Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 250 Consummation Chapter Return

Chapter 250 Consummate Return
Meng Qiu stepped into the formation and looked up. There was a vast expanse of whiteness on the top, and some colorful brilliance flowed out, like a bright sun hiding behind the clouds, the halo flowed, bright and natural.

There was silence inside, and there was no sound at all.He moved up, and found that the movement of mana and the movement of his body were no different from the outside, so he turned the sword light and traveled thousands of feet to the exit.

It was also quiet outside the formation, and everyone was paying attention to it.Even Shi Sheng, who had just left the battle, didn't speak.

It took him more than two hours to pass these 13 levels. He wanted to see how long it would take for Meng Qiu to break through.

Meng Qiu didn't notice anything, and stepped onto the first futon.He cautiously made some preparations, but there was no movement at all, and there was no reaction in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He raised his eyebrows, stepped out without hesitation, and walked towards the second futon.

Everyone looked at Shi Sheng. He spent half a stick of incense in this level just now.

Shi Sheng didn't hide his secrets, and said: "After I stepped on the futon, I was silent for a long time, thinking that I was in a catastrophe, and my inner demon was haunting me, so I didn't dare to move.

It took me a long time to realize that maybe there was no tempering in this test, it was only out of awe of the Zen master's supernatural powers that I became suspicious.

But this is what happened to me just now. As for what brother Meng has experienced, I don’t know, and the Zen master needs to clarify. "

Zen Master Dazhi immediately said: "He has experienced the same experience as you. This level is basically blank."

"Good hearted!" Daoist Ji Le exclaimed, "It's easy to break a thief in the mountain, but hard to break a thief in the heart. If you don't have great confidence in yourself, you can't be so decisive."

Who would have thought that Zen Master Dazhi carefully designed and repeatedly emphasized the danger of the trial, and there was no obstacle in the first pass.

Mom asked, "Renying, if you are in this position, can you react quickly like Meng Qiu?"

Without hesitation, Yan Renying shook her head and said, "If I can get out of my confusion in half a stick of incense like Fellow Daoist Shi Sheng, I will be satisfied."

"You didn't lie." Mom was honest and satisfied with him.

Yu Yingnan and others all asked themselves, it was indeed difficult to achieve Meng Qiu's performance.Even Li Hong was not convinced on the surface, but he knew in his heart that he would definitely be confused when he encountered this situation.

The little divine monk A-Tong didn't think so, and said, "Since you didn't notice anything, just go ahead, why do you have to think about it?"

"Difficult, difficult, difficult!" Zen Master Tianmeng said: "If you know too much, your mind will become confused, and if you encounter too many false encounters, it will be difficult to find the truth. How many people are there who are as innocent as you?"

A-Tong said: "Friend Daoist Meng passes by very quickly, isn't he the one?"

"His thoughts are no less than anyone else's." Zen Master Tianmeng said: "It's just that after making a decision for others, he acted vigorously and thought about everything in advance, and once he made a decision, he didn't hesitate.

With such a temperament, it's no wonder he wants to learn swordsmanship, no wonder he can learn swordsmanship! "

"Look, in just a few words, he has already reached the fourth level." Mom stretched out her finger and said with a smile:

"It's a pity that Zen Master Dazhi put Kongguan at the top. This move is certainly uncomfortable, but it's easy once you react. Instead, it's better to put it in the middle or at the end. When he looks tense, he may be able to stop it."

Shi Sheng hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have experienced this kind of situation again in the middle."

Everyone's eyes turned one after another, with surprise on their faces.Zen Master Dazhi nodded and said:

"There are indeed two empty trials, and the rest of the trials are different due to personal experience.

Shi Xiaoyou is in the first and seventh levels, while Meng Xiaoyou should be in the No.11 level.

But this little gadget is not the key.In this trial, other levels are extremely uncomfortable.

But he is so fast, as if he has no demons, it is really unbelievable. "

With just a little time to speak, Meng Qiu has indeed reached the fifth level. The speed is so fast that he seems to be walking on flat ground, as if there is no obstacle in front of him.

As a matter of fact, as soon as he set foot on the second futon, he felt it.

As soon as he landed, a strange smell hit his nose.If you enter the place of abalone, the fishy smell is tangy and the stench is suffocating.All kinds of evil breaths in the world came one after another, making people dizzy.

Before anyone could react, it was like entering Zhilan's room immediately, the fragrance filled the brain, and it was so warm and soul-stirring.Especially after the extremely stinky scent, encountering this beautiful scent again, the front and back will double the fragrance and make you feel ecstatic.

Such situations, over and over again, make people feel up and down, and they naturally attract attention, and they don't feel like falling into it.

Later, in a burst of warm fragrance, there was an extremely unpleasant smell of mutton, which made people feel dizzy and upset, feel sick, and naturally broke their mood, and were taken advantage of by foreign demons.

Even if you survive this level, there will be others behind.Nose is disturbed, and a strange smell suddenly arises in the mouth.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, astringent, all kinds of strange tastes, all of which come from the mouth one by one, are all extremely emotional, and each of them can make the person who is in the body feel uncomfortable in various ways, and it is impossible to describe it for a while.

After suffering the sin in the mouth, all kinds of symptoms appeared on the body again, such as pain, itching, soreness, or numbness.Sometimes it is like returning from spring sleepiness, laziness and dizziness; sometimes it is like scraping bones and cracking skin, and the pain pierces the heart and lungs.

This ordeal was even more severe than what Meng Qiu had suffered before. There were all kinds of pains and numbness, and the five senses were endless. It tortured people repeatedly until the mind was in turmoil.

Fortunately, the power of this formation increases with the realm.And although Meng Qiu is only a loose immortal, his primordial spirit is comparable to that of a top earth immortal, and his simplicity is far superior to that of his peers.

When the next futon came down, the eyes suddenly went dark, as if covered with a layer of gauze, the whole person was slightly dizzy, and soon regained consciousness.

The sky is dark, the lights are yellow, the frogs are singing and the insects are singing, there is the sound of drizzle outside the house, and the house is tightly patched.Suddenly, the parents are earnest and the children are crying. It is all a rural scene.

The most powerful heart demon is not the ability to change time and space and seduce people's hearts, but to deceive the spiritual consciousness. In a blink of an eye, it makes people forget their original practice and fall into a boundless illusion, which is still undetectable.

Just like at this moment, Meng Qiu did not fall into fantasy as a monk, but unknowingly, he became Meng Qiu, a country boy. Everything around him was as natural as exhaling, returning to the innocence when he was young, which made people linger.

These levels echoed back and forth, emotions surged up like a tide, and I couldn't hold it back no matter what.

The past, the future, the unexpected, all riches and poverty, happiness and misery, ghosts and gods, six desires and seven emotions, and countless miscellaneous thoughts, all come one by one.

As soon as this thought ceased, he thought it again.The more you want to be still, the more you can't be still; the more you want to be still, but you want to move.

There are various means of inner demons.Creating an illusion, making people fall into it, unable to tell the truth from the false, so there is no way to break it, all belong to instinct.

Commonly used, there are all kinds of torture.The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, the sufferings of the world, are caught on them one by one, and there is no escape.But there are weak-willed people who can't stand it at this moment.

Second, it can stir up the fire in the heart, uncontrollable joy, unspeakable suffering, grief, and anger. Once the thoughts are messy and it is difficult to calm down, it will kill itself.

Furthermore, magnify desires, fame and fortune, wine, sex and wealth.Those who love power don't give up life and death, and those who like peace give famous mountains and resorts, low water and high cliffs.

Even monks like Meng Qiu, who are struggling to achieve Taoism and immortality, are also skilled.

Colorful flowers rain down from the sky, accompanied by many flower-scattering goddesses surrounded by clouds and feathers, holding their own dancers, and come gracefully.Then there is a mixed group of people, all-inclusive, which really makes people dazzled and dazzled.

The world of spirit space and fairyland must not be too much. Once a monk is intoxicated in it, even if someone sees it through, he may not be willing to leave.

If an ordinary monk falls into this series of trials, even if he can escape, he will have to struggle for a long time, but Meng Qiu has a firm mind, and he cannot be shaken by ordinary temptations.

What's more, in his sea of ​​consciousness, there is such an extraterrestrial creation as the chaotic primordial fetus, like a bright moon above his head, a bright lamp, telling him from time to time that what he sees is illusory.

So 13 levels, come flying and go away.No matter whether the level is empty or not, it cannot make him stay for half a point.

Although it seems from outside the formation, it does not stop.But in Meng Qiu's senses, it is extremely long. After a trial, it seems that he has gone through thousands of lives.

After leaving the last futon, the world suddenly cleared up.

There are countless thousands of sounds in the vast world, ranging from the changes of wind, rain, thunder and lightning in the world, to the sound of insects in autumn and rain, birds singing in spring and sunny, all the sounds of surprise and joy, sorrow and joy, hate and anger are all mixed together.

Meng Qiu only felt that the third primordial spirit beyond the sea of ​​consciousness grew up visibly like mushrooms after rain, pointing to the fact that there was nothing to grow.

And within the sea of ​​consciousness, it is also like after a spring rain, the dust is gone, the buds are green, the breath is clear, and the scene is clear.

Once the thirteenth test is passed, let his third soul fully grow up, and then he will spend some time polishing it, and when the inner and outer souls merge, that is when he will become an earth immortal.


When Meng Qiu walked out of the formation, Zen Master Dazhi waved his hand, and the seventy-seven forty-nine clusters of light turned into a string of Buddhist beads again and returned to his sleeve.

Yu Yingnan, Yan Renying and others all surrounded him with complicated expressions.

At first, everyone thought that even if Meng Qiu entered the formation, he would pass the test faster.If there are other people in the formation besieging, it may not necessarily be the champion.

But judging from the situation just now, the so-called thirteen levels of trials are as easy as drinking water for him, coupled with superior force, it is not a big problem to get the Seven Treasures Golden Banner.

Shi Sheng said solemnly: "Brother Meng, I owe you a favor this time. If I have a job in the future, I will never forget it."

Meng Qiu shook his head with a smile, and said, "This time I made an agreement with Senior Ji Le last time, how dare I ask Fellow Daoist to repay you again."

Shi Sheng said: "Brother Meng and Shizu agreed, it was just to help, but they didn't say it was a concession, there is a big difference."

Meng Qiu stopped being entangled, and with a sway of his figure, he returned to the lotus leaf and swung towards Zen Master Dazhi.

When he got to the lake, he watched the past and remembered the appearances of several angels one by one.

Zen Master Dazhi had calmed down his mood at this moment, and asked: "Meng Xiaoyou, the Seven Treasures Golden Building, several top defense treasures in the world, you obviously have the ability to succeed, but give up so easily, don't you feel it is a pity?"

But Meng Qiu didn't answer, instead he said: "To pass the second test this time, it is thanks to the Zen master who kept his hand and distributed the training to the thirteen tests.

There is a gap in the middle, after a short pause, you can still return to your senses.If the inner demons strike continuously, I don't know if I can bear it. "

"Even if they are connected together, there is no difference to you. On the contrary, it is difficult for other friends to pass."

Zen Master Dazhi understood what he meant and didn't say much, he said: "Since Xiaoyou Shi has won, the seven-treasure golden banner will naturally belong to him."

As soon as the words fell, the surface of the lake was gently rippling, and the lotus leaves that everyone was riding on slowly lifted into the air and floated around.

A faint fragrance appeared on the surface of the water, followed by an extremely soft and vivid auspicious mist, like a vast expanse of colorful ice cream, covering the whole lake.

Under the fog, thousands of hectares of clear waves surge together. The waves are not high, but they are very neat.

Everyone felt an indescribable comfort and emptiness in their hearts, and their souls were also moved by it.The nose suddenly smelled a strange fragrance of sandalwood, which was different from the fragrance in the fragrance just now.

At the same time, there were several sounds of Qingpan, followed by intermittent Sanskrit singing.After listening quietly, I don't know where the sound came from, it seemed to be very far away, drifting down from the sky, and it was in my ear again, it was very clear.

While intoxicated, Panyin's Sanskrit voice seemed to move into the air again, seeming to be indistinguishable and faint.

Before the sound ended, all the people became a little awake, their hearts moved slightly, a burst of strange fragrance rose, and big green lotuses gushed out from the bottom of the lake, and they bloomed together.

A circle of Buddha's light appeared in the sky above the center of the lake, and the clear waves diverted the water. On a huge green lotus flower in the middle stood a golden Buddha statue with a height of six feet.

Immediately afterwards, with the gaze everywhere, a Buddha and Bodhisattva appeared on each lotus flower, and there were hundreds of thousands of billions of them.For a moment, the sun is shining, the flowers and rain are colorful, and the treasures are solemn and indescribable.

It turns out that the lotus flowers of the Buddha image have all disappeared, only the green waves in the center of the lake are rolling, and the water diverges in all directions, and a deep water whirlpool as large as an acre appears in the center.

In a blink of an eye, there is a sudden upward shot from the bottom of the water, and then a cloud of five-color auspicious light the size of a wine glass rises.

In the eyes of all the angels, there was a flash of light.Zen Master Tianmeng looked at the real person of Jile next to him, sighed, and secretly recited a few Buddha's mantras.

Immediately after the five-color auspicious light, another jeweled building with a length of six or seven feet and a radius of seven feet gushed out.

The jeweled banner looks like a banner but not a banner, slightly like a canopy. It has seven floors, with necklaces and beads hanging on all sides, and a different form of precious light appears on each floor.

On the first floor, there are two rings of precious rings; on the second floor is a red wheel, surrounded by flames on all sides, blazing; on the third floor is a bowl; on the fourth floor is a golden bell; on the fifth floor is a wisdom sword;

On the whole treasure building, the precious aura is shining brightly, but each of the six layers of seven treasures has its own color, and the brilliance is extremely strong.

There are seven colors of brilliance, which merge into a colorful cloud, which is majestic and majestic, with a myriad of scenes, and it has supreme power at a glance.

Zen Master Dazhi stretched out his hand, and the five-color auspicious light the size of a wine glass flew into Shi Sheng's hand, and he said, "Whoever refines this town building relic, the Seven Treasures Golden Building will be under his control."

Shi Sheng held it in his hand, channeled his magic power, and in just a moment, he could manipulate it slightly.Baozhu turned into a stream of light and flew back to his hand.

"Monk Dazhi, thank you very much!" Master Ji Le laughed loudly, shaking his hands, a stream of Dharma light enveloped Meng Qiu and Shi Sheng, and the world changed when his body moved.

Meng Qiu took a closer look and found that he had already arrived at Rabbit Cliff on Mangcang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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