, and shouted angrily, "Who are you saying hasn't been weaned?"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Zen Master Dazhi hurriedly called out the Buddha's chant, which resounded through the entire valley and echoed repeatedly.

Everyone quieted down again, he still had a smile on his face, and said: "Little friend Meng is indeed heroic! However, I have already discussed with several fellow Taoists about the trial. Everyone is equal and not biased. Just wait with peace of mind."

He went on to say: "The second little fellow Taoist is amazing, he was born with the essence of heaven and earth, and he is beautiful.

He was personally taught by the number one Daoist Bliss in the world. At a young age, he has already achieved great success in cultivating Sanxian.Not surprisingly, he will be another romantic figure in the future.

Little friend Shi Sheng, but Daoist Ji Le sent a letter saying that you will participate in this puja, so that I will have the honor to meet the person whom the world loves, but I can't help but be overjoyed. "

Shi Sheng shook the lotus leaf, slid to Meng Qiu's side, and said: "Thanks to Master Zu's honor and favor, I was able to come here because of the shade left by the door.

If you have a discussion later, if you are lucky enough to go to the back, I hope that the Zen master will take care of him for the sake of the ancestor. "

He didn't hide it, openly asked Zen Master Dazhi to open the back door, and everyone present was in an uproar.

The Zen master didn't expect Shi Sheng to be so straightforward, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said vaguely: "It's easy to say, easy to say!"

Two in a row, both encountered such thorns.He didn't dare to call Yu Yingnan and Yu Xiao anymore, but changed to Shen Ruolan, Ji Deng and other already famous masters.

They were very face-saving, received a few compliments, and hurriedly returned the courtesy with humility.

There were more than 50 people present, and Zen Master Dazhi was also very powerful. Everyone called out their names and told some proud stories of the other party.

Even the little divine monk A-Tong, who was obviously his junior, coaxed the other party to laugh out loud, and his little face flushed with joy.

Just after the chanting was over, Huiming, the powerful vajra and iron palm monk who had just been ranked last, suddenly spoke, very unhappy in his words.

Huiming said with displeasure on his face: "Zen Master, I and you are both Buddhist disciples, not to mention taking care of one or two, we should treat them equally.

Earlier you praised Fellow Daoist Meng Qiu and used his victory over me as an example. It is true that my skills are not as good as others, so I dare not have any opinions.

But later you introduced everyone, why did you put me behind.That little monk's name is unknown, just because his master is a white-browed monk, will he be higher than me?
And that Li Hong, who was praised so much by you, what kind of reincarnated soul boy is destined to be high-truth, why?Is Qi Shuming, head teacher of Emei, his wild father?
If you want to be so unfair, then why do you ask us to come here? Simply designate the person who gets the Seven Treasures Golden Building, why bother to play with people for nothing? "

"Nonsense!" "Monsters are bold!" There were a few monks who were close to Emei and Buddhist sects, and they scolded them.

Li Hong's eyes spewed fire, and his teeth creaked.If it wasn't for someone repeatedly transmitting voices in his ears, telling him to calm down and not to be attacked by others, he would almost jump up and shoot.

Zen Master Dazhi is really self-restraining. Facing a mere junior, he questioned him so much, but he didn't change his face, and replied with a smile as before:

"Fellow Huiming misunderstood. The order in which I invite fellow Taoists is not necessarily arranged. The ones in the front are not necessarily higher, and the ones in the back are not necessarily worse."

Huiming still shook his head, refusing to believe it, and said, "If it's not intentional, then why did you ask Fellow Daoist Meng Qiu to come out first, and insist on emphasizing 'number one in the world'?"

"It's just a coincidence." Dazhi said, "I'm not a Buddha, I don't know enough, and I don't know much about you.

I can only read the names of the little friends according to the degree of familiarity I have heard. "

Seeing that the other party was really not angry, Huiming clasped his hands together, shook his head, and stopped talking.

Chan Master Dazhi followed suit and said, "The old monk is very happy after getting to know you young talents.

If there is no accident, more than a hundred years later, your names will be circulated in this practice world, just like the three immortals, the second elder and the first son Qizhen back then.

In my sermon today, I hope that my little experience can increase your knowledge.This can be regarded as adding bricks and tiles to the practice world and fulfilling the ambition of the year. "

Chan Master Dazhi didn't say much and started to preach.

He began to talk about the method of Buddhist practice from the time of Qi training, all the way up to the realm of the earth fairy.There are no details, one by one.

All kinds of practice fallacies that are easy to commit, as well as preparations for crossing the catastrophe and changes in the catastrophe, etc., are all explained in detail.

After more than ten hours, the sun sets and the sun rises.It made everyone mesmerized and intoxicated, and gained a lot.

Even Meng Qiu heard this sermon, and felt that the other party spoke sincerely and meticulously, and many of them can be used for reference.

It's just that he was defensive and reminded himself all the time not to be persuaded, so he was a little aware that although the other party was equal, all he talked about was Buddhist practice methods, and he didn't mention Taoism or other schools.

Meng Qiu wouldn't believe the so-called one method can master all methods. He is a dignified celestial being who doesn't know how to teach Sanxian monks to practice according to his own needs.

He sounded uncomfortable though, but there was no need to expose it.After all, it is a rare and beautiful thing for a celestial being to be willing to preach.

In the process of preaching, many people have indulged in it, listening and rehearsing.

After the experience of this practice is finished, more people are addicted to it.

Seeing this, Zen Master Dazhi felt relieved, and said: "Forget it, I will give you another gift."

Just after he finished speaking, the sound of the bell and chime sounded, and he spat out a series of scriptures, saying:
"...Because of the three sufferings, in life and death, suffering from all kinds of heat, confused and ignorant, happy with the little dharma...

Achieving Nirvana for the price of one day is considered a great achievement. In this Mahayana, there is no ambition.And because of the wisdom of the Tathagata, he gave lectures, but he has no desire to do so..."

Everyone was intoxicated while singing the Sanskrit softly, but the thoughts in their hearts were like flying catkins, and the place that they couldn't figure out before suddenly became clear.

At the beginning, Meng Qiu felt normal when he heard it, but after a while, he couldn't help being addicted, and a scent of sandalwood filled his nostrils.

The brilliance in his sea of ​​consciousness flashed, and the chaotic primordial body turned around, driving out all the scriptures, chimes and sandalwood fragrance, and his mind and soul were completely cleared.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a burst of "haha" laughter from the sky and the earth, and everyone around him woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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