Chapter 258
Gong Yehuang coughed, his voice was slightly dull, his face turned pale, it turned out he was injured.

Everyone present was startled, some couldn't believe it.No matter how powerful the ten-thousand-year cold gnat is, it is only an earth immortal, and there is a huge gap between him and the heavenly immortal.

Everyone looked at the past one after another, wanting to see what the demon gnat looks like now that Gongye Huang has been injured.

But I heard a burst of charming laughter coming from the green cloud, and there seemed to be many people.Then the light curtain faded, and the smoke flickered, and six naked demon girls who were similar to the incarnations of demon cockles walked out of it, stood on the spot, and began to seduce everyone.

"Be careful. These six witches are all entities formed by the six monsters. They are not illusory, so don't get confused."

Gongyehuang coughed, waved his hand with a black light, and blocked the front, and continued: "With the blessing of the cave, it is not weaker than me, you can't get in, step back."

Meng Qiu and the others quickly stepped back and fell into the air. Ling Hun intentionally involved the enemy and landed on the edge, but he was not affected.

Wu Lingzhu was ecstatic in her heart, and shouted: "Madam, save me!"

Yaogu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and only fixed his eyes on Gongyehuang, and said in unison: "In my cave, even if you are a fairy, so what? You want to protect them, but I won't let them!"

Of the six naked witches, it is impossible to tell which one is the real body, but they just have charming eyes, coquettish smiles, and obscene words to seduce everyone.

A group of people quickly closed their eyes and stabilized their minds.

At the beginning, it was able to resist, but the demon gnat behind refused to give up, smiled and threw a wink, each shook their lotus root arms, their jade legs flew together, and danced outside.

These kinds of scenes do not need to be seen with the naked eye, they are all reflected by the primordial spirit, appearing in the sea of ​​consciousness, and there is no way to avoid them.

The rest of the people staggered and struggled against each other. They could not persevere if their cultivation bases were slightly weaker, and their hearts were shaken.

Meng Qiu is not the case, as soon as the fantasy enters the sea of ​​consciousness, there will be a flash of the primordial light of the primordial chaos, and it will be swept away.

The Yaozhu immediately noticed it and let out a cry of surprise.Although its spell is not invulnerable, it is not something that a mere Loose Immortal can resist.

It stared at Meng Qiu carefully, only to see that its aura is radiant inwardly and radiant outwardly, like a pearl of precious jade, natural and clean, spotless, without any gaps to take advantage of, adding a bit of strength.

Gongye Huang saw that the younger generation below was swaying, as if he couldn't hold himself back, he immediately shouted: "Monster, why don't you think I can't help it?"

With a poke of both hands, a thick black mist suddenly rose, and the cave sky became extremely cold in an instant, and then twelve pillars of wind emerged from the mist, which were only a little over ten feet long at first, and reached hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, revolving around the monster cockle.

In the circle of wind pillars, streaks of mist were stirred and condensed one after another, turning into black ice crystals the size of a dustpan, colliding back and forth with loud bang bang noises.

The green light around the monster's body, as long as it is hit by this ice crystal, will immediately wear away one layer, and in the blink of an eye, one-third of it will disappear.

This is an attack evolved from Gongyehuang's unique skill Mysterious Ice and Black Frost. Only a small piece of ice crystal can freeze everything.

Seeing that Lu Rongbo, Yang Li and other juniors were tempted and about to lose their souls, but they were stopped, Yaohe couldn't help being furious and roared loudly.

The four mountains responded with a bang, and there was a loud bang. The tall Yuyu Qionglou in the cave was shocked for a moment, and even the entire Shenfeng seemed to be shaking, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.

At the same time, the green light was shining brightly, enveloping the six witches, one of them spun around, and the monster's original body was ten times larger than what was seen before.

Six strange heads, nine long bodies, and 48 sharp claws waved together.The body is soft and greasy, swarthy green, with fishy saliva overflowing, like extremely large earthworms, and its shape is getting uglier and more terrifying.

The monster clam revealed its original shape, the green energy disappeared, and the body was exposed, but those ice crystals hit its skin, just like gravel hitting a stone wall, and it couldn't damage it at all.

Gongye Huang's face turned serious, he folded his palms together, and shouted: "Come together!"

The twelve pillars of wind whirled and bumped into each other, intertwined left and right, and formed a hollow net several hundred feet thick, trapping the enemy inside, and then slowly shrunk inside.

The gnat also yelled "rise", exploding all the mana accumulated for thousands of years, and his body immediately swelled.

It was about to grow up, but the wind net was shrinking, and it immediately strangled its body, and lumps of white flesh squeezed out of the net holes.

"Ah!" The monster's six heads were all in pain, but they didn't want to stop, and struggled out with all their strength.

Gong Yehuang also poured all his mana into it, desperately maintaining the black net, sweating on his forehead, obviously wasting a lot.

This kind of direct competition of mana is the most direct, and there is almost no room for trickery.

Although Gongyehuang is a celestial being, he attained enlightenment late after all; while the demon gnat is in the cave, his realm is not inferior to him, and he has ten thousand years of magic power. He can't hold on for a cup of tea, but he can't hold on.

He was just about to retreat, but saw the gnat suddenly shrink its body to two-thirds, secretly said "no", it was too late to move.

The gnat shrinks and then expands, and with a bang, the black net is broken, and the whole body comes out.

Gongyehuang snorted and backed away again and again.The people below were all shocked, they were half-believed just now, but now they saw the Earth Immortal defeating the Heaven Immortal with their own eyes, they simply didn't know what to say.

When we got outside, the monster's body still kept growing, and it covered most of the sky.

After a cry, the twelve front paws grabbed forward and came straight to Gongyehuang.At the same time, two puffs of green air were ejected from the mouth, and it opened its mouth as wide as a blood basin, sucking everything in.

Suddenly, Meng Qiu felt his body shake and almost flew up.Hastily released the Nanming Lihuo sword and cut upwards, only then did the pressure be relieved a lot.

The companion at the side released the magic weapon and flying sword for body protection, but they were also bound, and the pressure on the whole person increased sharply, and they were unable to break free, so they went straight into the mouth of the demon cockle.

Ling Hun didn't want to pay attention to Wu Lingzhu at the moment. He moved and landed next to the crowd. A purple light floated up from his body, grabbing everyone. At the same time, nine golden flowers flew up above his head, the size of a bowl.

The monster roared angrily, the six heads screamed strangely, and the whole body rushed towards Gongyehuang.

The Wu Lingzhu just got out of the tiger's mouth, and was kissed by the wolf again. It couldn't stop flying into the mouth of the monster, and shouted in fright: "Ma'am, spare me!"

How could the monster pay attention to him, and still kept silent.Only then did he get angry, took out a pitch-black shuttle, and said sharply:
"If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will detonate the Qijue Wusuo, the secret demon of the stars and stars, and we will die together!"

Wu Lingzhu made a gesture to urge her to fire, but a ferocious aura immediately pervaded the spot. The oyster sensed it, and its outer skin retracted unconsciously, as if it had been pricked by a needle.

It was only a little awake now, snorted coldly, withdrew the suction force on the opponent, and focused most of its energy on dealing with Gongyehuang.

Wu Lingzhu heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and was about to leave.Just after flying a little bit, I suddenly felt a weight on my body, and my whole body couldn't stop falling down.

He thought it was the demon gnat's backhand, and said angrily: "Madam really want to kill me?"

Just about to hit Qijue Wusuo, he suddenly noticed that his whole body was much brighter. When he looked up, he saw that there was an extra Buddha banner in the sky and the earth at some point.

The seven-color rays of light emitted from the top of the treasure building are as far as the eye can see, and the four sides are thousands of feet away, and it is still growing gradually.

At this moment, he was flying away, but he was blocked by the very thin light, and it seemed that his mana could not work.

"What is this?" Not only Wu Lingzhu thought so, but also the monster gnat screamed.

As soon as this treasure came out, under the rays of the sun, its whole body seemed to be deflated, shrinking inward unstoppably.

What's even more frightening is that it can't feel the connection with the cave at all, not only can't mobilize its spiritual power, even the supernatural powers blessed on it disappear instantly.

It screamed in panic and struggled a few times, but it didn't respond at all, and its body quickly shrank to the same size as before.

Seeing this, people still don't understand that Master Ji Le has succeeded. Taking advantage of the gap between Gongyehuang and the monster's battle, he secretly cast a spell to fix the Seven Treasures Golden Pillar in the cave of light.

The town building relic on the top of the treasure building slowly rotates itself, the auspicious light is crystal clear and radiant, it seems to be about to soar, but the momentum is slow.

Driven by its brilliance, each of the seven layers of magic weapons showed their power, and the sounds of water, fire, wind, thunder, metal, iron, and sand and stones all blended indistinctly.

Gongyehuang immediately reacted, and shouted: "Monster, without the blessing of the cave, let me see what skills you have!"

While thinking about it, the black ice and frost rose again and turned into a thick mist swirling thousands of feet, wrapping the demon cockles in it, and turning slowly.

Every time it turns around, the wind and frost inside is like a steel knife, scraping on its body, tearing off a layer of flesh.

The demon crocodile kept screaming, desperately driving mana, but it didn't help.Without the blessing of Dongtian, the level of mana on it is too low to resist the spiritual power of the angels at all, and it is like paper paste, which can be broken with a poke.

Half a quarter of an hour passed before the fog stopped, leaving only a round, crystal clear blue bead the size of a skull.

This is the inner alchemy cultivated by the demon gnat for thousands of years. Although most of its mana has been lost, the rest is refined by its own destiny, which is extremely pure.

If it is obtained by an extremely expert, supplemented with top-quality spiritual materials, and practiced a few more times, it is expected to be refined into a magic weapon that is not inferior to the seven treasures and golden pillars.

Gong Yehuang didn't even look at it, he lowered his figure, looked at Ling Hun, and said, "The magic weapon you are using is the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler left by the Great Sage Guangcheng?"

Ling Hun nodded, and said: "It was a fluke, and it took many years of hard work to succeed in the sacrifice."

Gongyehuang nodded, envious, but not at all tempted.

This kind of magic weapon was obtained during foundation building and even Sanxian, and there is still a way to slowly assimilate it into the life magic weapon, and it can also shine in the realm of heavenly immortals.

If you get it when you are in the realm of Earth Immortal or Celestial Immortal, although it is of great use, it is still a foreign object after all, and it is incompatible with each other, so you have to discard it after all.

On the contrary, the inner alchemy in the sky is much more useful. It's a pity that although he killed the demon gnat, he didn't contribute the most, and the treasure didn't belong to him.

"Island Master Wu, stay here!" Everyone experienced a series of movements and were still in shock, but they heard Meng Qiu lightly shouted.

When he looked up to see him, a Nanming Lihuo sword had already been thrown out of his hand, and flew to the front, intercepting Wu Lingzhu who was about to sneak away.

Wu Lingzhu stopped immediately, and shouted: "Friend Daoist Meng, I have no deep hatred with you. Since the culprit is dead, please forgive me!"

In his hand, he tightly grasped a black fusiform object about a foot long, standing in mid-air in panic like a bereaved dog, with his back bent.

Meng Qiu sneered, and said, "Since you dare to interfere in the fight between us and the gnats, haven't you already prepared for it?

Besides, your companions all took a step ahead. If you don't hurry up and catch up, you will be alone on the road to Huangquan. "

He rushed to kill with a sword, Wu Lingzhu's magic weapon was instantly shattered, with despair on his face, he shouted: "I can't live, don't think about it either!"

Before being cut in half, he poured all his magic power into the black shuttle, and then his eyes went dark, and he died instantly.

But seeing this black shuttle rocket also seemed to fly into the air, and a very strong silver spark was emitted from the tail, accompanied by a series of thunderbolt sounds, piercing the air and going straight up thousands of feet, dazzling without a trace.

Don't talk about the naked eye, even Pan Fang, Shi Sheng, Yang Li and other people with weak magic power can't see a trace.

"Master, be careful!" Meng Qiu shouted hastily, "This thing is extremely powerful, please come out with the Seven Treasures Golden Building to block most of its power."

The Qijue Wusuo, the secret demon of the stars and stars in the sky, is the most precious treasure in the demon sect refined by collecting the evil energy of the earth's center for thousands of years and gathering the elites of the two poles.

Once it is done, it will go straight up to the sky, beyond the atmosphere at the junction of the two days, it will be able to arouse the magnetic evil fire in the sun wheel, and attract the evil spirit in the nearby stars to match it.

Heishuo couldn't bear the impact of the sun and stars in the air, so he exploded on his own, and then flew down with the previously triggered evil spirit of stars and stars and the poisonous flame of Yuanmagnetic Taihuo.

In a radius of ten thousand miles, all things in the world were induced, and sent out a very subtle momentum, and they were destroyed together.The power is so fierce that it is unbelievable.

Among the people present, many of them had heard of this legend, and they all looked at the golden building in the sky.

"No need. I just wanted to see what kind of abilities this mere evil treasure has!" The laughing words of Daoist Ji Le came.Then with a flash of golden light, the golden building shrunk and fell back into Shi Sheng's embrace.

Suddenly, I heard the faint sound of thousands of thunderbolts in the distant sky, and the sun suddenly became brilliant, and there were thousands of silver lights on the side of the sun, but the center of the sun disc turned dark red, like a big blood wheel, hanging high in the air.

Outside the sun disc, there appeared many strange stars, which were also colorful, and each side of the stars shot out light of different colors.

There are also dozens of rainbows of different colors shooting across the sky, creating a spectacle.The sky is radiant and electric, criss-crossing, so colorful, beautiful and dazzling.

Because the luminosity in the center of the sun is not strong, it is a thick shadow, Meng Qiu and others feel that it is darker than before, and the fairyland looks lifeless.

At the same time, I feel that there are infinite murderous intentions coming, and I can't help but make my heart palpitate, as if there is a sign of a catastrophe.The sky also turned blue-gray, with no cloud shadow at all.

Suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow flashing high in the sky, Qijue Wusuo exploded, estimated to be several thousand feet high or low, looking up from below, it was incredible to be able to see it.

Everyone knew that trouble was imminent, and when they hurriedly stepped up their guard, the black shadow had grown larger, and there was only a flash of a strange light. There were two big earthquakes in succession, like billions of thunderbolts integrated into a sky, and then turned into an umbrella-shaped black strange fire, which surpassed the mountains and flew down from the sky.

There are still one or two thousand feet away from the top of the head, and with the sound of hundreds of millions of thunders exploding at the same time, it turns into an incomparably huge black fire rain, covering the sky and covering the sky, faster than electricity, and in just a flash, the sea with a radius of thousands of miles is covered by this black strange fire.

Everyone was enveloped by strange fire, the fire was pure black, mixed with countless small and large sparks.It doesn't look big, the smallest one is as fine as gray sand, and the largest one is only the size of a longan.

However, the shock was surprisingly violent. They collided with each other and exploded continuously. They did not appear to be reborn after being destroyed, but there were only a large number of them.

When the strange light of the starry sky has disappeared, the sky and the earth have long been chaotic, as if trapped in the boundless black sea, being struck by the black strange fire as many as the sands of the Ganges River.

Meng Qiu and the others subconsciously released the magic weapon of the flying sword, just as they were about to resist the doomsday scene, when they saw a bright light in the sky, and a ball of red light flew over, which was very bright in the darkness of the sky.

At this moment, the red light exploded suddenly, divided into thousands of red threads, and went in all directions, chasing and colliding with every spark.

But there was a creaking sound, like the sound of spring eating leaves.The ten thousand red threads wiped away all the fire and rain in the ground first, and without hesitation, they threw them directly into the black sky above.

As soon as they made contact, there was a very slight chi-chi sound, and the outer layer of the black curtain melted away like snow like fire.

In just a short while, the entire umbrella-shaped black strange fire was cleared away, and the sky was bright again.

The rest of the momentum is turbulent, penetrating tall buildings and low mountains, bamboo forests and pines, and shallow streams.Mixed with the sea waves from outside, Fengshui competes with each other, forming a tidal sound, alternating between thick and thin, like Huang Zhong Da Lu and Xiao Shao playing in chorus, the sound is beautiful and pleasant to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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