Chapter 249 Secret Connection
Seeing Meng Qiu release such a top-notch magic weapon, Jiang Xuejun breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "It seems that he has also reached his limit, and he can't hold it, so he still needs to use the magic weapon.

As long as Nephew Yan and the others work harder, they will definitely be able to drive Meng Qiu away and break the blockade.Once in the formation, it is not yet known who will win the battle. "

"That's not the case." Mom sighed, "Meng Qiu's strength is already far superior to the opponent's. It's just because this battle is a duel, so it's not easy to be ruthless.

If it is really a life-and-death struggle, how could it drag on for so long.Just start with the weakest one and break through each one.Among these seven people, at least half will die.

The remaining few, if they can't escape first, I'm afraid they have to explain here. "

Jiang Xuejun said: "Can't we join forces? I think Li Hong, Ji Deng and Shen Ruolan have worked together just now, so Meng Qiu's swordsmanship has returned in vain.

If one more person comes in, he may not be relaxed, and he will definitely lose if he doesn't even use other magic weapons. "

Master Ji Le sneered, but did not refute.

Although this Jiang Xuejun spoke indiscriminately and spoke incoherently, it wasn't because of any problem with his character, it was simply because he was disturbed by inner demons when he was crossing the catastrophe, and he was just a little stupid.

If you want to change to an ordinary sect, you will be beaten to death long ago.However, she has a good master, even if her meritorious deeds are lacking, she is still extremely favored.

The grandmother accepted Jiang Xuejun as an apprentice back then, and she was also trained as a successor.She is also competitive. Among her peers, although she is not the most powerful, she is still the top.

She is not much older than Zhuge Jing and me, but she is a lot faster from the establishment of the foundation to the Sanxian.

Originally, there was no need to be in a hurry to be promoted to Earth Immortal, but more than a hundred years ago, the mother had a conflict with an elder of the Demon Cult, and was injured.

At that time, the Miaozhen Temple in Dongting Mountain had a whole family, and except for Naimu, the highest cultivation level was Sanxian, and no one could take the lead.

Therefore, Jiang Xuejun was in a moment of anxiety and triggered the catastrophe of the earth immortal in advance.Originally, based on her cultivation base, she would not be unable to survive.

But the elder of the Demon Sect secretly sent out to attract a powerful demon. Although the mother discovered it in advance, Jiang Xuejun was still affected and lost a lot of mind.

Afterwards, the grandmother was safe and passed the test smoothly, but felt that the apprentice had saved her, so instead of not being disgusted, she loved her even more. Sometimes the two of them even talked, not like a master and a student, but like an old mother and an arrogant daughter.

She is like this, and other people dare not provoke her because of her cultivation.

Daoist Ji Le is not afraid, but it would be disgraceful to argue too much with a junior.

But the grandmother still said patiently: "Look, among the seven people, the little girl from Wudang is obviously on good terms with him, even Yu Qian Liuli is in the random formation, and the relationship is very close, it is not sure where to stand in the real fight.

And that little god monk, A Tong, is sincere, and obviously has such a treasure as the Muni bead, but he has no intention of arguing about the outcome, and he would not make a move in the first place.

If Meng Qiu wasn't sure, what kind of madness did he have to involve the two of them?Aren't you afraid that things will get messed up, and the blissful real person will blame him? "

Now that things have happened, anyone can see that what Meng Qiu did was to ensure that Shi Sheng won the championship in the end.

He is a young man who has never appeared in the practice world, if he can impress Meng Qiu with something, there must be a real person of bliss behind him.

Fentuo couldn't help but said: "This kind of behavior is not done by the great master. Is it worth a real person's reputation to fight for a mere magic weapon?"

Master Ji Le chuckled, and said, "How did I get my fame? Relying on the legacy of my predecessors, or relying on a mouth? Isn't it because my flying sword is unmatched by anyone.

But my disciple and grandson have this self-defense treasure, as for what other people say, let him go.Can you demote me to the mortal world, or break through the seven treasures and golden buildings?

As for what the great master did, I'm afraid I have to ask the great wise monk.If others don't know the origin of your trial, how can I not know?

If I don't say it, the catastrophe is imminent, and my temper has improved a bit.Otherwise, call the Buddha and see if I can strike with this sword. "

Monk Dazhi recited the Buddha's name lightly, but remained silent.Fentuo looked at Tianmeng again, his face was expressionless, and he knew that there was a secret connection here, and his face turned red immediately.

But the grandmother was not polite, frowned, and asked: "The real person may wish to speak clearly, and don't let the old lady be kept in the dark."

Master Ji Le pointed at the magic circle, and said: "These two competitions are closely related to the trials in Emei Gate. The previous one was reborn from Youyuan Fire House Yanguan, and this one is Zuoyuan Thirteen Limits.

That little doll named Li Hong must have been training in the sect for a long time and was already prepared.

It's just that his temperament is not very high, and he can't suppress his joy, showing a confident look, which makes people see it.

That's why Meng Qiu used his sword to block him.Otherwise, if he entered the formation, he might really be successful. "

Only then did Mom suddenly realize that her face turned ugly, and she said in a deep voice, "All of you are prepared, but I am naive, thinking that this competition is really fair."

Zen Master Dazhi still couldn't refute, but Master Ji Le waved his hand and said, "You became enlightened late, so you don't know the story here.

The Youyuan Huozhai Strict Pass and Zuoyuan Thirteenth Limit trials were originally obtained by the long-browed Taoist from the mad monk, otherwise it would not be a taste of Buddhism.

As for the matter of the Seven Treasures and Golden Building, I also know that there is a connection inside.To that doll, it should be.Acting in private, no one can find fault.

But monk Dazhi insisted on making extra troubles and promised to let outsiders fight, so don't blame me for being rude and wanting to intervene. "

Zen Master Dazhi regretted it immediately, and said, "Senior Brother Tianmeng, I..."

Zen Master Tianmeng shook his head, and said: "The catastrophe is approaching, but your mind is disturbed, originally this test might be difficult.

However, by accident, if the Seven Treasures Golden Building falls into the hands of others, it will be a good thing for you.But if you can bear it, there is no problem in crossing the catastrophe. "

Zen Master Dazhi was stunned, and immediately understood, saying: "If you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up. It is true that I have fallen into a demon."

After he came to his senses, the precious light on his face faded a bit, but his demeanor became more calm, he no longer looked at the duel with a sense of gain or loss, and immediately praised Meng Qiu's sword skills.

At this moment, Meng Qiu was multitasking. While manipulating the four rings of the Dragon Sparrow, he entangled the two most powerful offensive magic weapons, the Suiren Drill and the Bingling Shuo, while urging the flying sword, two attacks and two defenses, to strictly guard the entrance of the formation.

Yu Yingnan had no intention of fighting with him, but since Meng Qiu invited him to fight, he was not polite, so he showed off all the sword skills he had learned from the other party.

She is very talented, after learning swords, she has her own comprehension, fierce as a surge of waves, as strong as a hurricane, her sword energy is vertical and horizontal, rampant, and Meng Qiu suppressed Meng Qiu's split sword.

Even Yan Renying, who was forced to attack together, had to withdraw the Yinhe sword to the other side.

Only the little divine monk, A Tong, didn't respond.There is a Muni bead on his head, which swallows all the incoming sword energy without any damage to himself.

This is the miraculous effect of this magic weapon.It can restrain all the sword energy, divine light, and spells from the enemy's attack, and reflect them out.

In the way of the other, return it to the other body. It doesn't consume any mana. As long as it is controlled properly, it will be a situation where one ebbs and the other grows, and delaying it can drag the enemy to death.

He just sucked in Nanming Lihuo sword energy now, but he didn't intend to release it, letting it dissipate.

Li Hong's flying sword was driven back to his side again, and he could only rely on Xiangyun Baogai to protect Ji Deng and Shen Ruolan, and he had no energy to attack again.

Seeing A-Tong's effortless appearance, he cursed in his heart, thinking to himself that the Muni Pearl was in his hands, and he would have swept it all the way, how could he be so passive.

It's just that he was slandering in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything.But it was because A-Tong's master, Zen Master Baimei, was still an Earth Immortal and ranked the bottom among the three great monks, but he had a strong temperament.

If he knew that his beloved disciple had been wronged, Zen Master Baimei would not care about his face, he would really take action.

However, although A-Tong did not fight back, with the help of Yu Xiao's arrow, he also restrained the flying sword that Meng Qiu had differentiated.In addition, Yu Yingnan, Yan Renying, and Ji Deng happened to be the enemy.

Who would have thought that Meng Qiu could maintain an unbeatable streak with one against seven.

The seniors were amazed, and the monks around were amazed, but most of the fighters felt uncomfortable.

Like Yan Renying, he regretted that he shouldn't have made a move, and it just helped the other party's prestige.Even though he still has a back hand, this is just a contest of skills, if he is ruthless, the consequences will be disastrous.

The rest of Shen Ruolan and Ji Deng had no desires or desires. Although they agreed to come to help Li Hong, but even Li Hong didn't try their best, how could they use all means.

Therefore, only Li Honggan was anxious, especially seeing Shi Sheng in the formation, successfully passed the trial of six desires, and now that he had reached the eighth level, he was even more restless.

He managed Xiangyun Baogai several times, and almost made a mistake, but Meng Qiu didn't attack, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

So Li Hong was overjoyed, thinking that the other party was close to the limit and unable to go any further, so he hurriedly told his companions to encourage everyone to work harder.

Jiang Xuejun said the wrong things one after another, but when he calmed down, he could still see a lot of things.

She and Li Hong had very different opinions, and seeing Li Hong and others being more aggressive, she couldn't help laughing and said: "These juniors really have bad eyesight.

With such a hasty attack, do you really think that Meng Qiuli is out of control?I don't even look at how his body has moved half an inch from head to tail.

It's nothing more than this sparring, not a battle of life and death, as long as there is delay, and Shi Sheng passes the last hurdle, then he's done, why bother? "

Jiang Xuejun's voice was undisguised, spread all the way, and fell into the ears of everyone on the field.

There was a lot of grudges between him and Zheng Bagu. Naturally, he knew his relationship with Meng Qiu, and he was regarded as an enemy. Right now, he didn't want Meng Qiu to do what he wanted, so he opened his mouth on purpose.

Master Ji Le didn't stop him, just folded his hands on his chest and sneered again and again.And the grandmother rested her forehead with her hand, feeling very headache, and secretly said:

"Mr. Xue, you have to keep your mouth shut or go back. What Meng Qiu did was really for the sake of the grandson of Daoist Ji Le. You have offended people by talking too much."

Zen Master Dazhi was extremely displeased, and suddenly changed his color: "Jiang Daoyou's behavior is really too rude.

Fellow Daoist Yan, I respect your character cultivation very much, this time it will be fine, and next time, please leave. "

Jiang Xuejun's words could turn the situation around and greatly break the rules.

If Meng Qiu was defeated and the news spread, people would only say that the Fa Conference was unfair.No wonder Zen Master Dazhi was so restrained, and he was also very angry.

However, Meng Qiu, who was in the core, didn't care about all kinds of words, and just focused on guarding the entrance of the cave, so as not to let anyone enter the formation.

After hearing Jiang Xuejun's words, Yan Renying didn't try her best as Li Hong thought, instead she paused and asked, "Fellow Daoist Meng, you are so sure that Taoist Shi will be able to pass the test?"

"He does his thing, I do mine, what does it matter if it succeeds or not?"

Meng Qiu was very calm, and the flying sword in his hand was more stable. At this moment, the four flying swords seldom attacked, they were all hovering around, but if there was an attack, they all blocked it.

With his mana, methods, and experience far superior to the seven opponents, once he chooses to defend with peace of mind, even most of the earth immortals will have no way to break through.

What's more, among these seven people, only Ji Deng, Yu Xiao and Shen Ruolan are famous, and the other four are not even considered rising stars.

If it were seven people from Emei who came here, with the help of sect magic weapons and formations, it might be possible to work together, but now the seven people have seven hearts, there is absolutely no chance.

Meng Qiu saw this clearly, so he responded calmly, even pulling Yu Yingnan and A Tong in.

During the more than half an hour of their stalemate, Shi Sheng fought steadily and made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the last hurdle.

He just stepped on the last futon, and immediately felt that there was no sound or shadow around him. He knew it was not good, and the Ligou clock was on his head a few times before, but now he still felt that it was not enough, so he quickly released the Nine Palace Zhuling Banner and landed beside him.

But he had gone through too many hurdles before, and he had long been exhausted and exhausted. It was still a step too late. At that time, the sky was spinning, his mind was fading, and he seemed to faint.

A trace of fear arose in my heart, and I suppressed it forcibly, remembering the instructions of Master Ji Le, took out a jade talisman, grasped it hard, and suddenly felt a blur in front of my eyes, golden clouds flashed randomly, shining brightly, and a big word "Ding" appeared.

The characters are in the ancient seal script of Zhu Shu, about ten feet in diameter, radiant in all directions, flickering, then disappearing in a flash, and the characters disappear completely.

But after this change, Shi Sheng also woke up from the confusion, with a strong spirit, he tried his best to compete with the drowsy devil.

He has a focused personality and has been taught by Daoist Bliss since he was a child. Even if he has not entered the Emei Zuoyuan Thirteenth Limit, he is not lacking in all kinds of phantom array trials.

It took about a cup of tea, and finally passed the last hurdle without any risk, and walked slowly towards the exit.

Ji Deng and the others knew that the general situation was over, even if they broke through the barriers and entered it now, it would not help, so they wanted to stop.

Unexpectedly, Meng Qiu got up suddenly, let out a long laugh, and said, "It's my turn!"

He quickly retracted the dragon sparrow ring, and gestured with both hands in the middle. The Nanming Lihuo sword first merged into one, and then it was generous and brilliant, and the fire was shining.

Then more than a thousand flying swords appeared in front of him, and without a pause, they rushed forward suddenly, enveloping all seven of them.

The magic weapons in the hands of the few people came into contact with Jian Ying, and they were immediately knocked back.The magic power contained in it is no longer something Sanxian can have.

Then the seven had no choice but to sacrifice their defensive magic weapons, but no matter Xiangyun Baogai or Yuqian Liuli, they only blocked the first wave of attacks, and they were in danger under the second wave of sword rain.

The little divine monk A-Tong quickly adjusted the Muni Pearl, desperately absorbing the sword energy, he didn't care to keep his hand, and kept bumping back the collected sword energy.

It's just that his primordial spirit is not strong enough, and the sword energy he can transform is limited, and he is quickly submerged in the infinite sword light, and even the treasure and the people are knocked back hundreds of feet.

Seeing that the seven people were about to be injured by the sword energy, Zen Master Dazhi quickly put his hands together, the big formation suddenly became bright, the entrance suddenly expanded, and Meng Qiu was taken in.

At the same time, Shi Sheng stepped out of the formation step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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