Chapter 244 Trial Begins

But seeing the clouds gathered on the surface of the lake, as if being torn apart by someone, the brilliance emerged.

Venus flew in the distant sky, and the golden glow flashed in front of me, and the laughing person had appeared. It was an old Taoist woman with fluttering white hair, leaning on an iron crutch in her hand.

It's just that there is no radiance and cloud surrounding the whole body, it seems that Ling Xu is flying like this.At the same time, there was another [-] or [-]-year-old girl who also flew over with the Xuanmen sword, and the dazzling golden glow just disappeared.

The old Taoist woman said: "The old lady's family only has Ren Ying, a nephew with higher qualifications, and he is expected to inherit the family business. He is very precious, but we can't ask him to escape into Buddhism.

Zen Master, you are a majestic celestial being, and if you want to recruit a few disciples, as long as you speak out, those who are willing can line up from Emei to Mount Wutai.

Why do you have to be like a street performer in the world, and come up with these fraudulent methods, which is somewhat disgraceful. "

Zen Master Dazhi's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "You are just joking. I just watched many young friends enter enlightenment, but I still couldn't catch the opportunity, so I asked to help. How dare I have any bad intentions.

There are so many young talents, which one does not have a great background.Thinking about it, don't say that I am a heavenly fairy, even if the golden fairy of the spiritual world descends to earth, I can't even think of surviving. "

Mom would not believe it, and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Maybe Zen Master has some idea of ​​'I will go to hell if I don't go to hell', and he insists on fighting for this luck for Buddhism."

Although Zen Master Dazhi most likely wanted to force out other fellow celestial beings who were hiding aside, if no one came out to stop him, all the young heroes in this lake would be transformed.

You must know that the transformation of Buddhism and the demonization of Demon Gate are both changes from the inner soul to the true spirit. Once you are recruited, it is difficult to restore the original state, and it is almost beyond human power.

Yan Renying was among them, and the mother was naturally very unhappy, and made sarcasm several times.

Zen Master Dazhi refused to admit it, and said without changing his face: "Buddhism does not talk about luck, but only about fate.

If there is a predestined relationship, even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles away, I will come here; if there is no predestined relationship, even if I chant scriptures next to his ear every day, I will still not take refuge. "

As he spoke, he looked at Meng Qiu, who was the only one who had taken the initiative to escape from Sanskrit.

"I heard that there used to be a brilliant monk who had a lotus tongue and a stubborn stone who could speak and nodded." Nam sneered and said:
"It seems that it's not just your charm skills, what's even more powerful is your mouth, which can turn black into white, and dead things can naturally be brought back to life.

The old woman is stupid, she can't say it.I want to see if your bald head is as hard as your mouth. "

While speaking, the iron crutch in her hand moved suddenly, turned into a stream of light, and knocked down with extreme speed and strength.

Zen Master Dazhi never expected that the other party would have no scruples, and in front of all the juniors, he would shoot as soon as he said he would.

He hurriedly stretched out his right palm, lifted it up, and a yellow palm came out of his hand, flew up, turned into half an acre in size, and grasped it against the streamer.

But this grip was in vain, the crutch suddenly sped up, pierced the palm with a sneer, and fell towards Zen Master Dazhi's bald head like an electric shock.

For the first time, the monk's expression changed, he was extremely serious, he flipped his left hand, and a wooden fish appeared in the palm of his hand, flying in mid-air, hitting the iron staff.

With a sound of "dong", the iron rod smashed down on the wooden fish, making a muffled sound.

The torn clouds in the sky were blown by the overflowing magic power, and all of them disappeared without a trace.

All the disciples present, including the girl who came with the sword, staggered as if they were drunk.

Even the golden lotus seated by Zen Master Dazhi was a little unsteady, shaking a few times, causing a little ripple.

The wooden fish fell back, and a tiny crack was clearly visible on it, and he couldn't help but sighed.

But Mu didn't pursue anymore, but looked towards the opposite sky, and said: "Tianmeng Chan Master, Fentuo Shennun, no matter how you come, don't say hello to the old lady."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of Shu Zhong Qingpan and Chan singing Sanskrit, slightly rippling, and a long, thin and tall Gautan with big brows and a bright head appeared in the air, and a middle-aged monk with a strange appearance.

The slender monk is Zen Master Tianmeng, who is known as the number one divine monk in the world. Although his age of cultivation is similar to that of Zen Master Dazhi, his skill is much deeper.

He opened his mouth and said, "Don't blame me, Fellow Daoist. Junior Sister Fentuo and I have just arrived. Seeing you attacking in anger, we dare not make a sound, lest you misunderstand and turn your anger towards us."

"Oh?" Mom said, "Won't you stop me from attacking him?"

Tianmeng said: "Brother Dazhi really did not do it properly, and it is right for you to be crutched.

Right now, fellow Daoists are out of breath, can you temporarily extinguish the thunder, but sit aside, and when this puja is over, don't disturb the chances of the juniors, how about it? "

"Grandmother, you just listen to this monk and want to put the matter on hold." Another real person of bliss appeared in midair, and said:
"Right now, the Tao is about to end, and the Buddhist scriptures have been recited, so there should be nothing else to do? Great Wisdom Monk, when will the competition start?"

When Daoist Ji Le arrived, the experts present were not surprised, obviously they had known about it long ago.

But many young disciples were extremely excited.It is extremely difficult to see angels, but there are five of them right now, and when they go out and talk about it in the future, it will be a very embarrassing thing in front of relatives and friends.

Zen Master Dazhi regained his composure, and said: "How can such a trivial matter attract the interest of all the experts, and even Daoist Master Ji Le is alarmed, it is really radiant."

Master Ji Le said: "The seven-treasure golden building, after all, the magic weapon left by senior Gao Zhen, is a perfect match for my master's great-great-great-grandson.

I didn't come here for any other reason, but I heard that there were some disgraceful ways in this magic weapon competition last time, so I came here on purpose, just to see the fairness, Zen Master, don't let me down. "

"How dare, how dare!" Chan Master Dazhi said, "I've worked hard and mobilized everyone, and I have invited so many young talents here, if I have other thoughts, it will be embarrassing.

This competition is naturally extremely fair.If fellow Taoists don't believe it, they can supervise themselves.If there is a mistake, just shoot. "

"It's good to be able to do what you say." Master Ji Le immediately said: "Since that's the case, you've talked about it, so what are you waiting for, let's start."

Even being urged repeatedly, Zen Master Dazhi would not get angry, and said: "I think when you come here, you have heard the master talk about the origin of the seven-treasure golden banner. It was originally practiced by the Buddha himself, and it was left to the world to take care of future generations.

This treasure upholds the compassion of the Buddha, and there is no killing technique. Its effects are all on protecting people and trapped objects.

If you get it, you can sacrifice it after refining, even if the old monk makes a move, you can still block one or two. "

There was an uproar and discussions.Even though everyone has heard of the power of this treasure, they never imagined that it could withstand a blow from a heavenly immortal.

If this is the case, the ordinary earth immortal will never be able to break through the defense of the Seven Treasures Golden Building, which can be called the best in the world.

Zen Master Dazhi waited for the scene to be quiet, and said again: "It is precisely because of the great power of this treasure that there must be trials, and it cannot be easily handed over to evil spirits and heretics, lest it will cause disasters and go against the original intention of the Buddha.

Therefore, this competition is divided into two parts.There is a heart-refining level first, and those who can pass it successfully are eligible to enter the next round, the sword fight in the formation.

The one who breaks out first is the winner of this competition.The golden building of the seven treasures was given to this person. "

This arrangement not only includes the most commonly used state of mind test in Buddhism, but also the most recognized method in the practice world to distinguish between superior and inferior. Even the real person of blissful joy can't fault it.

Zen Master Dazhi raised his hand, and immediately a cloud of mist appeared in the middle of the lake, about the size of an acre, hazy and illusory.

A few celestial beings looked at it carefully, and they were all very serious.The real person of Ji Le said: "Good method!"

Zen Master Dazhi explained: "There is only one pass here, called Xinguan. It is actually not much different from the methods used by various schools to test the mind.

It's just based on Buddhism, and some methods of poor monks are added, so the power is even higher.

This level is easier said than done.As long as the internal fire does not burn, the external fire does not burn, the Dao heart is firm, and the soul can be guarded, not disturbed by sexual desires and distracting thoughts, it is easy to get out of danger very quickly.

It is extremely difficult to say, for example, a person with a weak heart, who is easily shaken, and who has poor restraint skills, falls into it, and once he makes a mistake, he will immediately go crazy and regret it.

If one can get through this battle safely, strengthen one's will, firmly establish one's foundation, one's merits and deeds will be tested, one's character will be improved to a higher level, and one will not fall down later.

It is inevitable that there will be an accident, so that fellow Taoists can rescue in time, so I will not test it together, you come one by one, who will be the first? "

Although Zen Master Dazhi said it lightly, how could the method of a celestial being be so simple?

Once you don't understand the situation, you rush out and get caught in it, not only will you lose face, you will even be unable to participate in the subsequent competitions.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one moved.But Meng Qiu took the lead and said, "I'll do it!"

He pushed the lotus leaf under his seat, and quickly stood out, rushing into the clouds and mist.

But seeing the clouds and smoke change, the dazzling eyes still return to their original state, and the person has disappeared.Then saw a very faint auspicious light, which flashed and disappeared.

"Hey!" All the angels present were surprised.

The people below were a little puzzled, but they saw a flash of blue light, and Meng Qiu had already escaped in Qinghe.

Everyone looked at Zen Master Dazhi, and the latter said: "The number one in the same class really deserves its reputation. Xiaoyou Meng has passed the test, please wait aside."

Everyone was in an uproar, and someone couldn't help saying: "How could it be so fast? Could it be fake?"

Someone wanted to make a name for himself, so he took the first step and rushed into the formation.The fog billowed for a while, and it was impossible to see what was happening inside, but no one came out.

Meng Qiu returned to the crowd and sent a voice transmission to Shi Sheng, saying: "It's really not easy to pass through this illusion. Don't underestimate it because I passed the test quickly.

At first, I also thought that as long as the Dao heart is firm and the mind is clear, there will be no hindrances and will not be disturbed by evil spirits.

Who knows that this thought has already fallen into the vehicle.The first half is okay, but when it comes to a critical juncture, a strange phenomenon occurs suddenly, if it is not discovered early, quickly calm down the mind, return to the emptiness and generate light, you will almost fall into a demon.

In just a few minutes, even if you don't get defeated, it will take a lot of trouble if you want to calmly pass.

I originally intended to change the virtual and real in the illusion for you first, as a reference, and it will benefit a little at that time.

From this point of view, this road is blocked, so we have to deal with it naturally according to our blessings, and there is nothing else we can do. "

He was able to pass quickly because of the chaotic primordial embryo in the sea of ​​consciousness, which can sweep away all intrusions.

Shi Sheng was not nervous, he nodded and said: "Then I will understand, and I will definitely not disappoint my brother."

The two watched for a while, until half an hour passed, there was still no movement.

Zen Master Dazhi said: "This little friend has fallen into a bitter battle, and he is already out of his mind, so don't let it go."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed gently, and only then did he pull out a lotus leaf from the mist. The person sitting on it just now was still intoxicated with his eyes closed, dancing with his hands and feet.

"Wake up!" Chan Master Dazhi yelled softly before waking up the man from his dream, and walked to the back in desperation.

Afterwards, a few more people tried, but none of them got away with it, and it took a lot of time.

At this time, a golden light floated, and Yan Renying flew in with a lotus leaf.

The scene was quite different from just now, as soon as he fell into it, there was an auspicious atmosphere in the clouds and mist. Looking at the changes in the smoke and clouds, the glow of the clouds swirled like a tide, and the golden light was swept away, and the electricity turned into the clouds.

Many people were very surprised and unconsciously glanced at Nam in mid-air.

Shi Sheng asked: "Brother Meng, do you think Fellow Daoist Yan can pass this test?"

Meng Qiudao: "Yan Renying's family has a profound family background, and he has a powerful flying sword to protect himself. I heard what Chan Master Dazhi said just now, so I am already alert.

As long as he does not seek meritorious deeds, but seeks to avoid faults, put in a little more effort, and experience more hardships and hardships, with his own mana and perseverance, it is not difficult to defeat the devil.

Keeping one's mind like this, although it is unavoidable to suffer a little bit of suffering, it is safer than my way of walking, and there is absolutely no reason to lose. "

Sure enough, after a while, the clouds and mist billowed again.A golden light emerged, and then Yan Renying appeared.

"Yan Renying, pass!" Zen Master Dazhi said, and everyone discussed enthusiastically.No one succeeded just now, which made many people feel uneasy.

"Fellow Daoist Meng is so clever, it's really admirable, I can't compare to it!" Yan Renying knew the power of Meng Qiu's action just now after having experienced it personally, and sighed while swipe back:
"I don't have his Dao power, so I can't use the superior kung fu of the Taoist sect to pass through calmly. I only use the flying sword magic weapon to protect my body and keep my mind.

But this way of walking, I think, is suitable for the comrades who will go in later. "

Seeing that he was willing to take the initiative to mention it, someone asked, "Young fellow Daoist Yan, how is the situation inside, can you give me some pointers?"

"Prejudice, easy to cause trouble, so I can't go into details." Yan Renying shook her head, and said: "But when you go, you'd better keep your mind calm, don't get distracted thoughts, just enter the meditation as usual.

Occasionally, when the skill is improved, the devil strikes the time scene, and any torment and hardship should be ignored. At most, you will suffer from the pain in the illusion. As long as the power of the Tao is firm, you can survive it. "

He has an extraordinary bearing and a humble personality, so he is admired by everyone.

Many monks stood up, saluted, and said, "Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for clarifying the confusion!"

"Hmph! What's the use of talking about these things? You have to experience it yourself." Li Hong said suddenly, "Look at me!"

After all, I moved the lotus leaf early and fell into the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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