Ordinary Cultivation of Immortals in Shushan

Chapter 251 Celestial Magic Treasure

Chapter 251 Celestial Magic Treasure
Unknowingly, thousands of miles are waiting so close, such a method is simply unimaginable.

Meng Qiu's arrogance, which had been so easily aroused just now, disappeared without a trace.

Shi Sheng just got the Seven Treasures Golden Building, so he must hurry up to sacrifice, Meng Qiu declined the other party's persuasion, and returned to the cave.

After tidying up for a while, he rushed to Zaohuaya, saw Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng, first smiled and said:

"Bagu, since you were promoted to Earth Immortal, you seem to have changed your temper. Over the years, you spend more time in retreat and less time out to fight.

After a little longer, aren't you afraid that the name of the Goddess of Calamity will be forgotten in the world of practice?When I met Jiang Xuejun this time, she knew about my relationship with you, but she never mentioned it. "

Zheng Bagu was a little disdainful, and said: "With the temperament of this woman in the past, when she heard my experience over the years, she would have to sneer and ridicule her, she didn't even mention it, it seems that the rumors are true, her brain is really burnt out.

"Don't come here to make fun of me. Although I am tough, I am not stupid. I stayed in the ice valley for decades. Most of the enemies back then had surpassed me in cultivation. Naturally, if I want revenge, I have to work harder.

You came at the right time, I just recently retreated and gained something, I will discuss it with you, and see how much of your current reputation is true. "

Meng Qiu gladly accepted the challenge, and went to the back mountain with the two of them.

He asked the other party to attack first, but Zheng Bagu was not humble, Tian Huijian made a bold move, like a meteor falling, with extremely fierce momentum.

Meng Qiu didn't even use the Nanming Lihuo sword, but only used the Qingxuan sword to intercept it forward, three moves and two moves, first weakening the magic power of the opponent's flying sword, and then easily intercepting it.

Chen Yufeng smiled and said, "Ba Gu, Meng Qiu's swordsmanship ranks among the top among monks in the world. When you fight with swordsmanship, don't you use the short to attack the strong?
It's better to get some real skills early and let him see how powerful he is, so as not to underestimate you. "

Zheng Bagu nodded, said hello, and put away the Tianhui sword.

Although this sword is one of the best flying swords in the world, but Bagu Zheng is not good at swordsmanship, some of them can't display the full strength of this divine sword.

Furthermore, just as a magic weapon, the Tianhui Sword is not that imposing, but has a dexterous and changeable way, and the difference in fighting style with her is not small.

Meng Qiu took out the Nanming Lihuo Sword with a smile, and said: "This sword is very hot, it seems to be more suitable for you, why don't you borrow it for a while. Just be careful, don't let the Buddhist bald man snatch it away."

Zheng Bagu ignored it, took out the yin-yang umbrella and put it on top of her head, then flicked her fingers with both hands, and the light of the Great Five Elements Extinction God shot out.

This technique is extremely powerful, Meng Qiu didn't dare to be careless, he quickly tapped the Qingxuan sword, and ten sword shadows were also separated, and when they collided head-on, the sword energy and divine light dissipated immediately, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

"Huh?" He was a little surprised, and said, "Have you mastered your divine light so well? If I hadn't been prepared, I would have been restrained by you."

Zheng Bagu managed to achieve some supernatural powers, she thought she was the best among the earth immortals, but she was easily dealt with by Meng Qiu, she was a little disappointed, and said:
"Are you praising me or comforting me? You can't beat me even with a sword. It seems that you can't rush out for revenge at this time."

Meng Qiu and her have known each other for many years, and some things have been known for a long time, such as the enemy the other party has formed, so he said:

"I was in the Xuanshuang Cave of Tu'er Cliff, and I received a lot of advice from Master Ji Le. In the past two days, I participated in the Zen Master Dazhi's Affinity Ceremony, and I learned something again. Compared with the last time, my cultivation level is much higher.

Needless to say, the Sanxian, among the Earth Immortals, they are only inferior to the God Camel Yixiu, and the other Songshan Elders are no match for me.

Among your enemies, except Miaoyi's wife Xun Lanying, Patriarch Huashan Liehuo, and monk Baimei's disciple Zhu Youmu, a weed-picking monk, they are a bit powerful and difficult to deal with.

The rest are Jiang Xuejun, Yuanyuan nun, heroic monk Yifan, Huashan Martian son Yang Shao, Kunlun wandering dragon son Wei Shaoshao, naked teacher Jiu Panpo's direct disciple Tie Shu, etc., but mere, not as good as Yudong real Yue Yun, you will definitely win.

As for Taoist Iron Man, Taoist Maguan Si Taixu, Qinling Stone Immortal King Guan Lin and so on, let alone. "

Judging from previous contact, Meng Qiu reckoned that Bagu Zheng's current strength should only be a little worse than Ling Hun, Banbian Laoni and Xuangui Palace Master Yi Zhou, and slightly better than Yue Yun and Jiang Shu.

This is already an extremely remarkable achievement. Compared with these few years, Zheng Bagu's practice period is much longer, and there is a delay of more than 50 years in the middle.

But she herself didn't think how powerful it was, and said: "Since you can stop it, then I will do it with all my strength, and be careful!"

Infinite rays of light burst out from her hands, and every ray of light was like substance, with the power to penetrate everything, completely enveloping Meng Qiu.

At this time, Meng Qiu wanted to use his sword light to differentiate and deal with them one by one, but he couldn't.With his current cultivation base, at most he could fly out [-] to [-] sword lights, and the incoming divine lights were more than a hundred thousand.

However, if the number is large, they will be able to dominate. The most powerful Taoism in the practice world will not be swordsmanship, but divine light.

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and swiped, and a ball of golden light floated on the Qingxuan sword. It rushed out, seemingly slowly, but in the blink of an eye, it was in mid-air, and the same brilliance burst out, and a beam of light shot out.

This ray of light is not light, but wisps of sword energy, sharper than divine light, meeting each other one by one, not only defeating them, but still have the strength to move on.

Zheng Bagu frowned, hurriedly urged Shen Guang again, fired twice in a row, and finally dispersed all the sword energy.

The advantage of divine light is that it is emitted quickly, and as long as the mana is sufficient, it can be continuous.

Seeing that Meng Qiu was holding a sword in his hand, she didn't rush to attack, so she said, "You have a try and see how much magic power you need to break through my defense."

Meng Qiu then changed to Nanming Lihuo Sword and came out. With the sword light turning into a rainbow, he was blocked by the Yin-Yang umbrella. He was not surprised, and made up a blow of sword Qi Leiyin.

Although Zheng Bagu blocked it this time, the umbrella was turbulent and the light of the body protection light was flickering, obviously it was a bit difficult.

Meng Qiu stopped at the right time and said, "If you don't fight back, I guess it will be at least three moves later."

"Three tricks?" Chen Yufeng exclaimed, "Why are you so arrogant after you go out? Could it be possible that you learned some powerful spells from Master Ji Le?"

Meng Qiu shook his head and said: "I have learned a lot about swordsmanship, and I have indeed gained a lot. But the most important thing is that my realm has improved, my soul has grown stronger, and my magic power has become stronger day by day.

Special skills such as sword energy and thunder sound have been able to exert greater power.I think that apart from the gods, there are not many people in the world who can stop them.

Such a move, with my current mana, can only support less than ten moves. "

"You're so powerful, come out and see!" Chen Yufeng immediately shouted, and Zheng Bagu also nodded.

Meng Qiu took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to caress the Nanming Lihuo sword, and the blade changed, the whole body was red, like cinnabar, and the inside seemed transparent, like the structure of glass.

"Sword energy turns into rainbow!" He shouted, first the rainbow light hung forward, and then the flying sword charged over.

Rao kept a hand, the sword light rushed away, and fell on the gray mist protecting the body of the Yin-Yang Umbrella, still knocking Zheng Bagu and her magic weapon, flying thousands of feet away.

The gray mist shook violently, scattered outward, and was almost about to burst after being beaten.

Meng Qiu moved the flying sword again, and there was a thunderclap, but he didn't make a move, saying: "The second blow is to strike with the thunder sound of sword energy, and your magic weapon's defense will be broken.

Three strikes are still sword qi turning into a rainbow, unless you react quickly and dodge early, otherwise you will definitely drop something on your body.

However, this kind of moves also have high requirements for flying swords, if it wasn't for Nanming Lihuo sword, its power would drop by more than [-]%. "

Zheng Bagu flew back slowly from a distance, feeling lost.The boy who took shelter behind her back then has grown into a towering tree, surpassing her.

But when he flew in front of Meng Qiu, his face returned to firmness. I don't know if he said it to Chen Yufeng, or to himself, saying: "Cultivating immortals means detachment. Compared with others, it is still a small way. Compared with yesterday, it is the right way."

She quickly figured it out, and became high-spirited again, adding three points of hard work.

Meng Qiu knew her temperament long ago, so he dared to use his full strength, so that the other party knew not only his methods, but also his own abilities, so that he could have a standard in his actions in the future.

Chen Yufeng was also eager to try, but when she saw that Bagu Zheng was a little embarrassed, she gave up

The three of them returned to the cave, chatting about the latest action.Meng Qiuyin went over the origin of this matchmaking meeting, and only talked about the intermediate process and results.

Although Zheng Bagu understood Meng Qiu's choice, she still said: "For many years, you have been pursuing the most top-notch body protection treasure, but when the opportunity came your way, you gave up.

Now you not only didn't get the Seven Treasures Golden Tower, but you even returned Yuqian Liuli, wouldn't it be a pity? "

Chen Yufeng laughed and said, "He was right not to take the Seven Treasures Golden Tower.

The Four Treasures of Buddhism, he already has the Nanming Lihuo Sword. Right now, this sword is unowned.

But the Seven Treasures Golden Building is different. This thing has always been the inheritance of the lineage of Zunsheng Divine Monk. Without the support of big figures, if it is taken in hastily, it will definitely be followed by the Buddhist sect to make trouble. "

The four treasures of Buddhism, the Nanming Lihuo Sword headed by it, was handed down by Bodhidharma.The Shaolin Chamber, where his orthodoxy has continued, has declined, and he has no ability to pursue it.

The other three treasures are all handed down by the Buddha.Zen master Tianmeng's lineage obtained the heart lamp, which is currently in the hands of Xie Shan, the reincarnation of his brother Hanyue monk.

Chan Master Zunsheng and Chan Master Dazhi are brothers and belong to the same lineage, and they use the golden banner of the seven treasures as a symbol of suppression.Zen Master Baimei is from another lineage, who obtained the Muni beads, and now it is passed on to the little god monk A Tong.

As for the last three Buddhist treasures, why are they not in the hands of the three divine monks? It is because the Buddha once established a rule that after the disciples of the three veins, they can hold these three magic treasures.

The reason why Zen Master Baimei has a grand reputation and high praise can be seen from the distribution of Muni beads.

Compared with Tianmeng and Zunsheng, he was able to give up the treasure in advance when he was an earth immortal. His character must be extremely high, and he should have touched the threshold of an immortal.

After hearing Chen Yufeng's explanation, Bagu Zheng couldn't tell Meng Qiu to ignore Buddhism.

Apart from sects, the three schools of Taoism, Buddha, and magic have a large number of immortals.Compared with cultivation, Buddhism is still a little weaker.

But different from the other two, although they are divided into branches, they have more contact with each other and are more united.

If Meng Qiu offends them too much, even Gongyehuang won't be able to protect him if the other party is serious.

Zheng Bagu couldn't help sighing: "It's so easy to have a self-defense treasure, there is almost no one that can compare with it, and it will be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future."

But Meng Qiu didn't care much, and said: "According to what I've seen so far, it seems that none of the celestial beings used the magic weapon left by the predecessors.

There are even more strange rules in Buddhism, and there must be some ways in it that need to be clarified.Let me go to see senior Gongye and see if I can get an answer. "

He came out from Zaohua Cliff, went straight to Lingyu Cliff, found Gong Yehuang, and first invited him again about the matter of hunting down and killing the demon corpse Gu Chen that he had agreed on earlier.

Gongye Huang said: "I promised last time that as long as you can find a way to restrain the light realm, I will help you once. Since things are going well, there is no reason to shirk."

"Then I have to work hard again, senior, to go this way!" Meng Qiu thanked him repeatedly.

Since they met each other, except for the first time in Yue'er Island, he helped the other party a lot, and the other party took care of him many times later.

Gongye Huang smiled and said: "Since you have invited Master Ji Le and you have the Seven Treasures Golden Tower, this operation must be foolproof.

I went there just to join in the fun, to see the methods of seniors and masters, which will benefit a lot for future cultivation, and it is not too hard. "

There is no need to rush this matter, when Master Ji Le makes a plan and is ready, just follow through.

Meng Qiu asked why the gods don't use other people's magic weapons, Gongye Huang said: "The reason for this is simple. Ascension is to let the true spirit cut off the connection with this world and ascend to the spirit world.

And the magic weapon handed down from generation to generation, no matter how suitable it is for oneself, is somewhat incompatible with one's own Taoism. If it is kept on the body, it will cause the Taoism to deviate.For example, the magic weapon is not powerful, and some gains outweigh the losses.

Moreover, every magic weapon is refined from the spiritual materials of this world, and naturally carries the breath of this world. If it is used too much, it will increase the difficulty of the true spirit's escape.

Unless it takes a lot of thought and effort to assimilate it into a natal magic weapon.But the difficulty and time-consuming are too great, it is better to re-refine your own magic weapon, even if it is less powerful, but it suits you.

I have just become a celestial being, and I have no means, so I use the Qingning fan and the Xuanguang ruler to defend against the enemy.After a while, I still have to discard it and refine a magic weapon of my own. "

Only then did Meng Qiu understand, and suddenly said: "No wonder the three Buddhist monks will hand over the Buddha's treasure once they become immortals."

There is also the Emei School, which has many magic weapons, and the purple and green twin swords are famous, but none of the five disciples from Xuan Zhenzi down covets the top magic weapon left by the master, but chooses to refine it by themselves.

The rest of the people don't know yet, but the Invisible Sword of Ascetic Toutuo and Qi Shuming's Fiery Golden Light Sword are very famous.

"However, self-refining celestial immortal magic weapon also needs to obtain spiritual materials from this side of the world. It may be hindered to be separated from the true spirit."

Meng Qiu said again: "The magic weapon of the heavenly immortal has been refined in this way, but it can only be used for a while. Like Nanming Lihuo sword, Ziqing double sword, etc., it has to be discarded before ascending. Wouldn't it be a pity?"

"Who said that this kind of magic weapon will definitely be thrown away?" Gongyehuang laughed dumbfounded, and said:

"Whether it is the Nanming Lihuo Sword or the Ziqing Twin Swords, they are extremely powerful in your opinion, but they are nothing to Patriarch Bodhidharma and Daoist Changmei.

If there were powerful magic weapons, such as the Haotian Mirror and the Jiuyi Cauldron, wouldn't the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan also be brought to the Lingkong Immortal Realm? "

Meng Qiu opened his mouth, not daring to say the whereabouts of these two magic weapons, but said: "So that's it, it seems that I have to prepare earlier, and strive to practice one or two of my own natal magic weapons as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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