Chapter 269
At this time, there was still more than an hour before the opening of the magic wave pool, but it was already night, and most of the moon was hanging high in the sky.

Looking down at the bottom of the feet, the water and the moon are shining in the magic wave pool, the stars are covered, and the clear waves are vast.The big and small isolated mountains surround the lake, and under the bright light of the bright moon, they look like a few emerald snails rising from a large expanse of blue glass, and the night scene is absolutely clear.

Most of the people who came here have already shown their tracks, and Daoist Ji Le and others also occupy a high cliff to the east, sitting cross-legged to rest.

Sensing Meng Qiu's return, the real person tilted his head slightly, and when he saw the other party nodding in response, he was overjoyed and sat still.

After waiting for a while, the area suddenly went dark, everyone was shocked, their voices stopped suddenly, and they all sacrificed magic weapons to guard against it.

But I saw that there was a change in the magic wave pool, like a big mouth, sucking all the moonlight from the sky, throwing it into the water, dyeing the water like a huge white jade.

It was dark all around, only the one in the middle was as bright as a burning flame, as bright as day, but not dazzling at all.

Everyone also understands that the magic wave pool will open soon.They stood up one after another and looked at the past.

Only then did Meng Qiu see clearly the number of people who came, adding up to hundreds of people, many of whom were earth immortals.Most of the powerful figures in the Middle-earth cultivation world gather here.

There is no room at all on the hills surrounding the magic wave pool, all of them are from one family's sect.

Emei, Wutai, Wudang, Kunlun, Qingcheng, Huashan, etc., none of them will fall.There are also magic gates and Buddhist gates, which are also located in the north and south, facing each other far away.

Apart from this great faction, the rest of them, no matter how famous they are, dare not monopolize a hilltop.

Meng Qiu sighed, and said: "With this battle, most of the cultivation world in China will be destroyed before the Ten Thousand Years Calamity comes."

Master Ji Le laughed, and said: "You are wrong, the monks below are not here to fight for the return of Yi to the cave. It is clear that they heard that there is a lot of excitement here, and they came to see the world.

If you don't believe me, wait another half an hour. Once there is a sign of action, they will definitely hide far away. "

Meng Qiu was taken aback, thinking back in Qingluoyu back then, it seemed that there were more people watching the battle than fighting, and he couldn't help but smile.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the magic wave pool stopped absorbing the moonlight, and the surroundings suddenly brightened again.

A pool of water slowly rises as if being lifted by something.The color of the water became transparent again, which was a sign that the cave was about to open.

All the visitors were calm, and none of them showed up.

Master Ji Le laughed, flew out first, stood in mid-air, and said: "Since you don't want to move first, then I will take the lead.

This square cave, I took a fancy to.Anyone who wants to take it away, stand up and say hello now.Before the opening of the cave, I will catch it, and whoever wins will win this place.

If he secretly hid aside and wanted to play some tricks like mantis catching cicadas and snipe and clams fighting, then don't blame Li for tearing his face and going to the door afterwards. "

The name of Daoist Ji Le has been in the world for hundreds of years, even if Daoist Changmei was at the top of the sky at that time, it would still be like a bright moon hanging in the sky, without any reduction in its brilliance.

Today it is recognized as No.1 in the world, and there is absolutely no angel who dares to fight alone.Even if the two are together, there is no chance of winning.

He directly clarified his ideas when he came up, which caught many people by surprise.Those watching the excitement below were even more in an uproar.

Many casual cultivators pulled over the younger disciples and introduced the identity of Master Ji Le, causing bursts of exclamation.

"Okay! The real person is worthy of being a man in the world, and he really has courage!" From the hilltop in the south, there was a cheer, and then an old man walked out.

Born with spontaneous silver beard, sculpted eyebrows and beautiful eyes, lion nose and tiger mouth, wide forehead and rich belly, face like cinnabar, and hands white as jade.

Wearing a Taoist robe that is also red like fire, white socks and red shoes.He has a strange appearance, a tall figure, and holds a white jade whisk in his hand, just like a fairy in a painting.

"It turned out to be a fellow Taoist Shibi." The real person of Ji Le called out the identity of the other party, but it was the old man Shibi of the Devil's Asura Taoist Mountain Lord of Huoyunling Shenjian Peak.

He said: "Why, is there not enough space for your West Kunlun Constellations, Seas, Caves and Heavens?"

The old man Shibi said: "The cave is extremely precious, far surpassing all magic weapons and Taoism formulas, who would think too much?"

"That's the truth." Daoist Ji Le nodded and said, "But you're not the only one who came to the Devil's Cult, right? Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't even be able to enter the door."

"That's natural. Fellow Daoist Red Lotus and Fellow Daoist Sand God, don't hide anymore, it's just that people look down upon you."

Following the old man Shibi's cry, two more people came out from the south mountain.

An eleven or twelve-year-old boy, about the size of a real person of Ji Le, was wearing a vermilion robe and also had bare feet.

Meng Qiu knew that this was the Sand God boy from the Demon Sect's Heavenly Demon Dao. After a closer look, he was indeed somewhat similar to the real person of Ji Le. No wonder someone admitted it wrong before.

However, compared to the real person's grace, this person's face is more handsome, his facial features are exquisite to the extreme, and he looks a little strange, which is unforgettable at first sight.

After staring at it for a few times, Meng Qiu suddenly felt a little dazed, secretly said "no", and hurriedly urged the chaotic embryo, a coolness spread from the sea of ​​consciousness and spread all over the body.

As soon as he woke up, he heard Master Ji Le snort coldly and said:
"Little Red Ghost, last time you ran fast, you didn't suffer enough, and now you dare to show off your ability in the way of the devil in front of me. It made me angry, and now I will kill you with my sword."

Sand God Boy chuckled, and said, "Really, calm down. I'm not very good at learning, and I can't freely retract and release the Heavenly Demon Dafa. It's not intentional."

His voice is soft and subtle, extremely pleasant to the ear, but it is also far and near, making it even more ethereal.Even if he was warned by the real person of Ji Le not to dare to do it, it is still very touching.

Beside the Sand God Boy, there is another person, also young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a beautiful appearance and a slender figure. Against the backdrop of the big red shirt, his fair skin is particularly conspicuous, like beautiful jade, shining brightly.

"Old man, are you finally willing to come out of Xingxiu Sea?" Daoist Ji Le chuckled lightly.

The person who came was Red Lotus, the Dao Master of the Demon Sect's Blood Sea, and he was considered to be a contemporary of Daoist, but he became a fairy many years later.He has not been born for many years, and has been living in West Kunlun Xingxiu Haijueding.

The local scenery is wonderful, higher than Tianhan, with thousands of plum blossoms, thousands of hectares of red lotus, and many elixir and fairy fruits. The old devil is in the magic palace, and the red lotus festival is held every 60 years.

In the past, whenever the meeting was held, all the fellows and leftists would come here uninvited, and a group of temptresses and prostitutes even took pride in dedicating themselves to the devil and making their lewd pleasures, and they were very popular for a while.

Later, in fear of misfortune, the door was closed, and the magic palace was cultivated secretly. Except for thousands of hectares of lotus, ten thousand trees of fragrant snow, and letting others enjoy it, this meeting has not been held for five years.

The old devil Honglian took a few more steps forward, and said with a smile: "The catastrophe is approaching, and there is no way to hide, so I have to come out, walk around, and look around.

In addition to meeting old friends, I also want to test whether my old arms and legs have not moved for many years, and I still have some strength to resist the catastrophe. "

He has gone through two great catastrophes of immortals living in the world, and he has long been able to trigger the catastrophe of ascension, but he is not sure enough, and he has been reluctant to leave for a long time.

Master Ji Le smiled and said: "Sure enough, you can't bear it anymore, are you ready to ascend?"

"Alas!" Old Devil Honglian sighed, "If I were younger, only three or five hundred years old, I would definitely not have such an idea.

Reluctantly, He is about to be a thousand years old, even if he doesn't go through the catastrophe, he won't be able to survive the thirteen-hundred-year-old limit.

Besides, if we old fellows don't leave, how can the talented juniors have a chance to stand out? "

"To be old and not die is to be a thief, that's the truth." Master Ji Le nodded, turned around again, and said to the north mountain peak:

"The members of the Devil's Cult have all shown up. Tianmeng, you guys are still sneaking around, won't you come out?"

"Namo Wo Buddha!" ​​A gust of sandalwood wind blew, the sky was full of flowers and rain, and the auspicious glow flashed, and four figures slowly floated out.

In addition to Zen Master Tianmeng, Zen Master Dazhi, and Fantuo nun that Meng Qiu had seen last time, there were also middle-aged withered monks who were short and thin with black faces.

A piece of patchwork clothes on his body is about to wither, like something that has been decayed for many years, one piece is hung on the east and the other is worn on the body.

Some places seem to have been blown by the wind, exposing the thin skin and bones like iron, making a seal with the left hand, and the right hand on the knees, sitting on a broken futon with eyes closed, with a solemn expression.

Seeing this monk, the old man Shibi yelled and said, "Zunsheng, you are finally willing to come out of the ruined temple."

He and Zen Master Zunsheng came from the same village, and they are close neighbors. They have known each other since childhood and have a close relationship.

That year, the village was hit by a military disaster, and the two escaped by luck because they played in the mountains until dusk.

In order to make a living, the two went out to beg for money, and they separated unintentionally, but each had a promising future.

The old man Shibi was spotted by an expert in the Asura Taoism of the Demon Cult, and he was taken back to the door and carefully cultivated.And Zen Master Zunsheng stepped into the deep mountains and devoted himself to Buddhism, and soon revealed his extraordinary talent.

However, in the past 20 years, each has achieved something and returned to the old village together.When the old friends reunited, they couldn't help but be overjoyed, and there was no barrier at all because of the difference between the devil and the Buddha, just like in the past.

After a lot of effort, the two found out the culprit who had slaughtered the village.In the past, the rebels all got married and established businesses, with sons and daughters.

Elder Shibi naturally advocates revenge for grievances and revenge, and will kill the culprits, including their children, and will not let them go.

However, Zen Master Zunsheng thought that he would put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, and he would not kill lightly. He only wanted to use the Buddhist teachings to test him.

They have different temperaments, different ways of thinking, and differences in magic, Buddha, Taoism, and ways of handling things, which are even more difficult to reconcile.

The two were young and energetic, and they refused to give in to each other. From arguing with their mouths, they developed into fighting.

At that time, Zun had superior skills and suppressed Sibi for ten years.But the latter was stubborn and indomitable, even though he was injured, he also killed most of the enemies.

By this time, the struggle between these two people was no longer just about revenge, but had become a battle of ideas, a battle of Taoism.

Even though those enemies from back then are gone, the battle between the old man Shibi and Zen master Zunsheng has continued to this day.

Of the two, the one who wins in the end will be expected to soar, needless to say the one who loses.If you keep at a stalemate, you will sink together.

Zen Master Zunsheng clasped his hands together and said: "When I came here, I thought that the opening of Huanbochi is the biggest event in these years, and you should come forward.

Sure enough, seeing you here is still hale and hearty, which makes people overjoyed. "

"Hmph, you are still so hypocritical." The old man Sibi said immediately: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Let me see what amazing skills you have developed after hiding in the mountains all these years."

"Ahem!" Seeing that the other party was about to make a move, Zen Master Dazhi hurried out and said, "Fellow Sibi, old Zen master, please be safe and don't be impatient.

I waited at the request of Daoist Ji Le to appear before the opening of the cave.Shouldn't you ask a real person for advice first, how can you do it yourself?

Wouldn't this violate the original intention of the real person, which is very inappropriate.I thought that if the two were going to fight, they would need to postpone it a bit. "

Upon hearing this, the Buddha and Demon families reacted immediately, and the old demon Honglian persuaded the old man Shibi, saying: "Fellow Daoist, the overall situation is the most important thing, so be patient for now!"

Zen Master Tianmeng also said: "Brother, you have been fighting with him for many years, don't be in a hurry at this moment. You must first pave the way for the sons and grandsons of the Buddha, so that the end of the Dharma does not come and the inheritance is broken."

The old man Shibi and Zen master Zunsheng stopped, looked at each other, and returned to the formation.

The seven celestial beings on both sides seemed to want to join forces, Master Ji Le didn't care, instead he chuckled and said loudly: "Except for these few, please come out and meet the other celestial beings.

If you don't want to show up now and insist on mixing with a bunch of juniors, don't blame me for not following the rules and killing whoever I see after the cave is opened later! "

The old Shibi was also angry, and said coldly: "Which family wants to stealthily take advantage of this, the old man is trying not to fight for this cave, and I want you to look good!"

Although the four celestial beings of Buddhism did not speak, judging by their attitudes, they knew that they never wanted to let people take advantage of their loopholes.

Gongye Huang stepped out first, stood next to Master Ji Le, cupped his hands and said, "Gongye Huang has met fellow Taoists!"

Old Devil Honglian narrowed his eyes, and said, "Are you the Taoist Baiqin who has just been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal under Lianshan's teaching?

Since you have obtained a hole in the sky, why do you have to take this muddy water?You can't even beat the ten-thousand-year-old cold gnat, obviously you haven't practiced the way of life, and you are not afraid of losing your life if you force your way out? "

Gong Yehuang just smiled, but responded.Master Ji Le snorted coldly and said, "Don't worry about it, I'm prepared."

The old devil Honglian was not surprised, and said: "Sure enough, the real person hired someone else to help, but I don't know which expert it is?"

Before Master Ji Le could answer, he saw two beams of clear light flying out from the Emei formation in the west and descending towards them.

"Xuan Zhenzi has met all the seniors!" A handsome young man is naturally the first disciple of Daoist Changmei and the elder brother of Emei, Xuan Zhenzi.

There was another old daoist woman with a pretty face and as spontaneous as silver, with a voice like a broken gong, she said: "Nan Xingyuan Loose Cultivator Lu, I have met a few fellow Taoists!"

In one place, eleven celestial beings gathered, and the onlookers were all moved, and they dared not show their atmosphere.

Zen Master Dazhi said: "Really, there are only two of you, even if you are invincible, can you deal with the nine of us?"

With deep thoughts, he first confronted the real person of Ji Le with the other parties, but in private, Zen Master Tianmeng came over and said:
"Really, Junior Brother Dazhi is right. With your strength alone, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the crowd. Why don't our two families join forces to drive away the Demon Sect and Emei.

If we get it, we will return it to the cave, and our two families will share it equally.Anyway, this place is vast, and it is more than enough to accommodate two monks. "

Emei is the weakest, and no one can do it together.However, no matter who the Master of Ji Le is uniting with the Mofo family, there is a great possibility that he will overwhelm the other two.

It's just that Momen knows its own reputation and doesn't mention the alliance.After all, the plan mentioned by Tianmeng is actually not bad.

But Master Ji Le did not answer, and only said loudly: "The heavenly immortals have already appeared, so as not to hit too hard and hurt a bunch of juniors, let's fight in the sky.

Before we decide the winner, we will leave this place to them, let's see how many of us can stand out besides us old bastards! "

(End of this chapter)

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