Chapter 245
Seeing Meng Qiu pass the pass first, Li Hong felt a little annoyed. He didn't take the lead, so he made the other party show off for no reason.

Falling into the formation, I just feel like falling into an illusion, the surrounding scenery changes completely, the fairy palace is dense, the clear springs are flowing, the waves are fighting, and the mountains are collapsing...

All kinds of illusions flow indefinitely, like a kaleidoscope.

Seeing this, Li Hong felt relieved, and said to himself: "I have experienced the strict test of Emei Youyuan Huo Zhai, and this kind of test is not as far away as it is nothing at all.

Alas, still cautious.I should have been the first one just now, so that the seniors would know my name.

Forget it, don't think about it, let's break the formation quickly.The man surnamed Meng took a very short time, and I can't be worse than him. "

It's just that this formation is very magical. If you have been cautious from the beginning, guarding the Lingtai tightly, without thinking, the pass will not be easy, but it will not be too harsh.

But once you think about it a little bit, you will be attracted by the Buddhist teachings in it, and thousands of distracting thoughts will rush in, and you can't stop it.

Even small thoughts can easily stir the mind, not to mention that Li Hong's jealousy is like adding fuel to the fire, and his thoughts are like water bursting a bank, and he can't stop it.

"Not good!" After all, he was born in a great religion and had a lot of experience, so he immediately sensed something was wrong, and quickly sat down cross-legged, forcibly suppressing his mind.

From the outside, everyone only saw Li Hong walking into the fog. First, he was surrounded by thick fog and couldn't see clearly.

After a while, the fog suddenly became thinner, and the situation inside could be seen.

I saw a lotus platform of flames rising in the middle of the fog, and the flames swarmed up like a tide, covering Li Hong in a daze, and then disappeared together, the whole fog cloud became pitch black.

"Hehe, why is this little guy in such a hurry?" Daoist Ji Le chuckled lightly and shook his head.

Zen Master Dazhi couldn't see anything on his face, but he was a little disappointed in his heart, and secretly said:

"Is this the disciple that Emei wants to send into my sect? Why is his temperament so bad? I'm afraid his achievements in the future will be difficult to compare with that of Master Longtu."

Master Long Tu Shen, Shen Xiu, was a disciple of Daoist Changmei who was cast into the Buddhist sect back then. He was in the same generation as Xuan Zhenzi and Qi Shuming, and worshiped under Xinru Shenni's sect.

Although this person seldom travels in the middle land, he is well-known.Having been overseas for many years, it is difficult to have an opponent.

Back then, he had a sparring match with the master of the Xuangui Hall, and he was evenly matched, and his strength was no worse than that of the two elders of Songshan Mountain.

This Li Hong is a disciple of the third generation of Emei. Although he was never born, his name has been spread early. Together with Qi Jinchan, he is called a top genius who can rival Qi Lingyun.

You must know that before Meng Qiu was born, the most outstanding young man in the world was recognized as Qi Lingyun, who was supposed to be prepared by a fairy.

But even though Chan Master Dazhi was upset, he still didn't dare to be careless, and still focused his attention on the formation, ready to take action immediately if something happened to Li Hong.

Li Hong also woke up at this moment, knowing that because of his impatience, he was in trouble.At this moment, it is extremely difficult to restrain the mind.What's more, it has been delayed for a long time, and there may be other situations.

He took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed a little impetuousness, and patted his head, but suddenly a golden glow burst out of his head, flew into the air, about Zhang Xu, and fell down with brilliance, wrapping him inside.

The flaming lotus platform under his feet was hit by the golden light, and with a puff, it disappeared in an instant.The surrounding black mist also seemed to be washed by water, and it became white again.

"What kind of magic weapon is this?" Shi Sheng asked.Meng Qiu took a closer look, shook his head and said:

"Look at it, it's a Buddhist treasure, but I don't know its name, but its power is no worse than the Yuqian Liuli in my hand."

"Buddhism's most precious treasure, Xiangyun Baogai." Yan Renying said from the side: "The power is supreme, and it is very miraculous. It is used to defend oneself against the enemy. No matter how powerful evil methods or strange treasures are, it cannot be hurt.

But isn't this magic weapon in the hands of Fat Burning Toutuo, Miaoxiangyan, Zhuzhu Island, South China Sea?
The monk was very stingy and regarded this magic weapon as his life.Could it be that Headmaster Emei really has such a big face that he can borrow it? "

As soon as this treasure comes out, there is no suspense.Under the protection of Xiangyun Baogai, Li Hong easily got out of the trial circle.

It's just that compared to Yan Renying's happy expression, his face was much darker and he didn't say a word.

It wasn't until Zen Master Dazhi announced that he had passed the test that he restrained himself and bowed to the other party to thank him.

Li Hong's performance made everyone panicked and became more cautious. They wanted to wait and see the performance of others to see if they could learn from it.Therefore, all of them stopped moving forward, and there was a moment of silence.

After a while, Zen Master Dazhi asked, "Is there any kid who is willing to go forward and have a try?"

No one answered the first time, and it wasn't until the second time that the little divine monk, A-Tong, said loudly: "Has no one come forward yet? Then let me do it!"

Zen Master Dazhi saw that he was a disciple of Buddhism, so he made a point, saying: "This formation is not weak, your cultivation level is still low, if you want to enter, it will inevitably be dangerous, what preparations do you have?"

Little A-Tong said: "I have the Muni bead bestowed by my master. If something happens, just like fellow Taoist Li Hong, I will sacrifice it."

"What? Brother Baimei even gave you this magic weapon?" Zen Master Dazhi was a little surprised.

Muni beads are also called Dingzhu. They are the most powerful treasures refined by the Buddha himself. They are engraved with the six-character mantra of Buddhism and two gatha seals, which are very powerful.

This treasure is not inferior to the seven-treasure golden banner.In terms of ranking among the four great treasures of the Buddhist school, even if it is still above it, it is only inferior to the Nanming Lihuo Sword, and the Heart Lamp is among the same.

A-Tong nodded, pinched the Buddha's Great Vajra Subduing Demon Art with his hand, his face was very solemn, without any immature appearance.

Immediately thereafter, he saw eighteen clusters of wisdom light, the brilliance of the treasure, as bright as the sun and stars, flying into the air, forming a large circle, quietly surrounding his head.

"If it really is this treasure, it was sacrificed and refined by you." Zen Master Dazhi sighed sincerely: "Brother Baimei is really willing!"

But A-Tong disagreed and said, "Master's teachings and treasures are external objects, so don't rely on them too much. As long as you devote your heart to the Buddha, you will naturally have infinite means to subdue demons."

"My brother's realm is so high that I can't match it!" Dazhi Chan Master said: "In a few years, he will reach the realm of heaven."

Li Jingxu and other angels in the air also held the same opinion.

The most important thing in Buddhism is the state of mind. As long as you understand it thoroughly, the state and cultivation base will come naturally.

If one has the courage to suppress distracting thoughts, abandon such Buddhist treasures as the Muni Bead, and point directly to the essence of Taoism, promotion is naturally a no-brainer.

A Tong took away the magic weapon, urged the lotus leaf, and hurriedly entered the trial formation.

Everyone thought that they could see the power of the most precious treasure of Buddhism, so that they could compare it with the golden pillar of seven treasures.

Unexpectedly, as soon as A-Tong entered the formation, the white mist had just wrapped him, and before he had any reaction, he saw him coming out from the other side, at a speed no slower than Meng Qiu.

"This..." Everyone thought their eyes were dazzled, but after reading it again, it was indeed A-Tong who had passed the test and was walking back.

Everyone thought that there was something wrong with the formation, so they quickly turned their attention to Zen Master Dazhi.The latter was also very surprised, and quickly asked: "A Tong, what did you see in the formation?"

Everyone sees and experiences differently, and the pictures in the formation are generated based on personal thoughts, which are originally private and should not be asked.

A-Tong didn't have to answer, but he didn't mean to hide anything, and said:
"After I entered, I felt that the fog was so thick that I couldn't see clearly ahead, so I wanted to see what was inside, so I kept going.

Unexpectedly, after walking not many steps, he suddenly stepped out of the formation. "

"If you say that little friend Meng Qiu is fast, it means that his heart is as hard as iron. If he goes forward, he will have demons in his heart, and he will cut through them with a single sword."

Zen Master Dazhi understood immediately, and sighed sincerely, saying: "This kind of character can be copied especially.

Like Ah Tong, Chizi is sincere and can't think of a single thought, so all kinds of demons are not born, which is the most rare thing. "

The grandmother also praised A Tong sincerely, and then smiled and said to Zen Master Tianmeng:
"Among you monks who are called divine monks, Zen Master Baimei is not the most capable, but his ability to teach disciples is far superior to yours.

In the past, there was Zhu Youmu, a monk who picked weeds, and he had not practiced Taoism for a long time, and he was already a leader among the earth immortals.Right now, this little divine monk, A-Tong, is only a loose immortal, but the future can be expected.

I heard that he still took a martial arts master in the mortal world, calling him Li Ning's apprentice, and a while ago, he was also easily promoted to Sanxian.

Tianmeng, who are you and Zunsheng?Not as good as Fentuo and Youtan, at least there are Ling Xuehong and Qi Xia'er. "

She spoke like this, but Tianmeng didn't speak, just kept silent.

But Fentuo said: "The two senior brothers are just concentrating on cultivation and refusing to care about the secular world. Otherwise, with their wisdom and supernatural powers, how could they fail to produce outstanding disciples?"

"Hahahaha!" Nam pointed at Master Ji Le, and said, "In terms of cultivation and supernatural powers, Li Daoyou alone can surpass the two of them combined.

In terms of thinking, Li Daoyou is also willing to accept apprentices, but among those apprentices who have been recruited over the years, which one can be called outstanding now? "

Fentuo choked suddenly, unable to speak.She is not as powerful as the grandmother, but she dare not talk nonsense and offend the real person of Ji Le easily.

But Master Ji Le had no way to refute, and was familiar with the other party, so he couldn't make a move, so he could only say:
"Fellow Daoist, it's too early to say this. Let's wait for a while and see how the juniors I personally taught are compared to the juniors in your family."

"Then we'll wait and see." Mom said with a smile.

The heavenly immortals above had a few words of argument, and the scattered immortals below saw that A-Tong passed the test easily, and they were ready to move.

Several more monks rushed out and lined up to enter the battle one by one.

It's just that these human actions were not enough, and none of them succeeded.There are even those who act too hastily and are tempted by the inner demons. If Zen Master Dazhi did not act in time, they may have gone mad.

This once again extinguished everyone's enthusiasm, and after a while no one came forward, only two people stood up from behind, and asked anxiously in their hearts: "God monk, is it allowed for the two of us to tide over this difficulty together?"

"Of course. Don't say two people, even if the rest of the Taoists go in together, it doesn't matter." Dazhi Chan Master said:

"It's just that the mystery of this formation is subtle, even if thousands of people go in, if they don't have the same skill and mental state, if one person has a slight thought, they will separate themselves, and all the body scriptures are completely different.

It’s okay for you to follow this way of walking, but you must keep in mind that when it comes to a critical moment, if you encounter any omens, you must guard yourself and stop caring about those who are traveling with you.

It seems selfish, but in fact, they seem to have the same mind, and they are both in trouble.

Otherwise, the devil has already invaded, and the people in the Mingming Realm have already separated, but because of a thought, they mistake the phantom of the devil for their companions, and it will be difficult to pass through safely without being taken advantage of. "

The two looked at each other and discussed for a long time outside. At the back, there was still a cloud of silver light above their heads, entangled together, and entered the trial circle together.

This round took quite a long time. At the end, everyone thought that the two of them were going to disappear, but the two miraculously persevered and finally succeeded.

The two of them are not well-known, and their methods are not very clever, but their results are better than many more powerful monks just now, and they immediately gave many people confidence.

Immediately, someone followed suit, forming a team of two or three people and entering the formation.

It's just a temporary team, seemingly close to each other, not to mention supporting each other, and even pulling each other's legs, so naturally they can't pass such a powerful magic circle.

Going on like this, more than a dozen monks were eliminated, only Qingcheng Ji Deng and Mo Fenghuang and Shen Ruolan succeeded, and there were not many people left on the field.

Shi Sheng saw that it was almost done, so he came out and walked into the trial formation.

Although he hardly walks in the world, but he has a lot of knowledge, so he can't be as pure and free from distracting thoughts as the little god monk A Tong.

But his advantage lies in his calm mind, not relying on big things, and playing steadily.As soon as he enters the battle, he immediately sacrifices the descaling clock given by the real person of Ji Le.

This treasure is woven from shark silk. When it is used, it forms a silk cover, covered with colorful clouds, and it is difficult to be damaged by water, fire, wind and thunder.

While relying on this treasure to isolate the damage, Shi Sheng walked slowly towards the formation, not in a hurry, but every step was very steady.

From entering the battle to leaving the battle, it took less time than Yan Renying.

"Fellow Taoist mother, how are you?" Daoist Ji Le immediately laughed.

But Mu said: "The first test is not difficult, a little negligence can reverse the result, it's nothing.

If you want to really tell the difference, you have to look at the second pass, the real sword and gun. "

"Okay, let's wait and see." Master Ji Le didn't say much, and continued to look down.

At this time, a few more came out, and some were eliminated. Even the little fairy boy Yu Xiao, a direct disciple of the great sect from Kunlun, almost capsized, and only managed to escape with a magic talisman from the master.

At this time, Huiming and Yu Yingnan, the powerful vajra and iron palm monks of the Wutai sect, were left.

Just as Yu Yingnan was about to go out, Huiming came out and said, "I know that I don't have enough xinxing, so I don't force myself. Thanks to the divine monk for preaching, which has benefited me a lot.

If I don't enter the battle right now, can the monk give me a chance to watch the second round of sword fighting from the sidelines.I really want to know how far Friends Daoist Meng surpasses me now. "

Zen Master Dazhi has no conflicts with the Wutai School, and even has a little friendship with Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, so naturally he will not stop him.

In this way, there is the last Yu Yingnan left.With all the attention, she was under a lot of pressure.When she was about to be dispatched, Meng Qiu suddenly stopped her, handed her something, and said:
"This Yuqian Liuli was originally a Wudang product. At that time, half of the master took pity on my poverty and lent it to me.

Now my magic power is getting higher and I have earned a lot of money. I always want to pay it back, but there are always delays and no time.

I happened to meet you here, you are a direct disciple of the master, and it is very suitable for you to hand it over, so let's take it! "

He threw Qian Liuli to Yu Yingnan, and the latter was about to refuse, but he heard Meng Qiu secretly say:
"Your cultivation time is too short, and you will be promoted to Sanxian, and you will inevitably be lacking in mental state. This test is not easy.

However, your talent is too high, and your thoughts turn too fast, which is far beyond comparison.If there is no treasure to protect him, once he gets caught in the formation and has a demon in his heart, he will turn around endlessly with one breath, and the great wise monk will never be able to rescue him.

All the hopes of Wudang and half of the teachers are pinned on you, so you must be cautious.You can either go, or enter the battle with this magic weapon, don't hold it too high.

What's more, half of the teacher gave me this thing to protect my body and save my life many times. Now I really don't need it very much. It's the right time to return it to the original owner. Don't refuse. "

Yu Yingnan only meditated for a moment, then took over Qian Liuli.Therefore, the treasure book is half of the old nun who made it from scratch, and the techniques are inherited in one continuous line. In a short while, he has refined it for a long time, entered the formation, and passed it easily.

So the first level ended, and more than 40 people were cleared, leaving only Meng Qiu, Shi Sheng, Yu Yingnan, Li Hong, Yan Renying, A Tong, Shen Ruolan, Yu Xiao, Ji Deng and a small number of five casual practitioners.

(End of this chapter)

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