Chapter 268 Early Entry
Absolute Calamity!

After saying a word, the whole hall was silent.

After a long time, Yixiu asked in a deep voice: "Does the real person think this catastrophe is too serious?

After Master Changmei rectified, the order of the practice world has been stabilized. Over the years, the number of monks has indeed increased day by day.

But today's aura of heaven and earth is not much different from that of hundreds of years ago, and it never looks like it can't be supplied at all. "

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "You are still too young. If you have a chance, you might as well ask Tianmeng or Xingxiu Shenjun. The two of them are older and should be able to feel something."

Yixiu has practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, and he can be regarded as a senior figure in the practice world. It is the first time that someone says he is young, but he cannot refute it.

The age of Master Ji Le is unknown, but it is counted that he has survived three catastrophes where the immortals resided in the world, and he will soon experience the fourth time.

This kind of catastrophe is separated by 180 years each time, adding up, it is far more than Yixiu's monastic years.

Among the people present, apart from Daoist Ji Le, the oldest Gong Yehuang is only a few dozen years older than Yixiu, he also didn't notice anything, so he could only say:

"I'm ignorant and ignorant. If it's true, I haven't noticed any changes or inappropriateness in the world. Please let the real person express it!"

The real person of Ji Le said: "You come and go all day long, and spend most of your time in Middle-earth, so of course you don't feel deeply.

If you go overseas a few more times, lower the cloud head, and visit carefully, you will discover something.

Over the years, there are more and more deserted islands overseas without aura, and there are fewer and fewer places suitable for monks to live.

Regardless of the earth immortals, just looking at the battles between Qi training and foundation building, the number of battles is increasing day by day, which is considered cruel. "

"This..." Yixiu really didn't pay attention to this, and the rest of the people are the same, they usually go up and down, and it is almost impossible to go to the bottom.

Only Meng Qiu once stayed in Qilu Island for a while, while building foundations and practicing qi. Looking back carefully, it was indeed as the real person said, the battle between monks and monks, monks and sea monsters was fierce.

But he always thought that this situation was caused by the fact that the potential of the island was exhausted and the monks fought for it year after year.

He thought for a while, and said: "My real man, the aura of heaven and earth is bound by the magnetic poles. Maybe it's because of the change in the north and south magnetic poles that the aura is more concentrated to the two poles?"

"I have been exploring the Arctic ice sheets since I came here a while ago, and I have also wondered if this is the case you mentioned, but unfortunately it is not."

Master Ji Le said: "Similarly, I also went to the South Pole. Not only did there not appear to be any signs of concentration of spiritual energy there, but it was much more scattered than it was hundreds of years ago."

He then explained some of the places he had traveled in these years, all over the world, famous mountains and resorts, what he saw and gained, one by one.

With all these things, everyone had to believe, Yixiu was a little bit bitter, and said: "So, this ten thousand year catastrophe, it is really necessary for the heaven and earth to be utterly immortal, and to practice doomsday."

The real person of Ji Le said: "Even if it is not completely devoid of spiritual energy, compared with before, there are only a hundred at most. You can weigh it and think about whether it is enough for cultivation."

Everyone calculated silently for a moment, and Grandma Jin said: "" "If you only have this little bit of spiritual energy, you can at most practice to practice Qi, and you can't even build a foundation."

When you are promoted, you must have enough aura and continuous infusion to ensure that you can pass the level.If the supply is insufficient or the middle is interrupted, it is not uncommon for the magic power to be backlashed, seriously injured, or even died.

Ling Hun asked in a deep voice: "Based on real people's estimates, how many years are there until the catastrophe arrives?"

The real person of Ji Le said: "I'm not too sure, but when discussing with several friends, it is agreed that it will not exceed 100 years at most. It is not impossible to happen within 50 years."

"50 years!" Everyone looked at each other in astonishment, Yixiu stood up abruptly, and said, "This time is not enough for ascension!"

It is not difficult for him to cross the catastrophe and become an immortal, but it is completely impossible for him to ascend within 50 years.

"Flying?" Daoist Ji Le said with a chuckle, "Don't think that you can escape when you reach the Ling Kong Immortal Realm."

Now the others couldn't sit still anymore, Ling Hun said: "What? The real person means that this catastrophe will affect the fairy world?"

It's not that they want to escape to the fairy world now, but that the catastrophe can affect the fairy world, and the degree of tragedy can be imagined.

The real person of Ji Le said: "It's not that I guessed randomly, but that over the years, several friends and I have made many investigations, and we have come to a conclusion from some clues.

You must know that the last ten thousand year catastrophe mainly happened in the spirit world.Even if the impact over there is not that great this time, it is determined that they cannot escape. "

Meng Qiu said calmly: "So the real person wants to take Yi and return to the cave, is he planning for a rainy day?"

"That's right!" Daoist Bliss said: "The rules of the cave are different from those of the Great Thousand World, so there is a very good chance of avoiding this catastrophe.

Although I have made up my mind to ascend before the catastrophe arrives, my old wife and the juniors of the sect cannot be taken away, so naturally I have to find a way to resettle them, what else can I do besides the cave? "

Except Sun Xun, the Fairy of Five Blessings, who looked calm, Ni Fangxian and the others were all excited. Lu Min got up and gave a big gift, saying, "Master, don't worry!"

Daoist Ji Le's ascension calamity is within 30 years, and since he has already planned to ascend, he really doesn't need to worry about the ten thousand year catastrophe.

But monks are also human beings, and no grass or tree can be ruthless.With the old wife by his side and the disciple following him for many years, naturally he couldn't give up.

Ling Hun and the others changed their expressions, but Yixiu frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Aside from hiding in the cave, is there no other way?"

The real person of bliss said: "There is another method. There are many attempts in the magic sect, and that is the method of the divine way. If it is not completely extinct, but only the soul is strong, it may be possible to extend life with the help of incense.

But I do not take this path, so there is no research.If you want to practice this way, you can go to the magic gate and ask. "

"What's the point of being coerced by being coerced by being enshrined in order to make offerings to mortals all day long?" Yixiu snorted coldly and said, "I'd rather cross the void than linger on like this."

Beyond the boundary of the land is the void, vast and immeasurable.Not only the land boundary, but also the Dongtian and Xiaoqian world are attached to it.

It is rumored that the spirit world is just a big world in the void, but the spiritual energy is more intense, and it happens to be connected with the land boundary.

In the void, not only is there no spiritual energy to replenish, but also the danger is very great. There are many storms, even if the angel enters, it will not last long, let alone explore.

"I don't want to go to Void either. At worst, wait until the spiritual energy disappears to see what the situation is like." Zheng Bagu followed suit, also saying that she would not switch to the divine way.

The rest of Ling Hun, Ning Yizi, Grandma Jin, etc. were frowning, and they couldn't see any choice at the moment.

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "There is no need to be so decisive. As long as you help me win the Yihuan Cave today, the mountains are vast, and you can lose a cave?"

Ling Hun breathed a sigh of relief, thanked him repeatedly, and smiled wryly, saying, "If I knew this, why would I bother to come up with such a snow mountain school?"

That Shangguanhong felt even more bitter. She thought that God favored her and gave her a chance to be reincarnated, so that she could make a comeback and climb to the top again, but she didn't expect that she might not even give her the chance to cultivate Taoism and become a celestial being.

Meng Qiu has been sitting by the side, frowning, thinking secretly, whether 50 years will be enough for him to overcome the calamity and ascend.

Although Daoist Ji Le guessed that the spirit world would also be affected, the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, so he could retain some aura if he thought about it.

He thought to himself: "It seems that after this time, you can't be distracted, and you have to practice quickly. There are still two opportunities to practice the overseas primordial spirit, and you have to speed up."

Master Ji Le brought up this important matter, so he didn't say much today, let everyone go back, think carefully, and digest it well.

It was not until the next day that I met Gongyehuang and Mengqiu alone, and talked about the real method of cultivating the cave.

He said: "If you want to resist the catastrophe of ten thousand years, you must have a hole in the sky, and you must be able to wander the void and draw spiritual energy to replenish it, which can be called a small thousand world.

The Bright Realm is just taking shape at the moment, and if you want to be promoted to the Small World, you need to mature all kinds of rules.

This process is a bit long, and it can take thousands of years, and it is too late now.But with the current state of the Light Realm, falling into the void, it won't survive for long.

For the current plan, there is only one way, which is to connect the Light Realm to a mature small world, and use its means of absorbing void energy to maintain the immortality of the cave. "

Although Gongyehuang has not been in control of the cave for a long time, he also understands what the other party said is absolutely correct through the induction of these days.

Therefore, he immediately said: "The only one in the world who can save us is the real person. I am willing to do my best, and I only hope that the real person will be merciful at that time, and allow the light realm to hang outside the Yihuan cave."

Immediately Master Ji Le said: "Since I am willing to say this method, I have made a plan, you don't have to worry."

The rest of Ning Yizi, Grandma Jin, etc., after thinking for a long time, came to find them and asked the real person to leave a hill in Yihuanling.

Yihuanling stretches continuously, with a radius of ten thousand li, densely covered with mountains, probably more than ten thousand.The real person of Ji Le's family can't finish their stay, so he naturally agrees.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the opening of the mansion, and a group of people rode the clouds and arrived at the magic wave pool together.

Compared with before, this place is already very lively.In the past half a year, someone has leaked the news, and the entire cultivation world knows that there is an ownerless cave here, which is about to open.

A lot of monks came here in a hurry, scattered and scattered all over the place, maybe there were hundreds of them.What's more, a forest in the east was cut down to create a huge open space.

Among the visitors, there were many faces Meng Qiu was familiar with, friends and enemies, whom he had not seen for many years.

For example, Taoist Iron Man and his apprentice Dai Hengyu, Zhu Shahou Zhangzhang and his disciples Xiangjiang Five Heroes Yu Shunong, Muji, Lin Qiushui, Dong Renyu, Huang Renlong and so on.

We haven't seen each other for many years, but Meng Qiu has to do something big, so it's not easy to go over and say hello, so as not to cause trouble to the other party.

The rest of Yao Kaijiang, Kong Lingzi, and Luo Nanjia, these people just had some minor grievances when they were fighting in the Dai family field, and they are not worthy of Meng Qiu's special revenge.

Eight hours before the opening of the mansion, Master Ji Le led the crowd to the field, silently waiting by the side, watching one family after another big power arrive one after another.

Buddhism, Momen, Emei, and Wutai seem to know that there is no way to hide here, so they all chose a place to station in an aboveboard manner.

Before the Great War, few people from these great powers walked around with each other. On the contrary, the monks below made friends everywhere, calling for friends and making friends, which was very lively.

Meng Qiu looked around and said with a smile: "Everyone is so calm. Seeing that we don't have much time to leave Kaifu, there is no accident."

The real person of Ji Le said: "The early citrons rot first. Everyone is afraid that the mantis will catch the cicada and the oriole will be taken advantage of by others, so of course they will not make a move.

Anyway, the opening of the mansion this time cannot be completed in one or two hours.It takes more than four hours just to refine the center of the magic wave pool.

If you want to take Yihuanling into your pocket in one go, you have to spend three days of hard work to get the initial results. "

Meng Qiu asked: "Senior, where is the fairy friend you mentioned? Why didn't I see you come over?"

"Don't worry, they will definitely arrive on time." Master Ji Le replied, "It's getting late, you can start to act."

Meng Qiu quietly left and went to the valley where she saw Shangguanhong last time.

At this time, Ni Fangxian and Yu Luan were both there, waiting with Shangguanhong, seeing him coming, said: "But there is a fight?"

Meng Qiu shook his head and said, "I can't move my hands, the real person told us to follow the original plan, and ignore the rest."

"Then I have to trouble fellow Daoists to protect the Dharma." Ni Fangxian responded, and said to Shangguan Hong: "Please advise me on how to proceed next!"

Shangguan Hong nodded, clasped her fists together, and said, "Master, please follow the formula I taught you."

Meng Qiu stretched out his hand and pointed to the flatter wave on the left side of the pool in front of him, and the pool suddenly parted, revealing a hollow, the depth of which was unfathomable.

He took the lead and led the crowd, flying down from the water and the sky, about a thousand feet deep, and winding around for a long time before going to the end.

When I looked up, I saw that the pool was still hanging in the air thousands of feet above the ground, and the waves were shining and crystal clear.

At the end of the road, there is a hole.The texture of the cave door is quite like coral, redder than fire. There are two large wooden rings on it, with intricate patterns carved on them, like talisman seals, and the double doors are tightly closed.

Meng Qiu turned around, Shangguan Hong said: "This is the place."

She chanted the mantra softly, and channeled a bit of spiritual energy, all the patterns on the wooden ring flew up, circling in the air, and one after another, they fell into the door.

Meng Qiu stepped forward, pulled a wooden ring, pushed it into his arms, and turned it to the right. Suddenly, he felt a strange light in front of his eyes, and there was a rumbling sound, and the door opened.

Then a rectangular stone wall more than three feet high in the middle of the door frame suddenly sank into the ground, revealing a door opening.

Meng Qiu stepped inside and saw that it was a zigzag corridor the size of a door.

There are gold stars on the top, lined up in a straight line, every two or three feet away, there must be one, the ranks are very neat, shining golden, dazzling flowers.

After walking for about ten miles, I walked to the door of the cave on the second floor.The door was half as small as the first floor, as black as iron, with four golden rings on it.

Shangguanhong acted according to the law, the auspicious light flashed, and the door opened.Several people saw that the door was only four or five feet wide, but four or five feet thick, just like two stone pillars.

When he got here, Meng Qiu stopped and said, "I'll send it here. Please come in, you two. This time, the matter of refining the center depends on you."

He stepped aside, and Yu Luan and Ni Fangxian walked in.Shangguanhong immediately closed the door and cast a spell to restore the ban.

After a while, it returned to the bottom of the pool, and the road was also closed.After returning to the surface of the water, she sighed:

"Master should have entered, but it's a pity that I hated men due to the ups and downs in my previous life. I set up layers of immortals to ambush inside. Women pass by without incident, but when they meet men, they are like thunder."

"It doesn't matter, Daoyou Yu and Daoyou Ni are both Earth Immortals for many years, and the matter will be handled properly."

Meng Qiu said: "Besides, even if I can enter, I won't go. The real person of Ji Le is single and weak, and the immortals above have to face, or they can support them; there are too many people who are not particular about the earth immortals, so we still have to guard against them."

He set up Jianguang, sent Shangguanhong back to Xuanshuang Cave, and then rushed to the magic wave pool.

(End of this chapter)

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