Chapter 270
After listening to Master Ji Le's suggestion, everyone present nodded in unison and said, "That's fine."

In the battle between heavenly immortals, there is infinite power in every gesture, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, even the earth immortals can't stand it, not to mention there are many foundation-building and even Qi-training monks underneath.

While speaking, everyone's figures flickered, and they were already in mid-air, tens of thousands of feet above Yihuan Ridge.

The moon is bigger and rounder, the aura is also thinner, and the wind from the nine heavens blows from time to time, the power is so strong that Gongyehuang can't stand it, so he has to sacrifice the Sancai Qingning fan first to resist it.

Master Ji Le spoke first, and said, "Okay, no one disturbs us, so we can let go.

Everyone is coming to the magic wave pool, so there is no need to be twitchy, quickly set the rules and decide the winner early, so as not to delay the opening of the magic wave pool. "

Old Demon Honglian and Zen Master Tianmeng looked at each other without making a sound.There are only two in Emei, Xuan Zhenzi and Lu Yu. The number of celestial beings is small, their mana is not high, and they don't speak.

It was Zen Master Dazhi who came forward and said: "The Daoist has ruled the world for hundreds of years, and I grew up listening to the legends. I think fellow Taoists are just like me.

Normally, they would never dare to have conflicts with real people, but in the current situation, without a fight, it would be tantamount to handing Yi back to others, and they are unwilling to do so.

It's just fighting alone, no one can persist in the kung fu of a stick of incense in front of real people.I have to ask the real person to forgive me, and we will attack together. "

Master Ji Le was about to speak, but the old man Shibi said: "Nine fight one, even if you win, it will be a joke if it spreads.

There are three of us, one from each family.Honglian, will you come or should I come? "

The old devil Honglian said: "Let me take the shot. If you don't move your muscles and bones for too long, you will feel a little stiff."

Those in the Buddhist sect did not dare to entrust them with their strengths, and Chan Master Tianmeng, who had the highest cultivation level, stood up.But Emei, it was Xuan Zhenzi who came forward.

Gong Yehuang stood aside, but was ignored.After all, the remaining people on the opposite side, no matter who they are, are stronger than him.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, the three fellow Taoists of the Demon Sect don't need to be separated, let's come together."

Master Ji Le said with a smile: "As for the others, I naturally invited other friends to deal with them. After so many years, how could I not make some preparations?"

While speaking, first a golden light flashed over, showing Yan Yumu's figure, and said with a smile: "Really, am I late?"

"It's the right time! The two angels from Emei, and you have to trouble fellow Taoists to deal with it." The real person of Ji Le turned around after finishing speaking, and said to Gongye Huang:
"Although Fellow Daoist Fentuo became enlightened late, his strength is not bad at all. Fellow Daoist, be careful when dealing with it!"

Gongyehuang hurriedly said: "The name of the god and nun is also like thunder, how dare you trust it. However, the rest of the Buddhist sect..."

Suddenly there were a few birds chirping in the air, followed by the tinkling of the spring water, and the sound of the wind blowing through the woods and stirring the treetops, as if a mountain scene was unfolding in front of everyone.

A celestial being with an ancient appearance and a star crown in feather clothes slowly walked out of the void, and sang: "I live in a room where the smoke is falling, and nothing in the world has anything to do with it. Pour out the remnants of jade and walk through the bamboo, and finish reading "Huang Ting" and lie down to watch the mountains."

Everyone was stunned, not to mention the movement of this appearance, just seeing him crossing the void, lifting weights as if they were light, you can tell that his cultivation is extremely high.

Zen Master Dazhi looked at Zen Master Tianmeng, who shook his head slightly.Tianmeng is the oldest in the Buddhist sect, and he can't recognize people, and the rest Zunsheng and Fentuo don't even know.

On the other two sides, the old man Sibi, the boy Sha Shen, and Lu Yu, of course, didn't know much about it, but Xuan Zhenzi's eyes flickered, and he seemed to have guessed.

The old devil Honglian frowned, and said: "Could it be that fellow Taoist is the real Chizhang, the master of the Lingqiao Palace at the top of Tianpeng Mountain, the sacred mountain on the sea at the end of the East China Sea?"

The person who came immediately cupped his hands and said: "It is rumored that Fellow Daoist Honglian and Daoist Ji Le are both the oldest people in the world.

I have lived in seclusion in Lingqiao Palace for hundreds of years, and I have almost never been to Middle-earth, and fellow Taoists even know my name. "

Red Lotus returned a salute, and said: "Every celestial being is a leader in the cultivation world, and no one should be underestimated.

What's more, fellow Taoist became Dao very early, and has experienced at least two calamities of living in the world. I'm afraid you have already touched the threshold of ascension. Even if you keep a low profile, you are always in one world, and you will reveal some information to some extent. "

The inheritance of the magic gate has been continuous.The origin of Tianpeng Mountain was found out by an elder of the previous generation of the Demon Cult, the Old Blood God.

There are not many records in the door, only that there is a Lingqiao Palace in Tianpeng Mountain, and there is a couple in it, called Chizhang Daoist and Chizhang Immortal Grandma, who are very capable.

The old devil Honglian said: "Tianpeng Mountain where the real person lives is originally a cave, and the calamity of thousands of years is already a peace of mind.

I usually live at ease in this immortal mansion, enjoying myself, so why come to Middle Earth and take this muddy water? "

Master Chi Zhang smiled and said, "I owe a favor, so I have to come."

He asked Master Xiangjile again: "This time, am I here to deal with these three great monks?"

Master Ji Le nodded, and said: "Momen is a fellow Taoist, and the attack was too fierce, so I can barely protect myself.

On the contrary, these three monks, especially Tianmeng and Zunsheng, are indeed not bad in cultivation, but they have been in Buddhism since they were young, and they all practiced methods like tortoise shells. It is appropriate for you to deal with them. "

"That's good!" Chizhang Daoist said: "If they are like Xin Ruyu, I can't bear it."

Xin Ruyu is a nun with a heart like a god, a recently promoted Buddhist monk.Its magical power is extremely high, and there are countless in the world.

When he was in the sect, he was ruthless and frightening. After joining the Buddhist sect, he still did not change his temperament, killing all evil and eliminating changes.

Unlike a group of native Buddhist disciples who are good at defense, this kind of monk who has become a monk halfway has very sharp attack methods.

For example, Zen Master Baimei was only from the martial arts world. After studying Taoism with Daoist Zhang Sanfeng for several years, after joining Buddhism, his methods are also outstanding.

Such thirteen angels each delineated their opponents.

Daoist Bliss uses one against three to deal with the most powerful demons among the enemies, the old demon Honglian, the old man Sibi and the boy Sand God.

The Buddhist Fentuo was handed over to the weakest Gongyehuang, and the Chizhang Daoist took over the three monks Tianmeng, Zunsheng and Dazhi.

Only the grandmother is the most relaxed. Both Lu Yu and Xuan Zhenzi can be regarded as juniors.


Above the nine heavens, the battle begins; below the nine heavens, the same is not peaceful.

Daoist Ji Le came forward first, and Meng Qiu and his group became the target of public criticism.The two families of the devil and the Buddha have a tacit understanding; Emei Wutai also put aside their past grievances and agreed to drive them away first.

It was not Qi Shuming who presided over the overall situation in Emei, but Bai Guyi, the chasing cloud man, who led the ascetic Toutuo, Baiyun Shitai, Shanxia Shitai, Yudong real Yue Yun and others to appear.

Among this group of people, Meng Qiu only had a high regard for Ascetic Toutuo, and the others, although they were famous, were no longer his opponents.

There are also two female fairies, a Taoist woman with fluttering white hair, high nose and big ears, leaning on an iron crutch with a blue cloth bag hanging from her waist; the other is a middle-aged Taoist nun dressed in tatters.

Meng Qiu didn't know the two of them, so after asking around, he learned that they were Qingnang fairy Hua Yaosong and Daxiongling Kuzhuan Zheng Dianxian, both of whom were best friends with Emei.

He couldn't help but look at Zheng Dianxian a few more times, and he was noticed by the other party, and shouted: "That little thief, what are you looking at?"

But Meng Qiu didn't answer, turned his head to look to one side, and said loudly: "Fellow Daoist Yi, the name of the Three Immortals, the Second Elder, and the First Son, Qizhen, has been like thunder to my ears since I practiced Taoism.

Except for one son, Zheng Dianxian, who is the last to accompany him, has never been seen.

Not to mention the three immortals and the two elders, they are all worthy of the name.Among the seven reals, even though their strengths are uneven, both Taoist Ling Hun and Daoist Yue Yun can be called brilliant.

How come he got to the last place, the sword light is vain, and the magic power can be seen through at a glance.Such unbearable, how could he be selected, could it be that you all boasted each other? "

Yixiu snorted coldly, and said: "This Zheng surnamed rarely fights in front of outsiders, so he was not qualified to stand alongside me.

But Qi Shuming praised her, and White Shorty and Zhu Shorty also praised her, making everyone think that she really has some skills, so they attached themselves to the end.

I also thought that Emei must have some ability to build up momentum for him in this way, but it is so common to see him now.

Such things can also be listed among the seven truths, which is simply insulting, and I am ashamed to be with them.

From now on, if you mention Qizhen, just talk about others, don't mention me. "

The voices of the two were not small, and could be heard by the audience.Zheng Dianxian blushed, trembling with anger, unable to speak for a while.

In fact, her cultivation is not as bad as what Meng Qiu and the others said, she is only slightly worse than Yudong Realm Yue Yun, and she is also better than many earth immortals. Among her peers, she can be called the most powerful.

Helpless, her cultivation level was okay at the time, but in the next 200 years, there will be a large number of masters, but she has not made much progress, so she is not as conspicuous as before.

Furthermore, even if she keeps improving until now, although her cultivation base is much higher, it is still far behind Yixiu, and she will not be looked down upon by the other party.

But when Yixiu spoke, Zheng Dianxian was in a hurry, but he didn't dare to refute, and Meng Qiu's words made her furious, and she scolded loudly:

"What are you, but you got a little bit of a bargain, stole the Buddhist Nanming Lihuo sword, relied on the divine weapon, and became so arrogant that you dare to question my ability.

I'm going to make a move today, just to show you how powerful I am, lest if I don't come out for a long time, any cat or dog would dare to bully me. "

For many years, she has been planning a major event by the Yuan River, so she doesn't know much about the new and powerful people in Central Earth.

"Is there still such a good thing? Then I'll take care of it." Meng Qiu said with a smile: "There are also a few others from Emei, let's come together."

"Ah!" Among the crowd, Taoist Tie Mao, Zhu Sha and Zhang Zhang had recognized him earlier, so they had no choice but to come forward to say hello.

Hearing that Meng Qiu is so arrogant and wants to challenge the entire Emei faction by himself, like the other heroes, they all feel that he is too arrogant and are inexplicably surprised.

Yixiu snorted coldly, and said: "Although the surname Zheng is not good, some of the people sent by Emei are also very good. Be careful not to overturn the boat in the gutter."

He was about to imitate Meng Qiu and pick a strong family to stop him, but he heard a voice: "Wait a minute, fellow Daoist Meng!" But it was Zhu Mei, a dwarf from the Qingcheng sect, who stood up.

"Why, you also want to intervene?" Meng Qiu raised his eyebrows, although he felt the pressure was great, he refused to lose, nodded and said:
"The two elders of Songshan have always said that it is very legitimate for you to fight together, and I will follow."

Zhu Mei shook her head, and said: "Friend Daoist Meng misunderstood, I didn't intend to stand opposite and oppose you.

Instead, at the request of Master Ji Le, he came out to help him seize the Yihuan Cave, so as to repay the cause and effect of the Qingcheng faction taking the Golden Whip Cliff. "

Daoist Ji Le also wanted to open a mansion ambitiously, and chose the Golden Whip Cliff of the Qingcheng School as the foundation of his cave mansion.

It's a pity that his cultivation base is extremely high, and his ability to teach apprentices is very average, and his disciples are not up to date.

Qin Yu, the only one with good talent, was seduced by Tianhu Baoxiang's wife and went astray.

In a fit of rage, he made a decision to kill several evildoers under his sect and disband the sect.

Things didn't work out at that time, so Zhenren was very low-key, knowing that the number of people he founded was very small, and he didn't even know that Golden Whip Cliff really existed.

At that time, Zhu Mei and her younger brother Fumo Zhenren Jiang Shu decided to follow Master Jing Zi's last wish and establish a sect, and chose Jinbianya out of nowhere.

In fact, Zhu Mei and Jiang Shu didn't know much about the ins and outs of this cave, they only felt that the location was excellent and the space inside was spacious.And it looks like it has been abandoned long ago, thinking it is a land without owner.

After occupying it, it took a lot of thought and rearranged it to look brand new.

After they set up their sect, they were reminded that this Golden Whip Cliff was the original cave residence of Master Ji Le, and Qingcheng sect was founded here.

Although this incident was too coincidental and confusing, it was still the fault of the New Qingcheng faction.

The real person of Ji Le has never expressed his attitude, but Zhu Mei and Jiang Shu have been trembling all the time, for fear that the other party will come to them and they will be unable to resist.

Especially when the Ten Thousand Years Calamity is approaching, and the Daoist Bliss is about to ascend, if he wants to finish the chores and settle the cause and effect before then, the Qingcheng faction can't afford it.

The two of them had long wanted to resolve this matter, but they couldn't find an opportunity. Finally, when the magic wave pool was activated a year ago, they met the real person of Ji Le and understood that the other party was interested in Dongtian.

Therefore, the Qingcheng faction volunteered, saying that it would help Zhenren deal with other sects, as long as the other party would not pursue the Golden Whip Cliff incident.

Jinbianya is sad, the real person of Jile has long been disgusted, and has been abandoned.Now that waste is utilized, so that one more powerful helper can be created out of thin air, why not do it?
Bai Guyi was greatly surprised, and hurriedly said: "Zhu Daoyou, what are you doing? Ten thousand years of catastrophe is imminent, even if the Golden Whip Cliff is in your hands, how many years will it last?"

Zhu Mei smiled wryly and said, "It's no more lonely than fellow Taoists. I'm a member of the whole sect. I don't dare to bet that a real person won't make a move."

Bai Guyi sighed, and said: "Since that's the case, I can't persuade you any more. Since you have a reason to make a move, I'll help you too.

The two of us have known each other for many years, except for the point-and-shoot discussion, we have never really decided who is better.

Over the years, many younger generations have asked me, which of the Songshan elders has higher mana, and I can't answer.

Just taking advantage of this opportunity, we show our real skills and see who is more skilled. "

(End of this chapter)

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