Chapter 267
In the past 200 years, Yu Luan has hardly been out of Yunwu Mountain. Naturally, he has never heard of Meng Qiu's name, and it is impossible to listen to his one-sided words and go out of the mansion to meet outsiders at will.

Fortunately, Meng Qiu had expected it when he came, and took out a jade hairpin, saying: "This is a token given to me by the real person of Ji Le. If you see it, you will understand."

As for the reincarnation of Saint Gu Jiayin, it is difficult to say it at the moment.

Yu Luan took the jade hairpin and shook it lightly. Immediately, multicolored brilliance emerged from it, shining so brightly that the petals on the high cliff were covered with a layer of brilliance.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "This piece of jewelry is one of the five treasures I gave to Sister Fang back then, it cannot be faked.

Since I have this token, I will go with you.I am also very curious, who is the so-called old acquaintance in your mouth. "

Yu Luan confessed briefly, and left the cave with Meng Qiu, and flew to Xuanshuang Cave in Mangcang Mountain.

As soon as she entered the cave, she gasped in surprise and said: "The layout here is very familiar, and it is much more natural than mine. It really is Sister Fang's method."

The more you go back, the more so. When you reach the back mountain, there is also a canyon. Although the flowers and streams are different, the charm in it comes from the same source as Jinshi Gorge.

Shangguan Hong had been waiting at the side with Master Ji Le for a long time, when she saw someone coming, she couldn't help but look excited, stepped forward a few steps, and said, "Sister Luan, I saw you again!"

"You are?" Yu Luan was taken aback, feeling quite puzzled.She has never seen the appearance of the person in front of her, but only two or three people have called him this name.

Thinking of the token Meng Qiu brought just now, she hesitated and said, "Are you Sister Fang?"

As soon as the words came out, he denied it himself, saying: "No, it's impossible. Your temperament is nothing like that of Sister Fang."

She stared at each other, frowned and thought hard, then slowly loosened her eyebrows, her eyes began to widen, her mouth was trembling, and she said, "You, you are Sister Yin?"

There were tears in Shangguan's red eyes, and a smile appeared on his face, he said: "As expected, you can recognize me, yes, I am Jiayin."

There is a sound in her lay name, so Yu Luan called her "Sister Yin", and there was only one person in the world who called her that way.

With the other party's acknowledgment, Yu Luan couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged Shangguanhong tightly, crying, "You're fine, that's great, that's great!"

Real person Ji Le and Meng Qiu silently stepped aside when they saw this.

After a while, the two daughters vented their longing for many years before they stopped their emotions.

When Master Ji Le and Meng Qiu came back again, Shangguan Hong said: "It's hard for old people to meet each other, and it made Daren and Master laugh."

"Master?" Yu Luan was a little surprised, and said, "Sister Yin, you..."

"That's right, I'm worshiping under Master Meng now." Shangguan Hong said: "It's a long story, the real person and the master should also want to know, so I'll talk about it slowly.

You also know that I am not from a great sect, and it was actually a mistake to embark on the road of cultivation.

At that time, my mother died early, my father was patriarchal, and my stepmother was violent and gave birth to a child. The two of them became even more crazy. They wanted to sell me, who was seven years old, to a brothel.

I heard the news in advance and sneaked away. I had no choice but to walk halfway, but was still discovered. After being pursued, I had no choice but to break into the deep mountains and old forests.

Fortunately, not only did he not encounter wolves, tigers and leopards, he not only got rid of the pursuit, but also picked up a Daoist book in a certain abandoned cave, and by luck, he developed mana and became a foundation.

After returning home to avenge his revenge, he didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth later, relying on this little trick, he insisted on acting chivalrously.Ordinary people in the martial arts are naturally not my opponents.

But in the wilderness, there were some monks who accidentally offended a few powerful characters and were forced to jump off a cliff, almost dying.

It was my mentor, the nine-day witch Chen Ziqin, who passed by and saved me. Later, she taught me the profound Taoism, practiced all the way, and finally achieved something.

It's just that the Taoism of the sect has many flaws after all, and the foundation I laid when I first practiced Qi was not solid, so until the catastrophe of ascension came, the Taoism could not be perfected.

Back then, before I retreated to prepare for the tribulation, I already understood that I might not be able to pass this test.It's just that he was unwilling and didn't want to use Yihuandongtian to linger on his last breath, so he tried it forcefully.

The wind and thunder in the first two levels were all safe and sound, which made me feel a little relaxed. At the end of the evil catastrophe, the methods were so vicious that it was hard to guard against.

Unexpectedly, he cast the curse directly, every word and every sentence, extremely exquisite, it seems to be able to make up for all the defects in the Taoism I have learned.

Although I was still a little on guard, my body was no longer in control, my soul naturally moved, and my mana followed suit.It was slow at first, then quickly, and couldn't stop at all.

At that time, my primordial spirit was already occupied by the heavenly demon, and my true spirit was ignorant and gradually pulled away.I thought I was bound to die, but I never thought that when the demon dragged my true spirit out of the cave, I would run away in a trance.

After that, I didn't know about the reincarnation until ten years ago, when I suddenly woke up.

With the current appearance, my aptitude is comparable to that of my previous life, so I didn't practice indiscriminately in order to avoid ruining my foundation.

It's a pity that the true spirit has not changed, and the primordial spirit is not owned by yesterday. I can't recognize the formation I arranged in the magic wave pool, and I can't enter it.

After that, it was discovered by the master, who brought the real person of Ji Le here to discuss the matter of joining forces. "

After hearing this, Yu Luan blamed himself very much, and said: "I committed some things back then, was punished by Master, was imprisoned in Yunwu Mountain, and I didn't have time to leave you my address.

Otherwise, you will come to me after reincarnation, and you won't have to travel through thousands of miles of mountains and suffer so much at a young age. "

"For a monk, what is this twists and turns?" Shangguan Hong said: "Besides, what I want is to be able to open the magic wave pool and get back some cultivation resources that I didn't use up back then.

Even if I find you there first, so what?Not to mention that you are still an earth immortal, even if you become a heavenly immortal, you still cannot cope with the situation surrounded by wolves, how can I harm you? "

Yu Luan felt a little regretful, and said: "Master told me to practice hard, but I was disobedient and always liked to be distracted by irrelevant things, so that my cultivation was too far behind.

It was her old man who saw clearly, forcibly sealed me up, and let me meditate, that's why I have my current level of cultivation.

However, this time, no matter what you say, I will not separate from you. If you want to take back the magic wave pool, I will definitely accompany you. "

Shangguan Hong was moved again, and then explained: "After I reincarnated, I no longer valued these external things, and I wanted to cultivate to the Ascension state again.

Besides, with your and my cultivation base, it is difficult to return the Huanbo Pond to our hands, so we entrusted it to Daoist Ji Le, as long as he seizes the cave, he will give me a mountain to shelter my two sisters. "

Yu Luan was a little stunned, this didn't seem to be the temperament of Saint Gu Gain, she was a person who would rather bend than bend in her previous life.

It's just that when I think about the other party's experience, the so-called reincarnation is actually a death once, and the personality has changed, which is very normal.

Anyway, her purpose is to help the other party grow up again. As for the process, it is not very important, just obey the other party's orders.

After talking about these past events, Yu Luan wanted to take Shangguanhong back to Jinshixia Cave, but Master Ji Le said:
"I'm a guest from afar, why bother to leave in such a hurry, and don't even give me a chance to show my kindness as a landlord?
Fellow Daoist Yu might as well stay a few more days, I sent a message earlier, and my cousin Ni Fangxian will come over soon, so you can also talk about your former friendship. "

Yu Luan looked at Shangguan Hong and nodded silently.

Meng Qiu didn't leave either, and took the time to extract an excerpt from the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" on building a foundation, and handed it to Shangguanhong.

Shangguanhong didn't take it seriously at first, but when she saw the exposition in this Taoism, she was very surprised.

This kind of ancient Taoism is the source of today's Taoism, and it has a lot of reference; what's more, this method was co-authored by Guangcheng Dasheng and Xuanyuan Shengdi, and it is not only out of date, but also directly refers to the orthodox.

"If I had used this Dao method to build the foundation back then, I'm afraid I wouldn't have suffered from unstable foundation, and I would have ascended long ago."

Shangguanhong caressed Dao Fa with one hand, while sighing sincerely, saying:
"You call yourself a casual cultivator, and this method is more authentic than all sects. No wonder Master Ji Le looks at you with high regard and is polite. It seems that I have worshiped the right master this time."

But Meng Qiu was thinking about another thing, and said: "Whether it is right or not, there is still a lot to worry about later. I have another Taoism in my hand, which was handed down by Master Lianshan. I will tell you about it after I get it and return it to the cave.

At that time, you can choose by yourself, whether to go back to the original path, or to move forward on the new path of the master. "

"Lianshan Taoism fell into your hands?" Shangguanhong was very surprised, but seeing that the other party didn't want to say more, she didn't ask in detail.

And even though she was reincarnated, she was somewhat reserved, and had never had much contact with Lu Rongbo, Shi Sheng, etc., and knew very little about the current trends in the practice world.

It wasn't until Ni Fangxian, the Baihua Fairy, came over that no one could explain the confusion.

Ni Fangxian was short in stature, dressed in white, and looked to be no more than five or six years old. She looked like a child and was as white as snow.

Although the appearance is beautiful to the bone, but the expression is very dignified, he is a man of heaven, he met Yu Luan, and got the identity of Shangguan Hong from the real person of Ji Le, so he didn't dare to make big claims, and told everything he knew.

At this time, Meng Qiu's name and previous deeds were only known to the two of them, they couldn't help being horrified, and called out: "Could it be another real person of bliss?"


Half a year later, Gongyehuang and Zheng Bagu came together, the real person of Jile was overjoyed, and said: "With Daoist Gongye here, I finally got rid of my heart disease, and half a year later I will rely on you to show my power."

Gongye Huang Lianlian said modestly: "The methods are crude, and some tricks are not worth mentioning. When I am in today's immortals, I am afraid that I will be at the bottom. I am afraid that my low strength will ruin the good deeds of real people."

The real person of blissful joy said: "In the heavenly immortals, it's not just that they went out to practice. Most of the cultivation levels before the calamity are similar. Even if there are some differences, they are not so good.

Don't worry, fellow daoists, you won't be matched with people with high abilities like Tianmeng and Honglian. They have me and two other fellow daoists to stop them. "

Only then did Gongye Huang feel relieved, and the real person of Ji Le said again: "Let's wait for a few days for the secret of the Great Tribulation, and a few friends will come over, so I will talk about it together at that time, so that I won't waste my time talking."

Don't be in a hurry. At this moment, Gongye Huang has nothing to do.

A few days later, I saw the same Taoist friends from the previous Bright Realm, Qiongshen Linghun, Ning Yizi, and Grandma Jin, and Sun Xun, the son of Wufu Fairy, who was originally the wife of Daoist Bliss, needless to say.

Besides, the most astonishing thing was the god camel Yixiu who was also invited.As soon as he saw Meng Qiu, he wanted to discuss, but the real person came forward to stop him.

When almost everyone arrived, the real person of Ji Le invited everyone to the living room and sat in the middle.

On the right are Sun Xun, the Fairy of Five Blessings, Ni Fangxian, the Fairy of Hundred Flowers, Yu Luan, the Fairy, Lu Min, the Golden Fairy of Land, and Cui Haike, the son of Lingxu

First on the right are Gong Yehuang, the Taoist of Hundred Birds, Yixiu Shentuo, Linghun the Poor God, Ning Yizi, Luo Ziyan, the golden grandmother, Zheng Bagu, the female calamity god, and Meng Qiujing accompanied the last seat.

The rest of Shi Sheng, Yang Li, and Lu Rongbo were not qualified to attend, but Shangguan Hong was a bit special, standing behind Meng Qiu attracted some attention.

Master Ji Le looked around, somewhat satisfied, and said: "There are two other comrades and their disciples, it is inconvenient to show up right now, and they will come to help on the day of the opening of the mansion.

Now I don't want to talk nonsense, but I will explain the ten thousand year catastrophe that everyone is concerned about. "

Everyone immediately became cautious, and even Yixiu sat up straight, and then the real person continued:
"The catastrophe of ten thousand years is said to be the birth of heaven and earth, no matter what kind of creature it is, it cannot escape. But it is not the case, this catastrophe is actually aimed specifically at monks.

Presumably you have also heard that the way of human beings is to give more than what is not enough.Practice is even more important, harvesting the aura of mountains and rivers, taking the essence of the sun and the moon, to achieve oneself.

It can be said that all things are born to support people, and people have no virtue to repay the sky.If the aura is infinite, it's fine, just like a mortal drinking the water from the Yangtze River, it doesn't hurt to take it at will.

However, this spiritual energy is limited, one person can take it, two people can take it, thousands of people can take it, ten thousand people can take it, and if it accumulates over time, the little will become more, even the heavens and the earth can't stand it.

The so-called human body is small universe, the universe is big human body.When people are sick, they need to be healed, and when the world is sick, they need to be adjusted. This is the origin of the Great Calamity of Ten Thousand Years.

The way of heaven is to make up for what is lacking.Since cultivators are the worst disasters, every calamity falls on us.

In ancient times, the aura was lush, and gods and men were everywhere.There is no need to practice, there are people who are one foot long, infinitely powerful, and can tear tigers and leopards apart.

Once the aura decays to the point where there is no one left, it will not be enough to supplement vitality with food alone, so most of our ancestors starved to death.

Some of them survived, lingering on their last days, changing their body shape by themselves, not feeding on aura, but eating five grains instead.

Later, many seniors practiced the method, Guangcheng the Dacheng of the Great Sage Collection, and the rise of practice, we have the ability to fly to the sky and escape from the earth.But compared to the ancient scene where everyone was like a dragon, it was far worse.

Thousands of years to the present, the catastrophe has occurred again, still because of the thin spiritual energy, which can no longer afford the use of so many monks.

If I were waiting, I would naturally think of increasing income and reducing expenditure, reducing the number of monks in order to tide over the difficulties.

But the world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog.There is no difference between monks and mortals in terms of heaven.Therefore, if it cannot be supplied, it simply will not be supplied.

The catastrophe this time is unprecedentedly ferocious, and it is going to turn the world into a situation like Dongyue Taishan, a catastrophe of the soul! "

(End of this chapter)

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