Chapter 259 Wen Yu Got It
"This, this solves it?" Qian Lai stammered.

Little Antarctic 47 Island and his family's Nightless City are deadly enemies, fighting for many years.

For a long time, Qian Kang's magic power has been better than Wu Lingzhu, and he has not wiped out the opponent for a long time, so that it has become bigger and bigger. The reason is that the secret demon Qijue Wusuo.

This magic treasure, Qian Lai had heard since he was a child, was a difficult problem that even the great sects of the Middle Earth could not solve, so he was extremely terrified.

What I saw just now, the power is too great. No matter what I have seen in my life, no matter whether it is a tsunami or a landslide, nothing can match it.Even the danger in the aurora last time was far inferior.

But such a devastating disaster was easily resolved in the hands of Daoist Ji Le, Qian Lai couldn't help being shocked.

"This is the real person's unique magic weapon, the Qiankun Chixian Shenjian Needle, right?" Gongyehuang asked softly, feeling a little emotional for a while.

As an immortal, he couldn't even deal with the ten-thousand-year cold gnat that was blessed with the power of the cave, but it was an understatement for Master Ji Le to resolve a catastrophe that could wipe out the entire luminous realm.

In particular, the Qiankun Chixian Shenjian Needle seems to be the natal magic weapon refined by the real person of Jile after he became a fairy.

The enemy has been cleared away, and everyone returned to the underground jade platform again.

After the evil spirits were gone, great changes took place on this side of the lake, and a lotus flower appeared on the surrounding shore.

Aquatic things are planted on the land, and the roots of the lotus root are also exposed on the ground. Each branch is about two feet thick and more than ten feet long, divided into three, four, or five sections.

The color is whiter than jade, and it looks extremely smooth and tender, ready to break.Each section grows a lotus leaf or a lotus flower.

The leaf stem is as thick as a human arm, about ten feet long, and the leaves are six or seven feet in radius.The flowers are divided into four colors: pink, red, green and white, and are about half of the emerald leaves when in full bloom.

Master Ji Le landed and said: "I have heard that there are many fairy grasses of Ganoderma lucidum here, so monks from overseas have been attracted continuously, and they have become food for the mouths of demon cockles.

Not to mention other things, just looking at this treasure of "flowers blooming ten feet, lotus root as big as a boat", you will know that this statement is true. "

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the inner alchemy left by the ten-thousand-year cold gnat turned into a green light, fell into his hand, and turned into a bead the size of a pigeon egg, crystal clear.

"It was agreed at the beginning, and everything here should be yours." The real person threw the inner alchemy of the demon gnat to Meng Qiu, and said: "Together with this cave, we will also take it away later."

Everyone paid attention, even Ling Hun, who built a cave alone, was extremely envious.

Qingluoyu is certainly not bad, but it is only a piece of blessed land, and it can only exist by relying on the land of Middle Earth.

And although this light realm is not big, it is really a cave, capable of forming its own system.

What's more, as I saw just now, after being refined, an Earth Immortal can be compared to a Heavenly Immortal.

The real person of Ji Le said last time that if the cave is knocked down, it will be left to Meng Qiu.

Naturally, Meng Qiu would not refuse, it was just that if he got the cave, it would be too much to take the inner alchemy of Wanzai Hanyu, so he refused:
"I'll take this cave, and I'll take it. It's okay. But the inner alchemy of the monster oyster is too precious, and it may not be possible to refine a weapon comparable to the seven treasures in the future. How dare you covet it?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "There is no need to refuse. The seven treasures and golden buildings will be of great use to me in the future. I am a dignified senior, how can I take advantage of you, and I should give more rewards.

Besides, this inner alchemy is indeed unique, but if there is no good refining method, it is only a more powerful magic weapon. "

That being the case, Meng Qiu accepted it with peace of mind.This time he attacked the Bright Realm, and he gained the most.

Qian Kang waited until this time before he could get into the conversation, and said a little uneasy: "My lord, there is also a Usuo, the secret demon of the stars and stars buried in the mullet island, which is connected with the life of the Wulingzhu.

Now that this person is dead, Wu Suo may have already urged him to do so.Little Antarctic 47 islands are full of monsters, it would not be a pity to destroy them.

But once the catastrophe breaks out, not to mention the flattening of thousands of miles, the evil spirit will continue to spread for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the lives will be devastated. "

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "Don't worry, the catastrophe on the mullet island will naturally be dealt with by someone."

While talking, he said again: "Hey, someone is coming. Zhuge police me, I have some skills. Judging from his appearance, he has obviously surpassed Gu Chen."

A clear light flashed, and two people appeared.One is Xuan Zhenzi, and the other is naturally Zhuge Jing me.

It's just that Zhuge Jingwo's face was pale, and the clothes on his body were torn and bloodstained.

But his eyes were piercing, with a smile on his face. Although he looked weak, he had a gentle demeanor inside.

And more importantly, he is now in the realm of the Earth Immortal, and there is still some aura that has just broken through, and he has not been able to restrain himself.

He threw a ball of bright yellow light over, Meng Qiu took a look, but it was a piece of jade, warm and greasy in the hand, with a natural color, just like chicken fat.

"Fellow Daoist Meng, luckily, I finally took this treasure back." Police Zhuge said with a smile, "I just broke through, and I was seriously injured. I was unable to save Junior Brother Yang Da for a while, so I will trouble you to go."

Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows lightly, and the other party spoke extremely politely, which was very different from the attitude and tone of the previous encounters. I had a guess in my heart, I am afraid that I got rid of my demons and returned to my nature.

He said: "Fellow Taoist Zhuge is really powerful, he can beat that demon corpse Gu Chen, calling me to come is absolutely impossible."

Zhuge warned me and said: "Friend Daoist Meng is being modest. If you hadn't ruined most of his formation, I would be no match for him by myself.

Even so, he still risked his life. When Qijue Wusuo broke out, he forcibly broke through the realm and at the same time attracted the catastrophe of the earth immortal. With the intention of perishing with him, he put him to death and came back to life, and killed him by chance. "

What he said was an understatement, but everyone was shocked.

Cultivators are most afraid of being disturbed when they are crossing the catastrophe.Because Heavenly Tribulation has eyes, no matter how many people there are there, they will run to those who cross the Tribulation.

Even if someone wants to help bear it, they won't be able to share much power.But on the other hand, if you want to deal with those who cross the tribulation, that is double the pressure.

Therefore, no matter what the number of kalpas, those who survive the kalpa will always find a secluded place.

Like Zhuge Jing me, in front of the enemy, it is already very bold to trigger the catastrophe of the earth immortal, not to mention that when the Qijue Wusuo erupts, it is simply adding "three catastrophes", which is tantamount to asking for death.

But he succeeded.With his reputation and temperament, he would not lie if he thought about it.This matter was so unbelievable that it was unbelievable for a while.

Police Zhuge, I didn't say much, I just bowed to everyone and left with Xuan Zhenzi.

At the end of the battle, everyone left one after another, leaving only Gong Yehuang waiting here, ready to assist Meng Qiu in refining the cave.

But Meng Qiu said: "I don't want to be bound here, it's up to you, senior."

Gongyehuang naturally didn't accept it, but Meng Qiu said: "Senior has helped me a lot, I can't repay it, a mere hole in the sky is nothing.

I know that seniors don't need blessings here, they have supernatural powers of their own.However, under Lian Shan's teaching, there are still some comrades who are wandering abroad, and if they can rest here, they must be very happy.

Besides, I'm just a loose immortal, and holding the cave is no different from a child holding gold to pass through the busy market. "

Gongyehuang thought about it and agreed.Zheng Bagu and Chen Yufeng didn't feel anything, but Qian Kang and Pan Fang were very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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